𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙚 || 𝙍. 𝙇�...

De Ambythenomaj

126K 3.7K 3.3K

"THAT GIRL IS AS BAD AS THE REST OF THEM!" Asteria Nott, an exchange student from Durmstrang Institute, finds... Mai multe

Lost Mouse
New Friends
Easy Potions
Friendly Foxes
Hospital Banter
Charm Catastrophes
Christmas Secrets
Daisy Chains
Common Room Parties
The First Transformation
Rose-shaped Lollipops
Secret Closets
James's Match
Lost Cat
Moony's Birthday
Daily Prophet Rumours
Lake-side Drama
Two Years Later
A Troubled Christmas
Her Fault
Dark Truths
Lily's Surprise
White, Red and Pink
Lily's Second Surprise
A Notty Christmas
Rose Gold
Her Torment
Slipping Through Their Fingers

Bad News

1.9K 77 74
De Ambythenomaj

"C'mon Ast or we're gonna miss the train," Lily called.

"Lily please, beauty takes time," Ast said, brushing her hair.

Lily rolled her eyes and left the bathroom. It was finally time to go home. Even though Ast would only be gone for two months, she knew she was going to miss Hogwarts dreadfully.

The full moon was two days ago, and it was by far the smoothest one she'd ever experienced. Oscar and Remus were so calm it was like they never transformed at all.

Ast placed her hairbrush in her bathroom bag and brought it over to her trunk. She packed it away and closed the lid. Lily, Dorcas and Marlene met her at the bottom of the stairs and they all headed to the Entrance Hall to meet the Marauders. As soon as they reached them, Lily pulled Marlene and Dorcas away and they headed to the horse-less carriages together.

"This has been some year," James said, taking a last look at Hogwarts before climbing into their carriage.

"Some year," Ast said.

The carriage began moving and led them towards Hogsmeade Station. When they arrived, students were already piling their things onto the train. They walked down the hallway until they found an empty compartment.

"I still can't get over the fact that your hair is still pink," Remus commented, wrapping his arm around Ast's shoulder and reclining back into his seat.

"Don't mention it," Ast said, glaring at James.

James raised his hands in defence then stuffed a bunch of sweets into his mouth. Ast began a game of exploding snap with Sirius but he ended up beating her. Just as they began another round, someone appeared at their compartment door. It was a small, blonde Ravenclaw boy. He looked around the compartment until his eyes landed on Ast.

"Uh- can I help you?" She asked.

The boy got onto his knees and took her hand in his. Ast was taken aback and tried to free her hand but he had a firm grip.

"Hello my dear-" he greeted.

"Excuse me?"

"Might I say, you pink hair is looking rather... ravishing,"

"Oh um, thank you?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"My name is Gilderoy, Gilderoy Lockhart, and I would be thrilled if you would let me call you mine."

"Yeah, maybe wait a few years and then try get past this one," Sirius laughed, indicating to Remus.

Gilderoy glared at Remus, he then turned back to Ast.

"I'll have you know," he said, " that I can treat you much better than him."

"Oh really?" She said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Yes. Well first of all, my hair looks way better than his-"

"Alright that's enough lover boy," Ast said, steering him out of the compartment and closing the door in his face.

"What was that about?" James laughed.

"I really don't know."


The train finally pulled to a stop. They all scrambled to grab their trunks and left the compartment. They filed out of the train and walked onto the platform. Ast immediately spotted her parents talking to some people. She could see Iris being cradled in her mum's arms.

"My family is here," Peter said. "Bye guys!"

They all took it turns to hug Peter and bid him goodbye. He then rushed up to his family and gave them a hug. He turned back to his friends and gave one final wave before leaving the platform.

"Look, there's my parents," James said, pointing to the people talking to Ast's parents.

"Oh, mine are there to," she said.

James and Ast walked towards their parents. Her's did a double take when they saw her hair.

"Ast!" Asteria's mum, Tina, exclaimed, pulling her into tight hug.

"I've missed you," Ast said, going to hug her dad, Dorian.

"Someone's been waiting to see you," Tina said.

Iris was babbling to herself in Tina's arms. When she saw her big sister, she bore a big grin. Tina handed her over to Ast and she tickled her little cheeks, causing Iris to giggle. Oscar suddenly appeared next to them and nearly made Ast jump. His girlfriend, Jade, was nearby and she walked over to coo at Iris.

"She's so cute." Jade said.

"I know! You're one cute little one, aren't you?" Ast smiled, bouncing Iris up and down.

Tina's eyes moved over to James, who at the time was talking to his family, Ast noticed and pulled him over to greet the others.

"Oh, this is James," Ast introduced.

"Ah, this is the infamous Asteria," James's mother said, smiling at Ast. "Yes, James has told me all about you."

"And their countless detentions too no doubt," Dorian laughed.

"A talent for trouble they are." Oscar said.

Ast blushed. James stood prouder but immediately got distracted by Iris. He cooed and smiled at her. Remus had disappeared but Sirius was still standing where they left him. He watched as Ast's and James's parents happily talked to them. Jealousy filled his body at the sight of them. Why couldn't his family love him? What was he doing wrong to deserve such a life?

Asteria looked around spotted Sirius sulking behind the group.

"Oh, and this is Sirius," Ast added, pulling Sirius forward.

"Pleasure to meet you," Tina greeted.

Remus walked over to the group with his mother, their resemblance was uncanny.

"And this is Remus,"

"Ast's boyfriend," Oscar added under his breath.

Ast gave Oscar a warning look. Tina pulled Remus into a hug, which took him by surprise. Dorian and Remus shook hands. And Tina and Remus's mum politely greeted each other.

"Asteria," Remus's mother said, shaking her hand. "I hope Remus has been looking after you."

"More like the other way round," Sirius commented.

James elbowed Sirius in the ribs and he let out a yelp of pain. Sirius casted a glance towards a group of people by the platform wall. Ast followed his gaze and found that the people he was looking at looked like they didn't belong there at all. His parents. Regulus was already there, the happy face Ast had been so used to seeing on him had completely faded.

"C'mon James," James's mother said. "We should get going. And Dorian, Tina, you're welcome to come over whenever you want."

"Yes, we'll speak soon Effie," Tina said.

"How do you know them so well?" Oscar asked.

"Effie and Monty were my best friends, Wolfy. We caused an absurd amount of trouble back in our Hogwarts days."

"Does everyone in this family cause trouble except for me?"

"Yep," Ast said, smiling mischievously at her brother.

With that, James gave them a final hug and then exited the platform with his parents. Ast then turned to hug Remus, wishing him goodbye and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"See you soon," Remus waved as he and his parents exited the platform too.

Ast went to hug Sirius, but his eyes were directed towards the floor and his shoulders were droopy. She cupped his face and brought it up so their eyes met.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay, I promise." Ast whispered to him.

"I don't think this summer will be like the others." He admitted.

"Well, at least now you can turn into Padfoot and make a quick getaway should you need one."

Sirius sighed and nodded. Ast's eyes searched his, a feeling of concern took over her.

"You will be alright, won't you?" She asked.

"I'll try my best."

Ast handed Iris over to Oscar and then turned back to Sirius. She pulled him into the warmest hug she could muster and rubbed his back. Sirius rested his chin on her head and she was encapsulated in his stench of cigarettes. It stung her nose but at that time, she didn't mind. He pulled away, gave one last smile, then walked over to his family. Ast watched as they disappeared, praying that Sirius would be okay.


"Asteria!" Tina called

Ast flew down the stairs and rushed into the living room. Tina was sitting on the sofa. An opened letter was in her hand and Iris was crawling on the floor, babbling to herself. Oscar was skimming through ministry pamphlets.

"Yes?" Ast asked.

Tina's eyes widened, "what on Earth have you done to yourself?"

"Oh," Ast said looking in the mirror hanging above the mantlepiece, "I was trying to get rid of my pink hair, but I guess purple is the new shade now."

"And your eyebrows too."

"It will go away eventually."

"It better because I'm not taking you all the way to St. Mungos just for you to get your hair back to normal."

Ast rolled her eyes. "Why did you call me?"

"The Potters have invited us over on Sunday," Tina said, handing Ast the letter.

She read through it. The Potters had invited Ast's family, Remus's, Peter's and Sirius's over to their house on Sunday. That was five days from now.

"They're wasting their time inviting the Blacks," Ast said, handing the letter back to her mum. "They can't even stand the sight of a 'blood traitor'."

"Yes, they've been like that ever since I can remember. I used to go to school with his parents, in Slytherin as you could expect."

"When did you get the letter?"


It had been a few weeks since Ast came home. Dorian had been working hard lately. There had been some problems at the ministry with new disappearances almost every day. Both of her parents and Oscar had joined the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's secret army. Their aim was to get rid of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Tina was not letting Ast join though, claiming that Ast was too young. Stupid really, they needed all the help they could get.

Oscar was looking for a job as a magizooligist. He even managed to arrange a meeting with the Newt Scammander for a recommendation. Tina and Dorian were very proud.

"Tina!" Dorian's voice called from the kitchen.

"I suppose I better help, your father wants to make lasagna for dinner and I should make sure he doesn't set our house on fire. Keep an eye on Iris." Tina said as she rose from the sofa and walked towards the kitchen.

Their house was a cottage, on the outskirts of Brighton. The neighbours were really friendly. One family had two young sons, Sam and David, who Ast tended to look after whenever their parents went out. They reminded her a lot of James and Sirius. Only, she hoped that they wouldn't turn out like them.

A stuffed penguin was launched at Ast's face followed by a series of giggles. The novelty of having a new sibling had worn off by now. Ast's troubles were now: changing nappies, filling milk bottles and restless nights fuelled by screaming babies.

"Oscar," Ast whined.

"What? She's just playing." Oscar laughed, lifting Iris up onto his knee. "Ast is an annoying old bird isn't she?"

Iris laughed even harder and Asteria scowled. She didn't like Iris taking her brother's side.

"At least I know how to have fun." She sneered.

A rapping sound came from the window and all heads turned towards it. An owl was perched outside, carrying two letter bearing the Hogwarts emblem. At a single glance at each other, Oscar and Ast immediately knew what they contained. Ast ran to the window, opened it, collected the letters and tossed Oscar's one over to him just as he was calling for their parents.

The excitement made it hard for Ast to open it and she fumbled with the envelope. Her parents had entered the room as she managed to tear it open and read it contents. It was her O.W.L results.

Charms- Outstanding

Potions- Outstanding

Transfiguration- Outstanding

Astronomy- Outstanding

Defence Against the Dark Arts- Outstanding

Herbology- Outstanding

History of Magic- Exceeds Expectations

Arithmancy- Outstanding

Muggle Studies- Outstanding

She stared at her results in astonishment, unable to comprehend how she managed to get such good scores. Once she had regained her senses, she excitedly turned to her parents but found that her mother and father were congratulating.

"Mum, dad," Ast began, "I got my results-"

"Not now, sweetheart." Tina interrupted. "Your brother has just gotten his N.E.W.T results. All Acceptables with one Exceeds Expectations!"

"But I got mainly Outstandings-"

"We will talk later, Ast."

Oscar's eyes turned to Ast's, giving her an apologetic look. She just shook her head as if she didn't care. But she actually did care, a lot. Blinking back hot tears that threatened to spill over, she quickly left and headed to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Why was is that Oscar was always the one to get praised? Why was her life never important to her parents? It was like she didn't exist. Like she was a ghost. Well, that was just the life of a middle child.

She gazed at the pictures she hung up over her bed; Sirius passed out with inappropriate drawings on his face, James and Ast on their brooms during the Quidditch final, a picture of Remus and her snogging taken by Sirius, James and Sirius posing in her dresses, Peter pretending to be James by wearing his glasses and ruffling up his hair, and Lily, Dorcas, Ast and Marlene all huddled together in the Three Broomsticks.

She smiled at the pictures, she couldn't believe she had been lucky enough to meet such amazing, yet annoying, people. They seemed to be the only ones that actually cared about her.

She heard a faint tapping at her window. She turned and found an owl holding a letter. She didn't recognise it so it couldn't be from family. She let it in and it hopped down onto her desk. Miles hissed at it as she removed the letter from its grasp.


Sirius ran away from home, he's here. He arrived this morning and he's doing well. He doesn't want people to talk about it so he asks for you to keep it quiet. See you soon.


Ast felt her heart sink as she read the letter. Poor Sirius. Thank Merlin he escaped from his horrible household. Ast knew that out of everyone she knew, Sirius deserved a kind and loving family. And she knew that James and his family would be the one to give it to him.

She quickly grabbed her parchment and quill and sat down at her desk. She quickly scribbled the words:

To James,

That's horrible news. Make sure that Sirius knows that I'm here for him and that when I see him he's getting a big hug. Take care of him and make sure he eats. Look after him, won't you?

Sending my love,


"Ast," Tina said, "how long does it have to take you to tie your shoes?"

"Long enough for you to care about my grades apparently," Ast muttered as she finished tying her shoes, still bitter about the event that happened a few days ago.

Tina tutted. "I told you, Oscar is going to become a magizoologist. Why wouldn't we be happy for him?"

"So he matters more?"

"I never said that."

"You didn't need to," Ast muttered under her breath.

They were on their way to the Potter Manor. Dorian and Oscar weren't coming as they had Order duty and Iris was at their neighbour's for the afternoon.

Ast walked into the fireplace, grabbed a handful of floo powder and said, "Potter Manor!"

She disappeared into the fire, she felt as if her body was twisting and her insides were moving. Her feet suddenly landed on the ground. She exited the fireplace and found herself in a kitchen. A banging sound came from somewhere in the house and no less than a second later, James and Sirius came running into the room.

"Ast!" James shouted, running up to hug his best friend.

"I've missed you guys!" Ast exclaimed, hugging him back, "Sirius!"

Sirius threw his arms around her, nearly knocking her off balance. "Missed you too, Vix," Sirius said.

Tina appeared in the fireplace the second the kitchen door opened again. James's parents entered the kitchen and greeted them. James and Sirius pulled Ast out of the kitchen and through the house. She felt much better now that she was with her best friends. They led her up to James's bedroom. His bedroom walls were covered in Quidditch posters and there were clothes thrown everywhere. An extra bed had been set up for Sirius in the corner of the room.

"Ignore the mess," James said, moving objects off of his bed.

"James," Ast said, "I've seen your dorm. This is nothing."

Fifteen minutes later, Remus arrived. Peter had gone traveling with his family so he couldn't make it. He was in Italy at the moment and Ast made him promise to bring back some souvenirs.

"Have you guys heard this song?" Sirius asked, leaping over James's bed to a small muggle radio.

The song 'Dancing Queen' by ABBA came on the radio. Sirius bopped his head in time to the music.

"Sirius, you literally got into trouble because of this song," Ast said. "Remember?"

"Well, it wasn't exactly my fault. I mean, James was the one who threw the pillow."

"Well, if you weren't the one singing at three in the morning then maybe I wouldn't have thrown it!" James argued.

"Well, maybe if you had better aim, the window wouldn't have broken!"

They spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out either in James's room or the garden. By nightfall, James's mum cooked shepherd's pie for them to eat. They all talked and laughed during dinner, wishing that Peter was with them and reminding Ast of Hogwarts. The adults told them stories of their time at Hogwarts and Ast learnt more about her parents that night than she'd learnt throughout her entire life.


Dorian arrived home, looking very grim. He walked into the dining room where Oscar, Tina and Ast were eating. Iris was sat up on her high chair, kicking her little legs and throwing food everywhere.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Tina asked in a concerned tone.

Dorian sat down and rubbed his temple. "I have some bad news,"

"What is it?" Oscar asked.

"We have to move... Again."

Ast's stomach dropped, "But you've only just got back."

"I know, and Asteria, you have to come back with us."

She slammed her fists down on the table, causing everyone to jump, including herself.

"No! I'm not going back to Durmstrang. I'm happy here... Why do I have to go with you?" She demanded.

"I'm sorry, but something's happened at the ministry, it's too dangerous for you to be here."

"Sweetheart, what's happened?" Tina asked again..

"The death eaters, they know that we're working against You-Know-Who, we have to leave. Tonight."

Ast's stomach dropped again. It couldn't be true. She couldn't go back to Durmstrang, she just couldn't. She was happy at Hogwarts with her friends...with her boyfriend.

"We need to start packing now," Dorian said.

Ast left the room, tears already welling in her eyes. She ran all the way upstairs and slammed her bedroom door. Miles jumped at the sound. She sat down on her bed, unable to see things clearly because tears were blocking her vision. She felt like she couldn't breathe in between sobs and her head was beginning to pound.

She didn't know how long she had been crying, but it felt like forever. She sat up in bed and her head felt worse than ever. She still hadn't begun packing, she didn't want to anyway. For a fleeting second, she thought about running away. But she cast the idea aside, knowing that they were going to catch her anyway.

She spotted her quill and parchment on her desk so she stumbled towards it.

Dad came home with bad news. We have to move, again. And I have to go with them. I'm so sorry, I will miss you all terribly. I really don't want to go back. I promise I'll try find a way to see you again.


She copied the letter seven times so she'd have enough for: Remus, James, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Dorcas and Marlene. She called her family owl upstairs and attached the letters to its leg. The owl was weighed down but he was excited to deliver so many letters. He took off into the night sky and disappeared.

Asteria resided to beginning to pack her things. She had to bite back tears as she packed all her pictures and Hogwarts trinkets into her bags. It felt as if she was removing Hogwarts from herself. Despite only being there for one year, it was by far the best time she had ever had.

An hour later, her fireplace unexpectedly roared. The flames turned green and three figures emerged from it. James, Remus and Sirius were stood in her bedroom.

"Is it true?" James choked out, his eyes searching hers.

She nodded. She noticed tears in James's eyes so she threw her arms around him. Their hug lasted longer than their usual ones. She broke away and turned to hug Sirius.

"We'll miss you," Sirius said.

"At least you guys have each other, I'll be by myself," Ast complained.

"We will never forget you, Vix." James saluted.

Sirius straightened her jacket, something that he always did every morning before school started.

She finally turned to hug Remus, who hadn't moved since he arrived. He flung his arms around her. They stayed hugging for what seemed like hours. They only broke away when James cleared his throat.

"We'll leave you two alone," he said.

Ast blew them a kiss and waved as they entered the fire place, which turned green and roared once again. She was now left alone with Remus. She sat down on her bed and he sat down next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her waist. They stayed there for a while, not speaking.

"Remus?" She said, finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"What are we going to do about- about us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know when we're going to see each other again. I want you to have fun Remus, not wait around for me."

"Are you saying that we should break up?"

"Yes... for the time being, until we see each other again."

"But when will I see you again?"

"I don't know. But promise me that you'll write?"

"Every week." He smiled.

She should say it. Before she lost him for good.

"I love you." She whispered, so quiet that it was hard to hear.

There was silence for a few seconds, until-

"I love you too, Ast."

A/N: hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well! I know that we all probably hate self promotion- I definitely know I do- so it seems hypocritical of me to do this but I just wanted to let you guys know that I have a tik tok account and was wondering if you guys could follow me. I'm not forcing you guys to, but I post about books, marauders, cottagecore/the academia aesthetics, and mini-vlogs etc. The account is- moonysbookss. So i'd really appreciate it if you followed me :)

Anyways stay safe + love y'all <3

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