Thirsty? (Bakugo x OC)

By ChantalRighter

140K 4K 3.6K

Sweet like a lemon, eh? * * * Katsuki Bakugo is ready for his second year at UA to be all about him but the... More

notes and updates
One - A Fresh Face
Two - Dorms
Three - Mirio
Four - Sports Festival
Five - Rematch
Six - Katsuki Snaps 🍋
Seven - Nothing Happened
Eight - End of Term
Nine - Ren's Birthday 🍋
Ten - The Return
Eleven - Recovery
Twelve - Granny B
Thirteen - Origin
Fourteen - Perspective
Fifteen - Trial
Sixteen - Chinami-Ren Arakawa
Seventeen - Okinawa 🍋
Eighteen - A Date..?
Nineteen - Attack on the Sand
Twenty - Aftermath
Twenty-One - Journey Home 🍋ish
Twenty-Two - Re(n)venge 🍋
Twenty-Three - Offer
Twenty-Four - Saturdate
Twenty-Five - Endeavour Agency Interview
Twenty-Six - Burns
Twenty-Seven - School Festival 🍋(ish)
Twenty-Nine - Dresses
Thirty - Shattered
Thirty-One - Partners
Thirty-Two - A Todoroki Family Dinner
Thirty-Three - Vantastic
Thirty-Four - Unfinished Business
Thirty-Five - Tobi
Thirty-Six - Before They Dance
Thirty-Seven - While They Dance
Thirty-Eight - After They Dance 🍋
Thirty-Nine - A Bakugo Family Christmas
Forty - Back to the Lab Again
Forty-One - Quirky Adventures 🍋
Forty-Two - Intentions
Forty-Three - Spring Festival Interrupted
Forty-Four - Riled Up Rivalry
Forty-Five - Year End
Forty-Six - Session One
Forty Seven - Session Two
Forty-Eight - Session Three
Forty-Nine - Ren's Summer
Fifty - Dabi's Summer
Fifty-One - Normality
Fifty-Two - The Arakawa Family
Fifty-Three - Plans
Fifty-Four - Breaking In
Fifty-Five - Breaking
Fifty-Six - Breaking Out
Fifty-Seven - Every-goddamn-thing

Twenty-Eight - Self Control 🍋

2.7K 74 78
By ChantalRighter

What, you don't believe people can fall in love that fast?


"Try again." Endeavour boomed at Ren as she collapsed from powering up for what felt like the millionth time that day.

"I-Insanity..." Ren panted. "Is doing the same fucking thing over... and over... again and expecting a different fucking result." She crawled up onto her knees and threw her head back as she tried to catch her breath. Her arm had healed well over the last few weeks but her ego certainly hadn't. Endeavour had insisted they focus entirely on her flame related quirk, pushing aside any training on her other quirks. But weeks of the same repetitive work had thrown Ren's motivation out of the skyscraper's window.

"Language." Endeavour muttered, ignoring her plea to try something different.

"Fuck you." Ren spat back as she got to her feet.

"Try. Again." He pushed the words out between his gritted teeth. The flames along his shoulders flickered violently for a second as he tried to control his distaste for how she spoke to him.

Ren built up the heat and rage within her body again, feeling the scorching heat burn her from the inside, sparks erupted around her arms again but she still couldn't take it any further. With a final exasperated yell, she fell to the floor again and the sparks immediately dissipated into nothing. "Goddammit!" She screeched as she punched at the concrete until her knuckles became bloody. "We need to try something else!"

"Are you telling me how to give lessons?" He questioned with a cocky quirked brow.

"Your methods clearly aren't fucking working." She muttered as she rubbed her bloody knuckles.

"I told you to watch your tongue, Chinami." His eyes narrowed at her as she clambered to her feet, still massaging the ripped skin over her swollen knuckles.

"To which I said, fuck you." Ren spat out.

His flames erupted wildly around his shoulders as he stepped toward Ren. "Do you want me to discipline you, child?"

Ren stood firmly and clenched her fists tightly, making the blood on her knuckles spill out a little faster. "Try me. I've seen the results of your work. I'm not that impressed."

Endeavour raised his hand, ready to bitch-slap his insubordinate student when a voice echoed from the doorway of the training room. "I think that's enough of that." They both turned to the source, a blank faced and bored looking Todoroki leant against the doorframe.

"Shoto?" Endeavour queried. "You should be on patrol."

"I've been watching you train ever since you gave Chinami those burns." Todoroki stepped into the room slowly but confidently. He walked with an arrogant swagger he tended to use when he planned to irritate his father. "I'm somewhat impressed you didn't scar someone you were meant to be teaching." He glanced at his father carelessly.

"Why I-"

"I'll take it from here." Todoroki interrupted his father. "Chinami is right, your methods aren't working. If you're too stubborn to try something new then I'll do it for you."

Ren looked between the two Todorokis as she watched their stare down for dominance. If the younger of the two really thought he could help her, she was all ears.

"Fine." Endeavour muttered after a while of painful tense silence so think it was hard to breathe. "If you think you can do better, be my guest Shoto." He paused before a devious smirk curled onto his thin lips. "But, if Ren can't produce a flame on her own by the end of this month, I'll drop you both from the sidekick program."

"Deal." Ren and Todoroki uttered in unison. They exchanged a satisfied glance while Endeavour let out a semi-defeated sigh.

"Have fun." The number one hero muttered through the side of his mouth as he huffed away, having had enough of these children and their foolishness. After they heard the elevator had clearly zoomed up to his floor, Ren turned to Todoroki.

"You sure you can get me to do this in that little time?" She asked with a concerned quirked brow.

"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do." Ren nodded slowly and gnawed on her bottom lip.

"Let's get started then." Todoroki lifted his left hand and ignited a small flame within his palm. "Give me your hand, please." He held out his other hand and waited for her to place hers within his.

Ren went to give him her hand but hesitated when she looked at the flickering flames. "You're not gonna try burn my arm off too, are ya?"

Todoroki smiled, it was small but still a smile. "I didn't burn you that time you fell asleep with me." He said quietly. The memory of the two of them huddled up together on the couch all that time ago made Ren blush a little. Even though nothing had ever happened between them, she remembered how angry it made Bakugo to see the two of them on the couch together.

"Okay." Ren placed her hand in Todoroki's chilly right. He rotated her hand so her palm faced up before he brought his left and to hers and transferred the little flame into her palm. She was surprised at how heavy it felt in her hand before Todoroki pulled his away.

"See if you can keep it steady." He instructed as he backed away and leant down so his two-toned eyes were level with Ren's shaky hand. "Breathe." He instructed. The flames flickered up and down randomly as she tried to keep the petals at a consistent size. "Breathe." He instructed again. "There's no danger here, it's barely a light."

Ren shut her eyes and let out a deep breath. He was right, there was nothing to fear, nothing to fight. It was just her and Todoroki in a room that blocked the rest of the outside world away from Ren's failed attempts. She felt the warm plumes calm and settle in the centre of her palm.

"There you go." Todoroki glanced up at Ren and gave her another little smile. "Learn to have a little faith in yourself, Chinami."

She felt her cheeks flush a little before she turned her attention back to the flame. "Now what?"

Todoroki straightened himself and placed his hands on his hips. "Extinguish it."

"... How?"

"When I work with a flame," He ignited another little blaze in his palm and held it up so Ren could see. "The more energy I put into it, the hotter and higher it'll burn." The flame expanded in his hand. "To extinguish it, I take that energy away. If you're focusing on maintaining a balance of energy to keep it steady, you're focusing on a balance of energy or no energy, right?"

"Right." Ren nodded and looked back at her flame. "So just... Focus on taking the energy away?" Todoroki nodded.

Ren's brow crinkled as she death stared the little collection of flame in her hand. They spat around a few times, expanding and shrinking as she tried to focus on removing all energy from her hand. The petals crackled and zapped a few times until the fire fizzled to a single flame barely the size of the flame from a match.

"Almost." Todoroki whispered as he bent down to her hand again. His prying eyes made her panic for a second and the little flame erupted to the size of her palm again, flickering wildly as she tried to control it again. Todoroki's warm hand snapped onto her wrist and he gripped it gently. "Remember to breathe. You've got this." His thumb rubbed little circles on the back of her wrist rhythmically until the soothing pattern helped her maintain steady breathing.

The flickering flames died down to the small flame again and with one last vibrating flick, the little match-sized flame died to nothingness. Ren let out a deep sigh before she chuckled triumphantly. Todoroki let go of her wrist and levelled with her again.

"I did it!" She couldn't stop smiling. "I freaking did it!" Ren pumped her fist into the air and whooped loudly before continuing her triumphant chuckles.

"Good work, Chinami." He lifted his hand and ignited a bigger flame. "Let's go again."



Oh my god what

Hi :)
Come here

Where's here

My room duh

Everyone is still awake, dumbass

I marked your English homework, dumbass
You're welcome btw


Ren flipped her phone onto her bed and sprung to her feet. She was so goddamn excited. Not about the English homework, that was an incidental, but she and Todoroki had been working on maintaining and extinguishing flames all week and his teaching methods had helped her improve so much more than Endeavour had been able to do in his lessons. So above anyone else, she wanted to show Bakugo how'd she'd improved. Imagining how proud he'd be of her made her so giddy she felt like a kid waiting for sweets.

A few moments after her message exchange with Bakugo, she heard a rat-a-tat-tat on her door followed by Bakugo's raspy and irritated voice. "Oi, Chinami." He called for her loudly enough so her neighbours could hear it and not suspect anything, even though Uraraka was in the know. "You done with my damn homework yet?"

Ren pulled the door open and responded equally as loud and fake. "Oh, Baka- Bakugo, sure. Come on in, I gotta go through a question with ya."

"That was so stupid." He muttered to her once her door was closed.

"Think of something better." She poked her tongue out at him before she began riffling through the mass of homework papers she'd been given until she found Bakugo's. Her talent with the language had made her the resident tutor and she began exchanging chores for help with the work after Ashido and Kaminari had almost kept her from her date with Bakugo. "Here you go." She handed him his work, which he took unenthusiastically.

Bakugo's brow crinkled as he flipped through the pages. "What is that?" He placed the paper on her desk and marked a little red x with the tip of his finger.

"An x." Ren raised a brow.


"Because your answer was incorrect." She glanced between him and his paper as she tried to work out whether or not he was serious.

"I don't get things incorrect." He mocked her tone and made air quotes with his fingers.

"I'd beg to differ." Ren arched her other brow. "The question; Romeo sneaks into the Capulet party to see his beloved.... You said Juliet." Ren explained as she traced her fingers along the English lettering.

"Yeah, he did."

"You... Read the play, right?" She asked as she tried to hide a chuckle that would only annoy him more.

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Of course I did. He sneaks in to see Juliet so they can make out or whatever before they realise they're enemies."

"Rosaline." Ren corrected him. "He sneaks in to see Rosaline but while he's pining over her he sees Juliet and they instantly fall in love."

"That doesn't make sense." He shook his head and folded his paper back up.

"That's how the story goes!" She pleaded as she shuffled the papers on her desk back into a semi-neat pile. "Eternal and undying love at first sight."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "That's dumb. They can't have fallen in love in such a short amount of time."

"What, you don't believe people can fall in love that fast?" Ren asked, not realising there was a light tone of hope in her voice she couldn't control. The look in her eyes made Bakugo's heart catch in his throat and for a second he forgot all sense of thought, time and space.

Surely not.

"W-what did you really call me up here for, Freckles?" Bakugo broke the heavy silence with a slightly croaky voice.

"Oh!" Ren grabbed another piece of paper from her desk, this one was blank, nothing more than a scrap of paper. "Burn this." She thrust it into his chest as she uttered her command.

"What?!" Bakugo slapped the page against his chest before it had a second to fall away. "Are you crazy?!"

"Not anything major just... Ignite it for me, kay?"

"Are you trying to get me in shit for arson?"

"No! Ugh!" Ren rolled her eyes exasperatedly. "Just burn the damn paper for me, will ya?"

Bakugo eyed her suspiciously. To be honest it amused him how easily he could annoy her over the silliest things but she seemed like she genuinely wanted to show him something. "If the building burns down, I'm telling Aizawa it's your fault."

"If the building burns down, Aizawa will know it's my fault." Ren said as she tried to make light of his warning. Bakugo eyed her for a few more seconds before he activated his quirk just enough to blast half of the page into ashy pieces no longer recognisable as paper and the other half to catch alight.

"Sweet." Ren whispered as she reached for the flame and took it into her hand as the flames ate away at the last piece of the paper.

"Ren, your skin." Bakugo reached for hand as she held onto the flame but she stopped him with her other hand.

"It's okay, this is fine." She glanced up at him for a second but kept her attention focused on the flames. "Just give me a minute." She nibbled on her lip as she focused on keeping the flame in her hand steady. It flickered a few times here and there but mostly stayed at a steady lulling dance while the heat and size stayed consistent too. "There we go." Ren sighed after a moment. She beamed at Bakugo, proud of her work that must've seemed so juvenile to him. He smiled back at her before his eyes became hypnotised by the flames again.

"And... Wait for it..." She held a finger up as if gesturing for him to be patient. The flame flickered a few more times before it shrunk drastically in size and then disappeared all together with a few sizzles and cracks. "What do you think?"

"I'm- " He tentatively reached for shoulder, questioning himself on what he was supposed to say. "I'm so proud of you." He gripped her shoulder and used it to yank Ren's body into his arms, pulling her into a warm hug. Ren's arms dangled around his torso as she buried her face in his chest.

"Thank you." She muttered into his toned muscles.

"I guess lessons with the current Number One Hero pay off eventually, right?" He asked as he nuzzled into her soft curls that seemed to always smell like the beach.

"Actually it was Todoroki who taught me." Ren went to tighten her grip in their hug but Bakugo's only loosened at the mention of the last Icy Hot bastard's name.

"Really?" He asked as blankly as he could, trying not to let his obvious rage from pure jealousy ruin the moment. "I didn't think he was the teaching type." He muttered through his clenched teeth. It was then he noticed that Todoroki's homework sat neatly at the top of the pile of papers, with a neatly written note that said; Amazing Work! Accompanied by a cute little smiley face. It looked so smug drawn next to Todoroki's name so prettily and all he wanted to do was turn that paper into ash.

Ren pulled back from their hug, drawing his attention down to her, and stared up at him with enchanted round eyes as if the work they'd been putting in had created some kind of grip on her. "He's honestly been such a great teacher! He's helped me so much and I really don't think I could've gotten this far without hi-"

Her sentence was cut short by Bakugo impatiently slamming his lips onto hers, not wanting to hear another word about how great Todoroki was slip out of her mouth. Ren mumbled into his lips like she was trying to get some form of words out but he only pressed his lips harder onto hers, immediately wrapping his arms down to her waist to pull her closer. She pushed on his hard chest as hard as she could so she could at least get a breath before Bakugo continued to eat her face off.

"Mmf! K-mf- Kutsuki!" She'd just gotten enough leverage to push him off of her when he spun her around and pressed her into the wall. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Bakugo pulled her arms around to her back and pushed himself into her body, letting her feel how hard he was growing against her butt. His grip was tight on her wrists that he pulled together to keep her trapped while his other hand eagerly roamed over body, squeezing her skin tightly between his warm fingers.

"Katsuki, what are you doing?!" Ren asked again. Her hair had half fallen over her face and her breathing against the wall was fast and manic.

"You know what I'm doing." Bakugo growled at her as his hand slipped into her pants. Ren gasped as he shoved her underwear out of the way so he could have better access to have his way with her. "You act so surprised and yet you're already so wet..." He whispered close to her ear, making her shiver as his breath tickled her neck.

Ren's knees buckled beneath her as Bakugo began rubbing circles against her. "W-where did this -ah! Come frommmf?"

He pulled his fingers away from her and Ren let out a sigh of disappointment. In an instant her pants and underwear had been dropped to her ankles and her arms had been freed to allow her to hold herself steady against the wall. Barely a second after that, Bakugo lost his trousers and briefs too.

"D-did you even bring p-protection?!" Ren stuttered as he kicked her legs apart and pushed her ass up so her entrance was exposed to him. She winced as her back was contorted in an awkward position and her abdomen lifted away from the wall.

"I came to see you. Of course I did." He mumbled into the crook of her neck as he lined his body up against hers. She pressed her forehead against the wall as he continued to move her body up so he could get the best position. "Stop me if you don't want this to continue." He growled at her.

"I-I don't want to stop you." She mumbled back.

Why would she stop him? He was usually rough with her when they had their little meetups, occasionally it just felt like he longed for her touch. But there was something strangely primal about the way he gripped onto her body, it felt needy, possessive... And she liked it.

Bakugo slammed into her, not wanting to wait another second to reclaim what was his. His hands gripped onto her hips so he could prop her up against the wall. Ren could barely keep stable on her tippy toes, and digging her nails into the wall was literally pointless but that didn't matter. Because his pace, his grip, the way he grunted softly when he hit deep inside her, it was all totally fucking worth it.

"C-come here." He instructed breathlessly while he pulled out for just a moment. Everything around her was a blur but Ren felt her body moving to her desk where Bakugo sat her down before pulling her legs around his torso. He pushed into her again, this time leaning over her body and resting his forehead on her shoulder as he picked up his pace.

She clung her legs and arms around his body, holding on for dear life and praying that her friends on either side couldn't hear the gentle squeak that came from her desk as it was rocked back and forth. Bakugo peeled her shirt off, not stopping how roughly he rocked back and forth into her, making little whimpers pour out of her lips.

As soon as she was completely naked in front of him, he went to work, attacking her neck and chest with bites and sucking on her skin until the delicate tanned surface became purple and red. "Y-you're mine... Ren." He growled at her when he was satisfied by how much of her skin he'd claimed.

"Y-you're mine." She whispered back as her nails dug into his muscled back. The tight knot in her abdomen was growing more and more tense and in need of release. Bakugo pushed her down so her back was flat on the desk, he lifted a leg in each arm until her bottom half was hanging over her abdomen as he erratically picked up the pace.

"O-oh fuc-ck! I'm cu-uHA!" Ren's head snapped back against the wooden desk as wave after wave rattled through her body. Bakugo grinned to himself, satisfied that he'd caused her body to quake like that before his own release came. He hurried his face in Ren's bruised neck to prevent himself from letting an audible moan escape his lips. He dropped Ren's legs as the last of his energy disappeared along with his mind-blowing orgasm and let his torso fall onto hers.

"W-well... That was... Unexpected..." Ren said between long breaths.

"Is it ever?" He asked smugly.

"Not the action, the execution."

Bakugo propped himself up off of Ren's body and pulled out of her, making her sigh from the emptiness. "Gotta keep you on your toes." He whispered as he stood up, surprised at how jelly his legs had become. He lent on his knees for a second while he tried to steady himself before he disposed of the condom and cleaned himself up a little. Ren compiled her clothing that was strewn all over the room and observed how chaotic their adventure on her desk had made all of her work.

"Ah great." She tried to straighten one of the wrinkles in Todoroki's paper. Bakugo smiled to himself as he watched Ren try to fix the pile of homework.

"My bad." He said smugly.


The next morning, members of the class lined up in front of Ren with their bags ready to collect the English homework she'd generously gone through for them. The currency in which they paid for her work was chores around the house and the occasional cup of tea. She tightened the warm red scarf she wore around her neck before she handed Sero his homework.

"Oh man." He sighed as he went through all the errors that Ren had corrected for him. "I suck at this."

"You're getting better, man." She reassured him while handing papers over to Shoji and Tsu. "There was definite improvement from the last one, and a lot of the time I can see what you're trying to say but you're just not there yet."

"Thanks, Chinami." He mumbled as he shoved his paper into his bag.

"Cold today, Ren?" Kirishima asked as he tugged on her scarf with a little chuckle.

"Considering I spent my last 10 winters in California, I'm allowed to be cold." She snapped back between gritted teeth.

"And it has nothing to do with your tutoring session last night, does it?" He leant in and covered his mouth with his hand as he asked.

Ren slapped his paper over his face and pushed it away from her. Kirishima stumbled back and gripped onto the paper before it slid off of his face, chuckling to himself the whole time. She continued to hand out papers to those who were left while Bakugo came down and joined his still chuckling best friend.

"What're you laughing at?" Bakugo elbowed him to get him to stop.

"I'm so funny." Kirishima sighed as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"Todoroki, I'm so sorry." Ren handed him the last paper from her pile. "I'm not really sure how, it must've gotten squashed in my bag or something."

Todoroki stared at the page blankly, his eyes tracing over every crease and crinkle on the paper. "That's okay, I appreciate your assistance."

"Of course!" She bumped his shoulder with her own. "You've been helping me out so much lately."

Todoroki glanced over to see Bakugo watching them interact between narrowed crimson eyes and took it as an opportunity to irritate him further. "I'm always happy to help you." He placed his hand on Ren's shoulder and let it linger a little longer than anyone normally would.

Ren blushed a little and huddled into her scarf. "You don't really need my help anyway, you're doing really well."

"Thank you." He nodded once and gave her a small smile.

"Come on, Ren!" Uraraka called out to her from the step where she'd just finished pulling her shoes on.

"Anyway..." Ren glanced back at Todoroki. "Thanks again, I guess." She smiled before she hoped over to Uraraka.

Todoroki watched her go as more members of the class pulled on their shoes and left the dorm building. Kirishima joined up with Kaminari and immediately fell into a deep conversation about what they wanted to eat for lunch while Bakugo lingered back a little and stopped next to Todoroki. He noticed that his move on Ren hadn't gotten any sort of reaction out of Bakugo, even if it was small. If anything he looked satisfied with himself.

"And what are you looking so smug for?" He asked the ash blonde as he slipped his crumpled homework into his bag.

A shit eating grin spread across Bakugo's face before he leant slightly to the side to whisper to Todoroki. "I fucked Ren on your homework last night."



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