The Art of Warren

By b00klover09

280K 12K 1.7K

He was a mosaic, composed of broken pieces. She was an unfinished art project. ******** The moon goddess en... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
The Art of Submission

•Thirty Nine•

4.1K 175 31
By b00klover09

Never argue with someone who believes their own lies.

War was exhausted.

His work shirt was washed down in sweat, his pants clung to his frame. He knew he smelled like outside and sweat and he couldn't help it. He had no extra money. He had no car. He had to walk to and fro work. His car was Khan's property and since he wasn't working with Khan anymore he had it taken away.

War had no money for a car because  sixty percent of his paychecks went to Khan. Khan loathed him for not wanting to be his contract killer anymore. Pomelia didn't talk to him. She said good morning and would always make him breakfast but since he offered her meat and their wolves almost mated in the woods two weeks ago, she hadn't said much.

She was always alone, reading religious texts, or spending time with the kid. If she wasn't doing any of those things he could find her in the kitchen. War knew she watched him, every time he walked into the room her eyes lit up before dulling back down. A pained expression would pass over her features and she would curve inward, as if trying to protect her heart from him. It hurt. It did. War wasn't intentional in his lying, it just happened.

They were both happy and he was finally catching a break in life and he just wanted to enjoy his mate. He did and now he didn't even know her anymore.  War wanted to hold her, to kiss her again. He was starving for contact from her and he drowned himself in his new job so that he wouldn't be a burden to her.

If he hadn't lucked out with this human construction job, he would have been following her around like a lost puppy. He would've been begging her to take him back. Instead he was so exhausted everyday he ate dinner late that she saved him, he took a shower in his own room and then would check in on her as she slept.

He always stayed a little longer than he was supposed to, breathing in her scent. She would always move around a bit, no doubt her mind unconsciously registering his scent.

War heaved out a heavy sigh as the backpack on his back seemed to have weighed eighty tons. His muscles were achey and stuff, and the prospect of going home thrilled and saddened him. Pomelia didn't believe him when he said he had gotten a new job and who could've blamed her for acting that way? Half of their relationship was a lie.

Except for him loving her. That was always the truth. He loved her so much and would never stop even if she didn't love him at all and never would again.

As he walked down the dark human road, he loathed every single dumb human in a car. They probably thought he was homeless. He had cement all over his pants and saw dust everywhere. He looked terrible.

While walking, he couldn't help but notice a horn blaring behind him. Blaring loud. He kept walking, figuring it was probably two cars getting into it, but as the horn became louder he turned around, peering into the dark.

What he saw was a black pickup, heading straight towards him. He quickly scrambled out of the way, suppressing the primal need to rip whatever human out of the car and pummel him. Was the man drunk?

Upon further investigation, he noticed the truck. He growled immediately. It was Officer Mach. War gripped his bag tighter, his anger bubbling up within as he watched the man hop out of his car.

"What?" He snapped, eyeing his plain clothes and the gun on his hip. War did not like the guy, not at all.

The man grimaced as he looked War over. "You need a ride?"

"What are you doing here," War questioned, his mind automatically going to Nick. He had seen the kid here and there. He and Pomelia hung out a lot and War didn't mind. He liked him. War definitely didn't see him as a threat either.

He combed through his short hair. "I'm headed to the temple down here. I'm not a foe, you know. I admit we got off on the wrong foot but-"

"-Why are you headed to the temple?" War asked, thinking of Pomelia immediately.

The officer sighed. "Supposedly the priestesses need protection. Me and a few other warriors are doing rotations. So I'll be spending a week down here then going back to my pack. Then probably like that again."

War frowned. Why did the temple need protection? From who? "Listen...I want to be cool with you. I know you're not as bad as you make it seem. Your mate likes you and your brother is fond of you."

Brother? War couldn't help but to smirk. Pomelia told him that Nick and War were brothers...even though they looked nothing alike the man took the bait. "Why do you care about Nick?"

"I thought he would've told you and I tried to tell you before. We're mates."

Nick? Nick had a mate. Nick whom he'd found tangled in his sheets almost under his bed and pissing on himself was mates with this arrogant bastard? Nick who was scared crapless of everything was going to have that guy as a mate? Yeah, War didn't like that idea too much. Even if he wasn't the kids brother, he didn't think this macho idiot was the one.

War held his tongue. "Give me a ride." He knew that command got under his skin and he didn't care. He was tired and he needed to pick his brain. It was the least he could do for Nick since Nick was currently acting as Pomelia's only friend.

"Yeah, sure. Hop in."

They got in the car and the man began to drive. War kept glaring at him, prepared for him to spill some lie and tell him he was taking him in for custody but it never came. If anything the guy seemed nervous.

" has he talked about me?"

Hell if War knew. He had some questions of his own. "What happened...when you found him in the woods?"

Mach turned the radio down a bit. "He was just crying and holding a stick like someone was going to hurt him. I asked if anyone was out to get him. I named you and your mate and he shook his head. I asked if he wanted to go back he shook his head."

War felt a little bad knowing that the houses disfunction that day did such a number on the kid. Between Reese and Mei fighting and him and Pomelia fighting up stairs it was probably too much for him to take.

"Then what happened."

He shrugged. "I brought him back to my house. Offered some clothes, food. He stayed in the same position all night. On the couch, clutching a pillow."

"And how do you know he's your mate?"

Mach chuckled. "How did you know Pomelia was yours? You just know...and he told me already what it is between us. So that's that."

What was that supposed to be mean? "What are you talking about?"

Their was an uncomfortable silence that made War stare at the cop hard. He seemed upset all of the sudden. Really sad... "I mean he told me...he told me he doesn't swing that way so he would reject me when he turns 18 in a few months."

War wasn't surprised...but then again he was. The kid was in his own world and he didn't care about anything except for his laptop and spending time with Pomelia...and crying of course. Lots of crying.


"You think he's just afraid to come out? I mean times have changed. I'm a gay cop. Who would have ever thought I would be able to say that. Ever," the man spoke as War found himself smirking again. That much was true. Humans were not too accepting of different...

War still wasn't going to give any information he didn't have. "I don't know...make this left," he told the guy as his shoulders slumped again. "But try txting him." That wasn't hope? That was a suggestion, a statement? War didn't know anything about this relationship he just wanted a free ride but the guy was obviously going through it. Pomelia would have wanted to make him feel better, so here he was. Trying to be better.

"I've tried." Well damn. What advice could he give him now? War was bad at this. "Looks like we're here. If you see him, tell him I hope he's doing good and I'll see him soon."

War didn't particularly care for the hopeful look he was giving off but nonetheless agreed to relay his message. "Thanks. I'll see you."

"No problem. Tell your mate I hope she's well."

War wouldn't be letting Pomelia know that... He walked through the dirt path encased in trees towards the Alpha house. A countless amount of wolves bobbed and weaved through the trees, stalking him. Some yipped and howled in greetings. Other stayed silent.

By the time he got to the alpha house the only thing he smelled was vanilla...Pomelia's scent but more pungent. His mind began to race, thoughts of fury buzzed around his mind, an unfathomable idea of why her scent smelled like that had him tearing through the house to find her.

He burst into one of the many tv rooms and saw red. There Pomelia was, sitting close to Nick, watching tv. Her scent was sweet, why was her scent sweeter?

Nick was the first to turn his head, then he waved his hand in greeting. Pomelia was second, looking him over before she said good evening. That's all she would say. Good morning, good evening...he would say Goodnight.

"Get the fuck out," he growled as both of them tensed before looking at him in confusion. "Out Nick," he snarled, as the kid struggled to get all of his items up and throw them in his bag. He was obviously confused but War didn't care. He felt sick.

Pomelia sat patiently, waiting til Nick left the room before she stood io with her arms crossed over her chest. "Why did you do that?  We were watching an alien series," she spoke as Wars eyes mauled into her body. Trying to see if her dress was wrinkly or anything out of place. Nothing. Nothing was out of place...

"Can we talk upstairs?" War questioned, hearing the front door of the house open up. He didn't want anyone else hearing what they were about to talk about.

She was angry as she stared at him unsure of whether to continue their conversation here or elsewhere. Then she shook her head. "No, I would feel more comfortable here."

Comfortable? It wasn't like War was going to hurt her. He would never let a hand touch her out of malice or anger. "Why are you aroused?"

His mate gave him a confused look, a genuinely confused one before her face hardened. "I don't know what you're talking about. We were watching a space show. H-how is that supposed to make me a..aroused?"

War threw his hands up. He was so tired and angry. He felt betrayed. It was obvious. Pomelia was so distraught by what he had done that she decided to get back at him. But no...she was much too sweet to do that. Maybe Nick was trying to seduce her?

"That little shit," he said under his breath. Now it all made sense. Why he rejected his mate, Mach. He wanted Pomelia. Nick wanted Pomelia.

"I'm going's late and I don't want to argue," Pomelia said softly, hesitating before brushing past him quickly. War wanted to punch something. She just walked away? How could she walk away so easily after what his nose had just witnessed?! How?

"Pomelia!" He called after her, his anger clouding any sense trying to form from this. She had gotten to the steps before he grabbed her hand lightly. "We need to talk."

"No! You're accusing me of things. Let me go," she struggled as his hand tightened around her, panicking on what to do. He could smell her tears now shedding...and that made his stomach upturn.

"Please...we need to talk," he said desperately, wondering what would become of them now. He couldn't believe that she was being turned on by Nick. He couldn't grasp that he trusted them both a lot and then look what happened.

She shook her head, still struggling. "No! Let me go, now!" He let her hand go and she snatched it away, glaring at him through her tears. "I don't know what you're talking about...but you were mean to my only friend here!"

"You're attracted to him. You two can't be friends," War reasoned with his hysterical mate. Why didn't she understand that.

She gripped the bannister so tight her knuckles were turning white. "How dare you! The only man I have ever been attracted to, is you! You selfish, mean jerk!"

Her strained voice and the tears coming from her were real but how come she was still lying? The proof was in the scent. It didn't lie. "Pomelia your scent..."

"-I'm not aroused! I am done with this conversation. You just want to see me miserable! You don't want me to have any friends, no job, I can't even visit my temple sisters!" She sobbed. "What have I-I done to you? I haven't done anything to you," she cried as her entire body shook from how upset she was. "You lied to me and then cast me away. You don't even try! You say Goodnight and that is all."

War was at a loss. What was he supposed to say? He could feel eyes on him and he turned slightly to see Leo and Alpha Khan in the doorway, watching this spectacle.

"Pomelia maybe you should go upstairs and talk to Lo then head to bed," Leo spoke firmly as War dug his eyes into the man's face who didn't seem to care.

His mate nodded her head before heading up the steps as if she was physically ill. "Gods you're a fucking idiot," Khan chuckled as War gripped his bag tightly.

"You want to talk about it, man? Khan will be no help but I do have experience with emotional mated females." War stared at the new addition to their pack. He liked Leo and his mate. He also envied them. Pomelia and him used to be like that. Happy and in love. Now he was in love and she hated him...

"Yeah." Khan murmured something about 'pussywhipped' before retreating to his office. War followed the new member, outside and he threw his heavy bag down before they sat on the porch.

Moments of silence stretched by before either one of them spoke. "So what happened between you two?"

That was a loaded question, but War made a short version for the newcomer. "She used to be a temple novice," he explained. "I...took her because she's mine. She didn't know I was Khan's personal...killer. I lied to her about everything."

Leo cringed. "Yeah...and when she did find out, she fell and broke a lot of stuff. Woke up with no remembrance. I tried to get away with her to a nice pack," tried being the keyword. And it had worked for a while... "But things happened and she found out how much of a shit person I am. Found out I lied about everything."

"That's rough."

"Yeah..and now we don't talk. She hangs out with Nick, skinny kid who doesn't talk. I...I uh never minded them together." Just talking about it made him angry. "Until now. Her scent...she was aroused."

"Your mate?"

War nodded. Leo sounded surprised and so was War. Leo knew what kind of female she was and it didn't make any sense, only if he knew Pomelia just these short two weeks... "Yes. Pomelia."

"Well were they fucking around? You smell any type of sexual release or something."

"No...they weren't even touching."

"What about faces flushed? Or like anything? Was he turned on?"


Leo sighed, and began scratching the small tuft of hair on his chin. "So you walked in on them not touching, no sexual tension, just her scent was different."

Well when he put it that way... "Uh, yeah."

"How old is your mate?"


Leo stared at him. Stared at him as if he had just said something dumb. Like he said Pomelia was 85 or 10 or he didn't know her specific age. What was so wrong with her being 18? "What? Im only a couple years-"

"-War do you know nothing about the development of female wolves and their heat cycles?"

He knew enough. Every year for about two to four days they become horny, begging machines. Looking for their mate...or anyone else to date their specific needs. "'s how a female gets pregnant."

Leo nodded his head, wiping a hand over his face. "Man, I don't know what kind of education you guys get in this pack but a female between the ages of 18-24 when they're most fertile, their scents will change or be altered slightly. Nothing major sometimes heavier, sweeter, more pungent. Just means she's a fertile woman."

"Are...are you serious?"

The man began to chuckle. "Yeah. I have a cousin and she was smelling...different and I almost lost my shit because we just found out about a death in the family. My uncle had to let me know her body was just going through it's regular changes. It'll change about three more times before she turns thirty. Same scent just little differences."

"So she's not going into heat...or-or has the hots for someone else?"

"Nope. Actually-"

He didn't even wait for Leo to keep talking, he jumped up to his feet and made his way up the steps. He was silent in his descent up, he didn't want to disturb her if she maybe fell asleep or something like that.

Years of sneaking around his mother and stepfather had proven a success and of course years of discreet killing. He was big but quiet. Always.

He crept up on their room, and realized Pomelia was softly speaking. "Yes...I just wanted to see how she was doing. We never got a chance to speak much at Seneca pack."

A male was on the line. War bit back a growl. "She's...she's busy with our daughter. Can I be transparent with you, Pomelia?"

"Of course, Juan."

The man on the phone drawled out a long sigh. "You seem together. I mean all things considered you're in a good pack and you have a nice mate. So is Erica. She's amazing at what she does, she's a wonderful mate and a great mother to our daughter. Seeing you...she's back tracked."

His mate was silent. He could smell the salt though, the more pungent scent of her tears and her sadness. "I understand."

He exhaled. "I'm sorry, I really am. She's just come so far from the scared woman I knew her as and I saw glimpses of that scared young woman again. She can't risk...we can't risk that again."

"I-it's okay. I'm so sorry I intrigued. I wish you a-and her well and your daughter too. I wish her well."

"Thank you."

The line went dead. Pomelia's sons filled the room as he silently entered.

She was on the edge of the bed crying into her palms, head hung low. His chest was aching again. Furiously.

"Pomelia," he said softly, watching her flinch when she heard his voice. "I'm sorry."

"F-for what?"


She continued to cry and he slowly inched forward. "Can I hold you...while you cry?"

She was silent. He sat, watching her reaction closely. She didn't do anything except for continue in her crying.

War held his breath and hovered his arm around her before slowly encompassing her. She was as stiff as a rock as he held her until she...wasn't.

She clutched onto War as if her life depended on it, and cried on him like he was a tissue. He didn't mind though. This is what he was here for. He rubbed her back gently, trying to console her but it wasn't working.

Without her compliance, he swept her legs up so that he was cradling her.

Poor Pom😭
Thoughts on Mach and Nick?🧐

Hope you guys have a nice day, just finished lecture and now I'm going to attempt at my version of working out. Wish me luck!

Follow me on Patreon and Instagram if you guys can! I know I haven't been active on Instagram but I have a few edits and things I've been working on to post!

Til next time!

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