Not all promises can be kept...


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Not all promises can be kept (Ryder's story)
Not all promises can be kept (Ryder's story) 2
Not all promises can be kept (3)
Friends.... No thanks
I want out
A whole new world


156 1 2

We found a place to hold down easily. All of just traveled out of the woods because there was no animals ready to attack or plants that were alive and killing. The girl Aqua found a tree that was just out in the open and alone and she climbed up it without our consent she made that our base. "Well then this is our base" I said under my breath, just confirming it. Aqua seemed to agree and she began to relax and doze in the tree. Night slinked down and laid against the tree his eyes scanning for any threat and then he closed his eyes but I could still tell that he was alert. "Well then we will be going" Nala said and John and I followed her lead. I was a little bit uncertain about the whole thing but John didn't seem fazed at all. "You'll get use to it they always act this way the only time those two are active is when they want food or action comes their way" John said like it was no big deal. It looks like John was the mature one in their group. Nala didn't seem to think the same way I did because she kept looking at John with disappointment. John caught her gaze and held it until Nala was forced to look away. "Is something bothering you?" He asked, he didn't sound like he cared though. "Why'd they give us you? Can you even do anything?" She asked looking him up and down, probably hoping he'd at least sprout wings or something. "Of course I can" He didn't go into anymore detail and he then started to lead us to the woods. Nala looked at me uncertain. "Mind telling us something that you can do?" I asked while catching up to him to show him that he was not the leader. He looked at me like he was bored he wasn't trying to be the leader I then realized. Then as to show his power he pointed to his necklaces. Where he lacked in hair he made up in jewelry. "All my jewelry has a special power." he then pulled one out that looked like a small dagger. "I can make a sword, create a huge ball of light, and other things with all this jewelry" He looked over at me then he seemed to be figuring me out. "Of course I probably couldn't defeat you" Nala looked a little irked when John said it and I knew why. "You probably couldn't beat me either" she muttered under her breath it was faint but with everyone's great hearing we heard her. John gave a faint smile and he said "No I'm pretty sure I can beat you" just to irk her and it worked. Nala walked behind him with her dagger, glaring at his back. I could only wonder how John had the nerve to walk in front of her when she was posed to kill. We walked like that for awhile I was content following the two of them even though it was like watching a cat and dog who hated each other. But after awhile it seemed that John was just walking aimlessly. It seemed pretty weird that we haven't ran into anybody yet. Then as if people knew what I was thinking we started to hear voices. There were screams and the booming of magic. Swords or daggers clinked together and it didn't take a genius to know there was a fight going on somewhere near by. Our group did everything as one as if we all had the same mind. We used stealth to move forward all of us wary and cautious. Then we all peeked out when we felt we got close enough to the battle. The site was horrific and I wished that I could have covered Nala's eyes so that she didn't have to see it but I knew if I did she'd beat the crap out of me. There were at least twenty people here and I could not tell if it was two groups, one or many more. It seemed as if they were just fighting to fight blood was everywhere littering the forest floor. Plants were grabbing some of them, all of them had cuts and looked exhausted. Making me think they've been here way longer than I. "John create your huge ball of light to stun them" John didn't even give me a questioning look he was more of a guy who did what he was told to do. He grabbed his left ear which had a earring of a sun and under his breath he whispered something that I could not understand almost as if he were speaking a whole new language. His words became louder making me realize he was towards the end and that when instinct turned on and I closed my eyes. Still I could see the huge light that he created almost as if a mini sun was right before our eyes. Then while the light was still on and I could still hear the gasps and surprise from the fighters I used my magic to make them frozen in place. The light went away while I said the last of my spell. Then I opened my eyes. John was not effected at all by the whole ordeal, the fighters eyes were wide and watery and so were Nala's who forgot to shut her eyes. "Next time a warning would be nice" she growled and I smirked, bet she wishes I covered her eyes this time. "Why aren't they moving?" John asked and still I couldn't get a surprised reaction out of this guy. "I froze them so we could talk to them without them trying to kill us" I then stood up my legs getting cramped and I stretched. "Seems as if we found ourselves some warriors" John and Nala followed my lead and went out to check on the fighters. Nala poked one making her fall over. "opps" she said as if it fixed everything. I came over to her and picked up the fallen girl. "She can see and hear everything that's going on so making her fall is like making an enemy" I explained to Nala but I bet she really didn't care because Nala, had courage and believed she could beat anyone in battle. "Can you explain to them what were doing Nala" She seemed confused till John gave her some help by saying rebelling and then as if it all came back to her.Then her face lit up with the way a face lights up when you know something. She then began explaining our plan to them and I could not tell how they felt about the whole ordeal their eyes didn't show much and their faces couldn't move. But I saw in some of their eyes hope. So after explaining everything to them and telling them that if they began to fight again that we'd kill them we decided to unfreeze them. Some of them fell others looked wide eyed and scared while some had murderous glares. Two of them came over to us one was the girl Nala pushed over the other was a big muscle head guy. "We decided we want to help you with the rebelling" The male said while the girl glared daggers at Nala who was to oblivious to realize it. "Good we need all the help we can get" They then went over to talk to their groups to sort this all out and it took no more than five minutes. We were then all traveling through the woods back to the base. I swear we were louder than a herd of elephants and it irked me to no end but I could not shut up the twenty or so people. When we finally broke through the woods and to the base we saw Aqua and Night staring wide eyed. "We got our troops" John said walking over to Aqua and Night and slumping against the tree. That night we all slept in peace waiting for this to be over with of course one more person had to die. At least that was what the sky said. One of the fighters had to point it out to me because I didn't realize it when I came in. But the sky had the number 13 when I first came in and it counted down every time someone died, one more and we'd all be able to go back to the castle. Everyone was sleeping either under the tree or in it. Then just as if to end this whole thing a fire began in the woods. The only reason I knew was because the flames were so high I could see them from where I was and the smell of smoke was in the air. This was the Queen's way of making this whole ordeal end faster and indeed she did because in no less than three minutes did the flames stop and fireworks shot up into the air. Relief flooded into me only to be replace my adrenaline which was ready for the fight against the queen.

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