summer | tendou x reader

由 JackieShoyo

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hi hello this is my first ff so please dont be harsh. if you are looking for a long, funny, a little cheesy r... 更多

ITS OUT!!! & My proper thank you & More


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由 JackieShoyo

i wake up to feel someone shaking me. i think ive said this before but i am NOT a morning person and i hate getting woken up. waking me up is like waking up satan himself by throwing rocks at him... its not pretty.

"mm LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" i mumble-shout.

"geez y/n... you need to go home" tendou says sounding scared as hell.

oh shit i forgot i fell asleep at his house. I FELL ASLEEP AT HIS HOUSE.

i shot up "SATORI DID I STAY THE NIGHT" i yelled.

"no, but its getting late and you should go home" he tilts his head, looking at me panic "why are you so worried anyway? and why are you so angry" he frowns as he says the last bit.

"why do you ask so many damn questions" i roll my eyes and get out of his bed. "my dad would literally murder if i didnt come home, im not allowed to stay the night at anyones house. not even family. and a little fun fact.. something to keep in mind.. i hate being woken up. it automatically puts me in a bad mood. unless youre prepared to deal with my attitude, i suggest you dont wake me up" i throw him a sarcastic smile.

his room is colder than i remember... or maybe i was just really warm.. due to the heat of the moment..

i slightly shiver and his eyes light up before he walks to his closet, grabbing a black zip up and he hands it to me. "here you go.. you seem cold. you can keep it for as long as you'd like little y/n" he leans in close to my face and smirks.

"y/n can i tell you something.." 

i observe him... he seems nervous..


our eyes widen at the sudden noise coming from downstairs.

"what the hell was that" i ask.

"SATORIIIII DEAR, WE'RE HOME" a womanly voice says.

"oh no" he whispers.

"satori are you home?" the doorknob rattles and the door swung open.

this is exactly why i have a lock. 

a woman with white hair and blue eyes walks in. theres NO WAY thats his mom.. she looks like a little marshmallow.

"oh hello" she says looking at me "well whos this dear?" her eyes now on tendou.

"o-oh this is l/n f/n" he mumbles while rubbing the back of his neck... and blushing?

she turns over to me and pulls me into a tight hug "it is so nice to meet you"

"m-mom can you not" he says.

she lets out  loud sigh before letting me go. "satori, shes so beautiful! how exactly did you get her? BAHAHAHAHA... im joking son.." her eyes lock into mine "thank you so much for choosing my son. for a second i thought he was gay.. always hanging out with that ushijima. seems i was wrong" she snorts.

"mom dont say that to her.. come on y/n you need to go home" he grabs my hand and leads me downstairs. Tendou stops suddenly when he sees a tall, slender-man looking man standing in the doorway. i can only assume that its his father.

"well, son whos this" the man asks. tendou lets out a defeated sigh "dad, this is l/n f/n. Y/n, this is my dad" 

we hear footsteps scuttling down the steps, his mom runs and stands next to tendous dad "and this is my mom"

i observe tendous parents. they seem like good people. his dad is tall, has red hair and deep brown eyes. Tendous small mom with platinum hair and ocean blue eyes. So satori is a mix of them both.. it seems fitting. i wonder where he got his personality from.

Tendous dad reaches his hand out to me "hello dear" 

my eyes widen... his hands are so freaking huge.. i feel bad for the mom..

i hesitantly take his hand and shake it lightly. im surprised their greeting me the american way... is my american accent that obvious? "n-n-nice to meet you mr and mrs tendou"

"dont be silly hear, call me Asuga and his name is Kurai" tendous mom says as she gives me a warm smile.

"nice to meet you" i repeat giving them an awkward smile.

"why are you here? i thought you were coming back home next week?" tendou asks sounding defensive as hell.

"your father got a call from work saying that he needed to come in right away... the chief of the hospital died and they wish to make your father the next chief" tendous mom says, her eyes sparkling.. shes obviously proud of her husband.. its sweet.

"oh.. congrats dad" an awkward silence fills the room. suddenly tendou claps his hands together sending an echo throughout the house. "we need to go now... come on" tendou says as he yanks me out of the house. i turn around and wave goodbye to his parents.

"hey what the hell? why did you yank me like that?" i said while planting my feet firmly on the ground.

he turns around and his face is more red than his hair... is that even possible? 

"my parents are embarrassing y/n... and they seem to like you already, which will only make them more annoying. the question is.. when will i meet your parents?" he smirks.

"fat chance! you never will. and i have my reasons"

"care to explain?"

"no" i said flatly as i begin to walk ahead of him.

"hey what the hell. you met mine" he whines, reaching for my hand and our fingers intertwine.

"accidentally. and you didnt seem too happy about it either" i side eye him.

"tomato - tomato.. you still met them didnt you?" he lightly shoves me with his shoulder.

"tsk, i dont care.. you're not meeting my parents"

"whatever you say dear y/n". now i know where he gets dear from....

the rest of the walk home was quiet but short because we didnt live more than 10 minutes apart.

he stops suddenly "well we're here"

i didnt even notice.. i was too busy thinking about what'll happen if tendou ever meets dad and what a catastrophe it would be.

"oh... bye then" i turn and walk towards my gate... then i hear a loud, dramatic gasp.

"NO KISS GOODBYE ??!??! I AM HURT LITTLE Y/N... MY HEART IS IN SHAMBLES!" his hand was over his chest, tightly clenching his shirt, the other hand was up in the air.

a large grin crept up on my face as i roll my eyes, walking towards him. "come here ya doof" i grab his shirt and yank him towards me, placing a deep kiss on his lips. "happy now you big baby?"

"the happiest i could ever be, my paradise" my heart quite literally skipped a beat....

i turn around, open my gate and head towards my front door. before i walk in, i turn around and tell him "hey.. i loved your little song.. i'd like to hear it again sometime" i smirk and walk inside.


timeskip to a few hours later because im lazy af

i open instagrant and call my groupchat. it seems like i have a lot to talk about now that tendou is spicing up my bland little life.

"heyoooo" gf/n answers giddily and its odd because shes never like that.

"hey gf/n.. i think you forgot to tell us some important information about your little date with Semi" i said wiggling my eyebrows.

"oh dear god, i was hoping you'd forget"

"HEYYYY BITCHES" bf/n screams, always making a loud entrance.

"hey" me and gf/n said in unison.

"as i was SAYING. gf/n forgot to tell us about her date with Semi.. well gf/n? spill the beans" i smirked.

she began to tell us every ounce of detail starting from when she hung up.

the group call was dead silent.. no one knew what to say. the information she told us was so wild that we could hardly comprehend.

"i-i dont even know what to say gf/n" i said with my hand over my mouth.

"HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!?" bf/n yells.


Semi took her to a really fancy, expensive restaurant. Gf/n is used to 'make his pockets hurt' and then throw them away, but this time she had no intentions of doing that. usually, when he saw a man open his wallet, she didnt really care.. it was eh, not a big deal in the slighest. but when she saw Semi pay for that expensive bill with ease, it drove her over the edge and they ended up doing it in the restaurants bathroom.

"why are you bashing her.. that kind of sounds fun" i say, blushing as i imagine me and tendou in that scenario.

"see she gets it! and its not like him paying the bill itself is what made me go bonkers.. it was the way he handed his card to the waiter. His soft and sweet voice. the way he cut into his steak. i've never wanted to be a piece of meat until then." say says grinning like a dummy.

"gf/n you've always been a piece of meat" bf/n snorts.

"go to hell"

"see you there, love. hey what're you dreaming about y/n" bf/n asks.

"huh?" i said, snapping out of my dirty thoughts.

"WHAT. ARE. YOU. THINKING. ABOUT." gf/n yells.

i decided to tell them all the events that happened today. me telling tendou that my friends know what we did, him singing to me twice, the tiger and his parents.

"straight couples scare the fuck out of me" bf/n says with a cringe on his face.

"HEY IT WAS A CUTE MOMENT" i yelled in defense.

"why dont you guys just date already? its painfully obvious that you have a thing for each other" says gf/n.

"yeah... i dont know. i do like him a lot and we are acting as if we're in a relationship.. hell, i even met his parents. but to be honest im scared. what if something goes wrong" i said.

"with that attitude, something might. you cant keep that mindset. if you're happy with him then be with him." bf/n replies.

"wow thats the best advice you've ever given" i said, shocked.

"oh shut up... just think about it.. happiness isnt that hard y/n"

"yeah okay. im gonna go now. bye guys" and i hung up.

the rest of the night i couldnt sleep. my mind was debating on whether i should date tendou or not. it would be best if decided now because he could ask me tomorrow or at any time, really. i should have my answer prepared. the thing is, i dont want to get hurt. as i've said before, my happiness never lasts. every time i get a shred of happiness, the universe yanks it away from me and it leaves me more broken than the last... it happens every time. i like the way things are now so i shouldnt complicate that by making things official. 

wait.. wasn't he going to tell me something earlier.. before his parents came home? what if he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend? thank god for his parents.


Time skip two weeks

each day that passed, me and tendou became a billion times closer. we spent every minute together (or as much as we could). i got extremely close with his parents as well, our bond also growing significantly each time we speak. they truly are amazing people. We had many game nights and dinners together, they treated me as if i were family, it made mt poor little heart so happy that his parents accepted me. Mine and Tendous friends teased us, asking why are arent dating yet... i wondered that too. Semi and gf/n have been dating for a week now.

Tendous POV:

"so why isnt she your girlfriend yet? i might just take her from you" reon says. i know hes interested in y/n so i dont think hes playing around when he says that.

"she'd never pick you" wakatoshi says in a flat tone.

"i dont know. what if she says no. what if we're going too fast. i just want to make sure shes okay before i make any bold moves" i replied.

"oh come on. dont play stupid. my girlfriend says that y/n never stops talking about you and that shes head over heels for you. she likes you and you know it, you are doing nothing but wasting your time because if you keep her waiting, she'll get bored and leave Tendou" Semi says.

those words pricked my heart. i know hes right but i cant date her knowing whats about to happen. it'll crush her and what'll i do then? i'd make her mine if i could.

"Plus, you cant be worried about going to fast when you were a centimetre away from doing it with her" Semi followed up. by this time, everyone knew about what happened the second day i met y/n.... gf/n has loose lips, i wonder if y/n knows that.

~2 hour time jump, we are coming home~

"SATORI DEAR" mom runs up to me and hugs me like she hasnt seen me in 10 years.

"y-yes mom" i say nearly out of breath.

"i have good news... TSUKIYOMI IS GETTING MARRIED" mom yells.

tsukiyomi... my older sister whos 3 years older than me and shes a super famous model. (AN: imagine his sister as famous as GiGi Hadid or Kendall Jenner.. thats how famous we're talking). me and my sister had a good relationship until she became popular in middle school.. since then she treats me as if shes embarrassed of me.

"ok" i dont really care, she threw her family aside as soon as she gained a shred of fame.

"she wants you to be her fiancees best man!" mom squeels.

"i dont know her husband well enough to be his best man" i scoffed.

"dont be like that dear, thats your sister and you are being the best man... plus, she says shes doing you a favor because Minorin is her maid of honor!"

Minorin... she was my first love. i loved her since elementary school, up until she left to study in spain. shes the one who got me into anime and mangas. she showed me this one anime that had her name in it... its called Toradora. its funny because Minorin and the character in the anime are exactly alike. hardly any differences... i never thought i'd see her again. she left before i could ever confess my feelings

"oh... mom i have y/n now.. you know that"

"yes i understand but nonetheless, you are still doing this for yomi." she says in a stern voice thats telling me not to argue.


me and Y/N stayed up all night on the phone, talking about all the most random things.

"DIE DIE DIE" y/n screams at her tv. her phone is propped up on her desk so i see her clearly, she sits on a gamer chair with her knees to her chest, and her eyes are glaring at the screen in front of her. "BAHAHAHA" god her laugh makes my heart skip a beat.

"what're you playing" i ask.

"oh Grand Theft.. right now im running all the people over on the sidewalks, but im in a motorcycle because it easier to see them fly off" she giggles. "im trying to run from the cops right now.. ive got three warrants" an evil smirk appears on her face.. i love seeing her like this.

she stayed running people over and raiding the military base all night. looking at her expression change is better and more interesting that any movie could ever be. i fell asleep listening to her shout at her tv.

Few Hours Later, 3:00 am

my eyes shot open as i woke up from a nightmare. then i hear sniffling and heavy sobbing coming from my phone.. which means that y/n is crying. but why? she was so happy earlier... her smile.. her laugh.. it could light up and entire universe yet shes crying. should i ask if shes okay?

she becomes silent for a while. "why me" she whispers and whimpers before sobbing again. all she said was two simple words but those words carries so much weight and pure sadness. my hearts breaking listening to her cry like that.

after that. i couldn't get a wink of sleep. my mind flooded with y/n and her unforgettable cries. this is why i shouldn't date her, i'll only hurt her even more... i cant do that to her, i dont want her to cry ever again.

after some time, i hear faint, cute little snores coming from my phone. i let out a relieved sigh. shes finally asleep.



my eyes shoot open as i hear my phone ringing next to me. ahhhh my head damn hurts.. and whos even calling me this early in the morning. kinda pisses me off..

"what" i said, answering the phone.

"oh little y/n dont be so mean. i want to be with you today.. get dressed, im on my way" tendou says.

"um what? you didnt even ask m-"

"get dressed. bye y/n" he interrupts and hangs up after.

aw great. im majorly pissed because he woke me up early. i cant wait to see him though...

i quickly got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth and left my house. i haven't been telling dad where im going anymore because him and his little family haven't been home in about two weeks. i think it's safe to assume that they've abandoned me. i wouldnt even be surprised either.

my eyes feel so damn heavy from crying last night. i wasnt crying because of my dad and his family leaving me. i was crying because i was thinking about mom. she'll never come to my wedding. wait what if tendou notices my large puffy eyes. if he does, im screwed because i wont be able to lie to him... damn.

"hey" a deep voice says.

i look up expecting Tendou but it was Ushijima. whats he doing is this neighborhood? isnt he loaded with cash? he shouldnt be near normal peoples houses... it sounds mean but im pretty sure our houses look like dog sheds compared to Ushijimas house.

"h-hey" i observe him and what he wearing, running shorts , a t-shirt and running shoes. i guess that solves the mystery of why hes here.

"what're you doing around here?" i ask.

"Tendou asked for me to come get you. He said he ended up getting busy with a wedding" he said flatly.

HUHHHHHHH?!??! A WEDDING?!!?!? surly it isnt his right... no that would be ridiculous. maybe hes helping someone else with their wedding. yeah... that seems more reasonable.

"i see and he asked for you to come get me?"

"yes. h-he asked me to keep you busy until he was done" he suddenly became stiff as a brick.

"okay then" i clap my hands together. "what'll we do Ushijima" i grin and poke his arm, hoping it'll let him loosen up but it only made him more stiff.

he clears his throat. "we could go to my house"

"u-um.. okay sure" i threw him an awkward smile. will tendou be okay with me going to his best friends house alone? fuck it. hes at a wedding and he didnt even invite me to be his date. worst part is, he dragged me out of bed only to send his best friend in his place and not show up.

i know this is going to be a long ass walk. Ushijima should be living in the rich parts and thats an hour walk from here to there. we've been walking in an awkward silence for more than 20 minutes. honestly, i dont want to break the silence because i dont really want to talk to Ushijima. i like him and he cool and stuff but the only person i ever want to talk to is Tendou.

"okay we're here" he says.

i turn my head, looking for a large extravagant house but there isnt one. plain boring houses surround us. "we are?" i tilt my head.

"yes." he opens the gate to his home and lets me in, then locks the gate once he enters.

we talk into his home, as im taking off my shoes, my eyes wonder around his extremely clean house. his home is a little larger than mine but not by a lot.


"wakatoshi" he interrupts.

"o-oh. not to sound rude or anything but i assumed you lived in a huge house because you have a buttload of money. so why do you stay in a normal home?" i ask.

"rich people stay rich because they dont spend their money on expensive things. having a 'cheap' home saves me more money."

"oh.. i guess that makes sense. if i had your kind of money, i would have a bunch of cool expensive things" i said as my eyes sparkled at the thought of being wealthy.

"thats why you're not rich y/n" his monotone voice sending daggers through my heart.

my happy expression was quickly replaced with a hurt one "haha thats a bit mean Wakatoshi" i look away holding back tears. normally im not this sensitive but my emotions are running high after what happened last night.

"i apologize, y/n. it was not my intention to hurt you." although his tone was flat, i knew he meant it.

"um its fine" an awkward silence filled the room for a while, we both just stood there doing nothing until Ushijima breaks the silence

"y/n" i observe his nervous and stiff body, he couldnt even make eye contact.

"yes wakatoshi" i replied, making him more stiff as i said his name. then his olive eyes suddenly soften up as he looks at me.

um literally what the fuck is happening. if he confesses i swear i will move back to the states.

"listen. im not good with words but i really li-" suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door that startled me and Ushijima.

Ushijima goes to answer the door when it swings open and tendou stands in the doorway, panting.

"IM HERE Y/N" he yells. never in my life have i been so excited to see someone. Tendou Satori just saved me, my knight in shining armor, if you will.

me and ushijima just stand there in silence because we both knew that he was going to confess and it was interrupted by his best friend, his best friend that im in love with.

"im so sorry, little y/n. i forgot to tell you that i had plans this morning." he pulls me into a tight hug. i didnt say anything back because Ushijima almost confessing to me still shocked my soul.. i never thought he'd like someone like me...

Tendou lets go and put his hands on my cheeks "i didnt mean to ditch you, love. it wont happen again. pinky promise" he smiled as my eyes went wide and my face turned a bright red. he called me love... i think i might just melt.

"come on lets go. im going to make it up to you" he winks before grabbing my hand and running out of Ushijimas house without saying goodbye to his obviously heartbroken best friend.

i wonder if tendou noticed Ushijimas broken expression. usually, his face is blank but right now, his emotions were plastered all over his face. it can be seen clear as day that he is heartbroken.

as me and tendou run out of ushijimas house hand in hand, i turn back to look at ushijima and i give him an apologetic look. i really do feel bad..


i've been at Tendous house for about 2 hours and i've hardly said anything to him. i throw him 2 to 3 word responses at most. i honestly dont feel like talking anymore. although nothing happened between me and Ushijima, i still feel dirty.. like i did something wrong. its silly because Ushijima never fully confessed but i knew he was going to. that alone makes me feel like i betrayed Tendou. DAMNED USHIWAKA. i mentally cursed the boy.

"y/n, im sorry okay. i should've told you. can you please stop being mad at me" tendou says in an sad tone.

"you still havent told me tendou" i glare at him, sounding colder than i intended.

he lets out a loud sigh. "i have an older sister and an older brother. my older sister, Tsukiyomi, is getting married soon. im her fiancees best man. i had to go to rehearsal this morning."

"oh.. okay. congrats"

"not needed. me and my sister dont have a good relationship" there was loads of sadness behind that sentence.

"i see"

he sighs loudly again. "y/n whats going on? you know you can tell me anything right. i know you arent okay, so can you just tell me whats wrong? please?"

"i dont understand what you mean" SHIT DOES HE KNOW THAT USHIJIMA WAS GOING TO CONFESS. IS HE MAD AT ME?!?!?

"why are you being so closed off with me? you were so happy and lively last night.. now youre being cold. you can tell me whats hurting you okay." he sounds so fucking sad.. what did i do?

i stayed silent. i wanted to say something but i couldnt speak.

"i heard you crying last night and even if i didnt hear you, your eyes are red and puffy, i would've noticed that right away. I know what a crying face looks like"

so he heard me crying... thats fucking embarrassing. i swore i put myself on mute... THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I DONT TRUST THE MUTE BUTTON

"oh.." i finally say. "im sorry"

"why are you apologizing y/n. i just want to know whats going on. i want you to be able to trust me" i know he cares. if his face and voice didnt say so, his dilated eyes would.

"im sorry that i didnt tell you. but i was okay last night, i was happy. until i remembered that my mom was really dead, she'd never come to my wedding or meet my future kids. each time i remember, the more it hurts. usually, anything that reminds me of her, i push it to the back of my brain because as messed up as it sounds, i dont want to think about her. i know that if i do, i'll never be happy again. so i try to forget her. last night, i couldnt forget. so i cried." i said as warm tears fell down my eyes

he pulled me into his arms, stroking my thick hair. being in his arms, having him around, its such a damn blessing... i know mom would love him.

as i thought that, i let out a heavy sob, wishing that mom got the chance to meet satori. i gripped the back of his shirt tightly as i cried loud cries. everything that i've been bottling up finally came out.

i cried for hours, tendou didnt seem to mind at all. he just held me close and told me "its going to be okay, my love. i promise, i'll never let you go."


a few days after that happened, tendou asked me to be his girlfriend. although we havent been able to see each other a lot because of his wedding rehearsals and volleyball practices, we still facetime every night. i dont mind, i understand that hes busy. i do miss him though..


timeskip to 1 in the morning

Tendou had called me around 10, apologizing overs and overs because he hasnt had time to hang out with me since the announcement of his sisters wedding. we spent all night talking and catching up on what we've missed. he says that his sister is really demanding because she's so famous and her wedding will be viewed from all over the world, making tendou carry a heavy weight. but eventually, he fell asleep, leaving me alone with my thoughts again.

"needless to say, i keep a check. she was a bad-bad nevertheless. calling it quits now baby im a wreck" i sung. Sunflower has been stuck in my head for the past week, i dont know why.

"crash at my place, baby youre a wreck. needless to say im keeping a check. she was a bad-bad nevertheless. calling it quits now baby im a wreck, crash at my place baby youre a wreck" i continued to sing.

"thinking in a bad way losing your grip, screaming at my face baby dont trip" a sliggish voice sings, coming from the other end of the phone.

"satori? are you awake"

"yes, your beautiful voice woke me up but i dont mind a single bit" he says in a really deep, sleepy voice that gave me butterflies. then he chuckled "so are you going to continue ?"

"oh.. right. Someone took a big L dont know how that felt." i sang.

"looking at you sideways, party on tilt" him continuing after me.

we took turns on the lyrics after that. "OOOOHHHHH, some things you just cant refuse" we sang together.

"she wanna ride me like a cruise"

"im in not trynna loooooooseeeee" his tired, raspy voice sings. i admired his sleepy singing voice and his adorable accent.

"TAKE IT AWAY Y/N!!!" tendou shouts.

"then you're left in the dust... unless i stuck by ya"

"youre a sunflower.. i think your love would be too much" he sang out.

"or you'll be left in the dust, unless i stuck by ya!"

"youre the sunflower" he says.

"youre the sunflower"

"satori, i didnt know that you knew that song" i said.

"yeah, my cousin in the states showed me it, along with the movie" his voice sounding defeated.

"oh i see... i love that song"

"it should be our song. you are a sunflower after all" i can clearly hear the smirk in his voice.

"yeah.. for sure"

after that, i fell fast asleep as he sung to me.


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