Blind No More

由 bearhugs_99

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After the war, all was well in Harry Potter's world until he realized that the males of the Wizarding World n... 更多

The Flames Ignite
The Goddess Revealed
Prophet and Interviews
Advice and Breakdowns
Plans and Deals
The Auction
Harry's First Vacation
Hermione's Dilemma
His and Her List
Hermione's Realizations
The Wedding
Fighting Temptation
Honeymoon Bliss
Fun Times
Red Light Special
Honeymoon Woes
Still A Caveman

Front Page Reactions

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由 bearhugs_99

Chapter Seven: Front Page Reactions

by: tweety-src-clt9

Harry woke up in the crack of dawn when he heard tapping on the window. He opened his eyes and smiled at the sight that he saw. Hermione was sleeping next to him with an arm wrapped around his torso and her face snuggled on his chest. Hermione looked so peaceful as she made cute little snoring noises that made him chuckle. I could get used to this view!

Since the tapping became more insistent he slowly stood up from the bed careful not to wake Hermione. He opened the window and saw a brown barn owl with a roll of parchment and some newspaper on its leg. He took the letter and the paper and gave the owl some water. "Sorry I don't have owl treats or food with me.", he told the owl who he saw devoured the water he offered. After drinking its fill, the owl flew away and Harry closed the window and he started reading the letter.


Dear Harry,

I hope you don't mind what I wrote as a special front page article for the Quibbler. I figured its best to provide another source that explains of what happened at the auction aside from the Daily Prophet.

My daddy was at the auction and he took the pictures. He narrated the events about what he saw and I offered to write the article.

I hope this helps.

Say hello to Hermione for me and congratulations on your engagement.

I'm happy the wrackspurts have finally cleared away from you.



Harry then opened the paper and saw the front page. There were four pictures there. The largest picture was him carrying Hermione as he ran away from the venue. Beside it was a photo of him kneeling as he took one of the rings and slipped it on Hermione's finger. Below the two larger pictures was him standing up declaring his bid of one million galleons and beside it was a photo of Hermione standing on the stage.


Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: Engaged at last!

By: Luna Lovegood

Last night at the Ministry of Magic's auction, a historic event took place that will shape the wizarding world's future and next generations.

With 20 ladies off to be auctioned with the winning bidders to get a chance to spend one week with the lady of their choice, the night was expected to be a success. Proceeds from the auction will be for the benefit of Hogwarts, war victims and incapacitated heroes, and St. Mungo's. The event gathered a total of one million and nine hundred fifty thousand galleons from the auction. While this indeed is a huge amount, the biggest shocker of the night was that the first lady to be auctioned, Hermione Jean Granger, was sold to her long time best friend, the newly instated Lord Potter-Black, Harry Potter for one million galleons after a crazy bidding war amongst the men present.

After signing off the check and giving it to the organizers, Harry Potter embraced his best friend and got on one knee as he offered her the Lady Potter and Lady Black engagement rings. The formal betrothal vows were said and Harry Potter then asked Hermione to marry him. She replied with the formal betrothal vows and then Harry Potter sealed the deal with a kiss on his lady's hand. To avoid being hogged by the press, Harry Potter carried his lady away from the venue to possibly start their one week worth of dates together.

We at the Quibbler congratulate Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. We believe that it's a love story that has been shaped from a long friendship that span more than seven years. A friendship that has finally reached its long awaited conclusion.

Hearts of many gentlemen would surely be crushed by this news, but Hermione Jean Granger is completely off the market. We tip our hats to Harry Potter for his grandiose display of claiming the brightest witch of her generation. It was indeed a proposal that will go down in wizarding history.


Thank you Luna! This will surely contradict whatever speculation and scandalous intrigue that Rita Skeeter will be writing in the Daily Prophet. Harry thought as he promised to buy Luna a good Christmas present and a souvenir from his vacation with Hermione.


All throughout Britain and the rest of the wizarding world, the news of what happened at last night's auction spread like wildfire. Whether you read the Quibbler, the Daily Prophet, or both, the reactions from the front page news is a noteworthy as the event that caused them.


-George Weasley wakes up at 6 AM everyday. It's a routine. Get ready, have breakfast, and open WWW at 8 AM. He may have started to accept his twin's death, but there is still an aching void in his heart. He can't even remember the last time he had a heartfelt laugh. His laughter now had a hollow in it ever since Fred died. He never thought that he would finally laugh - a real and an unfake one - today. While eating breakfast, an owl came in from the window to deliver his copy of the Daily Prophet. When he read the headline, his jaw dropped.

Hermione Granger sold to Harry Potter for one million galleons!

Boy-Who-Lived betrothed to Brightest Witch of the Generation!

By: Rita Skeeter

George read the article and then took a closer at the two photos, the first one with Harry on his knees and the second one with Harry carrying Hermione and running away from the venue. And then laughed! He laughed his first real laugh!

"Oh ickle Harrykins! You dog you! I can't believe you pulled a prank on Hermione and claimed her for the entire wizarding world to see!", he shook his head and laughed once again.


It's going to be a relaxing day for the Hogwarts staff today since majority of the students signed up to leave the school for the two week Easter break. The headmistress could feel the excitement of the students as they eat their breakfast and chat with one another. The arrival of the owls that deliver the daily news increased that excitement to a whole new level. The gossip spread all throughout the four house tables with a buzz. As the headmistress read her copies of the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler, she know understood the excitement. She herself couldn't help contain her excitement as she hurriedly finished her breakfast and returned to her office. She had to talk to two portraits. Oh, Albus! You so owe me those galleons. Snape would probably be bitter about this.

"Albus! Severus! Wake up.", the current headmistress, Minerva McGonagall called to the two portraits.

"What can I do for you Minerva?", Albus Dumbledore's portrait said his eyes twinkling. Meanwhile Severus Snape's portrait just crossed its arms and looked down at the current headmistress.

"Exciting news. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger got engaged last night!", she informed the portraits.

"Really? You awakened our portraits just to tell us this information?", Snape said with a sneer.

"Come now, Severus. Surely this news is exciting to you as well.", Dumbledore said.

"If I were alive, this news would prove beneficial for me since I would've won the bet. But since I'm dead, I can't see why this news is important to me.", Snape said with a huff.

"Well Albus, it seems you owe me and Severus. After all, we got the bet right. Mr. Potter got together with Ms. Granger. As I recall, your bet was to Ms. Weasley.", McGonagall bragged.

"Please! If I were alive, you'd still have lost Minerva. Your bet was they would get together after Hogwarts. Mine was during their seventh year.", Snape sneered.

"No matter. Isn't it a happy news?", McGonagall said.

"Tell us how it happened, Minerva.", Albus said with excitement.

"Yes tell us how that idiot Potter finally got together with Granger. I expected more from Granger but as it turns out, she'd fallen to that ridiculous Potter charm.", Snape said.

Minerva informed them what she has read in the Prophet and the Quibbler highlighting on the photos in the Ministry auction.

"Curious. It seems Mr. Potter is in love with Ms. Granger but the latter hasn't showed the same sentiments. If I understand correctly from what you've shared Minerva.", Albus said.

"I agree Albus. But still, don't those two remind you of James and Lily don't you think so?", McGonagall said.

"Yes, yes. The Quidditch goofball Potter getting together with the intellectual beauty. What is it with those Potters always getting together with the best girls?", Snape sighed.

"Do you remember Albus, how Harry Potter's grandfather used to send howlers filled with compliments to the lady he ended up marrying? And also how James Potter kept on chasing Lily Evans and how he ended up proposing during the graduation?", McGonagall reminisced.

"You're right Minerva. I've seen four generations of Potter men in my time here at Hogwarts but Harry's proposal to Ms. Granger and how they got together is indeed the most outrageous!", Albus laughed.

"I hope the next Potter sprog with be a female then. I'd rather have a little know-it-all female Potter like Hermione Granger coming here than to endure another male Potter.", Snape said making Dumbledore's portrait laugh.

"Well, I hope I'm retired by the time the next Potter comes to Hogwarts. Can you imagine? Harry Potter's knack for attracting trouble and Hermione Granger's cunning and genius?", McGonagall said with a shiver.

"Yes indeed my dear! Best to have retired by then.", Dumbledore said.


Ron, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Dean, and Seamus shared a compartment in the Hogwarts Express bound for Kings Cross Station. They were chatting, playing exploding snap, and sharing chocolate frog cards.

"Hey! Luna and I won the bet on Harry and Hermione! Pay up you lot.", Ron said in the middle of their game.

"What? You haven't won yet Ron. There are no wedding date details yet. Your bet is only halfway correct.", Seamus said.

"Yeah! The may marry in three years or something.", Ginny added.

"Please! You're just avoiding having to pay up 10 galleons to both Luna and me.", Ron snorted.

"Might as well just pay up now guys. You know how Harry's never gonna settle until he makes Hermione his wife.", Neville agreed.

"You may be right Nev, but I'll only pay up when the wedding date is final.", Seamus said.

"You know I still can't believe the stunt Harry pulled off at that auction!", Dean said.

"True mate. You guys are certain the Prophet never lied and exaggerated right? What's on the paper is what really happened?", Seamus asked Neville, Ron, and Ginny who were present.

"Rita Skeeter didn't lie this time mate. What she wrote was all true.", Ron said and Neville nodded.

"Damn! Who knew Harry would do something like that?", Dean said.

"Who in their right mind would spend one million galleons to bid on a girl!", Seamus said shaking his head with disbelief.

"I know mate. Neville and I were just sitting at the table we shared with Harry and just looked at him like he's crazy.", Ron agreed.

"Who would have thought Harry was rich? He never does seem like the type. The bloke's clothes never seem to fit him right and all.", Dean said.

"I knew Harry had money. I'd seen his vault once. But I never knew he was crazy rich. I mean one million galleons!", Ron said.

"Harry claimed his lordships, Ron. The vault you clearly saw was just his trust vault. The money there is just for his Hogwarts schooling. By wearing his lord rings, it means he know has full access to all Potter and Black vaults.", Neville explained.

"That makes sense Nev.", Dean said.

"Still! The one million galleons, proposing in public, carrying Hermione away... damn! Who ever thought Harry was like that? I mean I know his whipped. I just never thought he was THAT WHIPPED!", Seamus said.

"Harry's just threatened that's why he has to claim his position as the alpha to show the competition he's the one deserves Hermione.", Luna said.

"How did you know that?", Ron asked.

"What? You didn't know about the betrothal offers Hermione got?", Luna said.

"Now that makes more sense. Harry was threatened by the betrothal offers so he snatched Hermione up before any of them other blokes come taking her away.", Ginny said.

"That's right! I'm sure the males here understand. Caveman instincts are instilled in your minds after all. Harry just showed a normal male reaction.", Luna looked at the boys in the compartment.

"Well, with the events clearly documented in the papers, no other bloke would surely get ideas with Hermione now with that stunt Harry pulled.", Seamus said.

"True mate. Who would go against Harry Potter, slayer of Voldemort and a bloody lord too!", Dean agreed.

"Crazy bloke indeed who would go against Harry on this one!", Neville said.


-In a compartment not so far away, six Hogwarts boys were sitting together also discussing what they read on the paper. They weren't feeling happy though. In fact, the news got them so scared they might as well not return to Hogwarts after Easter break. You see, these boys were the infamous group who wrote the comments on the list - The Top 10 Sexiest Witches in Hogwarts for 1998 (official results).

"You guys think we should transfer to Beauxbatons or something?"

"What you talking 'bout mate?"

"Harry Potter got engaged to Hermione Granger! Haven't you read in the paper?"


"Are you an idiot! That means he'll go insane when he sees us. The blasted list, remember?"

"He promised not to attack us. He told the Great Hall that!"

"We'll just have to spend the remainder of this school year as far away from Hermione Granger as possible."

"Mate! It's Harry Potter! What if when we're all sitting in the Great Hall he could read our thoughts. He might know legillimency."

"No way! You're still harbouring thoughts about Hermione Granger!"

"I'm sure Potter will understand mate. Hermione Granger is damn fine after all. As long as you don't wank -"

"Shit! You're still wanking to thoughts of Hermione Granger? You crazy? Potter's gonna kill you!"

"You're not telling him are you?"

"Mate! Legillimency. You're probably a dead man walking already."

"I might have to transfer to another school after all. But can you blame me though? Hermione Granger is gorgeous!"

"Dude! No matter how gorgeous, if you want to live longer, never get into Harry Potter's bad side."

"I've stopped wanking to thoughts of Hermione Granger after the threat Potter made. You'd better wisen up and clean your act before Potter reads your thoughts. This may be the only thing that could save you if you wanna remain in Hogwarts."

"I guess my dick better say goodbye to Hermione Granger then."

"Dude! You're dick need not say goodbye since its never actually met Hermione in real life. It's just your fantasy mate."

"Besides, it's Potter's dick that will be spending quality time with Hermione Granger forever."

"True mate! Potter spent one million galleons and carried her away. He might as well get his money's worth."

"Well, it's best to acknowledge we've lost to Harry Potter mate. So let's raise a toast. Here is to Harry Potter, the Lord Potter-Black! The one bloke who finally gets to claim the Hermione Granger. To Harry bloody Potter, the luckiest bastard in the wizarding world!"

"To Harry Potter!", the boys raised their hands as if holding a glass and then clasped their raised hands all together. As they raised their hands, they marked the moment that they finally accepted Hermione Granger will never be theirs both in reality and even their dreams.


In another compartment, Draco Malfoy sat alone and read the Daily Prophet once again. He still couldn't believe the stunt Potter pulled! I guess I now understood why Hermione rejected my betrothal offer. Who could hold a candle against Potter in her eyes?

He still couldn't believe Harry Potter spent one million galleons for just a bloody auction. Potter was never one to display his wealth after all and he obviously hated fame and attention. The stunt at the auction however is a stunt worthy of a Malfoy move. Bloke must love Granger so much to act like that!

He couldn't blame Potter's actions though. Hermione Granger is his generation's fantasy witch, she is or rather was the greatest catch. In the wizarding world, the wizard who gets to marry the most powerful witch is seen as the alpha. The alpha who every other wizard envies. The alpha who will breed the most powerful children to strengthen his bloodline. Hermione Granger is not only powerful but she's also the most brilliant. Never has there been a more popular witch in modern history. She's the greatest catch of them all and would certainly hold that title for centuries. And damn Potter for bagging the ultimate prize in the wizarding world!

He always thought that by showing off his wealth and winning Granger at the auction, he could convince her to rethink her betrothal choice and accept him instead. He thought it all out. But then, Harry Potter, the Lord Potter-Black and apparently the richest wizard in Britain foiled his plans. The Malfoys are very rich but even he knew that spending one million galleons was too much. Well not too much for Potter that's obvious.

Potter then crushed his hopes when he made the betrothal official in front of everyone at the auction. Harry Potter claimed his future Lady Potter-Black, finally declaring to all wizards that he is the alpha. By marrying Hermione Granger, the Potter and Black blood lines will produce the most powerful children of the next generation. Harry Potter just seemed to have everything Draco Malfoy wants! I've always fancied Granger especially after she slapped me in the face. Her intelligence and power always attracted me despite her being a muggleborn. If only I treated her with respect, there might be a chance that she would've picked me. Maybe... Nah! This is just wishful thinking! Hermione Granger will always choose Harry Potter. Even the Weasel never stood a chance. He looked at the photos in the paper once again. Congratulations Harry Potter! You are indeed the true alpha.


Bill and Fleur Weasley were snuggling on their bed just enjoying the quiet of the weekend. It's a time for them to just be lazy around their cottage.

"Bill? Maybe we should arrange a future betrothal for one of our babies to Harry and Hermione's future children?", Fleur said as she caressed her little baby bump.

"What do you mean, my sweet?", Bill asked looking at his wife.

"I was just thinking about how powerful their children could be. It's in my veela heritage to be attracted to the most powerful partner. I guess it's a way to ensure the best for our babies, that's all.", Fleur said.

"Well, let's not think about those things yet. They just got officially engaged last night!", he replied.

"You're right. I'm really happy for 'Arry and 'Ermione! I always thought they would end up with each other.", she said with a smile.

"Me too, my sweet. Although, I don't think they would have children right away though. Hermione would probably want to start a career first.", Bill said.

"Have you seen the way 'Arry looks at 'Ermione in that picture? There's no way she wouldn't get pregnant right away after the wedding.", Fleur said with a knowing smile.

"How could you say that?"

"Veela magic, my love. I've always felt it with the two of them around. She's the reason why he is immune to my veela allure even during the TriWiz. 'Arry always looked at 'Ermione with respect and affection. But the picture in the papers? I've never seen 'Arry look at her like that. 'Ermione is in for a hell of a wedding night. A man who looks at a woman like that is bound to make her pregnant as soon as possible. Harry Potter is the most powerful wizard alive, Bill. His magic would induce him to mate and produce heirs with his wife. 'Ermione doesn't stand a chance. Didn't you know that the most powerful of wizards can break the effects of any form of contraception both magical and muggle?", she asked her husband.

"Really? I didn't know that."

"It's the reason why Veela is attracted to power Bill."

"Well considering how Harry reacts around blokes who ogle Hermione, his effort to get her to sign the betrothal agreement, and what happened in the auction, Hermione better be prepared to have as many children as possible. I've never seen a man act like that around a woman before."

"Very true my love. Very true."

"They do make the perfect couple don't they? Best of friends. Most powerful wizard and the brightest witch."

"They're perfect for each other Bill. Just like you and me.", and Fleur kissed her husband on the lips.


-Cho Chang looked at the front page of the Daily Prophet and smiled. As she read the article, she couldn't help but laugh. Finally! Harry admits to himself the reason as to why he left me during our date in his fifth year to meet Hermione Granger. It's about time that boy figured it out!

As she took a closer look at the picture she couldn't help but sigh and think of Cedric wondering if he ever looked at her the way Harry is looking at Hermione in the picture. If Cedric were still alive would we still be together? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten together with Harry if he were. Cho liked Harry when she was at Hogwarts. He's the boy-who-lived after all. Plus, he was really cute. He had this boyish charm and his eyes were beautiful. He also treated girls with respect. There was just a downside to him - Hermione Jean Granger. Harry Potter always had her as the main girl in his life making it hard for any girlfriend to adapt. Back then, she was always jealous of Harry's friendship with Hermione. Harry always put her first - always seeking her opinions, glancing at her to check if she was alright, and catering to her every whim. Who leaves a date to meet with a best friend anyway? And a female best friend at that! After that disastrous date, she realized that she could never compete with Hermione Granger. She is the number one girl in Harry's life. She actually expected that they would get together after that but then Harry dated Ginny Weasley for a short time in his sixth year. When this happened, she was actually confused. It seemed Harry was still going for the popular, pretty, and athletic types after all. During the final battle, she saw Ginny and Harry kiss. At that time she thought maybe Ginny succeeded where she had failed - stealing Hermione Granger's spot as the most important girl in his life. But Ginny obviously failed as well since rumors spread around that Harry is never seen with the same girl during Hogsmeade weekends. And then this article in the paper happened!

"I wonder what made Harry realize his feelings for Hermione?", she thought out loud as she stared at the picture again. Damn! Hermione Granger looks stunning in this picture. Maybe that's the reason! He finally saw how gorgeous she was. As she looked back in her Hogwarts days, she recalled what Hermione Granger used to look like. She once noticed Hermione when she was a fourth year playing against Harry in Quidditch. She saw the girl who hugged him after winning the game. She asked around and learned she was his best friend. Hermione Granger - the smartest witch who ever came to Hogwarts in recent centuries. Back then she was bushy haired with prominent front teeth. When the Yule Ball came, like everyone else she was stunned to see the beautiful know-it-all on the arm of Viktor Krum as the belle of the ball. Since then, Hermione grew even more beautiful. It still does not explain Harry's outrageous behavior though! Harry was a shy boy who can't even talk to girls without blushing before. And now, this display at the auction seems so out of character. Harry must be desperate to resort to such caveman actions. And then it hit her! Of course, for the bid to reach one million galleons, there must be a lot of competition for Hermione not just during the auction but wherever she goes. Now I understand.

Hermione Jean Granger is indeed one lucky girl to capture the heart of Harry Potter, her second boyfriend. But then again, Harry Potter was always Hermione Granger's. Even when Hermione didn't know it yet. After all, why else did I suffer that ridiculous date with Harry just to listen to him talk about his brilliant best friend. She sighed. If only someone could love me like that...


-Meanwhile in a manor in Bulgaria, Viktor Krum sat with his father and mother for dinner and they talked about the events at the auction.

"Well Viktor, it seems that Harry Potter has beaten you again. This time for the ultimate prize in the wizarding world. The opportunity to father the most powerful witches and wizards of the next generation.", Lord Krum said.

"At least we know now who Ms. Granger selected dear and why she rejected our Viktor.", Lady Krum said.

"Please excuse me father, mother.", Viktor left the dining room and grabbed his Firebolt for a fly around the Quidditch pitch. As he was flying and chasing after the snitch, his thoughts were lost to Hermione Granger.

I first saw Hermione Granger in the Hogwarts library. She sat in a corner and was biting the tip of her quill as she read a large tome. Her facial expressions were so adorable. She was a pretty young lady. Hogwarts and Beauxbatons had a lot of pretty girls but only Hermione Granger seemed to ignore his charms. In fact she glared at him since his fangirls are so loud as they try to catch his attentions in the library. So he came to the library frequently to just watch her study. I then observed she was very close to Harry Potter, his competitor. She helped him a lot and she was his number one supporter. She was his best friend. So he kept on observing her. When the Yule Ball was announced, he was more astute in making observations. He wanted to ask her to be his date but decided to see if she got together with Potter. When he heard Hermione advice Potter on how to ask another girl, he waited for the right moment and asked her out. Hermione Granger said yes and they became friends after that. She was also the belle of the ball. She was his hostage for the second task but she fussed on Potter afterwards. He asked Potter of what their relationship was, and Potter assured him they were friends. Harry Potter went to win the Quidditch cup and he left Hogwarts with the knowledge that he met a good friend in Hermione. She apparently became his girlfriend though they never made it official. She admitted he was her first kiss and they casually wrote letters. And then Potter defeated Voldemort with his friends. Potter became even more famous and with him acknowledging Hermione's efforts, she became a legend as well. That was how she became the most sought after witch in the wizarding world. She was the triple threat - Beauty, Brains, and Power. So of course his father wanted him to marry her. He really thought he had a very good chance. And then Potter came in and stole the Golden Snitch right under his nose.

Hermione Granger is like the Golden Snitch in Quidditch. There are many other balls that the audience take their focus on - the quaffle and the bludgers. The audience doesn't really care much about the snitch until the seeker sees it and makes the desperate attempt to catch it. Just like Hermione Granger, the other boys never noticed her. She just blended in and hidden her beauty from the world. But when she shows her glitter, like the golden shimmer of the snitch, all eyes are on her and the chase begins. There were a lot of seekers out to catch Hermione Granger. He always knew that. But of all the seekers, why does it have to be Harry Potter? Harry Potter beat him in the TriWiz tournament that he could accept. But losing Hermione, is a much harder loss to bear.


-Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt woke up feeling a happy. The ministry auction was a huge success and they gathered a lot of money for its intended purposes. He owed the huge success to Harry Potter's very charitable donation - one million galleons! Nah! I actually owe the success to Hermione Granger. Harry would never spend that much on any other girl even for charity. Hell! Harry wouldn't even join the bidding if it weren't for Hermione.

The minister felt happy since they could now progress further in rebuilding the wizarding world from the money raised. Once again Harry Potter has sacrificed a lot for the community. Is it really a sacrifice though or did Harry just lost it and finally made claim on his lady?

"Thank you Hermione Granger for capturing the heart of the richest wizard in Britain!", he said with a laugh as he read the front page headlines. Damn! Who knew Harry Potter could be such a caveman? I pity the blokes who even dare to look at Hermione Granger.


-In a house in Crawley, Dan Granger held a copy of the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler with his face all pale. This cannot be happening! My princess is engaged!

"Dan? Are you alright? Is Hermione hurt? What's wrong?", Emma Granger asked. They have subscribed to the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler after they regained their memories to get updates on what's going on in their daughter's world. After all, Hermione gets featured in the paper quite often and proud parents that they are, they keep the articles in a scrapbook.

"Dear, I think I know now where Hermione got the money she gave us in paying for your treatments.", Dan said and handed the paper to his wife.

"Oh my! Hermione is engaged! And to Harry at that!", Emma exclaimed.

"I thought this Harry was just her best friend. And how come this boy is rich? Pulling out a million galleons like that just to win a bid on our girl. Emma, that's a bloody expensive date - almost 40 million pounds sterling!", Dan said in shock.

"Well Dan, apparently Harry is a Lord. He has two lordships in fact. He's now known as Lord Potter-Black.", Emma said as she read the paper.

"That makes sense! Hermione! Just nineteen! Engaged! To a bloody Lord!", Dan said hyperventilating.

"Honey, calm down. Deep breaths. Take a seat.", his wife said.

"How could they be engaged? They are not even dating. Has Hermione said something to you?", Dan said as he regained his composure.

"No honey. She said Harry was her best friend and that he thinks of her like a sister.", she shared to her husband.

"Well, there is no damned way a brother would propose marriage to his sister and look at her like that! Just look at the pictures, Emma! That bloke is going to eat our daughter for breakfast! And he's taken her away from God knows where. My baby!", Dan said clearly upset again.

"Oh hush! Harry is a gentleman. You know that. They've shared a bloody tent alone before for many months and he's never done anything to our daughter."

"But... but... they're engaged now and you know how hormonal teenage blokes are.",

"I'm sure they're alright dear. We'll surely hear from Hermione soon."

"Do you think this Harry loves our daughter? Do you think he'll treat her right?"

"I'm sure Harry loves her dear. And I'm absolutely certain he'll treat her right! Do you remember that he saved her life when he was just eleven?"

"I guess you're right. I just can't believe it though."

"I know dear. Hermione never even said that she fancied Harry or that Harry fancied her or something. It's always 'Harry's the bestest friend anyone could ask for' or 'how can I help Harry' or 'Harry needs advice with girls. What should I tell him?' And know they're engaged!"

"Maybe Harry's always been in love with her and she just didn't know it.", Dan said with a sigh.

"Hermione may be the smartest witch of the age, but she sure is dumb about feelings. This man is so in love with her and she still thinks he's just marrying her to help us.", his wife replied.

"Well dear, it takes a very strong man to marry our Hermione indeed. If Harry didn't use whatever means to 'trap' her, they wouldn't end up being engaged. That daughter of yours is too stubborn for her own good."

"You're right darling.", Emma kissed her husband on the cheek.

"Now all we have to do is wait for news from Hermione and meet this Harry.", Dan said with a huff causing his wife to laugh.

"You've already met him before dear. And we know a lot about Harry from what Hermione told us."

"Well the last time I met him was during the summer before their second year and Harry was just a skinny bespectacled kid with clothes too big for him. And now, he's our daughter's fiance who is a bloody lord!"


-Harry Potter and Hermione Granger enjoyed a wonderful morning just strolling around Paris enjoying the museums and the food.

"Hermione? Do you want to visit the wizarding shops here? I need to buy something.", Harry told Hermione after they had lunch in one of the bistros. I need to buy a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Sure, Harry! Let's go!", Hermione grabbed his hand and lead them to the hidden wizarding shops in Paris. Hermione's been taking the lead since she's visited Paris before and Harry happily followed her around.

"Monsieur Potter! Mademoiselle Granger!", the wizards and witches whispered as they walked around the shops. Harry and Hermione felt awkward being stared at but they carried on. Hermione dragged him to one of the bookshops and he just followed. He needs a copy of the paper anyway.

Harry headed for the newsstands and Hermione walked around the bookstore with excitement.


Hermione Granger sold to Harry Potter for one million galleons!

Boy-Who-Lived betrothed to Brightest Witch of the Generation!

By: Rita Skeeter

At last night's auction held by the Ministry of Magic, Harry James Potter, the newly instated Lord Potter-Black, made his debut into his lordships with a very expensive bang! Harry Potter bought a week's worth of Hermione Jean Granger's time for one million galleons!

Miss Granger one of the twenty ladies auctioned was expected to be a bid favorite with her being the brains of the Golden Trio. What's not expected however is her attending the auction with a show stopping dress that displayed her beauty and backside to perfection. (For details on who's wearing who at the auction see page 6)

The greatest shock of the night was the bid war for Ms. Granger that immediately started even before the lady entered the stage. The first bid was 1,000 galleons and it quickly escalated after that. Prominent males vied for Ms. Granger such as her ex-beau Viktor Krum, Scion Draco Malfoy, muggleborn royal Justin Finch-Fletchley heir to the Earl of Rosslyn, and fifty year old bachelor, Lord Devereaux from Italy. As the bids start to rise, the new Lord Potter-Black entered the bid war as he placed 100,000 galleons which caused everyone in the venue to stare at him in shock. Ms. Granger herself couldn't hide the shock on her face!

The bid war ended when Harry Potter clearly fed up from the excessive display of testosterone and arrogance, stood up and loudly stated, "one million galleons" and giving Draco Malfoy and Lord Devereaux his signature Avada Kedavra glare.

Then the next shock of the night came. Harry Potter went down on his knees, grabbed Ms. Granger's hand and uttered the words to formalize a betrothal for his houses, the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter and the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. After slipping the rings on his lady's left hand, he then look into her eyes and asked, "Will you marry me Hermione?"

After replying to the formalized betrothal acceptance, Ms. Granger and Lord Potter-Black shared an embrace and the lord kissed the hand of his betrothed. Harry Potter lifted his lady in a bridal carry and left the auction.

Nobody knows where the couple went and their friends gave no comment when asked for details. But one thing is for sure, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are both off the market as they officially ended their status as being the most eligible witch and wizard of this generation with their engagement last night.


"That'll show the world who my goddess belongs to.", Harry said as he finished reading the article. Hermione approached him carrying 5 large tomes.

"Woah! 'Mione! Easy on the books.", he said as he helped her out.

"But...but... these are rare finds.", Hermione defended herself.

"Mione we own lots of books. Both from the Potter and Black libraries. Don't buy too much yet since you have your own library.", he whispered in her ear making her blush.

"Sorry. I didn't know.", she said looking at him.

"It's fine. Let's just get these for now. No more buying for you before we check out the libraries. Okay?", he said as he placed an arm around her waist.

"Is that the Prophet?", Hermione asked him and he nodded. When she looked at the front page she glared at him and Harry gulped.

"Harry Potter! Look at what you did! This is so embarrassing!", Hermione grabbed his left ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go Hermione!", he pleaded.

"Will talk about this later.", she glared at him.

"Yes dear.", he said with a pout causing the cashier to laugh.

"You're such a cute couple.", the cashier said as he handed their purchases to Harry.

"Thanks!", he grinned and Hermione elbowed him.

"Jeez woman!", he said as he grabbed her hand and heard her mutter words like Prophet, caveman, crazy men which made him laugh.


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