
Da kaylay13

18 3 2

Before anything else is explained, let me start off by saying: I am not crazy. The word crazy, in my opinion... Altro

Vanessa (1)
Vanessa (2)

Vanessa (3)

3 0 0
Da kaylay13

Jolts of electricity shooting through my body, each one more painful than the last. This makes 12.

"Three, two, one!"


"Another volt, until she learns her lesson! Now, Sheila!" Fourteen.

Fifteen. "You brought this upon yourself, Vanessa. You shan't act up again. I will make sure of it." A snarl of a female voice. Esther...

At this point, there is no way I can move, the volts numbing my limbs. My sense of touch weakens, not even the wooden chair I sit in feels uncomftorable anymore; does not feel like anything. Nothing but pain jolts up my body. Metal strapped to my head and torso, keeping me in place.

Helplessness consumes me. The Volt Room. Where they take patients who 'have not behaved properly."

Where they take patients who are me. This is my personal discipline room.

I cannot see. My entire body is in pain. Willing myself is impossible, not even She can help me. My heart is beating irregularly. I need to get out of here....!

"That's enough.... Turn it off!" My ears going in and out of hearing, as my vision, and I see a figure coming towards me, before I black out completely.

"Bring her to her--"

- /////////////////// -

I can see nothing but black, but voices cloud my head, a conversation, a plead for mercy seems like. Someone is dying.

"Such a nice prize... a baby. My lady will be most pleased."

"Don't you touch her! Don't you touch her or I will kill you! I swear it!" Is someone being taken away? Someone is kidnapping a baby!

The voice laughs. A female. "How rude to someone who is volunteering to raise her after... you're gone." Is the woman going to kill the baby?

"Don't come near her!! Damn you, damn you to hell!! No, no, my baby!! Don't take my baby!!!" A crying, dying, female voice. "Please!! NO!!"

"Kill them."

- //////////////////// -

"Vanessa? Vanessa wake up!" Something touches me, then quickly retracts.

"Ow! Her body shocked me..." a voice curses. I am not dead.

"Vanessa!!!!" My eyes snap open, and I see kind, blue eyes looking back at me. Laura...?

"Oh thank God you are alright!" She quickly grabs and embraces me. What is this called again? A hug.

Laura is blonde like Esther, but Laura's hair is almost white blonde and is straight, going down to her waist. She is a bit heavy-set, has long eyelashes and is about 5"5. She is one of the younger nurses, but has grown up in this hospital, and knows this place almost as well as Esther herself.

I look around, no longer in my room but in a hospital bed. There are two windows and the sunlight nearly blinds me. A door is on the right of my large room, and has a window next to it, and I can see people walking past my room. There are two security guards outside.

How did I end up here?

My body still in a dulling pain, but not as much whereas I can not move.

What the hell was that dream? A baby getting kidnapped.... a mother dying? Where the hell did that come from?

Laura lets go of me and wipes my hair from my face. "You must be starving!" She frowns. "The one day I come late and they nearly kill you!"

My stomach growls at the mention of food. How long have I been out? Hours, it feels like...

As if on cue, Laura answers, "You've been out for a few days, Vanessa. Had me worried you were gone for good! I prayed that you would come back everyday until you did."

"Food...." my stomach feels like it is eating itself.

"Oh! Right!" Laura reaches behind and picks up a warm plate of what looks like a brown disk between two pieces of bread, next to little sliced golden-yellow slices. What are those?

Laura smiles, "It is called a hamburger with a side of fries. It is yummy, see?" She takes a fry from my plate and puts it in her mouth and chews it. I stare at her, then at the plate curiously.

She places the plate on my lap. "You hold the hamburger with both hands, and bite into it." She demonstrates holding it, and puts it in my hands to hold myself.

I sniff at the burger, it smells good. I bite into it.

"I like this," I take some fries and stuff them into my mouth. Laura laughs, the very sound putting me at ease.

"When I found you out-cold, you needed to be taken care of right away. Esther was not able to stop me from bringing you to the emergency room upstairs. I know it has been awhile since you've seen sunlight." She turns around to look at the two security guards outside the door and back at me.

"Esther wanted to make sure nothing bad happens, to 'ensure safety upon you so you won't hurt yourselves or anyone' . What a load of--" she pauses, looking up at the ceiling. "Forgive me, Father."

Laura takes my plate away from me, as I finish my food, not leaving a single crumb left.

"So I have someone I want you to meet. His name is Jared, and he is another friend of mine. I talk about you nonstop, and he is dying to meet you! He is a nice guy, and I think you will get along nicely!" She stands up from my bed and straightens out her green sweater and light jeans.

Nodding, Laura smiles again, her teeth flashing. "Great!" She chirps. "I'll go get him now. He should be waiting in the lobby. I will be right back, honey." She pecks me on the forehead and walks out the door.

Looking at my right hand, the IV connected to it to numb my body of whatever pain I am should be feeling. Anger boils in me, as I recall what happened that got me in here. We will kill Esther if it is the last thing we ever do. That bitch is going down. An electric chair will not stop me.

The window to the far left cracks a bit.

The door jiggles, and Laura walks back in with a tall man behind her. This must be Jared. He smiles at me, almost the same kindness as Laura.

"You must be Vanessa," Jared is a tall but large man. He looks about 200 pounds, and has short brown hair and piercing green eyes that make me a bit uneasy. He wears a brown leather jacket, white sweater and dark blue jeans. His face has hair on it almost everywhere including his chin and in between his mouth and nose. His large hands are are at his side.

"I'm Jared, I have heard so much about you."

- //////////////// -

So I apologize for the lie I made in the previous chapter. I said I would update soon but it has been a year so... but I did start, just hadn't finished but never late than never, right?

-Bobbi (a.k.a. the girl who had went through a lot inthe past year and honestly didn't think to update)

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