disguised ➵ hyunjin

بواسطة -KOOSXNZ

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He was a curious boy until he knew the truth. المزيد

s t o r y • l i n e
- o n e -
- t w o -
- f o u r -
- f i v e -
- s i x -
- s e v e n -
- e i g h t -
- n i n e -
- t e n -
- e l e v e n -
- t w e l v e -
- t h i r t e e n -
- f o u r t e e n -
- f i f t e e n -
- s i x t e e n -
- s e v e n t e e n -
- e i g h t e e n -
- n i n e t e e n -
- t w e n t y -
- t w e n t y . o n e -
- t w e n t y . t w o -
- n o t e -
- t w e n t y . t h r e e -
- t w e n t y . f o u r -
- t w e n t y . f i v e -
- t w e n t y . s i x -
- t w e n t y . s e v e n -
- n o t e -
- t w e n t y . e i g h t -
- t w e n t y . n i n e -
- t h i r t y -
- t h i r t y . o n e -
- t h i r t y . t w o -

- t h r e e -

60 4 2
بواسطة -KOOSXNZ

MyinJi pov.

I woke up being shaked, I opened my eyes lazily and met a girl. When I fully opened my eyes,

"OMO! DARK?!?" I screamed, She just laughed

"Goodmorning Light!" She said, she pulled my arm making me sit up straight.

"Wait..," I said rubbing my eyes so I can clear my vision, "Is that really you?" I asked letting my face go nearer hers so I can clearly see if it was her. Im dumb right?

"Yes, yes its me Sis" She said

I chuckled and then realised, "oh wait school" I said with a poker face.

"Oof? Go on, get dressed" She said then kissed my forehead.

"Shoo shoo!" I said as she closed the door

I went to my bathroom and did a quick routine. Today, I picked a white comfy sweater, inserted, and some black pants. I dont really have a sense of style when it comes to nerdy stuff so I just grab out normal girl clothes.

I didnt forget my hair today, I tied it up to two braids and went down stairs to see my sister talking to my brother.

"Hey sis" Dark said

I sat beside my sister and ate my breakfast. We talked while eating. My sister told me she would drive me to school today, and I agreed.

Me and Dark are inside her car right now, after looking a million times, I just realised it was now customized with rock stars and dark stuffs.

"Wow! I just noticed" I said

"Are you dumb? You were looking around a thousand times already and you just noticed?" She asked, I rolled my eyes and told her to hurry cos I was going to be late.

She turned on the music box and her music was also rocks. I flinched at the beginning because it sounded like a plane crashed.

After some rocking time, we finally reached Gyeomsong. I did my goodbye and went inside the school.

I saw Jaemin and went to him,

"Hi" I said

He flinched a little, "wow, that scared me" he said

"Haha, whats up?" I asked

"Nothing really..," he said "I was also just waiting for you"

"Whats your first class?" I asked

"Errr, Math"

"Wow, good luck with that" I said teasingly

"Math sucks" I chuckled at this moment and then the bell rang.

Me and Jaemin went separate ways, I went to the other side of the building because I was having History.

I hope Hwang isnt here today.

As I went in the classroom, the teacher was already there, preparing its stuffs. He told me to sit down and I did as he said.

Later on, class started and I was thankful Hwang didnt have the same as me. But one of his friends were there. I think thats the Minho guy.

I ignored it and started to take notes of what the teacher was saying and writing on the board


Its now lunchtime and im walking towards the cafeteria. I saw Jaemin waving his hands signaling me to come his way.

I went to him and sat down with people around.

"Guys, meet Myinji" He said, the others smiled and I smiled back

"Hi MyinJi, My names Taeyong" The other one said

"Hello! I'm RenJun" another one said

"Mark Lee" I turned around and saw a boy holding a tray.

"And I'm Park Jisung" A young one said

"Uhh, hi? Im Song MyinJi" I said

"Dont worry, I told them your secret" Jaemin said,

I hit his shoulder, " Yah! Your not suppose to tell anyone that!!" I said to him

"Theyre not just anyone, theyre FRIENDS" He quoted friends and I just rolled my eyes on him

"Its okay Myinji, were trustable" Taeyong guy said

"I guess so," I said

I grabbed a box inside my bag and opened it revealing lots of delicious foods.

"Wow, that looks yummy!" Renjun confessed, this boy sounds like a mess

"My mom cooked it for me" I said "wanna try?" Renjun guy nodded and I just chuckled

They tried my moms dish and I'm glad they liked it.

I became friends with these guys and they were actually really fun to be with. I figured out that Jisung was just a year younger than me, which is not good cause he said he'll start calling me noona.


Schools done and Im in this bench just listening to some noise students are making. I pulled my notebook out and decided to mess with it since im bored. As I grabbed my pen out someone threw it away off my hands.

"What the heck?" I complained

"Aww, is the nerd really strong now?" I looked up and saw Hwang with his friends. I noticed that Minho guy that was also in history this morning.

I glared at him and he chuckled, "whats she going to do?" His friends laughed in the background

I grabbed my pen off the floor but Hwang grabbed my notebook.

I tried to get it back but he was tall. I cant just use my skills and kick his balls out of nowhere.

I gave up and threw my pen on Hyunjin. It hit directly to his forehead making his friends do the 'ouch' look on him.

"Fuck you Hwang" and with that I walked away carrying my bag.

I reached the parking lot and just received a message.

• Unknown •

?: Hey Cassiopea...

me: uhh, whos this?

?: oh its me Jaemin

me: what? How'd you get my number?

Jae: well, I have my ways

me: yeah, fine. But wdyw?

Jae: oh uhh. Idk how to say this but I cant be with u rn. My parents invited some of their workers over and said I have to eat dinner with them as well..

me: its ok. Im on my way home any ways. Thanks for worrying Jaemin!

Jae: my pleasure Cassiopea. Oh and save my number pweash!!

me: ofc! Bye!!!!

Jae: bye!


After saving Jaemins number, I messaged Dark.

• darkkri •

Cas: Hey Sis!!!

Kri: what?

Cas: pick me up!

Kri: what why??

Cas: cmon pick me up!! I want u to pick me up! Palli! Here in the parking lot!!

Kri: no. Let Naios be!

Cas: what? No. Oppa might be busy rn!

Kri: im busy too! Im working on my last project for this year!

Cas: u have tomorrow, the next day & the whole entire year.

Kri: no pls. Let Haeho be!

Cas: but im pretty sure he will bring a luxurious car since father only lets him use that one expensive car!

Kri: still a no.

Cas: come on sis! Its getting late and I have to do my homework!

Kri: uhh, since when did u go worried abt homeworks?

Cas: since NOW! now palli kah!!

Kri: ugh FINE ok? Fine!!!

Cas: yey! Thx. Bye!

Kri: Hmph!!

Ended : 5:44

A few minutes later Dark arrived and I hopped in her car.


Hwang Hyunjin pov.

"Fuck off Hwang"

How dare she swear at me?

This nerd really gets on my nerves.

"Wow! That was cool Hyunjin-ah" Said Jisung who was covering his mouth

"Shut Up you squirell" I gave him a glare before looking at the notebook in my hands. It was plain grey that had the word 'Cassiopea' on with a typewriter font.

Is Cassiopea a name?

Who's Cassiopea?

I thought for a while when Chan hyung spoke.

"Guys lets go now!" He said. I nodded and walked with them


Me, Jeongin, Chan, and Felix are in Chan hyung's car. We decided to go to Minho hyung's house since he said his parents weren't over.

Felix is sitting beside me while Jeongin was at the passenger's seat and hyung was driving.


As we reached Minho hyungs house, we decided to play some video games.

"Yahhh!!! Anii!!"


"Let me win ONCE!!"





"thats rude- AHHH"

"Thats Cheating dont do that!!"



After some noisy games, and seungmin crying because he lost, we decided to play truth or dare. That became DARE or DARE.

"Okay so Dare or Dare Jisung?"

"Uhhhhhhh, dare? No dare. Yeah i'll pick dare" this squirell is totally the dumbest squirell known

"Ok? So tomorrow promise me you'll buy me some pizza" Felix said

"What? No way."

"Then your out of the fun"


"Changbin, I dare you to truth me and tell me whos your crush"

"How's that even possible?"

"Well, it can be possible if you answer it and make it possible by answering it"

"I dont get it"

"Just say whos that freakin' crush of yours"

"I dont have one"

"Ooooh, do you have two?"


"Fine. None."

"You really dont have one?"


"Fine then lets move on. Jeong-"

"Yah its my turn!"


"Okay, Jeongin I dare you to stay up late till 2 am later"

"Yah! Hes just a Kid why would you let a kid do that?" Chan hyung hit Jisungs arm


"Okay this one. Umm Jeongin, I dare you to post a cool picture of me in your instagram saying 'Jisung Hyung is so cool' got it?"

"Uhh, ok"

"No. Say got it."

"Got it."


"Ok my turn!" Felix said

"So Hyunjin Dare or Dare?" He asked in english in a very aussie accent

"get on it already"

"Foin [fine]" (a/n: an aussie ver. be like)

"I dare you to befriend with that nerd and say your sorry" He said

"What? NO. WAY"

"C'mon bro"

"No Felix,"

"Your going to be the only one who doesnt do the dares"

"So what?"




"Yeah, fine fine but just act okay?"


"But what if you do it like in real life not an act?" Seungmin


"Its your choice then"

I rolled my eyes on my friends.

Just act.


I just arrived home and I'm now laying on my bed thinking of what to do.

I just realized I was still wearing the same clothes as the day that nerd told me 'fuck you'. I quickly changed into  a hoodie and some sweatpants to get comfortable.

I was scrolling through instagram when I remembered.


I pulled out Song MyinJi's notebook I had in my backpack and went through it.

Wait! Its not just any notebook, its a DIARY!!

I scanned the pages of the Diary.

Dear Diary,

   Well hello hell! Kidding. Today father told me the whole story of how the 'job' began. I aint saying the job!- Its really interesting that KyuMin married princess Hothea. I'm actually glad that im a part of this family. I mean my family is perfect right now. I dont have anything to say so I guess goodbye!


Uhh, I dont really get it. Whats the job? Whose Kyumin? Umm, a Princess? I thought they only exist in Disney. I got confused but continued on reading.

Dear Diary,

Today, I'm freaking sick. Mom told me not to go to school since my fever is high. Brother stayed with me and we watched netflix together. It was actually just like a normal movie watching thing since he didnt agree on calling Kreselle. I had alot of fun staying home with Mingi. He bought me 5 bags of lays and some pepperoni pizzas. Well, ofc I forced him to. Well thats actually how I spent my day today. Sick, Fun, Netflix, and Stuff. Its 8 in the evening now and im writing in this in useless diary of mine. I hope I will get better soon! Bye bye diary!


Dear Diary,

Today, we had a family gathering. Yes! All of us! I got go see some pictures from old times that Gran Naio bought. He cried, bcos of Meya. I also cried seeing him suffer like that. My family is perfect but not at the same time. We suffer alot since we are a u-know-what family. This day was really fun. I got to make friends with aunty Ashania's new born baby. She was a girl. She was cute. She was perfect. She was adorable. And she was suitable for this family. Aunty Ash told me she still didnt have a proper name and they just call her cupcake, so with that I helped! I asked aunty if I could suggest a name and she said yes! I thought of alot of names since alot can fit the babies pretty face. At first I thought of Emma, but it was too plain. And then I thought of Jemie, still plain. Third thoughts, Addison Perfect but not enough. The baby was just so pretty that even enormous names cant fit her. And finally, AYALLIE. Perfectó. I told my aunt of the name I thought. Ayallie Coral Vallè. She said yes. I was so happy I got to name a living thing that has to live for its entire life and was keeping it till death. I was so happy that the name I made was the name placed on baby cupcakes grave- WAIT WHAT?! NO. No. That was wrong. Yeah totally. Hehe! So it ends here. Bye!


I laughed at the statement this nerd made.

Wait. No im not. This is a nerds words, not cool at all. Never will.

I threw the diary inside my bag and plumped on my bed. But not a few minutes later, my mom called me for dinner.

(a/n: ok. That was IT! Buhbye then..,)

- munchkin -

-  O U T -

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