Nexus (The Demigod Wizard) Pa...

由 5_m0re_minutes

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Harry doesn't know who to trust. It's been a year since his cousin, Percy, disappeared-again. And at the end... 更多

The Last Will and Testament of Albus Dumbledore
The Wedding
The Hunt
The Story
The Taboo
The Assembly
The Break-In
The Locket
The Argument
The Hollow
The Doe
The Manor
The Vault
The Beggining of the End
The Battle of Hogwarts
The Forbidden Forest
The Dawn
The Great Hall
The Flaw in the Plan
The Ending

The Diadem

3.7K 117 40
由 5_m0re_minutes

"Hogwarts?" Hermione gasped. "We can't—we'll be caught!"

Harry started stripping off his freezing cold clothes while the witch pulled out dry ones. "We have no choice. That's where it's at. We have to go now."

"But we need a plan—"

"When have our plans ever worked?" Ron muttered, shucking off his jeans.

Percy willed himself dry. "The point is that's where the Horcrux is. And if He knows we're after them, we don't have much time. We've got to get there first."

Hermione slipped on a dry sweatshirt, looking nervous. But she nodded and held out her hands. The boys took her arms and spun into nothingness.

A horrible shriek split the air as they apparated into Hogsmeade. Percy pushed them down to hide behind a table.

"Bloody hell, what do we do?"

"Potter! Jackson! In here!" A man's voice hissed.

Without waiting, Harry jumped to his feet and ran towards the man. Percy cursed and followed quickly. They ran into the man's home.

The old man shut the door and turned to find Percy's wand at his throat. Harry struggled to roll his eyes—his cousin was suspicious of everyone.

Percy's arm dropped when the man's face was illuminated by the candlelight. "Aberforth!"

"Hello again, boy," the man grunted, pushing past the demigod.

"How—? Who—?" Harry stammered.

"I'm Albus's brother," the man revealed. "And Perseus here liked to bother me with Albus's business two years back."

Percy's face reddened. "We need to get into Hogwarts," he said quickly.

Aberforth sneered. "More work from Albus? His orders will get you killed."

"Okay," Percy agreed.

That was not the response Aberforth was expecting.

"So can you get us in?"

The old man shook his head in disbelief but dutifully walked over to his sister's portrait. Ten minutes later, Neville was leading them through a secret passageway into the school.

They pushed open the portrait door and emerged into a huge room with high arches and hammocks. Harry realized it was the Room of Requirement—and it was packed with people. He recognized his old friends, roommates, members of the DA, and more.

"IT'S HARRY!" Seamus yelled upon seeing him. Harry grinned and jumped down from the portrait hole, followed by Hermione and Ron. People jumped up and cheered, pulling them all into hugs.

But then the room quieted when they saw Percy step into the light. Harry imagined what they must see—Percy, who had disappeared once again. Rumors had circulated that he'd taken on Voldemort 1:1 in the Ministry. That he was Harry's cousin. They saw someone they knew to be extremely powerful, although they had no idea how true that was.

Percy jumped down, his sneakers slamming against the tile floor. He was wearing a white button down with a grey sweater, his black hair windswept like he'd been walking on the beach.

"The war is starting," he announced in an authoritative voice. He stood tall and proud. Harry felt like he was a soldier being commanded. Then he remembered that Percy had actually led armies into war. He'd heard the stories of the Titan War and Giant War. Although this was new to Harry, it was just another day in the life of his cousin.

"The war is here. Voldemort is coming—We can say his name," Percy said louder as people started panicking. "He knows where we are anyway."

"It's true," Harry added. "We have to be ready. But we need to find something. We don't know what or where, but it'll be something small and valuable and could help us defeat Voldemort. Probably something of Ravenclaw's."

"That's nothing to go on."

"I...recognize that."

"What about the diadem?" Luna asked, moving to the front of the group.

"Alright, Harry and Luna, go figure that out," Percy instructed.

Ron leaned over Percy's shoulder. "I just had an idea—I know how to destroy the Cup."

"Brilliant! You two can take care of that."

"What will you do?" Hermione asked aloud.

Percy turned to the fifty students watching him expectantly. "Prepare for war. There are some people I need to call."

They stood in the Great Hall in four squares based on House. Everyone looked down, completely silent, as Snape walked down the aisle.

"It has come to my attention," Snape drawled. "That Harry Potter and Percy Jackson have been spotted in Hogsmeade. If anyone has any knowledge of their whereabouts, they should speak now...or be punished."

The hall was silent for a moment.

Then Harry pushed out of the crowd to a series of gasps. "It seems, despite your exhaustive efforts, Headmaster, you seem to have a security problem. In fact, it's quite extensive."

The doors to the Great Hall opened and the Order of the Phoenix burst in. Percy led them in front, sword belted to his hip and wand in his hand. A bronze breastplate was fastened to his chest along with other light armor. He had a determined expression on his face. Harry through he truly looked ready to lead them into battle.

They made a good pair, the cousins. Harry knew Voldemort's mind. Percy knew war.

At Percy's right side was a figure clad in dark clothes. He had a black metal wand in his fingers, and darkness seemed to curl off his shoulders. Nico.

"How dare you stand there? How dare you stand where he stood?" Harry demanded. He drew his wand and pointed at Snape, who mimicked him.

Percy sprung forward and pushed Harry aside. He and Snape stared at each other tensely, some sort of understanding passing between them. The demigod shot golden light. Snape countered. They began to duel, the strikes hesitant and slow compared to what Harry had seen from them before. Percy struck again, and Snape swirled his robes and flew from the castle.

The hall cheered excitedly, although Harry was suspicious. What was that? Why hadn't Percy tried hard with Snape?

Suddenly, Voldemort's voice boomed throughout the walls. "You prepare to go to war. All this bloodshed need not be. Give me Harry Potter. Bring him to the Forbidden Forest, and you shall be untouched. Lest I will slaughter every man, woman, and child that hides him from me. You have one hour."

Percy turned to McGonagall. "Start setting up the defenses with the teachers," he ordered. Then he turned to Harry.

While Percy had been organizing earlier, Harry had gone to Ravenclaw's ghosts with Luna and discovered where the diadem was—The Room of Requirement. Ron and Hermione had snuck into the Chamber of Secrets and destroyed the cup.

"Let's go," he said to his cousin.

Harry nodded and they sprinted out of the hall, Ron and Hermione behind them.

They ran into the Room of Requirement, searching frantically through the rubbage. Shortly later, Harry was able to locate the diadem. He opened the box it was in.

"Stand down, Potter," a cruel voice spat.

Harry looked up to see Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Go on," Percy snapped, drawing his wand. "Leave. Now."

But Goyle didn't listen. "Die, Mudblood! Avada Kedavra!" He screamed, pointing his wand at Hermione.

Percy jumped in front of her as the witch dove aside. Goyle's eyes widened in horror as he saw the killing curse shatter against the demigod's skin.

"You shouldn't have done that," Percy said murderously, and started chasing Goyle around the corner.

Harry scrambled upwards, the diadem having been tossed atop a pile of furniture in the chaos. Ron and Hermione climbed up with him.

Just as Harry grabbed the diadem and jumped down, Percy started sprinting around the corner. His face was bright with terror and his skin glistened with sweat.

"RUN!" He yelled, grabbing their arms and not slowing down. Harry thought his arm might have been wrenched out of the socket. "RUN!"

Harry was about to ask what was wrong when he saw it.


A huge, fiery lion rounded the corner, opening its mouth filled with sharp teeth. They sprinted faster, avoiding the fire, but what could they do? Fiendfyre was wild, uncontrollable. Especially in a room, a confined space...

They were screwed.


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