The Spring Princess

Von dbcWinter

517 18 61

Grandmere's love triangle, René's constant presence, Sebastiano's job, Lilly and Lana sitting at the same tab... Mehr

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

122 2 19
Von dbcWinter

Thursday, March 27, Lunch

Remember how once upon a time lunch was like the best thing in school?

I know that one of the characteristics of our memory is that it makes things look way better than they actually were when they happened. Therefore, our memories are not really the copies of reality but basically our representations and they include our judgments, thoughts and feelings on the subject. Meaning, none of the things that we remember has happened exactly the way we things they have.

But I still think I am not idolizing lunches in my previous years of high school. I mean, they did not actually include constant talking about colleges, Senor Projects and bickering. These days, there is nothing I wish nothing more than a relaxing lunch talk about the latest Arrow episode or how sad we are that Psych has ended.

Ok, I'd still prefer to have my boyfriend home from Japan but since I am trying not to be a cry baby, I'll focus on things I actually have some control over.

Maybe we are simply growing up and we are realizing that there are more important stuff to talk about than Stephen Amell's abs.

Though sitting with Tina, Lana and Lilly during lunches makes me doubt that we are any more mature than we were 3 years ago.

"I still don't understand why you want to buy those books? They are so expensive, plus, I mean, you can totally get them online or in the libraries!" said Lana when Tina told us she had ordered the complete collection of Brontë books from England.

Lilly, who doesn't like Lana any more than she did when we were Freshmen, of course snapped back.

"I do not expect a Barbie-Wannabe like yourself to understand."

"Whatever," Lana, who feels the same about Lilly, rolled her eyes. "I am just saying, Tina, you could spend money on more important stuff, like new Betsey Johnson bags or something."

"You are impossible to prove a point to," said Lilly, "not everything is about clothing, you know. If people truly lived for sleeping, partying, clothing and reproducing, we would all already die of obesity side effects of cosmetic surgeries before our bodies would even be able to reproduce. It would mean the end of human race. This is why we need stuff like art in our lives. It offers us a different perspective and enriches our existence."

Lana just stared at Lilly with her mouth full of low fat yoghurt.

"I just can't understand why she can't get books from the library, like normal people," she shrugged.

"Well, mainly because I hate waking up at 3 am, wanting to read a book I don't have at home," sighed Tina.

Lana just stared at her with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Why would anyone want..."

"Anything but sleeping, partying, clothing and reproducing, at 3 am? Well, Lana, that's the difference between people like you and Tina," finished Lilly.

"Yeah, I hate to interrupt this very important book discussing," said Trisha, "but have you heard about Jersey Shore?"

"Why would you even want to know what was happening there?" Lilly rolled her eyes. "Haven't you realized yet that MTV shows, such as your Shore 1.0 are completely scripted and fake? You don't seriously think people behave like that, do you? Oh, please, Trisha, you might be naïve enough to believe Coke Zero has less sugar that the regular one but are you really saying that you think MTV shows are an actual and truthful reflection of today's life? It is only being produced so that individuals such as yourself could start behaving stupidly, ignoring their common sense and that precious little intelligence they were born with just so that they could be 'cool' in the eyes of other imbeciles that enjoy the same rubbish on TV. This way the society becomes one big 'in' crowd, nothing but consumers of the crap TV and your Snooki advertises every time she puts some mascara on that fake eyelashes. Moreover, since such a large percentage of population's main concern is whether their butt looks big in the new jeans, they are complete incapable of focusing on real problems. Which is why the government can do whatever they want and nobody does anything to stop it. If it is not mention on MTV, the problem basically doesn't exist for people like you, Trisha. So thank you so much for co-creating this stupid world aspiring people like myself are forced to live in now."

Harsh words from someone who enjoys watching Catfish on regular bases. Even though she insists it's because the host is cute.

"I just don't understand why you can't be a little supporting here, that's all," Trisha blinked, not fully understand what Lilly has just said, "I mean, I totally stood by you when your show started broadcasting in Korea."

Lilly already opened her mouth to shoot back when Kenny (or Kenneth as he likes to be called now) spoke up.

"I'll never understand how you people can talk about books, clothing and reality shows when we are expecting to get letters back from colleges any day now!"

"Well, Kenny, mainly because we still haven't go them and it is kind of pointless to worry about things that still haven't happened," said Lana.

"Still! This will decide our futures!"

"No, I don't think it will make a big change for you - you will still be a nerd no matter where you go," Lana said while finishing her yoghurt.

"I just hope they will grant my application for a single room in the dorm. There's no way I am living with a roomie!" exclaimed Boris.

"Something tells me that even if you do get a roommate, he will be requesting a new room soon," grinned JP and winked at me.

"No way!" repeated Boris.

And he went on and on but I didn't listen. I heard my phone buzzing and I held my breath as I looked at the caller ID. You know, Dad only phones me when there's an emergency and honestly, given Grandmere's love for Sidecar and Gitanes, I wouldn't be surprised if everything simply caught up with her.

But I needn't have worried. When I saw his name written on my hone screen, my face became one giant smile and I didn't care how goofy I looked. I excused myself though I doubt anyone even heard me since they were arguing about potential roommates they might get at college.

I went to the third floor stairwell and answered the phone.

"Hey, beautiful," said Michael.

"Hey," I said with the goofiest smile on my face, because my serotonin levels went through the roof like they do every time I hear his voice. I know, this is not healthy. "Why are you calling? Is everything ok?"

Because, you know, it was like in the middle of the night where he was.

"Everything is fine ... minus the fact that I miss you. I just wanted to hear your voice. And tell you that I love you."

My heart skips a beat every time he says those three words. I will never get tired of hearing them.


"Well, you can do that anytime you want."

"Oh, and just to remind you, don't forget I'm coming home Tuesday."

Right. Like I could forget the date he was FINALLY coming home from Japan for good. I have it circled in my calendar for months now. With dozens of exclamation marks and hearts accompanying it.

"I know Tuesday evening is a school night and everything ..." he went on, "but do you think your Mum will let you go out?"

"Hmmm, Tuesday night?" I repeated and tried to sound worried. Lars who was, as always, listening to my conversation (but I guess he does have a right to do so since he helped Michael and I get back together) chuckled. "I don't think Tuesday night will be good for me. I am already spoken for."

"Oh ... oh, ok," Michael said and I could hear disappointment in his voice.

This was just so cute.

"Yeah ..." I sighed, "I'm seeing my boyfriend for the first time since January so I think I'll spend the evening with him."

Michael didn't say anything for a full minute while Lars was dying of suppressed laughter.

"He's so lucky," Michael smirked, "you're adorable, do you know that? I'll call you in the evening, alright?"

Five Days Till Michael Comes Back.

I guess times really are changing. Sometimes I couldn't wait for the weekend and now I wish nothing more than this stupid weekend passing soon.

Thursday, March 27, G & T

I seriously hate JP right now. His comment regarding Boris' roommate qualities upset Boris so much that he is playing his Maher on the violin so loud that Mrs Hill actually came from the teachers' lounge to tell him to keep it down.

She heard him though the CLOSET door, the CLASSROOM doors and the doors of the TEACHER LOUNGE.

He is only ONE door away from me.

And then I wonder why so many geniuses are attending Albert Einstein High School ! Obviously they get crazy from listening to too much Maher. And since pretty much all the geniuses are crazy (just look at Lilly. And my Mum – she still doesn't know how to prepare pizza in the microwave) I think I just found out the best parenting technique – make your kid listen to classical music and his IQ will be through the roof.

Sadly, I think I am too old to take any advantage of this find.

Though, what would be the point? I've been listening to Maher and Stravinsky for THE LAST FOUR YEARS EVERY SCHOOL DAY and my IQ hasn't experienced any significant increase.

Though it is not like any of my other body parts have been subjected to any other kind of growth.

Thursday, March 27, still G & T


Thursday, March 27, Ray's

I feel sorry for René.

Not only is he a homeless prince (his family got kicked out of Italy years before he was even born and their palace was turned into a home of a shoe designer) – now he doesn't even his party circle anymore. I mean, a lot has changed since Christmas and now he is pretty much alone. His buddies don't have time for all-nighters in dance clubs.

We haven't seen Sebastiano since Christmas. With Michael's help he founded his own company in Los Angeles where he now lives. He is working on his first clothing line which will hopefully finally coming out sometime this summer. Because Grandmere stopped financially supporting him he was forced to get a job. Luckily, he ran into Lady Gaga on the streets of LA and she fell in love with his quirky style (especially his Mohawk) so now he is basically her personal designer (lucky girl). He will be taking care of her image for the next album.

Then in January, René and Harry attended a fashion week in Copenhagen where Harry met his former flame, Nastassja Böhler. While dancing the night away in the hottest club in Northern Europe they realized their flame hadn't gone out completely yet. Which of course means Harry doesn't have time to attend parties on all continents in one week anymore.

René, on the other hand, hasn't found himself a job nor has he hooked up with any of his (numerous) former girlfriends. Since nobody is in Genovia, ready to party and everyone is too busy to be spending time with him, he did the only reasonable thing.

He has moved to the Plaza and is spending as much time as he can with me.

And since I am suffering from altruism, I am of course too kind to tell him to go away. I mean, I like René. He does annoy me half the time but he is fun to be around.

And when your boyfriend is in Japan, having a free entertainer helps.

Grandmere is of course thrilled to have him around. She might have accepted Michael as my boyfriend (ACCEPT doesn't equal liking, though. She would have hated him for what he had done to Sebastiano but since he is now a millionaire, hating him is inappropriate in her books. So, she tolerates him now. Which, I have to admit, while being annoying it is also a tremendous improvement.) but in her mind René is still a perfect consort for me.

Because, you know, he has a title.

And his hair isn't blue anymore (speaking of hair, I am now back to my brownish color. Which kind of saddens me because I really liked the color. After Grandmere got over the whole Arne thing, she got her groove back and said 'princesses do not walk around with pagan hair' and I was dragged to Paolo before the school semester started).

Anyway, René now attends formal events here in New York with us (since Dad is usually unable to come. He is preparing for the elections in Genovia where Antonio, the former employee of the Genovian palace that got fired because of ... hmmm ... of his inappropriate relationship with the royal guests (ok, he sort of co-ruined Grandmere's Christmas party two years ago with Lilly's help) is running against him, with financial aid of Contessa Trevanni who has recovered after embarrassment of last Christmas dinner and now too has gotten her groove of bickering with Grandmere back) while trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life.

And he thinks that hanging out with me is going to help him with that. I have my doubts about that but since a princess is always kind to everyone, I didn't say anything to him.

"So is Michael coming to Genovia in the summer?" he asked my while stuffing pizza in his mouth.

"I guess," I shrugged.

"Good. We could do stuff together."

"I'm sure Harry will stop by," I suggested. I mean, I love René, as much as he can be loved anyway, but I don't want him to be tailing Michael and me.

"He is so wrapped around Nastassja's finger .... And I don't think she likes me very much," sighed René, "but summer is still months away, things might change. Let's change the subject. How is your novel coming along?"

The thing with my Senior Project ... officially it is a History Of Genovian Olive Pressing, Circa 1254-1650 while unofficially, it is a romance novel called Ransom My Heart.

Yeah, I wrote a book and I lie to everyone about it. Even though I have been telling everyone for years that I want to be a writer when I grow up.

But then again, I lie about everything, why would my Senior Project be any different?

Let's just say that I don't feel comfortable having people read my sex scenes.

That's why only a handful of people know about it. Dr K, since it was his idea, way last year, that I start working on something to get my mind off Michael. Michael, of course, because ... I mean, he is Michael. And Sebastiano, Harry and René because ...

Well, just the fact that I am in some ways closer to those guys than to Tina or Lana is a clear indicator that I still need therapy.

Anyway, now that the book is finished and Miss Martinez let it count as my Senior Project and I don't necessarily need writing as a therapy and can simply write because I LOVE IT, well, now certain people wonder what I'll do with the book.

Though, I mean, René is right – I spent so much time on that book and I do want to be a published author one day - so why not try to get it published?

Well .... One of the reasons is that then people will know about it.

Ok, that's the only reason.

And I KNOW that the whole point of being a published author is to be PUBLISHED and READ BY PEOPLE, but ... I don't know, I just don't feel comfortable having people read Ransom My Heart.

I mean, it has sex in.

And yeah, it is just a book and complete fiction (I mean, it is not I am writing about myself. I mean, it is not like I lived in medieval times!), but it is still somewhat personal.

I don't know. Maybe I am just afraid that no one will like it. I mean, Michael says he likes it but come on! He is my BOYFRIEND! Boyfriend's job is to say things like this!

"I told you, René, leave it alone," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just saying. What do you have to lose?"

"Grandmere will freak."

"Yeah, but she freaks out about everything, much like you," he smirked. Then he leant closer to me. "Look, BC, I know what romance stories are all about. I know certain aspects of it might be ... tricky for you. So, if you feel uncomfortable or unsure about them, I will be more than glad to help you out. I mean, to read them and try to improve them for you."

I just stared at him and my jaw dropped.

"René, are you offering to read my sex scenes?!"

"Yeah. Don't look at me like that! Sex in books is a big deal now, just look at Fifty Shades of Grey! You want them to be ... comparable to that."

"I don't want my characters whipping each other - or themselves!" I shrieked.

René raised his hands in surrender.

"I am just trying to help!"

"Well, thank you, René, but I don't think I need your help!"

"I don't think you needing my help would hurt you," he sighed.

Yeah, right. Every time he tries to help I either end up drunk or with orange hair.


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