بواسطة sanook_sulaiman

310 4 3

It's an absolute different type of conversation of a couple set in car , a mystery unravelling throughout. المزيد



217 4 3
بواسطة sanook_sulaiman

The sun was shining much brighter than it was for the last few days, staying upright ogling the not so empty road,yet it wasn't the hottest. The streets were drowsy and gloomy like a pretending girl ,eventhough nothing more delightful an eye could witness than when they does that. A man in his early thirties driving the car ,his wife besides him desperate to speak ,pulled down the creeky sun shield which axed the abominable silence.

"Would it torture?"she asked.

"I don't know, you chose it" the man replied like a protest.

"For whom?"the veins laid along her jaws moved as determined as she was.

"For you ,it came from your fantasy"he said pushing the shield to normal . Way back it didn't make any particular sound.

"have you looted any fortune to grow the kids?"she asked.

The boy in the back seat shoved up his face from the drawing book ,looking the couples back to back, his pencil still dancing like a music in the canvas .Within no time he settled back.

"That's not my point, you know that"the man claimed.

"Oh you thought,you would share from your breath, when the tiny would cry for food then"the lady dwelled in.

"Wasn't i who told ,we would drop after him?"he asked ."..and I was faithful upto my balls."

"What am i bearing then?"she shouted with her both hands pointed to her stomach , which didn't had any sign of what she was justifying, moreover it was very much sincere to her malnourished body.

"Don't raise your voice for God sake, boy understands everything."the man said peeping at the back.

"He should know, the people who ain't capable, isn't meant for those shit."the lady said.

"Why do you bring it each time like it's something new to the table?"he asked."We had weeks of long talk on this."

"You drive me here all the time,"

"If it worries ,you could have checked it with the strip ,"

"I ain't gonna trust medical stuff ,no more. Don't you see what one have bought to me now." the lady said

The man folded his palm to the mouth , resting the elbow of one-hand in the window, handling the steer with the other. His mind stirred in aggression, but he settled with a grumpy smile.

"It's your own stubbornness and out of the world fantasies, that is driving you."he said without ruining the smile .

"You should have thought it before."the lady said.

"Why do you stick on one? he asked."People move on."

"They do ,when they see traces of hope and you aren't the man anyone could bet on that ."she replied.

"Lord, you do take in too much intuitions. I said ,i used protective when we had it done ,doesn't that satisfy you?"he asked. "You ain't feeling well, would definitely be something else."

"You were drunk till neck ,and first time in bed ever after our boy was born."

"Would that make any difference?"

"I shouldn't have trusted you , after all that."

"Why do you often judge everything so early?"

"I have been a mother once and I can sense it. If you need an authentication like for every else you demand, just take an effort to look back. Else settle with this,"she pushed the rear towards him. "it will help you."

"This isn't for your performance,"the man roared at her face and adjusted the rear to normal ,leaning a little from the seat.

"Is it about me mamma?"the boy asked the lady. She abruptly turned towards him, like out of some revelation.

"What is it son?"she asked.

"Dadda yelling at you , is it because of me?" he dragged himself to the end of the seat close to the lady, his mouth very little from her ears.

"No, son,"the man break in
."It's about that motor bike, in the distance do you see?"he managed immediately glimpsing a bike from the mirror. The boy stood on his knees and gyrated ,but within a while he turned his face back to the man without settling down to the seat, malaise covered all over his face.

"No?"the man asked."settle for long."
the boy even being perplexed upto his core,slowly turned his face back again.

"Why did mamma pointed on me?"boy asked mildly without moving a bit, his eyes still in the rear end.

"Why would she?"the man asked. "Look for the bike, it is taking itself ahead.Look for it son, how red it is."

Boy moved his head, heeding the bike admiringly.

"It's great."he said mildly.

"How if i get you it's miniature,i saw it on a shop?" the man asked.

"You promised me a blue one , long back, mamma said it's expensive."said the boy.

"I promise you son ,this time it would be in our place."the man claimed.

"but mamma was really looking into my eyes through the mirror.." boy murmured confusedly.

" oh ,just forget it boy, don't begin like your mamma.."man said honking the car eventhough the road was empty.

"You enjoy saying that,don't you?"she asked.

"..blah..blah..blah..Here you are."he interrupted."That's why i say it."

"Let me tell you, you don't deserve any woman."

"Be specific,"the man said. "Not anyone like you,not anyone who bloody performs."

"Don't you dare put your tongue on it like the rest. I ruined myself to have a worthless life with you."

"you ain't sacrificed ,but simply extended to our life."

"It was my life, you ridiculous."she said. Her eyes were all set to shed some tears.

"You are living it, then what's the point of worrying?"the man taunted.

By this the lady pulled the boy by his hand towards her ,raining kisses in his face and glued him in her chest.

"Hear it for me son,"she digged his eyes with her pair,"boy, don't ever stick into your reason,if it is bothering someone else too , be patient to hear their part."

"I know it's for me and i am hearing."said the man loudly.

"You ain't got the ability."the lady said avoiding eye contact with the man.

The boy had caught hold of her face by rotating it towards him."Who's that someone mamma?"he anxiously asked the lady.

"You will come to know once."she said patting the boy's bottom, with a grippy smile that disappeared within no time.

"Where are we going then?"the man asked stiffly.

"Is this what you were talking about me earlier?"boy asked shaking the lady's face by cheek.

"You ain't listening,"the man hummed near her ear.

"Do i need to leave you for someone?" boy asked, while his eyes strictly wandering in her face."will that make you lost mamma?"

"where am i driving then?"the man yelled out loud.

"Whose are you driving? the lady plunged him by
his shoulder."You ain't nobody, who lends you car this big?"

"Come on, it wasn't we were talking about.."he said smiling out loud

"You are a coward , you can't face any questions other than what you wanted to?"

"Come on, then shoot for what you want."

"Do you think you are deserirable for that?"the lady asked."You made me bring out this boy in a leaky porsch room, don't you remember."

"We were torn then,"

"You were atleast truthful, that i didn't care to worry you."she said,"I had a surgery and spent an unending month in that shit hole."

"Why do you always have to address a crowd like this each time, when it is something between us.?"

" I want you to understand that i ain't generous to repeat that mistake for you."

"Don't talk like that ever again, this would be the last time ,i would be sparing you for the boy."

"Won't you do that for ,one in the belly?"

"There ain't anything in there ,don't you get tired of sticking to it."

"It's much better than starving to death."

"Better reboot your conscience, before alleging these upon me ."

"Only owls and doppers live their day inside the house and sneaks out in the night and you barely manages to get some penny almost equivalent to null. "

"I don't understand you, not even in bits."

"No owl would crawl in to the bed in the morning,like you do, "

"Now don't call me that."

"What in your cloth and you yourself always belong to the dusk then,?"

"It's from work,you know that."

"What sort of work?"the lady asked."You don't really love to reveal that"

"Look,I'm not any sort of a peddler or dopper, make it understand to your shrinked brain."the man replied.

"May be a pretending drug lord then, this would be from your escort,"the lady smacked on the dash with a bang. "You ain't need to visit regular as peddler do and this part would be your acting normal, to save face from the cops."

"Why are you exaggerating things so large?"he asked, "..and from where do you get to learn these things."

"When you are a mystery ,i should mind some research."she said. "One day i would even die in the process of solving you, and you wouldn't mind.That's how it works."

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