Hope for The End (Book 3)

Autorstwa SketchTheDoodler01

2.7K 58 123

Hajime isn't sure what to do. Run? Fight? Despair? Hope? Nothing is as it seems. Who is your friend? Who is y... Więcej

0. Death of Despair
1. Don't Fuss Too Much. It's Not Good for Your Health
2. Completion in slow progress. Loading...
3. Worry Worry Worry
4. Rising Hope in The Despair of 77
5. Do You Not Understand The Objective?
6. I'm Always Listening, Always Predicting
7. Questions Left Unanswered
8. The End Finally Begins
9. Ch1-Aki
10. Hope's Peak Again
11. Err0r 11037
12. United
13. Processing Data
15. Ultimate Suffering
16. Hope for The End
Author Note
Content Not Found: Error 17

14. Remember The Despair?

125 3 5
Autorstwa SketchTheDoodler01

Beeeeeeeooooeeeep ding ding

The chime echoed throughout the walls. Makoto felt himself collapse onto the ground in dread. His consciousness slipping away as the bracelet injected him with sleeping drugs.

Then suddenly he was awake again. He couldn't move his arms and legs, it was as if he had been paralyzed. Looking around, his brain slowly tried reeling in the thoughts in his head.

Did the attacker tie me up? Where am I?

Is everyone safe?

It struck him that he wasn't in the future foundation headquarters anymore. He looked around and discovered he did know where he was. He felt sick as he noticed he was back at Hope's Peak. He'd never wanted to see this place again.

He was in the data lab. All the cameras were online. As he looked at each screen memories of his short life here flashed in his mind.

Sayaka... Leon... Chihiro... Mondo... Taka... Hifumi... Celeste... Sakura....

He remembered each of them vividly. It was painful, and his eyes teared up at the thought.

"Puhuhuhu... Look at all them memories we made!" A cheery voice called from behind him, "Those were the times, weren't they eh, Naegi?"

Makoto tried to look at the monster behind it all, but he realized his head was being held in place by what felt like some kind of helmet.

"Are you the attacker?" He asked with an annoyed voice, "Is it you, monokuma?"

"Now, Now, don't go accusing me!" Monokuma pleaded in fake defense, "Tengan did that all on his own!"

"Tengan did this?" Makoto asked, forgetting to be annoyed, "Why would he have..."

"It's nothin' to worry on about!" Monokuma laughed, "You won't be going back there for a while!"


"You're just gonna help me out for my next phase of the plan!" Monokuma bounced up and down, "This is gonna be sooo exciting!"

"I'm not helping you!" Makoto yelled, "Didn't you hear me every time you've tried! Hope always wins!"

"Oh but you have helped me, Naegi!" Monokuma murmured, "Just those little thoughts of your dead friends have helped plenty! Though I'm sure I can push you further!"

Don't think.

"Gee you sure miss them I'm sure!" Monokuma continued chatting away, "Sayaka was a friend of yours right? You promised to protect her, riiight?"

Don't think

"But you betrayed that little promise and now where is she?"

Don't. Think.

"Dead because you decided to switch rooms for a single day!"

I failed.

"Puhuhu it's working!" Monokuma purred, "Come on Naegi! Let's geeet thinking!"

One by one Monokuma sent waves of nostalgia through his mind. Makoto wanted to just shut off his brain and go to sleep, but every time he tried Monokumas voice seemed to ring loud and annoying through his head. His face would burn with pain time after time. His brain was fried.

Monokuma finally seemed satisfied only three weeks later.

Makoto was exhausted. He wasn't sure his face would heal, and his body never seemed to stop shaking. Monokuma decided to leave him with one last thing before dragging him up to the old headmaster's room.

"Don't worry! The next time you see them all, humanity will end! Then you can all die together! Wouldn't that be nice? Phuhuhuhuhu..."

Makoto felt the cold imprints on his head get pulled off of him. He was brought back to the gym. Makot0 was being dragged away from him by 1zuru.

"This is not what you had planned." 1zuru's monotone voice sliced through Makot0's actions, "You are not following your programming."

"I don't need to follow it." Makot0 growled, "You don't understand. This is for our cause!"

"This is no cause of mine." 1zuru cut in, "You're acting for your own grudges. It's like you have feelings."

"Isn't that what we want?" Makot0 glared at him.

"No. That's what you wanted." 1zuru muttered, "That's why you programmed everyone else."

Makoto didn't realize he had been screaming until he stopped. He realized that Maki was glaring at him warily.

He wasn't sure why she would be looking at him, wasn't she supposed to be giving the death stare to Makot0? Had he done something to change their thinking? All he had seen was a memory he didn't remember. Was that really enough information to make the table flip on him?

Something moved along the side of his face. He jerked to get whatever it was off. He looked at his hand quickly. Blood dripped off of his fingers. He noticed the searing pain in his head. He had thought it was just the aftermath of his new memories, however as he felt his head, he noticed deep holes in his flesh. He stared at his blood soaked hand in shock.

The memory had just been a distraction? How was Makot0 still even alive? Why didn't his programming stop him?

"Naegi!" Kyoko called to him, attempting to run to him but her 'clone' prevented her from doing so, "What happened?"

Makoto looked to his right, his vision had gone blurry. He made to shake his head but he fell over onto his side. He watched his blood flow out onto the gym floor.

Maki turned to Makot0. His face was dented with the same holes, but he was still on his feet.

"I've had enough of this." She threatened, "I think it's time to get shut off for good."

Maki turned to Miu, glaring at her, "Is it charged now?"

"Of course it is!" Miu exclaimed, looking a little panicked, "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Because, Idiot," Kokichi explained, "We REALLY could have used it about ten minuites ago!"

"Well, i'm sorry that you had me test it out yesterday!" Miu yelled at Kokichi.

"I didn't mean for you to use it's whole charge!" Kokichi laughed, "Gosh you really are dumb!"

"Quiet, Degenerate male!" Tenko called out, "Let's stop fighting and just use the hammer!"

Miu pulled out some kind of device. It looked like a hammer, but it was thicker and seemed to be powered by electricity.

Maki snatched it out of Miu's hand and turned to Makot0.

"I'm going to enjoy this."

Makot0 looked in alarm at the hammer. It was the first time he showed even a hint of fright.

"Get off me!" He yelled at 1zuru, "We need to get out of here!"

"I see no reason in doing so. I am not like you." 1zuru ripped his memory chip out of his head with one arm, while restraining Makot0 with the other effortlessly, "I learn from the Data I collect. You only use it against yourself."

Makot0 was scrambling to get out of Izuru's grasp as Maki walked up to him with the hammer. She was actually smiling a little.

"Don't do it, Maki roll! My sidekick would never do that!" Kaito's cry went unanswered as Maki swung the hammer into Makot0's head with a satisfying crack.

Makot0 fell limp in Izuru's grip. He didn't move and his face was dented and unrecognizable. Maki was a little uncertain about if he was really dead or not, but she figured it worked for now. She turned to the other Programs.

"Who else is ready to die?"

She walked up to Haj1me, Who just stared at her blankly, then hit him on the back with the device. He too, crumpled to the ground and tumbled off of the stage.

Then she turned sharply to face Junk0, who was busy laughing her head off.

"Gosh, you really think their dead, just like that!" She mocked, "You know we wont die, Right? It's just not possible!"

Maki became stiff and threw the hammer at Junk0, who reached out to catch it, but Kokichi distracted her by kicking her in the leg. Just as she lost balance, the hammer smashed into her side and she lay there on the floor.

Maki picked up the hammer cautiously. She turned to Kyoko, or rather, the two Kyoko's?

One of them seemed to be trying to get to Makoto, but the other stopped them from doing so. Was the program trying to kill Makoto? Or were they preventing the real Kyoko from moving forward to help him?

It felt impossible to tell the difference between the two, but Maki figured it would be easy to find out who was who.

Maki walked over to J1n, who was malfunctioning on the ground, twitching this way and that. She raised the hammer, intending to strike.


One of them had stopped the hammer from hitting the prototype. Now Maki definitely knew which Kyoko was fake. She slammed the hammer into Kyok0's side, turning it one last time to crush J1n into the ground.

"Kirumi, Gonta, Korekiyo." Maki called out to them, the three looked up, suddenly alert, "I need you all to transport the ones I hit to a secure place. I don't think they will stay offline for too long."

They began moving the programs out of the building. Maki looked around at the other programs.

"I need the rest of you to clean up these bodies. Try to find the power source, Keebo, You'll need to destroy it."

Keebo nodded from his place among the V3 members. He had placed his antenne back on, and was glad of the excuse not to pick up other robots like himself.

Maki turned to Kyoko, who was attempting to lift up Makoto's unconscious body.

"I'll help with that," She murmured, walking over and helping Kyoko carry him, "We should get him somewhere safe."

Kyoko simply nodded, and they all walked out of the gym. 

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