Par NyanKittyPug

34.5K 1.2K 739

DISCONTINUED!!! Book 2 of the Numb Series Everything had been perfect since Marinette and Adrien has revealed... Plus



1K 51 46
Par NyanKittyPug

A/N: Hey everyone sorry this took so long, if you didn't see the update on my board at first I was just taking a break from Wattpad to focus on the fics I'm writing on AO3 but then I reread Numb and Scars and I realized when I was writing this it's pacing was too fast and I didn't really like the speed of how everything was developing so I deleted the chapter (don't worry it's filed in a folder where I keep a bunch of scraped chapters to a lot of things) and am writing a different chapter. Due to the fact the original chapter was over six thousand words long this chapter isn't that long (or maybe it is, I write these notes before I write the chapter idk) but thank you all for having patience and I'm sorry it took so long to get here. Enjoy they chapter :)

Marinette stood in the shower relishing the fresh feeling of the warm water cascading down her skin. She had only just got into the shower but already she felt relaxed, her shoulders weren't stiff and her jaw wasn't clenched, her heart didn't feel heavy in her chest and it didn't feel like a chore to stay standing. She simply stood there as the water drenched her hair and made her feel fresh and free of anxiety and responsibility.

She had had a good day, her friends liked her clothing, she got to carry her stars everywhere with her, and she had helped her father out in the bakery. They made macaroons together, there was supposed to be a couple getting married and they wanted them on their wedding cake. Apparently they had met in the bakery, both ordering the same macaroons. One of them gave them their number and now four years later they were getting married and wanted the macaroons to be on the cake. One for each of them and one more for them to share.

It was sweet, and romantic and gave Marinette a soft feeling of warmth throughout her chest.

Adrian was waiting patiently in Marinette's room, fiddling with a string coming loose from the sleeve of his hoodie, a mask hiding his identity as Plagg and Tikki flew around and looked at everything. There hadn't been an akuma in a while so he figured he'd do a short patrol and then spend more time with Marinette.

Tikki was gently caressing Marinette's sewing machine before her trap door opened and the girl herself walked in, dressed in comfy sweatpants and a sweater. Tikki forgot to hide but Plagg carefully pulled her behind it as she started to tear up, a soft gentle smile on her face as she saw the girl walk in with light steps and closed eyes. She's mumbling to herself about ideas, seemingly conversing over what would look better on what and how it wouldn't work because of the season.

"Well I think they'd all look good," Adrian speaks up from her bed and she looks up to him with a beaming smile. "Would you now? What if I was secretly making potato sack dresses and suits?" He smiles and cocks his head back with a laugh. "Then my point would be proven!" Marinette giggles and sighs, reaching out for Chat's outstretched hand and giggling when he pulls her up and onto his lap.

He buries his face in her neck and rolls onto his side, pulling the covers over the both of them. "Chat, what're you doing?" Marinette giggles and turns around, hooking his head under her chin as she brings up her hands to play with his hair. "I'm getting comfy," he says against her neck and she giggles as his words tickle her skin.

"Mmm this is nice," she says, rolling over onto her back and braiding Chat's hair. A deep rumbling fills his chest and the room and Marinette giggles softly as she listens to his purring.

She doesn't know how long they've been laying there, the sun had set hours ago and she knew she should be asleep. She had tried, she really did, but it felt like something was watching her. Marinette turns her head in time to catch sight of a hidden...bug? Well, it kind of looked like a bug. It looked like Plagg more than anything, a red and black polka dotted Plagg.

The creature froze in Marinette's sight. "Hello," she says and gives them a curious look. After a brief second she gives the creature a smile, they were familiar and made her heart ache. "Who are you?"

The creature sniffled and their shoulders slumped, but they seemed used to the sadness. Marinette however felt that she had never seen a sadness more painful than any other and gently repositioned herself so that she could reach a hand out to the creature. "It's okay," she whispered, "you don't have to tell me. Are you hungry?"

The creature sniffled and sat down on Marinette's hand, gently caressing her palm with their stubby little arm. "I-I'm Tikki. I'm Ladybug's kwami." She whispers, a whisper so soft Marinette might not have heard it if they weren't so close and the room wasn't so still. Immediately Marinette can feel another set of eyes on them, but she doesn't care. "Hi Tikki, I'm Marinette. What're you doing so far from home?"

Tikki starts tearing up and Marinette feels guilt for making the innocent creature cry so she pulls her in close for a hug, a feeling that's even more nostalgic and heart warming than when Chat runs through the city with her. "Shh, shh it's okay, it's okay. You're safe here, okay? I won't let anyone hurt you," Marinette promises and Tikki hiccups but nods and starts to wipe away her tears.

"Ladybug, Ladybug has...retired. Something happened and she just...didn't want to be Ladybug anymore." Tikki says with a pained look on her face, and Marinette can tell that she's withholding information but she doesn't press.

"Okay, are you worried about her safety?" Marinette asks and Tikki shakes her head. "She's very safe, especially since Hawkmoth hasn't been sending akumas out lately."

Marinette gives her a gentle smile. "Are you not allowed to see her after she 'retires'?" Tikki sniffles and gives Marinette a sheepish look. "I-I'm not supposed to, but I do. She doesn't know about it though." Marinette nods and Tikki seems to be lost in thought. "Well if Ladybug isn't coming back, then who is going to be Ladybug? Chat doesn't talk about it much," Marinette looks down sadly at her partner, "But I know he misses her. He misses her a lot."

Tikki nods and looks up at Marinette. " could wear Ladybug's miraculous." Tikki says and immediately the suggestion feels wrong. Sparks of confusion and flashes of shapes and colors and sounds and pain fill her head and she grabs clenches onto something to try to steady herself as she's lost in the waves of memories she can't recognize and is already forgetting.

She clenched on harder, and Chat wakes up. "Princess?" He asks and looks up, freezing as he sees Tikki in Marinette's palm.


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