-addy13 द्वारा

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❝𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜❞ a servant and prince's fates collide one... अधिक



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-addy13 द्वारा

𝐁𝐄𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 a child again, sneaking away from the ball. She could hear the instrumental music playing lightly in the room she and Kit had entered.

Bea and Kit had entered a room where paintings were strung against every surface of the wall. She had always wondered what had hid behind those mahogany curtains while she cleaned the ballroom.

It was paintings of the Royals, each elegant and covered in riches. Some rode grand horses, while others simply sat.

To Bea, they all looked so elegant she felt under-dressed. She marveled at the paintings surrounding her.

Her sight landed on a painting of someone she didn't expect to be painted. It was Kit, riding a brown horse with a sword in hand, raised high and mighty.

And then it hit her. Kit was the Prince. The Prince was Kit. She had been dancing with the Prince, the future King!

It felt like the world came crashing down. She stood frozen, gawking at the painting. She could barely hear the click of Kit's boots against the floor as he approached her side.

She mentally cursed herself, running a stream of insults direct towards herself. How did she not notice it sooner! It was obvious now. Kit correcting the Captain, his rich clothes from the castle, why everyone parted as they danced, not joining in.

For heaven's sakes, she was a servant girl! In no way should she even speak to the Prince, let alone dance with him! Oh, if Valina knew, she would be a goner. And Cynthia! Oh Lord, she would freak out.

It would be the scandal of the century, servant girl, the lowest of the lowest, falling for one of the most important figures in the kingdom, the Prince himself. Bea could feel her heartbeat quicken, her breathes becoming more anxious.

Suddenly, the dress felt as if it was dragging her down, the slippers restraints on her feet. The world seemed to spin, her thoughts becoming clouded tornado. Kit's voice brought her back to Earth.

"I hate myself in paintings, don't you?" There was no answer. Bea stood still, jaw hung at the painting, trying to swallow the fact that Kit was the Prince.

She felt aware of Kit's gaze, waiting for her answer. But she couldn't speak, as much as she tried. When she finally did, her words came out slowly, in a befuddled mess.

"Y-your the Prince?" Her voice was shaky, her hands trembling at her sides. She gripped the fabric of her dress, in a desperate attempt to stop her shaking hands. Kit, or now, the Prince let out a breathy laugh, an effortless smile appearing on his features.

"Well not "the" prince exactly. There are a bunch of princes in the world. I'm only "a" prince." Kit said with amusement. Bea let out a laugh, though it was still a little shaky.

She pushed away the fact that Kit was a Prince. Because even though he was a Prince, he was still and would always be the same Kit she enjoyed company with.

Nothing would change. She was a little ashamed for her big reaction before, but it didn't seem to bother Kit.

"Please forgive me. I thought you would treat me differently if you knew. I mistook you for a good, honest country girl. Now I see you don't want to overwrought a plain soldier." Kit added, searching Bea's eyes as he had picked up her recent shock.

Bea's eyes practically popped out of their sockets. Everyone here thought she was a princess, including Kit. She was considered a princess. Huh, how ironic. A servant girl mistaken for a princess. That didn't happen everyday.

Bea let out a chuckle, though it was so fake she almost cringed. "Little chance of that." She muttered. Kit looked at her intently, tilting his head.

"No more surprises." Kit was wearing a cheeky grin, his hand extended. Bea scoffed, but took his hand anyways.

"No more surprises." She nodded, smiling as she grasped Kit's hand. They had meant to shake each others hand, but both lingered, their hands interlocked.

She pulled away, gulping and looking around the room to distract herself. Which she indeed did, taking in the portraits of all the Royals so she could tell Cynthia all about them.

They had their own conspiracy's of what hid behind the mahogany curtains, but Cynthia would freak at this.

Bea let out a small laugh at the thought of Cynthia's surprised face. Kit kept her eyes on her, trying to figure her out, trying to figure out who she really was.

The Grand Duke was trying to do the the same. This mystery princess had shocked every guest in the ballroom, even the King himself.

The Prince was practically taken by her, when he should focus on Princess Chelina, and her kingdom. That's what the Grand Duke thought at least.

"Who is she?" The Grand Duke paced, walking into a room beside the ballroom. The Captain and the announcer at his side hurried to catch up with him.

He aimlessly walked past the guests sitting on grand couches, past the glorious rose bonquets and decorations, giving it no glance. He spoke with fury that turned the announcer's words into a stuttered mess.

"W-well, I was out of breath, your Grace. On account of introducing princesses to the royal..." His words became unintelligible, coming out in a giant heap as the announcer struggled for breath since he spoke so fast.

"Oh shut up, will you!?" The Grand Duke barked. The announcer straightened instantly, clamping his mouth shut as he walked at a fast pace behind the Duke. The Grand Duke walked faster, continuing his maddening pace.

One guest sitting on the couch overheard his words, waving her purple fan with a scowl. The fast paced music echoed through the room as the guests merrily danced.

The mystery princess was no where to be found, along with the Prince. That made the woman on the couch practically burst into flames.

The Prince could not be distracted by this princess, and the princess was an obstacle in her plan. She needed to snap the Prince out of his daze, but how?

Simply by exposing the mystery princess for the real girl she is and all the flaws she has. That will teach the Prince a lesson.

The woman observed as assistants ran through the invitations in a heightened panic, looking for the mystery princess. Hopelessly, an assistant shoved a invitation towards the Royal Crier.

"No, not her!" The Royal Crier scowled, handing the invitation back to the fearful assistants.

The night had led the two to the castle gardens. Bea and Kit walked along the stone path, lined with perfectly trimmed hedges and torches that gave little light.

Their voices were among the few. They were the only ones walking down the stone paths. A full moon shone above.

Bea and Kit talked and laughed till their stomachs hurt. Bea couldn't remember a time when she laughed this hard with someone else beside Cynthia.

"Won't they miss you at the ball?" Bea asked, her voice ringing through the empty garden. She felt quite selfish for taking the Prince away from his people, guilty for enjoying it too.

She walked at a slow pace, taking in every inch of the garden, as she hadn't seen it before. She'd been trapped in the cramped castle for too long.

"Let's not go back just yet." Kit protested, giving Bea a small smile, though the look didn't reach his eyes. Bea tried to hide her smile, but failed.

Kit, however, looked around the garden in a distant daze, as distracted by something. He noticed Bea's stare and gave her a reassuring smile, though Bea already saw through him.

"What's wrong?" Bea said.

Kit sighed sadly, making Bea's eyebrows furrow in concern. "When I go back, they will try to pair me off with a lady of their choosing. I'm expected to marry for advantage."

"Say no?" Bea suggested, her eyebrows raised and a smile on her face. Kit scoffed.

Though the air was cheerful, Bea felt a little guilty. Surely the princess was better than her, a servant girl. Kit should be over dancing at the ball with a true princess, not talking with her, who at this point was a con. She then decided she would tell him at the end of the night, before the clock struck 12.

"I'm afraid the King won't listen. He is a loving father, and a wise ruler. I have to take his decisions into consideration, because surely they are for my own good."

"Well, perhaps he will change his mind." Bea exclaimed with wide smile. A little smile appeared on Kit's noticeably somber face, but as he struggled for words, Bea became concerned. Kit's answer came out hesitantly.

"I fear he hasn't much time to do so." Even through the pain of the words, a small smile appeared on Kit's face.

Bea realized with immediate horror that Kit was going to lose his father. The worst thing that could possibly happen, she knew how it felt.

"Oh, Kit, I'm so sorry." Bea said softly, her eyes filled with understanding. The death of her parents had taken a toll on her, and now that Kit would lose his, then have a whole kingdom to rule by himself.

And suddenly her hand had found his. They both stayed silent in the cherished moment, feeling comfort in each other's presence.

The intensity of the situation slowly faded away, and Bea and Kit suddenly both froze at the sight of their hands intertwined. None of them had experienced this type of contact, or the feeling that had come with it.

Bea ignored the feeling, remembering that it wouldn't be best, and looked up at Kit warily, looking for any signs of disgust. There was none. Bea hid her emotions and pulled her hand away.

The two continued walking in the garden, Bea trying her hardest to keep the feelings that had arose when she held his hand at bay.

"People are saying she's a princess." The Captain and the Grand Duke walked out into a secluded balcony, taking in the crisp night air as Kit and Bea did.

The Grand Duke glared out at the palace grounds, a scowl contorting his features at the mention of the mystery princess. He saw this "mystery princess" as merely an obstacle, distracting the Prince from the true riches.

"The Prince seems quite taken with her." The Captain emphasized to the Grand Duke, amused by the Prince and his head in the clouds these days.

"She went straight for him. You have to appreciate her efficiency." The Grand Duke said this as if the mystery princess, a.k.a Bea, a servant girl, was the villain of the story. Seducing the Prince in order for the wonders of the little kingdom.

"Truly if she is a princess, it may be good." The Captain added, fueling the pot to the Grand Duke's rage. He could see no harm in this "mystery princess." The Prince always chose wisely, and his decision of the "mystery princess" was fine no matter what to the Captain.

"I've already promised him in marriage to Princess Chelina." The Grand Duke half glared at the Captain, looking off into the distant as he finished his sentence.

The woman from before appeared behind the two figures with a greedy smile tugging at her lips. Bingo. She finally got some useful information.

The Grand Duke noticed her appearance, turning to face her. Valina's face held an innocent expression, so sincere it almost convinced the Duke.

"Oh, forgive me. I couldn't help but simply overhear." Valina gasped, lowering into a curtsy while keeping her eyes on the two men, an innocent look in her eyes, though her mouth was held into a smug smirk.

"No, its you who have to forgive me, Madam." The Grand Duke held a small smile on his face, though greed was clear in his eyes.

Valina couldn't help the satisfied smile that appeared as the Grand Duke himself gave her a bow. There would be more bows to come when she claimed the Prince as her husband, and became Queen.

"Your secrets safe with me." Valina's purple fan rested on the Grand's Duke chest, stopping him as he tried to walk past her.

It was a simple gesture but done with an evil intention as Valina's green eyes bore into the Grand Duke's, a devilish smile on her lips.

She pulled her fan from his chest, giving him a small curtsy as he looked at her with annoyance for stopping him, than giving the Captain an unsure glance in his direction.

Valina rose up from her curtsy as the Grand Duke walked away quickly, the Captain warily following behind him.

Her hands rested on the edges of the balcony, merely observing the castle grounds until she caught sight of the Mystery Princess and the Prince.

Her hands gripped the balcony, her skin turning white as she squeezed the edge between her hands with such anger, as she caught sight of the Prince and that mystery princess' together. She snapped her fan out to fan her face before snapping it back, the closed fan hitting her hand with force.

She already had a plan running through her head.

"I've never shown this place to anyone." Kit said as Bea followed him. She enjoyed this hidden secrecy as they practically crept around the garden, and the unspoken excitement in the air.

She especially enjoyed Kit's beaming smile, the childish excitement in his eyes. Kit and Bea's poor spirits had disappeared in each other's company, they each made each other some part of whole again.

Kit turned his back to her, reaching out towards a wall covered with vines and pleasant smelling flowers, opening a hidden door. Bea smiled in awe, peeking into the hidden room that Kit had kept.

It was a place taken out of a fairytale itself. A secret garden.

Flowers lined every inch of every wall, a strong fragrance hitting her as she opened the door. Rose bushes with pink and white buds filled the room, moonlight shining down in the little spot where a swing lay, simple but elegant.

Bea had never seen anything like it, and it brought her joy that she was sharing this magical place with Kit.

Bea immediately ran in, Kit shutting the door behind them. It was impossible not to smile. She turned to Kit, who was beaming, then back to the garden, as if it would disappear any moment.

She let out a small gasp as she took in the place, stopping by the swing and gawking at the moonlight that escaped through the small hole. She turned Kit with the brightest smile she had ever smiled.

Kit clutched the rope of the swing in his hand, watching her gawk at the secret garden with an amused smile.

"Please." Kit gestured towards the swing, and Bea let out a little laugh. She had watched her mother on the swing, being pushed by her father. It seemed childish now, and Bea couldn't help but protest.

"No, I shouldn't." Bea shook her head, let out a breathy sigh.

"You should."

"I shouldn't."

"You should."

"I shouldn't." Bea insisted again.

"You should." Bea let out an exasperated sigh as Kit protested with an amused grin on his face that was too hard to resist.

"Fine." Bea groaned. She made her way over to the swing. She was fully aware of Kit behind her when she sat down on the swing.

"May I?" Kit's soft voice whispered in her ear, a shiver running down her spine from the heat of his breath against her skin.

"You may." Bea tilted her head up to met his eyes, giving him a small smile, though her whole body was alert as he was so close to her. Bea settled her hands on the two ropes, Kit's hands resting a little higher than hers. One hand found the small of her back, giving it a gentle push.

This isn't so bad. Bea thought as she swung forward in the beautiful garden. She couldn't help the shock that ran down her body when Kit's hand found the small of her back again, giving her a bigger push. She lifted her feet in the air as she again soared, her dress swaying, its soft fabric brushing against the grass.

A soft plink distracted her. One of her glass slippers slipped off, its shiny surface colored with the rainbow. The grass nuzzled it like a pillow. Bea let out a gasp, ready to go retrieve it herself when Kit's moving figure distracted her.

Bea watched Kit with wide eyes as he moved to retrieve the glass slipper, kneeling down and lifting it gently in his hands. She wasn't used to someone helping her.

Kit held her glass slipper in his hands, looking up at her with gentle eyes as he retrieved it for her. Bea puzzled at Kit's expression as he looked up at her with gentle yet questioning eyes as he took a glance at the slipper.

"It's made of glass." Kit's voice was unsure, the puzzled yet amused expression on his face making Bea smile, amused.

"Quite comfortable." She quoted Fairy Godmother with a small chuckle, louder as Bea glanced at Kit's wondering expression.

"Allow me." Kit said, his expression soft.

Bea hesitantly slid towards Kit, still seated on the swing. She gathered the folds of her dress, revealing her foot, which was covered in shimmery stockings.

"Thank you." Bea whispered. Her breath hitched in her throat. Why was she so emotional all of a sudden? Kit slid the glass slipper onto her foot.

Suddenly, tears brimmed, ready to spill. Bea laughed in despite of her tears, trying to wipe them out of her eyes.

"Did I do something wrong?" Kit's alarmed face was brought into view. Bea shook her head immediately, wiping her tears hastily. Her tears quickly dried up, Bea letting out a sigh of relief.

"No, not at all. It's just...no one's ever treated me that kindly before, as sad as it sounds. Sorry, I shouldn't have cried...that's embarrassing." Bea rolled her eyes, her voice trailing off. It probably sounded so stupid, but Kit was looking at her with an expression she couldn't place. And Bea couldn't look away.

The two unconsciously leaned forward, Kit pulling her closer towards him. Kit's blue eyes stared straight into hers, his warm breath against her face. All she could focus on was him, and that stupid feeling she was trying to shove back.

"Tell me who you really are." Kit voice was merely a whisper. Bea was lost for words, a stuttering mess.

"If I do, things would never be the same." Bea's voice was still shaky, her lower lip trembling at the thought of Kit looking at her with disgust as he realized what she was, a servant girl, not a thrilling princess who brought power and alliance.

"Things would never change." Kit urged, his face leaning closer towards hers. His blue eye stared intensely into hers, making it almost impossible to think.

She had promised she would tell him, but now it seemed so risky. She was starting to like having Kit around, she was starting to get that feeling. And maybe she was selfish for holding onto it. It wasn't fair to Kit and to herself. She couldn't pretend to be something she was not any longer.


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