The Cheerleader and The Bad B...


23.5M 448K 240K

"You're afraid of temptation." He said pinning me to the wall. "No, I'm not." I snapped at him. Who am I kid... Еще

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Sorry, another authors note.
Aaron's POV chapter seven
Chapter one Aarons POV
It's been a while.

Chapter fifteen

456K 11.1K 7.4K

So I got quite a few votes on the last chapter and 3 comments not as many as I'd asked for but there were way more votes then I expected! So 'm updating again and I added that extra scene I thought you'd all like. :)))))

The video on the side is of Brad and Sage's duet. I don't own it! I got it off youtube! And the kiss at the end of it doesn't happen ok? They just press their foreheads together! Got it? Good!



PLEASE VOTE OR COMMENT.....I'l update next week if you do. :)))))

Chapter fifteen

"Hey Chica." Kalina said while skipping up to me as lunch started.

"Hey." I mumbled looking for Aaron. He'd driven me to school but wasn't in chemistry which I found weird.

"How was your weekend?"

"It was...interesting." I said still stretching my neck around looking for Aaron as we sat down.

"Would you like to explain?" She said giving me a strange look as she unwrapped her sandwich.

"My dad was pissy all weekend and he made me stay with my grandma while he went on a business trip for the whole weekend."

"Really? Wow...he's getting worse."

"Ya." I sighed before I caught a glimpse of Aaron.

He was surrounded by girls. There was at least five of them fawning all over him, they were pressing up against him and grabbing his biceps.

I dropped the fork I had been using to eat my salad and nearly choked.

He caught my eye and gave a feeble smile before turning back to one of the many airheads who preceded to laugh before kissing his cheek.

Another one of them laughed and leaned close enough to him her lips could have brushed his cheek. I stood up making sure he saw and I crossed my arms sending him a pissed off look.

He shrugged as if 'what can I do?' before replying to something one of them had said.

What is he doing? How can he let them fall all over him while I'm standing right here? People knew we were dating didn't they? I'd told nearly the whole cheerleading squad, and I'm sure Nadia had told everyone she knew.

I shook my head before snatching up my back pack and storming from the cafeteria. I thought I heard Aaron and Kalina call after me but I ignored them.

I had to restrain myself from sprinting down the hallway and around the corner and into the girl's bathroom.

I tossed my bag on the ground before raking my hands through my hair.

I can't wrap my mind around the fact that he hadn't done anything to make those girls leave or at least said something to them.

The door burst open and I turned to see it was Aaron.

"Aaron! What are you doing here?...This is the girl's bathroom."

"Sage, what's wrong? Why did you stomp out of the lunch room?"

"Because you were flirting with all those other girls!" I nearly shouted at him.

"I was not!" He argued.

"Don't do that, Aaron."

"Do what?"

"Lie...I saw everything Aaron. I saw how they were cuddling up to you and laughing and talking to you. And you smiled back! You did nothing to show them that they couldn't do that."

"Sage...they were only acting that way because-"

"I don't want to hear any excuses, Aaron. I'm done with this."

"Sage, what do you mean? Done with what?"

"I can't handle this relationship...I've known that I don't matter to you as much as you matter to me. I thought I could fool myself into thinking that in the end everything would be alright. But it won't Aaron. That's the most important part here. You will always feel the need to flirt and be with other people because that's just who you are. I knew it when I met you, and I knew it while we were dating but I hoped against everything that things wouldn't go this way...I guess you can't change everything."

" you really think that of me?" He said with hurt written all over his face. I wasn't sure if it was an act or if he was being sincere.


He shut his eyes for a quick moment before inhaling sharply. "I guess this is it then." He said before turning his back to me and quickly walking out the door.

As soon as I heard the door click shut I let myself slide down the bathroom wall and put my face in my hands before I began to sob.

I knew I would have to lose him eventually, I just didn't think it would hurt this much.

The door opened again and Kalina slowly walked in with her head bowed as if she might make me feel worse.

"What happened?" She asked sitting next to me and rubbing my back.

"I made him go." I whispered between sobs.

"What?" She asked as I leaned into her and she wrapped her arms around me.

"I pushed him away and now he's gone."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because everyone always leaves and...I thought that if he was gonna leave me sooner or later I may as well make him leave before he does something to hurt me."

"Why would you think he would hurt you in the first place?"

"Because that's who he is. He flirts with girls and has pointless hook ups. He doesn't love me...he 'likes' me."

"Did you ever try and talk to him about it?"

"No...but now he knows that I think he's a player and that he's not a good boyfriend. He left saying that there was nothing left here. And he's right. There was never anything here but lust, we were just being teenagers and in the end my foolishness came back to bite me in the ass. It's over now."


The days of that week went by in such slow motion it made me want to stab myself with my pencil. Aaron didn't eat lunch with Kalina and me anymore. In chemistry he switched seats so he now sit's by Nadia and I sit by some blonde who can't even count to twenty or spell her whole name.

Sometimes we made awkward eye contact every now and then, but I tried not to seem too sad. I didn't want him to see the effect he had on me.

I spent more time practicing with Brad for our next competition which was this weekend. Luckily the competition was half an hour away which meant that we wouldn't be staying anywhere overnight.

Brad and I had chosen the song If It Kills Me.

Our dance was mostly contemporary dance moves now and we decided we'd try our luck with a prop again; we're using a long heart pendant necklace.

We've been practicing twice as hard and twice as long as we did on our last dance.

I think this will be one of our best dances.

"So dad....are you going to go to my competition tomorrow?" I said as I sat down after walking in from practice on Friday.

"I don't think I can Sage. I have work."

"Right." I said standing up. "Of course." I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room before he could say another word.

I pulled out my phone which my dad had given back to me on Wednesday and texted Nate.

'Hey, are you doing anything tomorrow?'

After waiting only around five minutes my phone chimed with a reply.

'No, why? Have something planned?'

'Well my cheerleading competition's tomorrow and it's lame and all, but I have no one else going so I was hoping you'd take pity?'

'I'll be there. Address plz?'

I sent him the address before jumping in the shower and then going to bed.

When I woke up the next morning I felt exhausted and I really was not in the mood to get up none the less go dance and cheer when I wasn't even happy.

I sighed before stretching and standing up and putting on my cheerleading outfit.

In the next hour and a half I was finally waiting for the music to start with the rest of the squad on stage.

Toxic by Brittney Spears started playing and I was tossed high in the air as we started our routine.

Then Brad and I started our duet and when it was over I looked out into the audience smiling at everyone. I caught Nate's eye and my smile grew wider but it completely disappeared when I saw Aaron in the crowd.

He was probably here for Nadia.

Our cheer team got 3rd out of ten and our duet got 5th out of ten. We were both moving on. But Brad and I had just barely made it.

We jumped and cheered and laughed and smiled anyway. I ran off the stage and into the audience.

When I passed Aaron with a huge smile on my face I saw him start to smile. I almost stopped to talk or even hug him, but I reminded myself that it was over. I saw a glimpse of his face when I continued jogging past him and into the arms of Nate; who lifted me up and spun me around as I giggled. Aaron's face had gone from one of brief happiness to one of sadness and shock.

His facial expression made me want to break down crying.

Or run to him and beg for his forgiveness.

But that wouldn't happen, it couldn't happen.

When Nate set me down I got a glance of Aaron over his shoulder.

He was gazing at us with a sadness that I did not understand.

I gave a small feeble smile; One that someone pitying another might use.


Day after day passed.

We had Thanksgiving break which I spent at my grandmother's house.

I got no phone calls from Aaron while I was there.

I hadn't received any texts or paper airplanes from him at all for the past month.

There was one awkward moment where we both walked out to leave for school at the same time. We'd paused and looked at each other but we didn't say anything.

After that he never came out of his house in the morning until I had left, even if it meant he was late for school.

Sense I had cheer practice we never got home at the same time either.

We were basically non-existing to each other.

I'd been spending more time with Nate and we were becoming better friends.

It had crossed my mind that we could be more then friends; I'd even considered making a move but I wasn't ready.

I still loved Aaron. I would sit alone and try to convince myself that I didn't or that I shouldn't, but the feelings never went away.

"Sage, are you sure you're ok?" Nate asked as we sat on my bed.

I fiddled with my hands and didn't meet his eyes. "It's just forget. That's all."

"Are you sure you want to forget him?" He asked taking one of my hands in his.

"Not forget him as much as forget what I feel for him."

"I could help you forget."

At first I wasn't sure what he meant by his words until he moved his free hand to my cheek.

He leaned closer to me and my first instinct was to pull away, but I wanted to forget. Or at least try to forget.

His lips were soft and felt nice against mine. My fingers got caught in his hair and he pulled me closer by my waist.

I pulled back a little and leaned my forehead against his.

It was nice, kissing Nate. But it was nothing compared to kissing Aaron. There were no butterflies, no feelings, no nothing.

I couldn't forget. It seemed impossible.


My dad gave me a ride to school the next morning because my car wasn't starting.

But after cheer practice was over Brad and I stayed an extra two hours to practice our next duet.

So when I finished changing no one was around. Brad had finished before me and left and none of the other cheerleaders ever bother to stay.

I sighed as I sat on the steps and dialed my dad's cell phone.

No answer.

I tried his work phone and even his secretary.

Still no answer.

I tried calling Kalina who doesn't live that far away but she didn't answer either.

I opened Aaron's contact information on my phone but decided against it and just hit the lock button.

I grabbed my back pack and gym bag and began walking. I had just reached the park that was fifteen minutes walking distance away from my house when I thought I heard someone say something.

I turned around nearly tripping over my own feet.

"Hey Sage." Came the voice again. I looked over to see Scott, Kalina's homecoming date and a male cheerleader on the squad.

"Scott?" I said squinting to see him in the darkness where he sat on one of the swings. "What are you doing here?"

He held up something that was dimly lit and was a faint orange color. He brought it to his mouth and it got brighter before he moved it away and I heard him exhale.

He was smoking.

"You want some?" He said grinning and walking closer.

"No, I'm ok. I'm just going home." I said about to turn away.

I saw him toss whatever drug it was on the ground and he stomped on it. "Stay with me a while." He said grabbing my upper arm and dragging me a few steps closer to him.

I could smell alcohol on his breath and I figured he was high to go along with it.

"No, I'm just going to go home. I have homework and my dad's waiting for me." I said starting to get nervous.

"I can show you a fun time, Sage. Trust me."

He pushed me up against a tree and I dropped both bags at my feet. He kissed me on the lips and fisted his hands in my hair when I didn't respond.

"Stop it!" I yelled. "Scott, you're hurting me, please stop."

"Just go with it babe." He murmured kissing my neck as one hand slid down my back to rest on my butt.

"Please stop!" I screamed again. "You're under the influence and you'll regret these choices! Please, let go."

He continued kissing his way back to my lips as his hands tore at my shirt. I stopped trying to push him away for a second to grab my phone.

I had just enough time to unlock it and tap the first number that was on the screen.

I heard a faint "Hello?" Just as Scott's lips met mine.

I shoved him away as hard as I could. "Help! Help me!" I screeched at the phone. Scott shoved me down and I hit the ground hard and my head slammed into something that made my vision waver for a few seconds. "Please help me!" I continued yelling even though my phone had bounced a few feet away. "I'm at Wickery Park a few minutes away from my house!" I rattled off my address before Scott got my phone and threw it far enough away that whoever I had called wouldn't be able to hear me.

"You bitch." He growled as he got on top of me. He ripped my shirt the rest of the way down and I started to cry.

"Please Scott. Please stop."

"How I love to hear you beg." He smirked before kissing me again. I pushed him away and he backhanded me hard enough that I saw stars.

I was able to bring my knee up into his groin and he doubled over as I shoved him away from me.

I scrambled to my feet and started running in the direction of my house. I heard footsteps behind me and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I heard a car approaching.

Something wrapped around my ankle and I was sent face first into the ground.

I craned my neck around to see Scott holding my ankle with both hands. I screamed again as he dragged me back towards him. I kicked at him but nothing happened.

I heard running footsteps as Scott grabbed both my wrists as I screamed again. I was too scared to look at whoever had joined this unfortunate event but a blur tackled Scott away from me.

I shrieked as I pushed myself backwards away from the fighting bodies.

My savior dragged Scott to his feet by his collar.

"If you ever touch her again...I will kill you. Understand?" I knew that voice.

"Aaron?" I asked finally looking up.

"Get your stuff." He snarled.

His tone scared me and I'd never heard him talk like that before.

I hurried to my feet and ran and got both my bags before jogging over to retrieve my phone; which by some miracle wasn't broken.

I got back just as Aaron was saying something to Scott in an undertone.

He shoved Scott to the ground before grabbing my arm and dragging me to his truck which was still running.

I nearly threw myself into the passenger seat and slammed the door before immediately locking it.

He sped off not even bothering to look in his review mirror for any sign of Scott.

After a few moments of silence I finally spoke up. "Thank you." It was no more than a whisper but I know he heard it.

"Did you have doubts about me showing up?" He asked gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white.

"I honestly had no idea who I called. I just panicked."

"Oh." His face dropped back into one of sadness again. "I thought maybe..."

"Maybe what?" I asked when he didn't continue.

"That maybe you needed me." He pulled up in between both our houses and stopped the engine.

He got out and opened my door before helping me down. He looked me up and down finally taking in my appearance. My shirt was torn down the middle and my jeans were grass stained and my hair was no doubt everywhere and my eyes must be red from crying.

I was not a pretty sight to behold.

He stripped off his black leather jacket and handed it to me. I quickly slipped it on and zipped it up.

"Thanks." I muttered again. We stood there in silence again until I cleared my throat. "Well, I'll see you later I guess."

"Sage." He said just as I turned my back.

"Ya?" I said turning back to face him.

"Do you really think that low of me? That I would cheat on you and flirt behind your back."

"I just...I knew you don't feel that strongly for me and when I saw all those girls flirting with you and you didn't even do anything...I just kind of quit."

"The only reason they were even talking to me was because of this." He said pulling a blue box out of his jeans pocket. He opened it to reveal a black gem cut in the shape of a heart. I gasped and my hands flew to my mouth. "It's a black diamond." He said watching my expression. "Those girls were telling me all about how they wished they had a boyfriend who gave them things like this. When that girl kissed me on the cheek I politely told her not to...I just didn't make a huge scene of it. And that's why I wasn't in chemistry that day."

"You got that for me?" Was the only thing I managed to say.

"Ya...I wanted to give you something special, something I thought you'd like."

I put my hand to my head as tears started to slip down my face. "Aaron...I'm so sorry."

"Hey, hey." He said cupping my face with his hands. "You don't need to cry, it was a mistake."

"No, I'm horrible." I sputtered. "I'm exactly what I accused you of being."

"I don't understand." He said taking a step back.

"When we weren't talking or anything...I got closer to Nate, and we...kissed."


"I was trying to forget you and I didn't think about anything. I felt horrible after it happened."

"Did it mean anything to you?"

"No, I didn't feel any of the things I feel when we used to kiss."

Suddenly he grabbed my face and kissed me hard. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist and turned me so my back was against the car.

He pulled back breathless and leaned his cheek against mine so he could whisper in my ear. "I don't care what you did, Sage. I just want to be with you, if you'll take me back."

I pulled back to look into his eyes and he wiped away the last of my tears. "I-"

"Sage..." He interrupted me. "I love you."

My mouth opened in shock because those were the last words I'd ever expected him to say to me.

"Really?" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Really." He laughed. "I started falling for you when I first saw you dancing in the hallway on your first day of school."

"Aaron..." He looked at me waiting for me to continue. Earlier I'd been scared to tell him but now that I'd found out I screwed everything up for no reason and had no reason to be scared at all, but now I had the courage to say it. "I love you."

WHAT? They love each other!!! AWWWWWW. Did you guys like that scene? Also who new Aaron was such a hero? 

To bad Sage overeacted.  

What do you guys think of Nate trying to help her 'Forget' anyone think he likes her more then a friend?  

The next chapter is gonna reveal something huge about Aaron's home life.  

Also this chapter was sposed to happen in the span of about a month, ok? 

Thanks guys!

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