Five Nights At Asuka's (ORIGI...

By Fnafplayer10

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Disclaimer: I don't own Senran Kagura or Five Nights At Freddy's. Both franchises go their rightful owners. S... More

Characters And Mechanics
Night 1: Ikaruga And Katsuragi Attack
Night 2: Ramping Up The Difficulty


316 9 2
By Fnafplayer10

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome back. Now, I'm not sure if anyone has read the character introductions in the last part, but if you did, thank you SO much, cause just by reading the first part, you're giving this story a chance. I might still be new here, but I know how to write a FNAF crossover. I did that a lot on my Fanfiction account, so I'm sure I still got it, although I haven't written a story in a LONG, LONG time, so I might be very, very rusty at the moment, but I'll try everything in my hardest to ensure that this story is good.

By the way, this book series takes place in an alternate universe of the Senran Kagura world. In this universe, the Senrans have animatronic counterparts of themselves, which were built to entertain and protect, just like the real ones, but due to some bad history from the past, some of those animatronic girls go COMPLETELY out of their character, their personalities change and are tempted to kill the nightguards cause they see him/her as an evil shinobi or Dōgen, but some of them kill for other reasons...

The only reason I mention this is because these stories...could take dark turns from here and there. Like I said, I'm still trying to work out how this book series will go, but if things go dark in these stories, I apologize, but what can you expect? This is a horror book, after all.

Anyway, enough of that long tale, cause we're heading into story territory. One more thing to mention. The pictures or videos that you see in this book DO NOT belong to me. Credit goes to the original artists and creators.

Five Nights At Asuka's


Sōji's POV

I sit on the nearest park bench, holding a bunch of newspapers in my hand. As of late, I was laid off from my previous job, and now, I've been tasked with finding a new job.

I skim through newspaper after newspaper, trying to find any place that is in need of employees. However, most of the jobs in every newspaper were already taken. In frustration, I slam the newspaper down on the bench.

Sōji: Ugh!!! Every place in this newspaper seems to already be taken.

As I place my hands on my head, I hear a familiar voice calling out my name. I look towards the source of the voice and I see Bashou, a fellow friend from Hebijo Academy. Bashou was a nice girl, a friend anyone can ask for. She is always there for me when I get into trouble. Maybe if I'm lucky, she can help me look for a new job.

Bashou: Hey Sōji. How is it going?

Sōji: Not great. I just got laid off from my previous job, and now, I'm back to square one. And to top it all off, I have bills to pay! I NEED a job and I need one now!

Bashou: Really? You lost your job already? How come?

Sōji: All I did was doze off for a moment! I didn't think there was a camera watching me!

Bashou: Oh yeah....I guess some companies due that to make sure you aren't slacking off during work hours.

Sōji: You do have a point, but now, I need to find a new job.

Bashou sat next to me, thinking about something, but then, an idea popped into her head. She grabbed one of the newspapers that I've put down and scrolled through the pages until she found what she was looking for. Surprisingly, that newspaper was the only one that I didn't look through, assuming that the jobs on that one would have already been taken.

Sōji: What? What did you find?

Bashou showed me the article that she found. When I looked at it, I was surprised. It was a help wanted ad for a place called Asuka's Futomaki Palace, a family friendly restaurant made by a company named "Shinobi Entertainment".

Help Wanted

Asuka's Futomaki Palace
Family restaurant built in homage to The Hanzō Academy Elites is looking for security guard to work the nightshift.
12am to 6am.
Monitor cameras, ensure safety of equipment and animatronic characters.
Not responsible for injury/dismemberment.
$120 a week.
To apply, call the number listed below.

Upon looking at this article, my face lit up in excitement, but a little disappointed at the same time. Bashou looked at me in a concerned manner.

Bashou: What's wrong?

Sōji: Well, I wasn't expecting a nightshift job, though.

Bashou: Don't sweat it. After all, its only from 12am to 6am. That's better than 10pm to 8am, right?

Sōji: You know? You're right.

With that said, I take out my phone and contacted the manager of the place first, and if I didn't get an answer, I would walk to the establishment. After a few seconds, I hear a male voice on the other end.

Male voice (On phone): Hello? Who is this?

Sōji: Hi. My name is Sōji, the most beautiful Hebijo student. I'm calling about the nightshift job offering.

Male voice (On phone): The nightshift postition, huh? Come to the restaurant in an hour, then we can have an interview.

Sōji: Really? Thank you sir.

Once that was said and done, I hang up and place the phone back into my pocket. After that, I raised my fist in the air in a "victory" pose. Bashou nodded her head.

Bashou: I wish you the best of luck, Sōji.

Sōji: Wait, you're not coming with me?

Bashou: No...Its alright. Just go on and get that job.

That was weird. I wanted to question why she didn't want to go to Asuka's with me, but I shrugged it off, thinking that she probably had something else to do at the time. So, with that said, I say goodbye to Bashou and immediantly ran home to dress in something more "perfessional" before going to the restaurant.

One hour later...

I arrive at the restaurant just in time. I was wearing my standard Hebijo uniform, just for the interview. Judging by the place and the atmosphere, it didn't seem like I had to go the extra route and dress in a suit, but I wanted to make a good "first impression".

I take a few deep breaths before walking into the restaurant. However, once I step inside, the place almost looked empty, minus the other employees there. They all gave pleasant smiles and waved at me, and giving a smile, I give them a wave back. One of them goes up to me and starts talking to me.

Nameless Employee: Hello, kind lady. What brings you to Asuka's Futomaki Palace today?

Sōji: I'm here to see the manager. I'm trying to apply for the nightshift job. I called him earlier and he said to come here.

The employee nodded his head.

Nameless Employee: Alright. Let me go get him.

With that said, the employee went to get the manager. In the meantime, I walked around the place, getting a good look at everything so just in case I got the job, I'd know where everything is. Throughout the restaurant, I saw various paintings of the Hanzo girls. The restaurant itself was...kinda small. It had the dining room, a kitchen and restrooms. Then, when I walked towards the main stage, I froze in place and looked at it.

There, standing on the stage, were the animatronics. However, there were only three on stage, and those three were Asuka, the main girl, Ikaruga, the class representative, and Katsuragi, the groper.

I was amazed by how "lifelike" they looked. They looked SO human that it was actually a little creepy. I knew the girls were famous, but I never expected a company to make animatronic versions of them. Seeing these animatronics reminded me of the robotic, android girls my friend Bashou would draw.

???: Excuse me? Are you the person who called to apply for the nightshift position?

I spent so much time looking at the three animatronics, I failed to notice a tall man standing next to me.

???: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.

Sōji: No, its my fault for not paying attention, but yes. I am the person who called earlier. My name is Sōji.

???: Greetings. My name is Manager. I'm the manager of this wonderful establishment.

I shake the man's hand, however, something about him....has me on edge, almost as if I've seen him before. His hair is black and he lacks any facial hair. Also, he wears a traditional suit and tie.

Manager: So, what do you think about these animatronic girls?

Sōji: They look so "lifelike", almost as if they're the real girls themselves.

Manager: I see. Many employees say that when they look at these animatronics. I think the reason why that's the case is because the material of the suits look so much like human skin, but really, they're made of soft material.

Sōji: Really? Those suits are made of fabric?

Manager: Yeah. Try touching one of them and tell me what it feels like. However, don't go touching something you aren't suppose to!

I only flinched for a few seconds upon the manager saying "However" in a loud, serious tone. I step onto the stage and stood in front of the Asuka animatronic. I sighed in relief, thanking that the animatronic was not turned on, because if that animatronic woke up when I touched her, I would've screamed. I reached my hand out slowly and touched her hand. I was shocked. Her exterior felt...exactly like fabric.

Sōji: Wow...These exteriors really are fabric.

Manager: I know. That's what I tell the employees that question it. Its probably the texture of the fabric that makes the robots look "humanlike". Anyway, step off the stage so we can keep talking about you taking this nightshift job.

Sōji: Hold on! Where are the other two? Yagyū and Hibari?

Manager: Oh, you mean those two? Um, about them. The Yagyū animatronic is on that stage over there.

He then pointed towards a mini stage that was away from the main stage. It was called "Shinobi Cove".

Manager: And as for the Hibari animatronic, she broke down and is in the backstage room.

Sōji: Oh....What happened to them?

Manager: Well, Yagyū is out of service for now. Something went wrong with her systems, so she has been shut down for the time being, and Hibari broke down during one of the shows and is in the backstage room to get repaired.

Sōji: Oh...I see.

After I got that answer, I stepped off the stage and followed the manager to his office so we can have that interview. It was a shame I couldn't see the Yagyū and Hibari robots, but understandable at the same time. Besides, if I tried to be sneaky and get a peek at them, I'd be in trouble.

One Long Interview Later...

Manager: You see, its not a difficult job, and judging by your previous job history, you'd fit in just fine, although, I have a feeling you might fall asleep during the shift, and I seriously hope that you won't do that.

Sōji: I can handle 12 hours, sir. I've did it in the past, so I'm 100 confident that I can do it here.

The manager raised an eyebrow and looked at me with a very concerned expression. I was starting to get a little nervous of what he was going to say, but then, he nodded and smiled.

Manager: Well, okay then. Anyway, as I was saying, its not a difficult job. You sit in the security office, monitoring the whole restaurant through the CCTV cameras and make sure no one suspicious gets in, but also make sure NOTHING goes missing.

Sōji: Nothing goes missing? In the previous jobs, I'd usually watch to make sure that no one breaks in.

Manager: Yes, but this completely different from those. Just watch the restaurant through the cameras and you'll be fine.

Sōji: Yes, sir.

I was confused by the description, but I didn't want to make any trouble. I'm currently jobless and the bills that I need to pay were piling up. I NEEDED this job more than anything right now.

Manager: So, when do you think you can start?

Sōji: As soon as you need me, sir. I'm opened to starting right away, if possible.

The manager looked at me very briefly before looking down at his notebook and began writing something down on a page. I wait for him to make his decision, while twiddling with my fingers. Once he finished writing what he needed to write, he looked at me and clasped his hands together, giving me a light smile.

Manager: That is excellent to hear, and since you offered, you can start tonight. We've got a sudden vacancy, and we're in urgent need of someone to fill the nightguard position.

Sōji: Did the last guy up and quit on you?

The manager didn't answer that right away. Instead, he took a few breaths, let out a sigh, and looked back at me. Judging by the way he was acting, it didn't seem like any good news was going to come fron him. With that in mind, I prepared myself for the worst.

Manager: Unfortunately, the previous night guard, who goes by the name of Komichi...has recently disappeared for some unknown reason. No one has found him yet.

Sōji: Oh no...What happened to him?

I knew that there was SOME kind of danger in the job, and after hearing that a man named Komichi mysteriously disappeared during a shift of his, I felt like I needed to be told about it. If this job was somewhat dangerous for someone like me, I needed to know what I was signing up for before I made my decision.

Manager: I don't know. One day, he was here, doing his daily duties, but then the next day, he's just...gone...left without a trace.....I honestly hope he is okay.

Sōji: Same here, sir.

The manager sat in silence for a few seconds before looking down at some papers on his desk, completely taking his eyes off me.

Manager: Heh...You know, its a scary thought, really. We never much time we're given, do we?

Sōji: No, sir.

After a few seconds of silence, the manager nodded thoughtfully and finally looked at me with a light smile.

Manager: Anyway, like I said before, you'll find it an easy job. Just keep an eye on those cameras, don't run out of power, make sure everything is in proper working conditions, and you'll be fine. Also, I might have you doing some maintenance work on some of the animatronics, but only if I ask you to do so. DO NOT perform any form of maintenance unless I tell you to do so. Understand?

Sōji: Yes, sir. Thank you for your time.

We shook hands before he gave me the keys to the front doors, which I can use to let myself in the restaurant when my nightshift began. I say goodbye to him and the other employees before leaving the establishment. However, for some reason, as I was walking to the exit, I could've sworn...I felt a dreadful prescence. I don't know where it came from, but it was there.

As I was walking home, a thought came to my mind. I just got an easy job. The reason I say its easy because I've done nightshifts before, some good and some bad, but this one...I feel like I can do this with no problem, and even though the pay is miniscule, at least I HAVE a job now, unlike some of my friends who are currently jobless at the moment. I considered recommending this place to Chitose, Ibuki, Ashiya and Bashou, but I kept it a secret for now.

This was going to be the most easiest job on the planet....or so I thought...

To be continued...

Finally, I've finished the prologue after a few days of editing and stuff. Now you know how Sōji gets the nightshift job at Asuka's Futomaki Palace. In the next part, she begins her first night on the job, where the Hanzō animatronics begin their assault on her. Will she survive the first night? Find out in the next part.

Anyway, if you guys are liking what you see so far and are interested in finding out what happens next, be sure to vote or follow me so you know when Sōji begins her first night at Asuka's. Again, thank you so much for giving this story a read. I really, really appreciate it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play some FNAF 1 on my Nintendo Switch.

For now, this is Fnafplayer10, signing off.

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