fine line (scott mccall)²

Bởi anticosmic

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in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... Xem Thêm

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞


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Bởi anticosmic

Blair was sitting beside Scott in the library when Stiles came up running to the table as he laid out a piece of paper in between Scott and Blair - looking far too excited over a piece of paper which could only mean that he had found a piece of evidence to confirm his suspicions of Theo Raeken.

"So you found something?" Scott asked curiously as Blair, Kira, and Malia all dropped their work to see what Stiles had managed to find in his attempts to find clues that Theo was evil.

"Another signature. This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago. Now, this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago." Stiles pointed out the comparison between the two signatures or lack thereof as Blair nodded her head in agreement - not understanding what she was looking at but agreeing nonetheless since it sounded right regardless.

"How did you get his transfer form?" Kira asked confused as Blair scratched the back of her head awkwardly once Kira asked her question since she already knew how and when Stiles had gotten the piece of paper - holding her head down guiltily since she may have aided and abetted in Stiles's stealing the transfer form.

"Did you break into the Administration office?" Scott asked Stiles accusingly since he knew his best friend sometimes had tendencies to get information by means that weren't exactly legal or ever legal for that matter.

"No, I did not break into the Administration office," Stiles stated as Kira, Malia and Scott gave him stares of disbelief while Blair looked to the floor instead considering she didn't want to get herself caught or to go down with Stiles.

"Okay, I might have given twenty bucks to Blair and she broke into the Administration office for me," Stiles revealed sheepishly as Blair turned her head back to him with a look of betrayal on her face, not believing that Stiles had tatted her out to the pack since she believed the twenty bucks also was giving her safety from being told on.

"Hey, snitches get stitches!" Blair told him as she pointed her finger at Stiles while narrowing her eyes at him while debating him if she hit him or not for snitching on her.

"Seriously?" Scott turned to Blair in disbelief that she had actually helped Stiles's thievery as she shrugged her shoulders in response considering she did get a good amount of money for it.

"Twenty dollars is a lot of money for something Stiles could easily do for free. It was a very good deal for me." Blair defended herself to Scott before Stiles interrupted the two's conversation since he wanted the attention to be on him and the papers and not the fact that he had bribed Blair to steal them.

"Can we just focus on the signatures, please? They're different." Stiles diverted their attention back to the paper's in front of him as he tried to explain what he had found to them. Blair leaning her head to the side to read the signatures again.

"They're sort of different," Malia admitted as she nodded her head - trying to force herself to see what Stiles did as she stared at the pieces of paper.

"They're completely different. Come on. Look. The garlands don't even match, the undulations of the sinuous stroke, totally off. And look, look at this. Perfect example of the Criminal Tremor." Stiles explained, Blair's eyes raising all of the terms he had just used to describe Theo's dad signatures - impressed that Stiles even knew that much terminology behind calligraphy.

"Impressive, I had no idea what half of those words meant," Blair commented as she looked up at Stiles who actually nodded his head gratefully at Blair for appreciating his dedication to his craft of finding out if Theo was to be trusted or not.

"So now, Theo is Theo, but his parents aren't his parents?" Kira asked Stiles since she was confused about where he was going with this piece of evidence.

"Someone's not someone. And when I figure out who that someone really is, someone's in big trouble." Stiles uttered to the group, as Blair tilted her head in question as she tried to figure out what Stiles was talking about now considering half of what he had just said didn't make any sense to her.

"Are you threatening a family?" Blair asked, questioning what his words meant as she stared at him. Stiles shrugging his shoulders slightly instead of giving her a direct answer since he wasn't too sure himself of what he had meant by his words. Blair deciding to take it as her answer that he was also trying to go after Theo's family as well.

"But no one's done anything wrong," Scott spoke up since he didn't see how changing signatures was a necessarily bad thing that meant they couldn't trust Theo considering it could have meant anything that the signatures were slightly off.

"Yet. If Theo's parents are both psychotic killers then obviously, we should not trust him, right?" Stiles asked, Blair not hesitating to nod her head in the agreement since it sounded like a sensible conclusion that his he had reached about Theo and his parents.

"My parents are Peter and the Desert Wolf," Malia spoke up as Kira and Scott stared at Stiles to see what his answer to that would be considering Malia was his girlfriend.

"You weren't raised by them though, it doesn't count. You're the only exception" Blair was quick to answer back as she vouched for her cousin to be good compared to her two psychotic parents - both of them managing to be serial killers.

"Okay... It's fine. You know what? I'll just figure this out with Blair, all right? I don't need you or you or you." Stiles yelled as Blair was forced to grab her books and follow after Stiles, rolling her eyes at his over-dramatics as the two of them left the library. Sties not giving Blair the choice to object to going with him as she turned around to the rest of them and mouthed help while Stiles continued to drag her out of the library.

Blair was quick to follow Stiles into the Jeep after she forced him to stop at her locker so she could load her textbooks into them - not wanting to drag them around with her if they were going to be investigating Theo for the rest of the day.

"What's a Criminal Tremor?" Blair heard Liam ask from the back seat with the forms in his hand, Blair neatly jumping out of her seat when she heard his voice as Stiles was quick to grab them back out of his hand.

"It doesn't matter," Stiles muttered to Liam as he drove the three of them out of the school as he decided that they were going to spend the night tracking Theo.


"I told you two he was up to something," Stiles whispered to Blair and Liam beside him as the three where crouched in behind some bushes as they walked Theo pull into the woods.

"We just spent three hours watching this dude play video games in his bedroom. He better be out here covering up mass murder." Liam pointed out since he obviously grew bored with this investigation after watching the first hour of watching Theo play video games. Both him and Blair had decided to play thumb wars much to Stiles's distaste considering how many times Blair had nearly yelled at Liam for beating her.

"Can he even fit that many bodies in his car? It's a very small car for mass murdering. I think a van would be much better suited if he was going for the whole serial killer aspect." Blair asked Liam bored as the two stared at the car he had just pulled up in. Both of them hoping that Theo was doing something malicious at this point to make up for the waste of time the previous hours had been for them.

"Let's find out," Stiles told the two beside him as to let Liam led them out of the bushes since they were tracking him using his scent.

"You still got his scent?" Stiles asked Liam after a couple of minutes of walking, Blair pulling her jacket over her tighter since the cold was beginning to prick at her skin. Blair starting to realise she probably should have bullied Stiles into letting her go to her apartment first so that she could change into warmer clothes before their investigation.

"Don't need it," Liam commented as the three continued walking through the woods, Blair and Stiles beginning to walk forward before they realized Liam had suddenly stopped walking with them causing both of them to turn around as they tried to figure out what was wrong with Liam.

"What? What's wrong?" Stiles asked quickly, thinking that Liam had managed to pick up on something wrong with Theo.

"I forgot, I was supposed to meet Mason as the school gym," Liam explained yo them, Blair's eyes softening at his explanation since he knew Liam was still struggling with his keeping his supernatural world from his best friend which was obviously starting to affect their friendship.

"Okay, why didn't you just tell him?" Stiles suggested to Liam since he thought it wasn't a big deal for Mason to know. Mason didn't seem the type to resent Liam for the supernatural world or to try and kill him so it didn't make sense to them why he was still hiding it from

"Tell him what?" Liam asked confused, not understanding what Stiles was alluding to.

"Anything," Stiles answered as he turned to Blair for help since she was a slightly better person to talk when it came to these situations compared to him.

"I can't just tell him anything." Liam tried to explain to Stiles who didn't seem to be getting Liam's point of why he couldn't just spill everything to Mason considering Scott and Stiles could barely hide a secret from the other.

"Why not?" Stiles asked as he narrowed his eyes at Liam in front of him - not understanding why he wouldn't tell his best friend immediately about the supernatural world.

"I'm sure Mason would understand, Liam." Blair tried to ease Liam's worries about Mason knowing as she gave him a reassuring smile. Blair had only a few interactions with Mason but every time they talked he had been nothing but friendly to her.

"Because I haven't... I haven't told him everything." Liam revealed to Stiles and Blair as he shoved his hands into his pockets sheepishly.

"Still? We said it was okay." Stiles asked him confused, Scott and the others had encouraged Liam to tell Mason about the supernatural world ever since he had gotten trapped in the high school with Lydia and a Berserker which was actually handling surprisingly well considering he saw the Sheriff and Lydia take on a Berserker with no further explanation.

"Yeah, I know, but it's not that easy. It's a lot to accept." Liam tried to explain to Stiles and Blair, Blair actually understanding where Liam was coming since it took her a long time to wrap her head around all the supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills.

"He watched my dad blow up a Berserker with a land mine. I think the groundwork's been pretty thoroughly laid for acceptance. Scott and I, we've been through this. Okay? More than once. It's just... It's always better then they know." Stiles explained to Liam, referring to the multiple times they had tried to hide the supernatural world from their loved ones, and each time it ended up blowing up in their faces whenever the secret finally came out.

"Trust me, Liam. Mason won't judge you." Blair reassured Liam before her and Stiles turned on their feet as they continued walking through the woods so that they wouldn't lose their trail on Theo.

"But what if he freaks out? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he tries to stab me with something silver? Or what if..."  Liam continued to rant to Stiles and Blair before he was cut off by a loud thud. Both of them turning around to each other confused as to what the loud noise was.

"Liam?" Blair called out as she and Stiles turned around to see that Liam had managed to vanish from behind them. Stiles turning and walking back as he and Blair looked down to see Liam standing in a hole.

"What the hell are you doing? I... There he is. Hurry up. Stop screwing around." Stiles told Liam as he went to go follow after Theo while Blair waited to make sure that Liam was okay after falling straight into a hole.

"You good down there?" Blair asked Liam as she crouched down a little bit to check on Liam to make sure he didn't get injured at all when he fell.

"Yeah, I just dropped my phone. Hold on." Blair nodded while Liam searched for his phone on the ground before finally jumping out of the hole. The two finally catchin up to Stiles who held them back before they could make any noise as he patted Liam's chest before pointing towards Theo.

"Try and get his scent. Get anything?" Stiles asked him as the three watched Theo as he stared at the river below him.

"Soap. It's nice. It smells good." Blair held her head down at Liam's review of Theo's soap since she knew that wasn't what Stiles was looking for at all. Blair closing her eyes as she tried to not point out the obvious as she let Stiles take the reins.

"Not his soap, his emotional state. Chemosignals, remember?" Stiles asked him, Blair remembering that Stiles and Scott had spent the majority of the summer training Liam on his new werewolf skills.

"Oh, yeah. Okay. I... He's sad." Liam explained to Stiles and Blair, Blair turning her head to Stiles as she waited for what he was going to say.

"He's sad?" Stiles asked, obviously confused at that answer since none of them could figure out why the werewolf would come out into the woods when he was sad.

"Yeah, not just sad...It's more like grief." Liam explained to them, causing Blair to furrow her eyebrows in confusion since she wasn't sure what was happening with Theo.

"Grief?" Stiles asked, the three watching as Theo pulled out some flowers before tossing them into the river.

"Oh, my god! Go! We have to go." Stiles came to a realization as he wrapped an arm around Liam and Blair's shoulder and urged the two to start walking as fast as they could away from Theo before he realized that the three of them were in the woods with him.

"What? Why?" Liam asked confused, neither him or Blair understanding where Stiles's sudden change of heart had came from.

"Go! Right now. Just go." Stiles pushed Liam and Blair again as they began running away from where they had found Theo at the bridge.

"That's the bridge where they found his sister," Stiles explained to them, still not clueing Blair and Liam in since they didn't have any background history on Theo Raeken compared to Stiles who used to be friends with the kid.

"What sister?" Liam asked for the two of them confused - none of them knowing what sister Stiles was referring to when he talked about Theo.

"The one that got lost and died from exposure. He's leaving a flower for her." Stiles explained, causing Blair's mouth to open in shock at Stiles's revelation that they had stalked Theo trying to honor his dead sister.

"Buzzcut, you made us interrupts a stalk a freakin memorial." Blair hissed out, starting to feel guilty that she had agreed to stalk Theo with Stiles despite the fact she had her own reservations when it came to the new guy.

"That doesn't sound evil." Liam pointed out quickly after Blair finished her point of them following Theo to his sister's memorial.

"I know." Stiles agreed, the three of them halting in their spot - Blair staring up to notice Theo standing on one of the branches above their heads. Theo stared at them before jumping off it, landing on his feet as he slowly stood up. Blair's eyes widening in shock, knowing that they had just been caught red-handed in following him.

"What are you guys doing?" Theo asked innocently with a kind smile on his face, a much nicer reaction than Blair would have given in his position.

Liam immediately growled at Theo as he stepped in front of Blair protectively - Blair placing her hands on his shoulders as she tried to remind him to calm down considering they were in the wrong after all.

"Whoa," Theo spoke up in surprise as he held his hands up in defense - not expecting Liam to immediately growl at him.

"Why do I get the feeling this kid's tougher than he looks?" Theo asked as Blair kept glaring at Theo, her instinct to protect Liam kicking in more than being nice to Theo.

"Only when we let him off his leash," Stiles answered honestly, Liam and Blair still tense with Theo - Blair's eyes flickering to Stiles to see how they were going to handle this situation.

"Stiles, we were in Little League together. Why are you so suspicious of me?" Theo asked Stiles since he was confused as to what he did to cause Stiles to grow suspicious of him in the first place considering he hadn't done anything yet to warrant any distrust from the pack.

"Because of these." Stiles actually answered as he pulled out the two forms from his pocket before passing them to Theo to look at himself.

"One's a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight years ago and the other one's his signature on a transfer form to Beacon High. They're different." Stiles pointed out as Theo flipped through the two's forms in front of him - trying to see the difference that Stiles was adamant about.

"Huh. Yeah, they... they look a little different." Theo agreed hesitantly, giving him more agreement than the others had in the library.

"No, they're totally different. Signed by two completely different people." Stiles's voice began to grow louder in the conversation, Blair dropped her grip on Liam when she realized how angry Stiles was getting during the conversation as her eyes flickered between Stiles and Theo - trying to figure out what was going on with Stiles to cause him to act so harshly.

"So my dad's not my dad? He's an imposter?" Theo asked Stiles confused as he stared at the three of them, Blair beginning to feel less confident in their accusations towards Theo considering they didn't actually have a lot of confidence that they were true in the first place.

"Something like that," Liam answered  semi-confidently while Theo stared back down at the forms in his hand before folding them back up.

"Who do you think I am?" Theo asked as he stared at Stiles - trying to figure out what Stiles thought of him.

"We don't know yet," Stiles answered honestly considering they didn't actually have a solid theory as to what Theo was up to.

"Hopefully not a mass murderer, God knows we have our load of those," Blair muttered under her breath, causing Theo to crack a smile at her statement.

"Want me to give you a DNA sample or something?" Theo joked lightly, wondering how far he would have to go in order for Stiles to trust him completely.

"No, I don't have anything from the fourth grade to match it to," Stiles answered honestly, Blair knowing Stiles took his offer completely literal.

"I think a DNA test is a bit too far, Stiles," Blair whispered to Stiles who waved it off like it was mandatory for anyone to have a DNA test to prove they were who they said were.

"You know, Stiles. I came back here for Scott. But I also came back to you. Someone like you. Someone who's willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. I don't have anyone like that, Scott does. You all do." Theo's words started to impact Blair and Liam who turned to each other as they began to realize Theo really was just trying to make friends in the new town.

"I know I'm in the right place. I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to be apart of Scott's pack." Theo explained with such certainty to the group that he almost convinced them that he had good intentions with joining the pack.


"Find anything?" Scott asked Stiles and Blair, Blair closing her eyes when she realized Scott had caught onto to them spying on Theo as he stood next to the Jeep.

"Nope," Stiles answered as he went into the driver's seat while Blair and Liam stood awkwardly in front of Scott - both of them looking a little more embarrassed than Stiles did. Both Liam and Blair catching onto the tension between Stiles and Scott as they tried to think of some way to get rid of it.

"I fell in a hole," Liam admitted proudly as Scott started to walk over to where Stiles was, Blair patting Liam's shoulder considering no one else was complimenting him on his fall.

"It was a good fall," Blair reassured, Liam nodding as he high-fived Blair - both of them clearly focused on the wrong part of tonight.

"It was the bridge where his sister died, wasn't it?" Scott asked Stiles as he stood outside the driver's door as Blair and Liam stood awkwardly to the side - beginning to feel like kids listening to their parents argue with each other.

"Yes, it was, very embarrassing. So, we're gonna leave now" Stiles answered as he tried to put the keys in the ignition but it didn't seem to work as the Jeep still didn't start.

"Should we get in the Jeep?" Blair whispered to Liam who shrugged his shoulders in response as both of them shoved their hands in their pockets as they tried to figure out what to do.

"Liam, do me a favor and get in the car and turn the ignition when I say." Liam hopped into the Jeep while Blair and Scott stood on either side of Stiles as he opened the hood of the Jeep to try and figure out what the problem was.

"Need help?" Blair asked from beside him as she tried to help him since she knew he was currently filled with nerves. Stiles shaking his head no since he knew he could do it by himself without anyone's help.

"Stiles?" Scott asked, trying to get Stiles to talk about what had just happened.

"Be with you in sec. Try it." Stiles called out to Liam who plugged the keys into the ignition again, the Jeep still failing to start. Stiles holding his head over the engine as he tried to figure out what was wrong with his Jeep this time.

"Stiles..." Scott repeated, trying to get his best friend to talk to him.

"Yes. Okay? We followed him out here. What do you want me to say? That I'm a stalker? Huh? That I'm crazy? Totally paranoid? None of this is new information." Stiles ranted out to Scott, Blair leaning against the Jeep as he did so before getting into the passenger seat beside Liam - deciding that she would feel less awkward if she sat in the Jeep rather than standing next to them during their arguement.

"Mom and dad fighting again?" Liam asked her as he referred to Stiles and Scott standing in front of them as Blair nodded her head.

"Now you're gonna try to at least give him the benefit of the doubt?" Scott asked while Stiles was still trying to fix his Jeep.

"Twenty bucks, he says no," Liam whispered for Blair as he leaned over as the two watched Stiles and Scott interact. Blair immediately scoffing at Liam's bet considering she knew Stiles better than that.

"Thirty bucks, he denies it." Blair bet on Stiles as Liam held his hand out as the two shook on the deal since Liam was confident he was going to win.

"I give people benefit of the doubt! I've given a lot of benefit to a lot of doubt." Blair turned to Liam as she held her hand out, Liam taking thirty dollars from his wallet as he placed it in her hand as Blair smiled smugly at the fact she had managed to earn herself fifty bucks in the span of day from Liam and Stiles combines.

"Don't worry, you'll learn not to bet against me. I'm always right." Blair laughed quietly to herself as she messed up Liam's hair as he quickly went to fix it with a frown etched onto his face.

"Like Derek? Blair? Kira? Liam?" Scott asked, knowing that Stiles didn't trust any of those people originally and now all of them were some of his closest friends. Blair and Liam piping up their heads - both of them knowing full well that Stiles didn't trust either of them when he met them.

"I was right about Peter." Stiles pointed out, knowing that ever since Peter came back, only he and Blair didn't trust him since they could sense something was wrong with the former Alpha.

"And Matt!" Blair added, backing up Stiles in his point that his suspicions were right sometimes. Scott tilting his head slightly as Blair slowly moved her head back from the window as she bit her lip in nervousness that she had made one of them mad.

"Try it again!" Stiles ordered Liam who turned the keys again for the Jeep as it still failed to work.

"You know, I bet you still think there's something about him that can be saved." Stiles pointed out since Scott usually liked to believe in the best of people even in Deucalion who had murdered plenty of innocents before.

"Maybe," Scott answered honestly causing Stiles to throw his hands up in frustration at his best friend's continuous blind optimism of people.

"Try it again!" Stiles called out again to Liam, Blair slumping against the seat when the Jeep failed to start once again. Blair placing her hands on her head as she rubbed her temples - knowing that the Jeep not working was only making Stiles more frustrated with everything.

"Why can't you trust anyone?" Scott asked Stiles, wondering why he was so apprehensive of everyone that came to the town.

"Because you trust everyone," Stiles yelled out in anger as he hit the jeep, causing Blair to jump in her seat. Liam turning to Blair as he noticed her eyes were closed and her heartbeat was racing rapidly once she heard the bang.

"You okay?" Liam whispered to Blair as she nodded her head quickly as her lips formed a straight line - lying to Liam that the noise hadn't caused her to nearly have a heart attack.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked Stiles once he watched his face contort into pain after he hit the Jeep.

"Fine." Stiles lied as both Blair and Liam turned to each other as they both began to feel as if they were intruding on this conversation just by listening.

"You could've broken it." Scott pointed out to Stiles, considering how much force he used behind his punch when he hit the Jeep.

"It's not broken." Stiles was quick to refute as Blair watched Stiles hold up his hand as he examined the damage he had done to it.

"Let me see it," Scott told Stiles, wanting to take away the pain for Stiles since it was quite obvious that it was hurting him.

"I'm fine," Stiles answered, not wanting to admit that he was actually in pain.

"Let me see it," Scott repeated as Stiles held out his hand to Scott who slowly placed his hands over Stiles's as his veins turned black - starting to take Stiles's pain away from him.

Blair moving forward to the steering wheel once Scott and Stiles were done as she pulled the keys again - the car finally reviving to life.


Blair walked into her apartment as she locked the door behind her before moving to her closest.

Her phone started ringing as she took it out of her back pocket - smiling when she saw Isaac's contact name flashing across her screen despite the time difference.

"You know I should be shocked that you forgot to call me after your first day but you do have the memory capacity of a peanut sometimes, so I'll forgive you." Isaac word's flowing through the phone causing Blair to immediately smile - already missing her best friend despite seeing him a couple of days ago. Blair put Isaac on a loudspeaker as she grabbed some clothes to change into.

"Well, Stiles wanted to stalk the new guy. Couldn't exactly let him do that by himself, could we?" Blair asked down the phone as she tugged her shirt off before going into the bathroom - knowing she needed to check on her other problem.

"Still doesn't trust newcomers?" Isaac asked since he knew Stiles tended to go overboard on his investigations when it came to new people being in town.

"Never." Blair answered, turning in the mirror as she traced over the lines that marked her torso.

"What about the other thing?" Isaac asked hesitantly, Blair already sighing down the phone once she heard his question before slipping on her shirt for bed.

"I still look like shit, just in case you're wondering," Blair answered, Isaac's head hitting against the pillow as he sighed out since they had been trying to get answers all summer on what was happening to her but only managed to come up empty-handed.

"On the bright side, if it was going to kill me, I think it would have already." Blair pointed out, wondering when she was finally going to heal since it had been months from when Scott had bit her.

"Maybe not, you know what they say. Slow and steady wins the race." Isaac pointed out, Blair furrowing her eyebrows at Isaac's word choice for her injury.

"Isaac that isn't referring to death, you moron." Blair called down the phone, the two beginning to change the topic as Isaac started to spend the rest of the night quizzing Blair on the new guy in town since he wanted to stay up to date on everything happening even if he didn't live in the town anymore.

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