By arios2004

119K 3.1K 870

In Nora of Lancaster is dead, but her legacy lives on through Marie of Burgundy, the Tudor's ward, and Prince... More



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By arios2004

— 22. The Start of Another Chapter

The following day, at the Privy Council meeting, the nobles argued as Harry sat comfortably in his father's former seat, leaning back slightly in his chair.

Charlie sat to his left, where Kathy used to sit as a member of the Privy Council. Kathy, on the other hand, now sat at the other end of the table at the head, where her grandmother once sat as the second-in-command of the president of the Privy Council, second only to the king himself.

Lord Stafford and Thomas Boleyn were standing, arguing about the whole ordeal that happened regarding Dudley.

Kathy watched silently, taking in everything that was happening while Harry looked bored. Charlie glanced around, clearly new to it all. However, out of the three of them, it was clear that Kathy was the most experienced. After all, despite it being a shock, Kathy had attended far more Privy Council meetings than Harry ever did.

"I, for one, question the measures implemented by this man, Dudley—" Sir Thomas began to argue, only to be interrupted by Lord Stafford.

"Oh, as I recall, you were in favor—" Lord Staffrd argued back but before he could finish, Harry had slammed his hand down on the table.

"Silence!" He yelled at the men in a loud, powerful tone, not even noticing that Catherine had entered the room, "All of you. You are like a room full of bees," He paused, looking across the table to see Wolsey standing near Kathy's seat, reading a book in his hand, "Wolsey, why don't you buzz like the rest of them?"

Wolsey closed his book and looked over at Harry calmly. "Because I know my guilt, Your Grace. I knew the levies were unjust, but I did nothing, because I wished to curry favor with the king and with his mother. As we all did."

"What about me?" Kathy complained as she looked up at Wolsey, "I never did. Not for a second. I openly disagreed many times."

"I should hang the lot of you," Harry told the men and Kathy shook her head.

"You wouldn't dare," Kathy spoke up calmly and Harry smiled slightly at his sister.

"And why's that?" Harry retorted with an attitude, "As I recall, you're not king, sister. I am."

Not knowing that Harry wasn't being serious and was only playfully taunting his sister, Margaret moved closer to Harry with a desperate look on her face. "Spoken like a true king, Harry."

"Oh, here we go," Kathy rolled her eyes as everyone in the room but she and Harry stood up to bow their heads to the woman, "Who let her in?"

"And you should start by casting out that harlot from the palace," Margaret continued on as she angrily pointed at Catherine.

"Leave," Harry insisted and everyone but Kathy obeyed as Margaret continued on with her rant.

"She is not a maid," Margaret ranted and Kathy continued to sit down while even Harry stood up, "She is a liar and a fortune hunter. She cannot be your queen. It is against God's law. You brought evil to this great house the day you came here—" She began snap at Margaret while Kathy smiled in amusement.

"Was it ever really a great house, though?" Kathy spoke up and Harry turned his attention to his sister as he smiled in amusement, "We were made royalty when Father killed his best friend and you killed his younger brothers, our mother's brothers."

"But you will not drag us into ruin," Margaret continued on, completely ignoring what Kathy had said.

"She's trying to rule through you, Harry. Don't listen to anything she says," Kathy spoke up in a stern tone.

"This is a lie," Catherine told Harry, a serious look on her face, "Lina did not say this because it isn't true."

"Where is this woman?" Harry asked as he turned to look at his grandmother, who suddenly became silent, "Well, fetch her here, and have her swear it on the cross before me."

Kathy's lips curled upwards, amused when her grandmother began to tense up worriedly. She had done something behind Harry's back regarding Lina.

"Bring her to me!" Harry shouted at the top of his lungs as he slammed his hand down on the table, causing both Margaret and Catherine to jump in fright while Kathy remained calm.

Margaret stared at Harry with wide eyes, realizing at that moment that she had lost not only the hold she had on Kathy, but also Harry.

"Where is she now?" Catherine asked Margaret worriedly, "What have you done to her?"

With that, Catherine had run out of the room to search for Lina, leaving Margaret alone with Harry and Kathy.

While everyone had left the room, Kathy took her time standing up. She slowly walked over to her grandmother, who seemed at a loss for words. "You thought you would win, but you will not, Lady Grandmother," She told the woman in a low tone, "You're dead to me and you're dead to Harry as well. You're nothing now."

"Katherine, no," Margaret pleaded, beginning to cry as she shook her head, "I've been a mother to you. More than your own mother ever was. I educated you. I empowered you. I love you. Like I would my own daughter. You were my daughter, in a way."

"Yes, you were a mother to me, but all the while, you were corrupting me," Kathy explained, beginning to tear up, "I idolized you, Lady Grandmother, and come to find out, you're a monster. You killed children. Innocent children. My aunts and uncles. All because you had a vendetta against a woman who never even did anything to deserve your hatred. You ruined her life. And for what? To have power? That is unforgivable."

"I forgave you for your sins," Margaret pointed out and Kathy gave her a weird look, "You lay with Harry's own friend, Charlie Brandon. He even impregnated you, but the child died," She explained, causing Kathy's eyes widened in horror, "What would Harry think? He would never forgive you."

"Who do you think he will believe, Lady Grandmother?" Kathy asked Margaret, a smirk forming on her lips, "His beloved girl, the person he loves most in this world or his grandmother, who has completely gone mad as of late?"

Margaret smiled back at Kathy, nodding her head. "He might not believe me now, but as the years pass, I think he will soon or later. He is already suspicious. He has been for years."

Margaret moved closer to Kathy, pressing a kiss to her granddaughter's cheek before she walked out of the room.


Days had passed and Kathy knelt in the chapel, attending her morning prayer when she heard footsteps. She sighed in frustration and stood up, only to turn and have her eyes widen at the sight of Harry.

"Brother," Kathy greeted her brother, quick to curtsy before her new king.

"Our Lady Grandmother has told me something about you..." He trailed off and Kathy tried to hide her uneasiness, "And Charlie. She says the two of you have lain with each other. On many occasions."

"What?" Kathy asked, laughing at the thought, "That's absurd."

"Is it true?" Harry questioned lowly and Kathy smiled at the thought.

"Of course it isn't. Who do you think I am?" Kathy scoffed, staring at her brother in amusement, "Why would I have anyway? He is your friend and you've told me on many occasions that I was forbidden from involving myself with him. Why would I have betrayed you like that? You are my brother and I am loyal to you above anyone."

"Good," Harry responded, a cold look on his face as he walked closer to Kathy, "Because if you have, I will never forgive you and you can kiss remaining unwed and being on the privy council goodbye. Charlie would pay as well. Friend or not."

Kathy forced a smile onto her face and nodded as she stared up at her brother. "I am a maid, Harry, and I would never lay with Charlie or any other man," She paused, giving him a serious look, "Men are weak. I intend to be stronger and being with a man would not make me so."

Harry nodded his head in understanding. He cupped Kathy's face in his hands, pressing a kiss to his sister's forehead. "It seems everyone else around me has betrayed me at least once. I am glad that you have not, sister," He whispered softly and Kathy tried to hide her uneasiness, "It is good to know I will always have you by my side. With no man to steal you from me."

  Harry slowly backed away, staring at Kathy with a look on his face she knew all too well.

He knew.

And his words were a way of taunting her. They were a warning.

With that, Harry left the room and once he was gone, Kathy began to tremble with fear. Tears began to fill her eyes and she felt worried. He knew.


In their room, Marie sat in a chair near the window, drinking a glass of wine when her husband suddenly entered. She had been avoiding him for days now.

"You've been avoiding me," Lord Stafford complained and Marie sighed in defeat, "Ever since what happened at King Henry's funeral."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Marie argued as she shrugged her shoulders in response.

"I want to be a good husband to you, Marie. I want to heed your counsel and be truthful with you. I wish you would be truthful with me as well, but there's a distance between us," Lord Stafford explained as he moved closer to Marie, "We were fine. For an entire month after our wedding, we were happy, but the moment Harry's name is mentioned even close to you, it's as though you're not mine anymore. You're his."

Marie sighed, staring up at her husband with a sympathetic look on her face. "I am not his, I am yours," She argued in a stern tone as she walked closer to him, "You are my husband and I am your wife. I have known Harry since I was a girl. He and Kathy were the only people I allowed to be close to me growing up. I love them both like family. That is all. What Harry and I had is in the past. You needn't worry."

"Then we shall start our lives together," Lord Stafford suggested as he cupped her face in his hands. Marie forced a smile on her face as she nodded her head in agreement, "I have two daughters at home. From my previous wife. I think you should meet them. I think they will like you. And..." He trailed off, letting out a large sigh, "Perhaps, when we are ready, we can start a family of our own."

"I think we already have," She spoke up, causing Lord Stafford to frown in concern, "I am pregnant with your child."

Lord Stafford began to smile as he heard the news. "Are you certain?"

"I have not had my monthly courses since our wedding night and our wedding night was already nearly two months ago," She told him as she smiled at him, "I am certain."

He smiled, cupping her face in his hands before he kissed her. "I will be good husband to you and a good father to our child. I swear it. I will make you happy. On that, you have my oath," He vowed and Marie smiled as she nodded her head.


It was nighttime and Margaret laid in bed, gravely ill. She gasped and cried out, beginning to hallucinate children laughing and running around the room. Nora's children.

"Go away, go away, go away," She pleaded, beginning to cry.

"Four boys, Margaret. Four of my poor boys you killed. And my poor Teddy. And my Grace. And my Katherine. And now my Lizzie and my grandson as well," Nora explained as she walked into Margaret's chambers as a ghost, wearing mourning attire and a black veil, "All because you wished to claim vengeance on me, but for what? I never did anything to you. Tell me. Why? Why would you do something like that? Was it jealousy?"

"I do not have to answer to you," Margaret answered in a growl, "You're not even here."

"You will answer soon enough. You will be in hell quite soon and finally, you shall answer for your crimes. How does that sound, Lady Margaret?" Nora asked, smiling tauntingly as she moved closer to Margaret's bed, "While I am in heaven, you will be cast down to hell for your sins."

"Leave me alone!" Margaret screamed at the top of her lungs and Marie, who had been walking down the hallway, heard the woman.

She sighed in defeat and walked toward the woman's room before entering. Margaret lifted her head, squinting as she saw Marie standing before her.

"Are you a fever?" She weakly asked, finding it odd to be seeing Marie after just hallucinating Nora.

"No, I am here," Marie replied as she looked down at the woman contently.

"To laugh at me," Margaret answered in an annoyed tone.

"Depends on what you say," Marie replied calmly, trying to contain the satisfaction she felt at the sight of Margaret's state.

"Well, laugh away," Margaret growled at Marie, who simply nodded.

"I am with Harry, despite all that you have done to stop me from having him, but I cannot have him in marriage. That is the final gift you've given me, it seems. But that is where you messed up. You've given me the same power Nora had. To be a Queen in All but name," Marie explained, smiling almost threateningly as she looked down at Margaret, "You tried so hard to not let history repeat itself, but in the end, you are what caused it to happen. I even carry his child now. And I shall do whatever I can within my power to ensure that my son does not meet the same fate as the rest of the firstborns in your family. I will not let the Tudor curse take him as they took Prince Arthur."

"Water," Margaret whimpered, completely ignoring what Marie had said.

Marie kindly smiled and nodded her head. She picked up the goblet of water, holding it in her hand for a long moment. It was taking everything within her not to just pour it on the floor and walk away.

Margaret continued to cry out, weakly reaching for the water.

Marie rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat. "It seems I am better woman than you ever were," She commented as she moved closer to Margaret and began to help her with drinking the water.

She smirked slightly and watched Margaret gulped down the water as quick as she could, practically dying of thirst since everyone refused to attend to her as she laid dying in bed.

Margaret sighed out in satisfaction and she drank the rest of the water before laying back on the bed.

Marie continued to smile, almost smirking in satisfaction as she set down the now empty cup on Margaret's nightstand.

"My Harry," Margaret managed to get out as she gestured toward the door.

"Harry dresses for his wedding," Marie informed her in a calm tone.

"No," Margaret cried out, "The Spanish girl will destroy us all."

"I thought that was my job," Marie retorted tauntingly.

"If Harry marries her, he's cursed no boys, no legitimate heirs," Margaret complained as she gestured down to Marie's belly.

After all, Marie's sons fathered by Harry would not be legitimately his. They'd be Lord Stafford's in the eyes of the law and bastards in God's eyes.

"You call my actions evil...but I'm protecting my family, my country," Margaret argued as she stared up at Marie, who looked bored.

"So killing five innocent boys was protecting your family?" Marie asked, letting out a loud humorless laugh, "You're the one who stole the throne from them in the first place."

"You will never survive the life Nora did. It won't be enough for you. It took courage and power. A lot more than you will ever have. You won't last. Harry will grow tired of you sooner or later. You won't be able to keep his interests as Nora did with Edward. She had to endure him bedding more women than you could ever imagine. Harry is the same as his grandfather when it comes to his appetite for pleasure and you won't be able to endure it without ruining yourself in the process."

"I think I will take my leave," Marie spoke up, on the verge of leaving when Margaret spoke up.

"No." She pleaded, leading to Marie turning to face the woman once more, "Everything I've built will be undone."

"What have you built, though?" Marie asked angrily as she walked over the woman, "Hatred and fear. That is all."

"You will burn in hell for what you've done, Lady Margaret. Everyone thought me to be some innocent flower but you knew," Marie began to explain as she watched Margaret claw at her neck, beginning to gasp for breath, "You knew I was there. I was there for all of what Nora planned to do against you all. I heard about what she wanted to do to you when she saw you again and since she is not here to do it, I intend to fulfill that wish for her. I wasn't going to stand back and let you die peacefully, Lady Margaret. Not after what you've done. Not after you took everything from me. You took my mother away from me. Lizzie and George were like older siblings to me and you took them away from me as well," She paused, purposely pulling the pillow from underneath Margaret before she snatched it from her to make her suffer even more.

"I have Harry wrapped around my little finger. You call it a sour whore's trick, but that trick will keep me alive and safe. And my children. I will live a great life and I shall die peacefully one day with no guilt. A pity you won't have the same," Marie explained, continuing to stare down at Margaret, who was clawing at her throat, unable to breathe after drinking the poison Marie had slipped into the woman's water, "You took my entire life away and now, I shall take yours as well. You may have defeated Nora, but you will not defeat me."

Marie smiled in satisfaction, leaning closer to the woman. "Sleep well, Lady Margaret. I hope it was all worth it," She whispered softly, watching as Marie's body began to shake until her body finally limped and stilled.

Marie took a large step back. She smiled, taking in the sight of the woman's body before she began to walk toward the door. She suddenly froze, her eyes widening as she found Kathy leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed. Kathy stared at her friend intently, eying her almost curiously.

She opened her mouth to explain herself, but stopped herself when Kathy began to smile. "She had it coming for thirty years. You did what so many have failed to do but wished to," She told her friend, smirking in satisfaction, "Good riddance."

   Marie nervously smiled and Kathy wrapped an arm around her friend as they walked out of the room together, satisfied after the death of Margaret Beaufort.

Margaret Beaufort was gone was from this world and both girls thought they were now at peace.

How wrong they were.

   It was only the beginning for the two of them. The shadow of the Tudor curse hung over them and their children and it would continue to do so for many years to come, taking the lives of many of their future children. Their precious sons.

That was Margaret's final gift to them.

   Two innocent women would pay the price of their sons, all thanks to a treacherous act that occurred before they even born.

It was only the beginning for Katherine Tudor and Marie of Burgundy.


Marie really did THAT!! And I bet y'all are happy. She claimed the vengeance everyone has been begging for since Love and War. 😂

Harry knows about Kathy and Charlie, which is something that is VERY important to keep in mind. Kathy clearly knew what Harry was saying to her was an indirect threat so she'll know better than to even a say a WORD to Charles when no one else is around, fearing that Henry will suspect the worse. 😬

Also, I thought I'd share these. All gifs I've made ranging from Nora and Edward to even Edward and Lizbeth.

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