Dwyer (A Twilight Fanfic) {S...

Von SophThomp5

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Four things I was absolutely positive on. First, Bella is in love with a vampire Second, I'm a... Mehr

Chapter 1: Moving In
Chapter 2: A letter
Chapter 3: Apologies and Thank You's
Chapter 4: Unexpected
Chapter 5: Mr. Cullen
Chaper 6: Scary Stories
Chapter 8: Port Angeles
Chapter 9: Phone Call
Chapter 10: Bella and Edward
Chapter 11: Small Talk
Chapter 12: Ignored
Chapter 13: Liar
Chapter 14: Impossible
Chapter 15: Good ol' Bonding

Chapter 7: Silhouette

166 2 0
Von SophThomp5

When me and Bella arrived back at the house Charlie was on the couch watching basketball, which wasn't a shocker to me at all. Bella went up to her room while I went into the kitchen to grab a snack since I was hungry. "Hey Charlie do you know the Black's by chance," I said as I grabbed an apple from the fridge. "Actually I'm good friends with them. Why do you ask kiddo?" Questioned Charlie. "Oh, It's just that I meet Jacob Black today so I thought why not just ask," I said. "Jacob didn't give you any trouble now did he," asked Charlie raising an eyebrow. "No he did not. He's quite the friend actually, " I said defending my friend. Charlie just smiles, and then hops off the couch. "Follow me Lyssa I have something to show you," said Charlie motioning for me to follow him. I followed him completely confused. "Why are we going to the garage Char-" I was about to finish but Charlie opened the garage door to reveal the most beautiful room. I run over to Charlie and give him the most biggest hug. I know I'm not the emotional type, but for me now was a time to get emotional. "Thank you Charlie," I said to him still in the embrace. "Your welcome kiddo," said Charlie, "Why don't you move your stuff down here and get settled." I smile and nod my head, then head upstairs. I knock on the door before entering Bella's room. "Bella I'm just gonna grab my stuff and then head back downstairs, okay?" I said as I walked over to the closet.

Bella didn't seem to notice I was here because of her headphones. I don't know how she could concentrate with the loud music if you want to call it that, blaring in her ears. I just decided if she can't hear me or see me, then I'll just do what I came up here to do and then leave. It's that simple. I grabbed my suitcase that had all my clothes in it (well the ones that I brought), and then grabbed my phone, phone charger, laptop and it's charger, and my books. I then went into the bathroom and grabbed all my neccessities. Finally, I made my way down the stairs with all my stuff in hand and then headed down the hallway to my bedroom. Once in there, I plopped all the stuff on the bed, and began to unpack all of it. "Do you need help with any of that?" Asked a voice coming up from behind me. "Fudge," I said as I turned around to be met by Alice. "Goodness Alice don't do that to me. And of course the help would be greatly appreciated." I said smiling at my friend. Alice smiled before grabbing some of my stuff, and then went vampire speed around my room. I just roll my eyes at this. "All done. Now come on, I have something to show you," said Alice grabbing my hand. "Ali I need to tell Charlie I'm going to hangout with a friend before I go anywhere," I said to her using her nickname. "It's already been taken care of. Now go sit in the bathroom while I pick out your outfit," said Alice before she used her vampire speed to sit me down in the bathroom. I must have forgot to mention Charlie installed a bathroom for me so I could have my own. 'Suck that Bella,' I thought.

I let out a small chuckle at my own thought, before going silent again when Alice came in carrying a bag with clothes. "Alice what is that? And you should know I'm not a doll to dress up, but I will only let it slide just this once since I'm in a good mood," I said a little bit annoyed by her actions of wanting to dress me up. She just rolls her eyes, and then hands me the bag. In the bag was a brand new outfit and shoes. I just glare at her because she knows she's not supposed to buy me stuff without telling me. "Go change into that and then come show me, so then I could do your hair," She said. "Fine," I said groaning. After I changed into the outfit, which fit me much to my surprise, and then headed back to Alice. "Now let me do your hair," said Alice well more like demanded. Alice did my hair in a fishtail braid, the clothes she brought was a red and white long-sleeved shirt, with black leggings and white converse. "Alice what do you need to show me, and why do I have to get dressed up for it?" I asked growing impatient. "Just hold on tight and close your eyes," said Alice. I did as she said and then I felt raindrops brush against my skin, as Alice ran vampire speed to wherever she was taking me. We soon stopped at a big clearing, and when I took a look around all the Cullens seemed to be here, except Alec. It was probably just a coincidence since he isn't apart of their coven, so he's just not here. "Okay Alice what was it you need to show me, because techincally I left through the window not the front door," I said as we walked over to my dearest vampire friends.

"There's no need to be such a worry-wart. Alice told Charlie that it would be a much better idea to 'kidnap' you through the window, then go out the front door," said Emmett with a smirk plastered onto his pale-white face. I just brushed of Emett's comment and then go hug the person I haven't seen since Friday. "Edwardo! Thank goodness your alive I feel like I haven't seen you in ages," I said dramatically. I gave Edward a big hug which he returned, and then let go so I could hug everyone else. I just waved at Jasper since he still new to the "vegitarian diet", but were still good friends. Jasper waved back with a smile on his face, which made me smile. "How was the beach Lyssa," asked Edward out of curiousity? I roll my eyes because I know he already knew the answer to that. "It was great, made 3 new friends today, even though two of them are complete idiots. I still love them," I said. "Was Bel-" said Edward but I cut him off. "She was perfectly fine, I mean I didn't hangout with her the whole time, but I could tell she was fine," I said. "Now what is it that you all have to show me?" I questioned curiously. It was then at that moment did I realize they were wearing baseball uniforms, and the clearing where we're at is the field. 'This is why Alice dolled me up isn't it?' I thought looking at Edward's smiling face. I just roll my eyes at his smiling form because I knew he found this funny.   

~Time skip to Two days later (Monday Morning)~

Monday's I just hate them. Its always the beginning of the school week and I really just hate it. I could talk about yesterday or Saturday even. Well on Saturday after the beach Alice and her family let me come to one of their family baseball games, and I got to be umpire since I know the sport well. It was actually fun to watch, it reminded me of when I was little and I would go to my dad's games, except for the fact that my friends are a lot faster than the average human. Sunday, I went to hang out with Jacob, Quil, and Embry. We were at Jacob's house since it seems like they go over there a lot. Jacob was fixing up the rabbit, while we all talked, joked, and teased each other. I did meet Jacob's dad Billy who seems like a really nice man. At first he was curious as to why I was over at his house with his son and his friends, but then he got used to it an hour later. I wouldn't blame him though because it does seem a little suspicious, but whatever. Now it's the day I loathe the most . . . Monday. 

I was downstairs eating breakfast with Charlie while we waited for Bells to get up. I was surprised, I was up before Charlie and Bella and I'm usually the one to wake up last. After Charlie and I had finished our breakfast Bella came downstairs already dressed for the day. "Nice day out," Charlie commented. "Yes," said Bella agreeing with a grin. I just nod my head and then hand Bella her breakfast. Charlie soon left a few minutes later for work, he told us goodbye, and I told him to be careful. Me and Bells soon left after, and it was sunny today so I just decided to go with wearing my blue t-shirt with some skinny jeans, and my converse. I left my hair down today because I didn't fe- no want to do it up. Bells soon started the truck up and off we were to Forks High School. And since today is sunny the Cullens won't be here today, which stinks since I haven't really made any other friends then them. I mean if you want to count Bella's friends then be my guest. It's just that I've noticed that I don't really have anything in common with anyone except maybe Angela. We both don't like how Mike is so oblivious to Jessica's feelings for him. But that's probably about it.

Suddenly a loud banging noise is coming from my right, and when I look to see who it is it's Mike. Just the person I didn't want to see or run into at all. I hop out of the truck and see that Bella is nowhere to be found. 'Darn my stupid mind made me forget to get out,' I thought before being interupted my Mike. "Hey Lyssa," said Mike. Umm . . . Mike has never used my nickname before nor earned the privilege to use it. "Yes Mike?" I asked questionably. Mike seems a bit different I guess, I mean that's how I would put it. He was wearing a striped Rugby shirt with some khaki shorts. "Do you want to walk to class together?" Asked Mike seeming hopeful. "Sure," I said. Mike and I start walking towards the entrance of the building, and I could feel Mike inching closer to me. All of a sudden I feel his hand intertwine with mine. I quickly retract it from his grasp and start to speed-walk to class, not evening turning back to look at him. 'EDWARD if you can hear me from wherever you are I suggest you whoop Mike's sorry butt for holding my hand and don't even think about laughing because this isn't something to laugh about," I thought very loud to myself as I walked to Spanish.

~Time skip to lunch~

Lunch was like every other day except the Cullens weren't here and I could tell Bella was anxious to see them, or she was completly the opposite. I decided to sit with my sister and her friends, but sat far away as I could from Mike Newton. So I sat inbetween Angela and Bella, which they didn't seem to mind at all. Mike seemed to notice that we're not on speaking terms at the moment so he just left me alone for the first time since I came to this highschool. Jessica invited me and Bella to go dress shopping with her in Port Angeles tonight. I of course said "Sure.", while Bells said "We'll have to talk with Charlie first." After an 'eventful' lunch, I went to Biology with Bells. I could tell she was hoping Edward would be there but of course he wasn't, so she just did her stuff by herself. Next, was Gym class, and much to my disapointment we're going to be learning the rules of badmitton. The coach didn't get to finish, so we got to leave class early. School had now finished for the day, and Bella was taking us home. 

When we got home Jessica called and told us (well technically Bella) that she was going out with Mike for dinner, so our plans were in fact canceled. So I had nothing better to do but go to my room and, do my dreaded homework. I did that for about an hour before heading back into the kitchen for a snack. But as I walked into the kitchen I noticed Bella was nowhere to be found, so I turned around, walked upstairs into her room and noticed she wasn't in their either. 'Maybe she's in the backyard? Hopefully,' I thought. As I made my way into our backyard I found Bella lying on the ground, trying to soak up some Vitamin D, which I can only imagine to be hard to do in a state like Washington. A few minutes Charlie's cruiser then pulled up into the brick driveway, and instead of me scaring Bells I just went up into the frontyard to greet Charlie.

"Hey Charlie."

"Hey kiddo. Where's your sister?"

"She's outside, but she'll be inside soon."

Charlie opened the front door and went inside to to his business, and I did the same. I grabbed my snack that I left on the counter and headed over to the faded brown couch. "Sorry Dad, dinner's not ready yet - I fell asleep outside." Said Bella stifling a yawn. "Don't worry about it," said Charlie. "I wanted to catch the score on the game with Lyssa, anyway." After dinner Charlie, Bella, and I watched some TV. Charlie had put on a sitcom that not even Bella liked, all because my sister doesn't like baseball. During a commercial Bella spoke up about helping Jessica and Angela getting dresses, for the dance that was happening tomorrow. "Dad," started Bella, "Jessica and Angela are going to look at dresses for the dance tomorrow night in Port Angeles, and they wanted me and Alyssa to help them choose . . . do you mind if we go with them?"

"Jessica Stanley?" He questioned.

"And Angela Weber." I said butting in. Bella gave him the rest of the details, which made Charlie even more confused, and I just wanted to laugh at his facial expressions.

"But you're both not going to the dance right?"

"No, Dad, but we're helping them find dresses - you know, giving them constructive criticism." I just left them to finish the conversation without me since, it seemed like a good idea. When I got in my room, I took a quick 5-minute shower. Then got into a tank-top with some shorts before hoping into my green colored sheets. I didn't fall asleep right away, tossing and turning was all I could do. I guess my head just wasn't clear, thoughts clouding my mind, not knowing what tomorrow would bring. Right before I was about to fall asleep my phone buzzed, lighting up my dark bedroom. As I turned to grab my phone I saw a silhouette of a person standing in my room, which startled me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you Lyssa." This voi- person sounded familiar, their name on the tip if my tongue but I just couldn't figure it out. So I just took a lucky guess. 



I just rolled my eyes before turning on my lamp light, which made the dim room lit, and the silhouette gone. Alec standing only a few feet away from my bed, my slow heavy breaths was all you could possibly hear in the silence. We had a staring contest, which I lost instantly since vampires don't blink. "How did you get in here?" I questioned almost suddenly realizing the windows and doors are locked, all entrances not available for access. "I'd like to keep it a mystery." I sighed in frustration knowing I wasn't going to get an answer from Alec. "Fine if you'd like to keep it a mystery, then go ahead. But why are you here?" I asked curiousity evident in the tone of my voice. Alec didn't answer me right away, but he told me he wanted to help me find my birth parents. We talked for what felt like hours before I fell into darkness.

                                                                                                                          . . .                          

The next morning it was sunny again to my surprise. My mind then grew aware that since today's sunny, the Cullens aren't going to be around, which made a frown grow upon my face. But a smile grew when I remembered I'm going to help Jessica and Angela pick their dresses. I put on a yellow v-neck t-shirt with some ripped jeans, and some black tennis shoes. I did my dark brown hair in low bun. Grabbing my phone and backpack, I walked out of my room and headed into the kitchen to grab something from the fridge. Charlie wasn't home which must meant he left for work not that long ago.

Bells drove us to school, and we had barely just made it. As soon as she parked I hopped out of the truck and ran as fast as I could to Spanish. The day went  normally except, I could see Bella had a glimpse of hope that Edward might appear. 'You'll understand one day Bells,' I thought. Lunch was just like every other lunch period. I sat with Bells and her friends, avoiding Mike as usual. We're still going to Port Angeles, which will be fun. Rest of the school day went by in a blur and before I knew it, I was in the truck with Bells. Jessica was following us home in her old white Mercury, so we could drop off all of our stuff and leave the truck. When inside the house I grabbed my old black leather jacket, and did my hair in a high ponytail. Bells said she left a note on the table for Charlie, so he could find dinner. I think is what she said. I grabbed my wallet and stuffed it in an inner pocket, before getting back into Jessica's car. Jessica complimented me on my outfit which I've been wearing all day, but I thanked her anyway. My sister finally got in Jessica's car, ready to go, and then we left to go get Angela at her house. Angela was waiting for us and I felt terrible about it.

We finally made it out of city limits and I could see my sister smiling like crazy. Seeing her smile made me smile. This girls' night out was definately going to be fun, I just know it. 


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