Without You (Oneshot!)

De Kittymasterofall14

5.9K 173 228

Tmnt-2012 After no one wants to hang out with him, Mikey starts to reflect on his past mistakes and all of th... Mai multe

A World Without Mikey

5.9K 173 228
De Kittymasterofall14

Mikey sat outside on the rooftops, looking at the stars. Today was just one of those days where nothing seemed to go right.

He had been bored, so be had gone to his bros in hopes that they would want to read comics with him.

Of course, they all declined. Leo had told him that he was busy, Raph had slammed the door in his face, telling him to scram and Donnie had ignored him as if he wasn't even there.

"Maybe they don't want to hang out with be because I mess up too much." He whispered to himself.

Mikey then began thinking about all the times he's messed up.

There was that time when he'd sprinkled mutagen on himself and gotten shellacne.

And the whole April mom scenario.

And, of course there was the time when he'd destroyed the farmhouse and ran away.

Then there were all the times Leo had told him to focus, Raph had smacked him and Donnie had told him to leave his lab.

Mikey sniffled. "Maybe things would have been better if I hadn't mutated at all." He whispered, letting a tear fall freely down his freckled cheek.

"Don't be so sure about that, Michealangelo." A kind female voice said from behind him.

Mikey jumped up, swinging his nunchucks. "W-Who's there?" He murmured, going into ninja mode.

Suddenly, a female figure approached him. "Calm down Michealangelo, I am not going to harm you."

The woman looked almost angelic. She had long black hair and brown eyes and she looked so....familiar.

"Oh uh...who are you?" He asked, putting away his weapon. The woman simply smiled. "I guess you can call me a...guardian angel."

Mikey's eyes widened. "Woah, cool!" He said in surprise. "Where are your wings?" He asked, looking at her.

She laughed. "Nevermind that, Michealangelo...I am here because you said life would have been better if you'd never mutated, and I'm going to show you that you are wrong."

Mikey tilted his head. "Oh...okay." He said. The woman looked at him kindy. "Tell me Michealangelo, why do you think life would be better without you?"

Mikey sighed. "Well...I always mess things up and my brothers never seen to want me around."

The woman frowned. "I am sure that once we are finished, you will think otherwise."

Mikey looked up. "Huh?" The woman took his hand. "Hang on tight...we're going to the past!"

Mikey was about to ask another question when he suddenly felt himself moving through the air.

"Ahhhh!" He screamed, holding onto the woman's hand for dear life as they flew above the city through the stars.

Suddenly, Mikey's saw a blinding flash of light, and soon they were on the ground again.

Mikey looked around. "W-Where are we?" He asked, turning to the woman.  "The past." She replied simply.

Mikey then recognized the place. It was where he'd met Leatherhead. "Oh yeah...I remember this place."

He looked around, expecting to see the giant mutant alligator. "Where is Leatherhead?" He asked.

The woman took his hand and again, they teleported. Mikey found himself in a place he'd never seen before.

He then saw the mutant alligator in a gigantic pink cage with restraints all over his body and a muzzle on him.

Mikey gasped and ran to his friend. "Leatherhead!" He whimpered. "What happened to him?"

The woman joined him at his side. "You were the only one who cared enough to get to know him."

She moved closer to the cage. "He got captured again by the Kraang and became meaner than ever, growing a hatred for everyone."

Mikey teared up. "Leatherhead...don't worry, I'll fox you...I'll be your friend and get you out of here!"

The woman gently touched Mikey's shoulder. "He cannot hear you, Michealangelo." She said.

Mikey sighed, wiping his eyes. "Can we go somewhere else?" He asked. The woman grabbed his hand.

In a matter of minutes, Mikey found himself in the lair. It was disheveled and looked a mess.

"I think I want to see Ice Cream Kitty." Mikey murmured. He opened up the freezer only to find it empty.

"W-Where is she?" Mikey asked. "Where's Ice Cream Kitty?" The woman closed the freezer.

"You are the one who made Ice Cream Kitty, remember?" She said gently. "Without you, she does not exist."

Mikey's baby blue eyes widened. "Ice Cream Kitty doesn't exist...that's horrible." He whimpered.

He remembered that Ice Cream Kitty had once been a normal cat before she ate mutagen mixed with ice cream that Mikey had spilled.

The woman took his hand. "Come Michealangelo, it is time to go to the future." They teleported once again.

Mikey found himself in the lair once again. This time, it looked even more gloomy and depressing.

Mikey saw Master Splinter grabbing a cheesesicle out of the fridge. "How I wish to have some happinesses."

The rise old rat looked awful. His kimono was ripped and he looked so sad. "I'll make you happy, papa!"

He reached out to hug his father but instead went right through him. "He cannot feel you, Michaelangelo."

Mikey whimpered. "Why is he so sad?" He asked the woman as he watched his father leave the room.

"He loves all of his boys the same, but you were the one who brought him the most happiness."

She moved around a bit. "You never existed, so your father has always felt an emptiness inside of him."

Mikey wiped a tear. "That's so sad...I want to see my bros." He commanded.  The woman looked a little nervous.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Mikey nodded, taking her hand. "Please, take me to them...I want to see them."

The woman took his hand and teleported to Leo's room. The blue-masked ninja was a wreck.

He was crying and he had scars all over his body. "No one cares about me." He said over and over.

"Leo!" Mikey cried, running up to him. "Why does he look so...depressed?" He asked.

"After he woke up from his coma, he found that no one was at his bedside...and he assumed he wasn't needed."

Mikey frowned. "Why? Didn't Leo and Raph stay at his side?" He asked. The woman shook her head.

"No...when Leonardo went into his coma, Rapheal and Donatello were lost...they had no one to reassure them or make them happy."

"They thought he would never wake up, and secluded themselves in their rooms so they wouldn't have to look at him, injured and lifeless."

Mikey looked at Leo. "W-What about April?" He murmured. "She was here...wasn't she?"

The woman didn't answer. Instead, he took Mikey to Donnie's lab. The scientist looked even worse than Leo.

He had bags under his eyes and he'd grown thin and weak. He was hunched over a bunch of chemicals, mumbling to himself.

"Must...finish...retro mutagen." He rasped, before falling over in complete exaustion.

"Donnie!" Mikey whimpered, hurrying to his brother's side. "Donnie, you're so thin...and you look like you haven't slept in days!"

The woman appeared next to him. "He hasn't...after April's father got mutated, he never left his lab...he wanted to make the cure."

Mikey stroked Donnie's head, even though he knew the genius couldn't feel it. "Where's April?"

"She left...she lost hope in Donnie finding a cure and left New York...she grew a hatred for Donatello and his brothers."

Mikey couldn't believe it. "Surely he'll make the cure one day...right? He's got too...April's dad needs it!"

The woman shook her head. "You were the one who made retro mutagen... Donatello never thought to add pizza to the mutagen like you did."

"But why didn't anyone tell him to stop and take a break?" Mikey asked. "You were the only who did...you told him to sleep and made him eat, you made him leave his lab."

She gestured to Donnie. "Without you, he never did leave his lab...he never eats or sleeps or takes a break."

Mikey sighed, fighting back tears. "Raph...take me to Raph, I want to see him." He said softly.

They teleported to Raph's room. He looked the worst out of all of them. His hands were bleeding and he had bruises and cuts all over his body.

Mikey gasped. "Raph...you're hurt." He turned to the woman. "What happened to him?"

"After Leo fell into his coma, Raph blamed himself and took all his anger out on his own body."

Mikey whimpered. "No...he wouldn't do that." The woman put a hand on his shoulder.

"You stopped him from hurting himself by hugging him...because you weren't there, he became self-destructive."

Mikey was suddenly started as Raph started punching the wall with his already mangled fists.

Mikey ran to him. "Raphie...please stop!" He begged. "Don't hurt yourself, please....Raphie, stop!"

Tears poured down Mikey's cheeks. The woman gently pulled him away. "He can't hear you, Michealangelo."

Mikey sobbed softly. He struggled to wipe his tears away. "I t-think I need some pizza." He muttered.

He wiped his eyes and went to the kitchen. All that was there was worms and algae. Everyone was sitting at the table, choking it down.

"Why are they eating that stuff?" Mikey asked. "Where's the pizza?" The woman walked beside him.

"They never tried pizza....they do not know what it is...you were the one who tasted it first, and since none of them were brave enough to eat it, they never experienced it."

Mikey's eyes widened. "But...why didn't they just cook stuff?!" He looked at their disgusted faces.

"They do not know how...you were the only one who could cook." The spirit replied sadly.

Mikey turned to his family, who were lifelessly eating worms and algae. "I'll make you guys food, you don't have to eat this stuff anymore!"

"Michealangelo, remember...they can't-"

"They can't hear me, I know..." Mikey mumbled as he watched them cry and shove the worms down their throats.

Mikey screamed in frustration. "No pizza, no happiness, no Ice Cream Kitty...what kind of world is this?!"

The woman put a hand on his shoulder, "A world without you, Michealangelo."

She took his hand one last time. "Come Michealangelo, there is one last thing I want to show you."

She teleported them to the lair a third time...but this time, his brothers were parasitic zombies again.

"Aw man, why are they like this?" Mikey whined. "I saved them!" The woman shook her head.

"No, you didn't...because this is a world without you, and no one made a cure."

Mikey's eyes widened. "S-So, they never went back to normal..." He murmured, tears starting to fall.


Mikey couldn't believe it. He saw them being attacked by the pizza faces, even Master Splinter was being attacked.

He saw April bring attacked by the mom thing.

He saw Leatherhead being zapped.

He saw them trapped in dimension X.

He saw them get eaten by squirrrelenoids.

He saw them crying and screaming.

And he couldn't do anything.

Because this was a world without Mikey.

Mikey started to sob as he covered his eyes. "Please, I can't watch anymore, I was wrong, I don't want this!"

The woman slowly started fading. "Please!" He sobbed. "I take it all back,  I didn't want this!"

The woman stroked his tear-stained face. "What do you want, Michealangelo?" She asked.

Mikey sniffled. "To go back home...and I want everything back to normal! I wish I had been mutated!"

The woman hugged him before saying,"It is time to wake up now, my son....wake up Michealangelo."

Michealangelo was confused. "Wake  up?" He stammered. She winked and nodded before vanishing.

Suddenly, there was a bright light.

"Mikey, wake up!" A familiar voice shouted. Mikey opened his eyes to see his brothers kneeling next to him.

He sat up and found himself still lying on the rooftop. He must have fallen asleep....he'd been dreaming.

"Bros?" He said softly, in disbelief. They looked at him with concern and relief.

"You scared the shell outta us, we've been looking everywhere for ya!" Raph said in relief.

"We felt bad for not wanting to hang out with you earlier so we went to your room to apologise...when you weren't there..." Leo trailed off.

"We thought you had run away again! Don't scare us like that, Mikey!" Donnie scolded him.

Mikey stood up, still in awe. Suddenly, he jumped up and hugged Raph as hard as he could.

"Hey, uh what's with all the huggin'?" The red-masked turtle asked, pretending to be annoyed.

"Oh Raph!" Mikey smiled. "Never, ever take your anger out on yourself bro, I'll always be here for you!"

Raph looked at him in confusion. "Uh, ok....I won't?" He said. Mikey then bear-hugged Leo as hard as he could.

"Oh Leo, I'm so glad you're here!" Mikey cheered. "Bro, you'll never be forgotten, I promise!"

Leo looked at Raph and Donnie who shrugged. "Uh....thanks, Mikey." Mikey then jumped on Donnie and hugged him as hard as possible.

"And D, never ever lock yourself in your lab! Remember to eat and sleep and take breaks sometimes!"

Donnie smiled a little. "Thanks Mikey...I'll be sure to do that?" He said in mild confusion.

A sudden thought hit Mikey. He ran to the sewers and into the lair, opening the freezer. His faithful pet licked him on the nose affectionately.

"Ice Cream Kitty, you're back!" He cheered, hugging her. "I'm sooo happy I created you!"

Raph whispered to Leo, "I think he's finally lost it..." He muttered as Mikey hugged the cold kitty.

At that moment, Master Splinter walked in. "Michealangelo, where have you been?" He asked.

Mikey didn't answer, instead he ran to his father and wrapped his arms around him. "Papa, I'll always be here to make you happy, I promise!"

Master Splinter hugged back in confusion. He looked at his sons who shrugged. "Just go with it, sensei."

"Yes my son, you always make me smile...out of all your brothers, you bring me the most joy."

Mikey beamed before pulling everyone into a group hug. "I'm so happy to be back, I missed you guys!"

Raph then asked, "Are you ok? Did you hit your head or something when you were out there?"

Mikey beamed. "Nope!" He replied. "Just happy to be mutated bros, just happy to be mutated."

They smiled and joined in on the hug. "Yeah well, life wouldn't quite be the same without you, little brother."

Suddenly, Mikey moved away. "Oh dudes, I had the craziest dream, you're never gonna believe this..."

As Mikey rambled to his family about his experience, the ghost of Tang Shen watched over them proudly, her wings glistening in the moonlight.

Tang Shen smiled as she vanished...because she knew her job was done...

For now...

A/N: Hey readers! Phew! This is probably the longest Oneshot I have ever written! 2,000 words! I really hope you enjoy this idea I came up with!

I do not own the video....but I did make the cover! And edited the pictures above!

Plz Comment and Vote!
Thx Enjoy😘😍


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