Cruel Fate | Kim Taehyung | F...

By Park_Shona

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They're from different worlds. But he sets his eyes on her and wants her at any cost. He is determined to mak... More

•Chapter One•
•Chapter Two•
•Chapter Three•
•Chapter Four•
•Chapter Five•
•Chapter Seven•
•Chapter Eight 🔞•
•Chapter Nine 🔞•
•Chapter Ten 🔞•
•Thank You•
•Chapter Eleven•

Chapter Six

977 38 2
By Park_Shona

Play the song above ~

Next day ~

My eyes fluttered as I shut them tight when the sunrays hit on them. And feel a beautiful touch of something or precisely someone tickling my abdomen area. I smile as I turned to look at the man who owns my heart soul. And opened my eyes and met with the most beautiful and mesmerizing eyes in the whole world. I was staring at him only to see him already wide awake already staring at me as his plump lips turned upward into a breathtaking smile.

"Good morning princess." He greeted smiling at me while I leaned close to him as I pressed my lips onto his in a lovely way while giggling. He smiled against my lips and kissed me back slowly.

"Good morning honey. " I greeted back as I pulled away his smile widen at my action and he put a hand on the back of my neck as he pulled me in and smashed his plump lips onto mine as he kissed me with pure love and care yet possessiveness and aggression. Honestly I love the way shows his love towards me I love the way he loves me however the way he loves me cause he is the only man I want my everything thing to be with.

I am glad he step back last night because I know that our love is forbidden but I don't care yet we have to think about it because we can't just mate without being in a specific relationship that our world will accept us. If a Vampire and Wolf mate without any prominent relationship they will be punished and our clans will banished us from them and they will force us to be a rouge and roam around like left overs all our lives and being call the bad blood from every one.

And being alpha's daughter I can't do that to my family as I was the only child they have. And same goes to Jimin as he was the second highest ranking vampire in his clan after his leader whom he told me about that he was his best friend also. I don't know him as we can't reveal our clans secret and about them to each other even if we want to.

Pulling away he just stared at me and I embraced him putting my head on his chest as I draw circles on it. He chuckled at it and we both stayed silent after that. "Earth to babygirl. Why are you in trance in the early morning. " He asked as he found me in zoning out in his embrace. I shook my head as i smile and snuggle into him more inhaling his scent to calm myself.

"Nothing I just love this feeling being so close to you. To be in your arms forever until my last breath. " I said closing my eyes while I caught his breath heaving at my words. I smile again as I just stayed like that a little more.

I glanced up at him but he only smirked at me. I furrowed at that and in a swift motion he was hovering above me and my eyes get wide at his sudden action. "I know we can't do something that over the top. But I can do something that is not over the top you know? " He said smirking at me as I give him a confused look.

And the thing happened next were caught me totally off guard. He kissed me aggressively as he just pull up my shirt and his hand goes up on there own to grope at something. I was gasping for air but also don't want to let go also he didn't let me to do so anyways. But the next thing I felt was a squeeze on my left breast an unholy voice errupted from them which was a moan that escaped my lips and I put my hand against them in embarrassment.

His pulled away as he glanced at me with wide smirk still there. I closed my eyes with a gasp left my lips by his next action as he pinched my nipples. I squirmed under him as his orbs become prominent darker and redder.

"Mhmm. You like that baby? " He asked leaning against my ear in his raspy morning voice which sounded way more sexy to me. He is such a tease that I want to let go off myself to him but I can't. We can't we had to wait for the right moment. But little did I know the right time will never come as devil himself write our fate. Only if I know.


I come back home after a hot make out session and then had a lovely breakfast with my lovely boyfriend. I was so glad that I made the decision of coming back to Korea and work for Victoria Secret here. Because I don't know if I ever get the chance to meet someone like him. He was the sweetest yet dangerous person I could have ever meet. You are thinking dangerous how so? So let me tell you he was the scariest while he was angry as I witnessed it with my own bare eyes and I swear that scene is something that you will never wanna see in your whole life.

He could tear apart someone just because of his possessiveness. And I wasn't even lying about it as that's what he did when I was with him and a man was trying being touchy with me when we were at a club. While Jimin was gone to take something to drink for us. He literally shoves that man outside from the back door of the club in a blink of an eye and beat the shit out of him before he sucked his entire soul within a minute. And I swear to my guts that scene just left me shook to my core as I never witnessed someone got kill before and above all in that much brutal and cruel way.

Jimin was a good one though but when it comes to his clan or me he could literally swipe away the floor under someone's foot. And you can't escape after that there's no chance of an escape if something like that ever happened. So it's good for everyone to never angered my beautiful vampire. I myself made a note in my head to never made him angry otherwise I will be a dead meat.

I was humming to myself as I just made my way towards my room up the stairs. Just as I was walking my ears perked up as I heard my parents voice. I know that invading their privacy is not good but it's sounds like someone is crying inside there room. So without thinking further I stepped towards there room.

I reach there and saw my mom was crying and yelling at dad that made me worried as I was about to go inside when I heard what she said. " This is all your fault. You're at fault and your parents. And now we had to pay for your sins. " my mom screamed and pushed dad away with her tears continuously falling out of her eyes as he was try to console her.

I hide behind the wall beside doors as my curiosity takes over me because I never saw them fighting over something and argued like as if there are some secrets that are about to reveal.

"Because of you. He was here can't you see that? " she said as her lips started to tremble while staring into nothingness. " He was here for her. How much we try to save her but we can't win over the devil himself. You know that right? " She glanced at him as she painfully smiled as if something so dear to her was about to snatch from her. I don't even have any idea what they were talking about but it's something that has darkness behind it as I can felt it just by her words.

"Be-because of you h-he wants to t-take h-her a-away fr-from us. " She said between her sobs as my father just ducked his head low in guilt. Guilt of doing sins in the past but he didn't know that his past sins were taking revenge on him. Or he didn't even have any idea that because of the the devil himself wanted to snatched the only precious thing he had 'his daughter' whom he had hide from every bad intentions and powers but seems like it all went in vain as he can't do anything now he was trapped.

Just then his ears perked up as he found someone's smell in the air telling him that someone else was also present there but he knows who exactly is this person. His dad glanced at the door as he speak. "What are you doing there Al? Come inside you don't have to hide like that you know it's bad to invade someone's privacy right?" Dad asked in a calm voice as he sat beside mom. She glanced up and quickly wiped her tears while smiled at me but that doesn't reach her eyes it's seems like they were surely trying to hide something from me.

I cursed myself for being caught as it's obvious that they will know that I am here. I sighed as I open the door widely and get inside. "What's the matter dad? " I asked while I made my way to them as my dad gestures me to take a seat on the couch infrom of their bed.

"Why mom is crying while arguing you? What is it that you both are talking about? " I asked as I furrowed my brows as it's so unusual. "I never seen you guys fight like this ever in my life not when I was a child. Who was taking whom away? What is this all about? "I bombarded them with my question as I was so confused and worried about all this situation.

"Calm down Al? " My dad said as he stands and made his way to me as he sat beside me and take my hand into his and caressed it with his thumb. He glanced at out hands then up to me as he smiled painfully. That made me so worried as I was freaking out from inside now.

He sighed as I saw glint of guilt into his blue greyish eyes before he opened his mouth to speak. "You have to stay calm Al. But first promise me that you won't freak out or panick okay? " He asked and now I was really started to worry as things seemed to be more serious than I thought it is. I nodded my head as he continued. "We were talking about you honey. " He said and my brows knitted at that as I thought what the hell was going on? I glanced at my mom and she was trying not to broke into tears.

"Dad now you were making me worried. Just tell me what is this all about? " I said as I grabbed his hand into mine now with my pleading eyes.

Taking a sharp breath he glanced at mom one last time and turned to me again. "We were talking about you Al. We were talking about your wedding. " He said and I stood leaving his hands.

"What? "I almost yelled in panick as I looked back and forth between mom and dad. He also stands up as he try to reach me but I backed away. "What about my wedding? Why are you guys suddenly discussing about it? I was just gone for a while, what happened to you all of a sudden? "I asked as Jimin flashed into my head what was he thinking of me if I marry someone else?

I shooked my head as i thought i can't marry someone else never. No i can't let this happen and I decided to finally told them about my relationship with Jimin. I was about to speak but got cut off by my dad as now tears were brimming info his eyes. "Al? You don't have any idea what is exactly gasping honey." He said slumping down on the couch again. "You don't know what will happen if I didn't do as 'he' told me to. " He mummers while looking down at his feet.

"Dad? " I asked kneeling down infront of him as mom was seeing the whole scenario while tearing up. "He? Who was 'he' Dad. " I asked him cupping his face as tears were now rolling down his eyes.

"H-He was the owner of the biggest company of Seoul. He will make us homeless and snatched everything that we owns. He will kill our clans people and you can't even imagine how painful and brutal dead he will give everyone of them including us if we don't fulfill his demands." He said sobbing as his whole body was shaking and his body becomes all packed just thinking about everything that will happen if we didn't do as who this 'he's told us. I never in my life saw my dad like this he was the strongest and biggest alpha ever in our clan until now. Nobody and when I say nobody ever dated to mess with him everyone scared of him and witnessing him like this so weak and helpless pains my heart.

"Who was this 'he's dad? What is that he want? Why is my wedding relate to all this? " I asked trying to calm him. While I was also panicking inside and thinking how my wedding and all this stuff related to each other? So I continue. "We will give him whatever he want but please just don't be like this you are not like this even when the situation are not in our favor. How it is related to me and my wedding dad tell me please?" I said standing up and again glanced at my mom who was being silent this whole time then to dad.

I went to mom as kneeled infront of her now. "Mom? Stop crying why are you crying? We will give him whatever he was asking for. Okay? Don't be like this please. " I plead to her as she kissed my forehead while tears rolling down continuously from her beautiful eyes.

"You want to know how all of this related to you and your wedding?" Dad said as I froze at my place for a moment. "He wants you Al? He wanted to marry you. " His statement made my blood froze and I went all pale while turning to look at my dad.

"What? " I asked again as thought I heard something wrong. "What are you saying dad? You are lying right? " I asked almost pleading as I can't believe what just I heard.

"It's true Al. He wants you he wanted to marry you and if we rejected his proposal he will kill all of us in such brutal way that we can't even imagine. He was the leader of the biggest and most dangerous vampire clan of whole world and now he wants you just because of the sins we made in past. He stepped into our lives to take revenge on us. But I don't want to accept his proposal as we don't want to loose you honey so I denied his proposal but he give us a timeline if not for that he will killed us then and there. " Dad explain to me as my tears started to roll down on my face as I stand there numb listening to him.

"He said if the timeline ended and we don't accept his proposal so he will make you his by hook or crook and kill all of us. I don't even know what we're his intentions when he pretended to help me out of my down fall now I was trapped into his trap." He continued as I won't comprehend what was happening all of a sudden. We were all happy just yesterday and now the things started to scattered all over the place. The only thing was in my mind was who this person is that snatched our families happiness over night.

So I opened my mouth to just asked one question that was. "Who was he dad? " I asked as was imagining that it all was a lie and everything was fine.

"Kim Taehyung. " my dad said and that name made my eyes widened. No, he seemed to be a nice person how can he be the one. I thought to myself while dad continued. "His name is Kim Taehyung Al. He was the one I was talking about. I know you know you met him already yesterday evening but he was not like he seems to be. He was a undead devil Al? And we are helpless infront of him but we him. " He said and I shooked my head in disbelief.

"No. I can't do this dad. I can't. " I said to him backing away but what he said made my head snapped to him.

"We also don't want you to do that honey. I just wanted to tell you all this and don't worry I will sent you back to Paris you will be safe there and don't worry about us we will fight him till our last breath but I won't let him to even come closer to you I won't let him take you away from us. Never. " He said while embracing me in into his arms as I sobbed while crying. My mom came and hugged both of us while caressing my head as will all were crying. No, I can't let this happen to my family. But I also can't marry someone so cruel. I can't marry someone else other than Jimin.

After a while we pulled away from each other as I ran out of their room and ran upstairs to my bedroom. Unlocking it I get inside and slam the door behind while leaning against it. No i can't do this. I can't let this happen. I thought as tears continuously rolling down my cheeks as I sobbed. How can a person be this cruel. How can everything turned upside down over night. Why me? All of the girls why me? Why our family? I don't want to do this. I can't let my parents die but I also can't cheat on my love. I had to made a decision I had to do something but in both cases my defeat is confirmed. I thought while sliding down as I cried my heart out.


Jimin's Pov ~

Reaching home I parked my car as I lazily get inside. Maids greeted me as I give them a tired smile and dismiss all of them. They chuckled before leaving making me furrowed my brows as what with the chuckles and there sudden behavior.

Shrugging it off I stepped up the stairs to my bedroom as I just wants to take a warm bath and lots of sleep as I was being sleep deprived lately. The clients are increasing and I want to say no to them but I can't let my brands name low at any cost. I was the youngest CEO of Victoria's Secret until now. And I am proud of myself as I am able to achieve so much in such young age.

Also now I think about it I really do achieve everything. As now the place that I felt empty was blooming again and started to filled by love. The person that somehow made it happen was my precious baby. My Alice she was the one that filled my empty body with a soul and teach my dead heart to beat again but just for her. I smiled thinking of this as I reached my bedroom and tap the pass code as it's prevents anyone from invading into my private space but there's someone who is an exception for it.

Yeah Alice knows the pass code. She was the only one though as it's obvious because we have been in relationship for months now and everything that belonged to me was hers anyways.

Entering inside I got a bit surprised as I didn't expected the person standing on the window area at this time. Yes she was here my babygirl was here. She was looking breathtaking as the moon shines on her gorgeous face while the wind blows her blonde hair revealing her bare shoulders and neck. She was wearing a simple white dress but she looked as beautiful as ever. This made me to smile widely as I shut the door behind me and try to be as quite as possible as I stepped towards her. I circled my arms around her perfect small waist engulfing her into my embrace as she gasp making me to laugh at her reaction.

"Jimin?" She said in shock as they got starled by my sudden actions. "When did you came home? " She asked as I ducked my head into her neck as I take a sharp breath while remaining silent not wanting to interrupt the moment.

"You're back Chim?" She asked as she got relaxed into my embrace. She was someone that gives me peace of mind. She the best thing that ever happened to me. If not for her I was just an undead blood sucking monster roaming around the world between humans and other creatures that human won't know exists like my babygirl.

"I missed you babygirl. " I said as I pulled her more into me as we both looked at the beautiful view outside but it not as beautiful as her though.

She turned to me and about to say something but I cut her off by smashing my lips on hers engulfing her luscious lips into my hungry mouth. She was a bit taken back by smiling against my lips she kissed me back while her arms made their way around my neck. I missed this although it's been just three days when we last spend time together. But I can't help but miss her like she was about to ran away afterwards. I don't know why but i felt something strange into her behavior she was like she was always.

I was trying to say that she was the type of girl who wanted live her life to the fullest. She was fun loving and so full of joy and surprises that I can't even imagine. If I didn't witnessed on my own. But now a days she seemed a bit off and zoned out every now and then. I know something is up to but she never discussed her problem with me. But I also don't want to force her but I can sense it something is going so wrong. This unknown feeling was always inside of my heart whenever I thought about her now as if she was about go away from me as if she will fade away if I let go even for a second.

Our lips molds into each other so well as they moved in sync. We were so lost into each other that I don't understand that what I was thinking about earlier was about to become the sad truth of my life but only if a know. At last we pulled away as I connected our foreheads as we both stared into each others gaze with so much love and unsaid words.

But than something happened that made me confused. She adverted her gaze away from me and her eyes started to waver. That made me furrowed my eyebrows. We have been together for six months now and we had known each other so well that both of us guess or tell how should we feel right now or is there something that bothers both of us. And this is something that never happened before she never looked away from me. It made me suspicious as try to read her mind but whatever I do I can't.

This is the fact I hate that how much i tried I can't be able to read her mind. I could read each and every person's mind in this earth but her. She was different that is what attracted me to her the most she was different and she was mine. All mine.

I has to know what was she thinking. It only happened when she was lying or hiding something as she herself told me before. And being a sharp person I am I remember each and every single thing about her and things she told me. If there is something that she was hiding from me then she was in a big trouble right now. As she know that I hate lies and when someone hide things from me. It made the monster that was I am as I can't control my rage whenever something like that happened. As I was a possessive kinda man I can't tolerate something like this.

So taking a deep breath I try to control myself and asked her before I could do something I regret later. "What happened baby? What are your eyes waver? Are you hiding something from me? " I asked in a calm voice backing away a bit from her so I don't intimidate her as my other hand goes on the back of her head. She gulped.

"No, there n-nothing Chim. I was just tensed as my p-parents are not on good terms n-now a days. They h-had a fight since then they're not talking to each o-other. " She answered stuttering that made my suspicions grow more. But I remain quiet as she continued.

"T-They were arguing a-about m-me. They w-want me to g-get m-married. They want m-me to s-settle d-down. " What she said had snapped my head to her as all of a sudden expression darkened by hearing what she said.

As the thought running like a marathon in my head. How can she think like this? How can she thought of settling down? Mostly how can she think of getting married in the first place ? Didn't she told her parents about us? It that why she never asked to me meet them and always ignored the fact of getting married to me saying that we had to wait and planned everything before hand? Is it why she never get too close to me, it is why she never want me to touch her? Is it why she didn't give herself to me? These questions explode into my head right now as was start loosing my sanity. No, this can't be happen. I can't let this happen. Never. I shooked my head several times to myself not believe the thoughts that invade into my head.

My hands that was on the back of her head tugged on her hair slightly as I glanced up at her and my gaze looked dangerously towards her almost peeking inside her bare soul.

"What are you saying baby? " I asked my voice deepened with each word that escaped my mouth. "What is the problem in getting married? " I asked her but her eyes widened my brows knitted at that as my grip on her hair tighten as she groaned.

That's when everything got clear into my messed up head. She was talking about getting married but she was not talking about us if she will she should not had to be afraid or being sad about that cause that's what we both wanted right? But seeing her reaction to my question I got a hint and now everything was clear to me she was talking about getting married to someone else. And that made my lips twitched into an devilish smirk as my expression darkened even more my eyes turned to blood shot red as if the thick liquid itself settled into my orbs.

I opened my mouth to speak and my voice sounds so foreign that I can't recognize myself. "You are talking about us baby. Don't you huh? " I asked in graved voice. "Or what I am thinking is what you are talking about? You are not thinking about getting married to someone else. Don't you babygirl? " I said venomously through my gritted teeth while clenching my jaw so hard that it could break if I clenched it any harder than this.

She looked up at me as she licked her dry lips wanting say something but the words doesn't came out of her cherry lips. She gulped again as she hang her head low in front of me. And my heart twisted into all directions as I get what she meant. But no. I will never let this happen I will claim her as mine. Because SHE.IS.MINE.

While she was busy staring and lost in trance of her own thoughts. I take fast steps towards her as I grabbed her throat. Her eyes widened while her breath hitched as a shriek left her lips.
"No, you can't do that baby. Did you forget what we planned for us? We go against the nature to be together and you are trying to back off now? No, you can't. " I said in a raspy voice as my breath fanning her face as she breath heavily because of my grip. So I continued "You can't do that to me babygirl. You can't do that to us. " I closed the gaps between us as I pushed her harshly to the wall beside the window.

"The moment I set my eyes on you. I claimed you as mine. You are mine. You are mine to kiss, mine to touch, mine to devour, mine to cherish, mine to ruined, mine to destroy, mine to love and mine to fuck, but what important is that you are mine to keep and you will be forever mine until death do us apart. " I said darkly through gritted teeth but possessively to let her remind to whom she belonged. Her eyes widened as unshed tears were settled on the edge of her beautiful eyes as a single tear rolled down on her plump cheek. Without saying a word my grip tightened around her throat as I smashed my lips onto her aggressively yet possessively.

Showing her the untold emotions of mine. It breaks my heart to even think about it. The thought of her being with someone else, being in someone else's arms, being someone else's pains my heart to no limits. It wreaks my beatless heart into a million pieces. No, I can't lose her. She is the soul reason of my happiness, she is the only reason of mine to live my lifeless life.

No, this can't be happen. Never. I can't let this happen. I will never let this happen. She belongs to me and only me. I could cross every line I could broke any boundaries that is try to came between us. She's my babygirl not someone else's only the thought of it makes my blood boil. But only if I know that it is about to become a reality of my life. Only if I know I can't do anything about it that I was about to being so helpless that it broke my heart into millions of pieces. Only if I know I am gonna lose her to the closest person of mine. That I won't be able to get her warmth and her soothing embrace ever again.


Meanwhile after ~

Standing outside the Devil's house I was fuming with anger but also I was comprehending whether I should go inside or not. But taking a last heavy breathe slumping my shoulders I take fast steps towards the front door of the devil's house. I must say this place is huge also creepy to me it was surrounded between the forest far from the city and also as I know to whom this house belonged. It somehow made me shudder as I remember well what he told me about him.

But gathering all the courage I had inside me I ring the bell of his huge huge. It ding as the sound echoed inside. I waited sometime there for someone to opened the door but it annoyed me as I never waited for any ever like this but i had to be patient here otherwise I will loose my shits and do something that got me into trouble and my family too.

But I had know that coming to devil's house was going to be my worst mistake. I wouldn't even think about it in my entire life. As the door swung open automatically as I was about to knock the door. I furrowed and the weather change frantically as the door got opened and I started to step inside while opening it widely.

My mouth hung open as I glanced around the huge living area of this mansion. But as i was glancing and aweing around my greyish eyes met with the dark chocolatey once as they settled there for some moment. The hair on the back of my neck stands up as a chill ran down my spine just by looking at him up so close.

There. There he sat the devil himself on his huge couch crossing his legs elegantly while in one of his hand placed a glass of red wine sophisticatedly between his long slender fingers. He was staring at me from top to toe with his intense eyes and I felt myself bare infront of him as I looked away. A smirk danced on his heart lips at my reaction as if he read my mind.

But I could careless as I was here to talk to him, to tell him that i can't marry him, that I am not gonna marry him. Never in my dreams but I had to handle this matter with patient as I don't want to provoke him to harm my family and clan.

Gathering all the courage I had in me I once again met his eyes which was still boring holes into my soul. Ignoring it I was about to speak when he cut me off. "Welcome love. I am glad you came. " He said in his deep as voice sending shiver down my spine. "Honestly I don't expect you to come to me before we got married. " he said and my fists clenched tightly on the hem of my dress.

"Listen you-" I started but cut myself as his intimidating eyes scared me to my core but I try again. I can't just got scared of him as I had to talk to him. As the incident of Jimin's house flashed into my head. Nothing is scarier than an angry Park Jimin. That incident shooked me like a truck hit me so hard that I could tear apart any second. His glaring red eyes and his fingers that dugged into my flesh that it left bruises on my pale skin.

So I decided to said everything I had to in one go without thinking about the consequences. "I-i can't m-marry you. " I said and release a heavy breath that I don't know I was holding in. But I regret what I just said cause when I glanced at him again his eyes become blood shot he looked like he was fuming with anger. His expression darkened as he put on a blank face on. His veins popping out on side of his forehead and he fists his hand which lead to broke the wine glass into his hand. The sound cause me to shriek loudly and my eyes widened at the view infront of me. The amount of blood was gushing out of his palm was making puddle of blood on the floor.

Then he stood up from his place as he glared at me dangerously with those blood shot eyes of him. And in a blink of an eyes he was infront of me up so close that I could feel his fuming breath on my face. "What did you just say? " He asked stepping forward as I take step back from him to maintain the space between us. "You don't want to marry me? Huh? " His burning eyes boring holes into my form as he kept stepping forward as I kept backing away until the wall touched my back and I cursed.

But he kept coming closer until he trapped me between him and the wall behind me. "Why Love?" He said while pulling my waist so that my body crashed on his as he caressed my left cheek with his thumb. 'no what is he doing I don't want any of this'. I thought to myself looking behind him not meeting his eyes and somehow my mouth got sealed as I can't utter a single word infront of him as he held my chin up with his long fingers from which he broke the glass just now.

I back away from his touch and his expression darkened but I can see he tried so hard to calm himself. So he smirked as he and again leaned closer to me connecting our foreheads his breath fanning on my lips he was half inch away from my lips if I moved a little bit they will touch his own, he opened his mouth to speak further. "You will marry me love. Even if you want to or not, we will be getting married. Even if it's with your will or against your will we are destined to be together. " Each word he said makes my heart beats race to no limits. But I tried to pushed him away but it's of no use. Lastly saying those words he closed the little gap between us as he engulfed my lips into his. My eyes widened and I froze.

His hand that was on my waist go further up and he caressed my neck as it made it's way down and it tucked the strap of my dress pulling me in more almost tearing it. My eyes filled with unshed tears at his action as his hand made it's way down to my breast as he grazed his fingers there before settling it again on my waist. I shudder at his touch his touch disgusted me. He was not the man I love he was a devil who wanted to snatched the happiness of my life, my parents life.

He was kissing me roughly yet possessively that made me furrowed as why he was doing this. He was kissing me as if he wanted to convey his feelings to me but why? Don't he hate me? And my family then why he was kissing me like his life depended on it. I didn't kissed him back as when he licked my bottom lip to tell to respond to his kiss but I didn't so he bite my lip as he pulled away groaning. "Kiss me back Alice. Or you want me to harm your parents?" He said raspily against my lips and tears started to fell from my eyes and he ignored them and captured my lips into his again. He wiped them once he did so and my eyes got closed as I am forced to oblige him so I did. 'I am sorry Chim'. I thought sadly as I kissed him back.

He smirked as I did so as he mumbled against my lips. "Mine. You're mine love. " My eyes shut tight as he continued his sinful actions with me as if I really was belonged to him. Only if I know that something like this happens to me. Only if I know I had leave the left of my life and being called a traitor a deceiver. Only if I know my fate is about to turned into my "Cruel Fate".

To be continued...

• • •

Hi lovelies!!
How's you doing??
I apologize for literally taking forever to update my stories but I can't help was a mess as always, also I don't want to update some shitty chapter for you all.
So I take the time to write something good when I had great idea to convey to y'all.

Here the update and I hope you liked it. As the upcoming chapters were the most dramatic ones.
So you can see that our Mr. Devil wanted to marry Alice and he will get what he want. Now he want her.
And per Jimin he loved Alice to no extent and same goes to her but she had to accept her defeat by fulfilling devil's wish.

Hope you understand the story so far and it make sense to you all. Also please vote for me please. Support my other stories tomorrow as you all know I participate in honorable awards you can saw it in my "Awards / Voting appeal". So please do vote for me and support me to go further in the journey of mine to being an author.

(Vote and Comment)

Mr. Devil !!
Our heartwarming prince!!

I love you all so do tell me about the story so far. So I can improve myself and continue to improve for you all. Until then.

See you soon!!

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