Dib's Experiment -Zadr-

Invader_Zim_Writer द्वारा

61.6K 1.7K 5K

Dib decides to try a new way of exposing Zim. Dib states that it's for the sake of Earth. How Will this play... अधिक

Dib's idea
Change from a fight
Truce and Chill
Library of Wonders
Daggers and Death
Happy A.N
Art Competition
Confessions or Confinement

A Hangout

3.4K 113 378
Invader_Zim_Writer द्वारा


Zim woke up feeling sore and tired. He opened his eyes and was confused as to why he was in the med-bay. "How do you feel Sir." The computer asked, he was now in his mobile suit as he he was standing next to a sleeping Gir slouched against the bed post.

(Picture of the computers moblie suit) (will be at the bottem, I made it) (myself.)

"Sore, tired, and in pain." Zim replied trying to recollect his thoughts. "How much and where." The computer asked with slight concern. The computer had rushed patching Zim's cuts because of the little time he had.

"It's bearable and its pretty much everywhere." Zim said. "I'll run a scan now that you're awake." The computer said as a bio-scanner came down from ceiling pannels and hovered over The bed Zim was in.

Once it finished scanning the computer checked its results. "Everything is in functioning order but I advise you not to walking around." The computer then turned to Zim as the wall panels moved letting a tablet showing the scan results go into the wall.

"Gir and I can move you somewhere more sutible if you would like but after that, resist standing." Gir had woken up from the talking a bit ago and was hugging Zim's hand, which was hanging off the bed a bit.

"Um, how about the couch in the living floor." Zim asked, not bothering to shake Gir off of him. "Very well." The computer said as the two robots lifted Zim off the bed and carried hum to the elevator, where they then laid hun down onto the couch.

It was still dark out and the sun was slowly rising leaving a nice dark red-ish orange and purple dancing through the sky. Zim laid on the couch and stared at the sight through the window as he scowered his memory.

He slowly recalled everuthing, the fight, the emotion, the blood, the pain, and the fact that he just killed 5 humans.

He didn't regret it though, he has killed plenty of organisms. Zim sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to attend school because of his injuries. His eyes then widened as he remembered what happened to Dib, then questions ran through his mind.

"Computer?" Zim asked now speaking in Irken as it was easier for him. "Yes?" The computer asked also speaking in Irken. "How did I get home? I don't remember getting here." Zim asked confused and slightly panicky.

"The human brought you here in distress, he had tild Gir what happened so I hadn't killed him." The computer replied connecting itself to the house so he could leave the moblie suit.

Zim hesitated slightly before asking, "Is he okay?" The computer nodded and replied, "Yes I had scanned him and he has no intense damage other than a bruse on his stomach and a mild headache." Zim sighed with relief, he then laid there in silence as he relaxed and watch the sun rise.


"Get up!" Gaz yelled making Dib jolt awake and glare at her. "School's canceled." She said knowing she had his attention. "Why?" Dib asked still waking up. "Some kids got killed or something." She said leaving his room.

Dib sighed pushing his glasses onto his face and sat up on the side of his bed. He sat there for a good two minutes just think about nothing until Zim popped back into his head. He sprung up and got dressed, along with packing uis backpack with a couple of Items.

He fixed his hair and went downstairs to meet Gaz sitting on the couch. "Didn't you hear me say we don't hsve school?" She said raising an eyebrow seeing Dib dressed about to leave. "I'm gonna go see Zim." He said and then left through the door closing it on his way out.

On his way to Zim's house he let his mind drift as he blew into his hands and stuck them into his pockets, It was getting colder, his jacket had always kept him warm but his hands were always defenseless.

'I hope Zim is okay. He took quite a beating from John and his stupid friends.' Dib then realized what he had just thought and his face got a bit red. 'Well, I hope he's okay because I can't turn in a damaged alien, I need him in prime condition! Otherwise tests might not go right, or something.' Dib thought, giving himself a reason as to why he would ever wish safety upon Zim.

Dib sighed as he came upon Zim's property, 'I should be angry at Zim for killing 5 children! I shoild turn him in to the police and have his secret exposed!' Dib thought as he hesitantly took a step onto the property. No lasers shot at him. He sifhed in relief as he walked up to the door and stepped in. Sure it's a bit weird to not knock but Zim must've lnew he was on his property if he disabled the guard gnomes for him.

"Greetings Stink-Beast." Zim said frim the couch, now turned on his side and facing him as he walked into the house and closed the door.

"Hey, Zim!" Dib said happily seeing Zim awake and responding. 'He said hi to me first this time! That's some Improvement right there!' Dib thought as he walked over to the couch and sat down on the floor next to Where Zim's head was.

"Shouldn't you be at school, human.?" Zim asked as he cautiously followed the humans movements. Zim didn't trust him well. Sure they had a truce, but that didn't mean Dib couldn't break it and try to attack him while he's weak.

"School is closed since they found John and his trash friends." Dib answered, "How are you feeling?" Zim rolled onto his back to stare at the ceiling, "Sore, but it's bearable."

"That's good." Dib said sliding his backpack off his shoulders and rested it against the end on the couch on the floor. 'I'll just say about how he killed them when I really turn him in.' He thought as he saw Zim, he didn't know why but being near the alien made him feel all warm and happy inside.

"But Zim cannot stand and walk around until my recoverys have progressed more. At least shifting and turning aren't prohibited." Zim said in a disappointed tone.

There was a moment of silence between the two as Dib thought of what to do, he didn't want to leave the Irken alone all day laying on the couch in silence.

"Hey Zim?" Dib said catching Zim's attention, "Would you want to read the books we got together?" Dib asked as he turned his head a bit. A large smile grew on Zim's face at those words as he said happily, "Yes! Zim would like to."

Dib pulled his book out of his backpack as he spotted Zim get his out of his pak he asked, "How can you fit so much stuff in there?" "Its a secret." He said as he rolled onto his stomach.

They read throughout the morning comenting on things that happened in the story, "Holy Irk! He's lucky he fell off that motorcycle or he'd be dead if he was dragged under it. Wait, what aboit the Megan-Human! They didn't say if she got off or not!" Zim said with his nose deep in his book.


Lunch came around they decided to look for something to watch on the TV. They scrolled through shows until they found something called Go Bronze. It's where they get 4 people who don't know how to bake and put them through 3 rounds where they have to remake a baked item the best they can. The final round is always a cake.

For food Dib at the sandwich he forgot to take out of his backpack from yesterday while Zim ate the candy that Dib gave him a few days ago.

They watched an episode and fell in love with it so they watched another. "And the winner is. . ." The host pasused for dramatic effect.

"It's Damian his confections tasted the best." Dib bet as he leaned against the side of the couch crossing his arms comfortably. "What! No way it's Renee! She had the best looking cake and had the perfect mixture of salty and sweet in every round!" Zim bet as he laid on his side facing the T.V

"But she laid her cake layers wrong and forgot to add the vanilla extract." Dib counterargued as he watched the Television eagerly. "Well at least the middle of her cake wasn't gooey in the middle, plus his decorations were falling off as Damien presented." Zim shot back defending his contestant.

"Well Renee als-" Dib was cut off by Zim covering his mouth with his hand saying, "Shut up Dib-Stink! The human is announcing the winner."

"Maya!" The host shouted as the other contestants applauded. "What!" Dib said not believing it. "That pathetic mouth-breather couldn't even make the buttercream right!" Zim yelled in anger. "She used fondant instead of buttercream frosting to cover the cake!" Dib said pointing his hand out as they showed shots of the winner's cake.

"These stupid humans don't know proper baking when the see it. Plus her strawberry filling in one of the confections was way to sweet." Zim added.

They talked about how Maya shouldn't have won and then that conversation morphed into chatting about whatever. The talked and laughed and talked some more.

They shared a lot of the same interests they found out. It began to get dark as they read again, commenting on events that happened in their books.

After awhile Zim set down his book a scooched over to Dib's head. Dib jolted a vit as ue felt his hair being played with, he turned uus head slightly to see Zim. "What are you doing, Space bug." Dib said playfully looking back at his book. "Silence Stink-Beast. Your hair smells somewhat pleasant, don't ruin it with your repulsive Dib breath." Zim snapped back. Dib sighed and went back to reading.

If Dib didn't know any better He'd probably say something snarky back. 'Knowing Zim I should take this as a compliment.' Dib thought, smuling slightly as he felt Zim begin to make a tiny braid in the back of his hair.

It was silent for a bit as Dib read and Zim braided. The sun was getting lower and the sky turned to a mixture of purples, pinks, oranges, and yellows. The light creeped through the windows and colored the living room.

"I shouod get back home, it's getting late." Dib said closing his book and putting it in his bag. He stood up and swung the bag onto his back. He was about to leave when he saw a pak leg rest on his shoulder, stopping him. "Dib-Human." He said in a serious yet happy tone.

Dib turned around to face Zim as the pak leg retreated from hus shoulder. "Yeah?" He asked. "Zim wanted to . . . thank you for the company . . . and possibly accept your offer of friendship if it's still available." Zim asked in a slightly shy tone.

Dib felt his face get hot at Zim's request, "Uh, Y-you're welcome. I'd love to be friends with you." Zim gave Dib that happy smile he adored and replied in a prideful tone, "Be proud that The Great Zim has chosen you for his companionship." Dib smiled and said happily before walking out the door, "I am. See you later Zim!"

As Dib was walking home he couldn't help but smile to himself.

'Someone actually wanted to be my friend. Plus, Zim just complemented me! Nobody ever complements me and actually means it. I never thought Zim liked baking, or at least watching people bake. But my organs feel itchy when I'm around him. Maybe he poisoned me.? Would he do that.? I'll look into it later.' Dib thought as he walked up to his house.

"Where've you been." Gaz said slouched on the couch on her game. "Zim's." Dib replied walking upstairs, "I'll be back down in a minute."

Dib dropped his bag on the floor and took off his trench coat, hanging it up on a hanger along with his shirt and got into comfortable clothes. (Aka pajamas.) He streched and walked back downstairs to meet Gaz on the couch.

He plopped down and leaned his head on the back of the couch and clised his eyes. "How can you stalk Zim for morning to night." Gaz asked not looking up from her game. "I wasn't stalking." Dib answered, "We spent the day together inside his house."

Gaz rasied an eyebrow not believing it, "Really, what'd ya do. You don't look beat up." She glanced at him brief seeing no evidence of being hurt. "We just hung out, its nothing that special." Dib said not getting into specifics. "That's new." She said as she saved her game and closed it.

"So was I wrong?" She said sitting up as Dib opened his eyes sensing movement on the couch. "About what?" He asked. "About Zim, Idiot." She said raising her arms, stretching from sitting down so long. "What about him." Dib said sitting up and resting his arm on the side of the couch. Gaz sighed in annoyance.

"Remember the first time you started this whole 'I'm gonna follow Zim everywhere still but I'm gonna talk to him' thing a couple of months ago."


"I told you theres more to Zim than what he shows to you, correct."

"Something like that I think, yeah."

"Was I wrong."

Dib paused for a second, "No. . . But how could you tell?"

It was quiet for about 2-3 minutes. "Wanna play Super Smash?" Gaz asked ignoring his question. Dib sighed knowing Gaz wouldn't tell him. "Sure."

Later that night Dib was in his bed, he couldn't stop thinking about Zim. He smiled to himself as he thought of how Zim wanted to be his friend, Zim's smile, the fact that Zim had helped him and took care of his wounds when he got attacked my John, and how happy he was when they went to the library. It made him feel nice and warm inside.

He hugged his blue shirt that Zim had stiched and curled up into a cuddle egg with it, holding it close to his nose as he drifted to sleep witha smile on his face.

Cuddle egg - A big spoon little spoon but in the fetal position.

2,534 words! Happy Easter everybody, I postponed this chapter drom yesterday so I could put it out on a holiday '-'. I hope You liked this chapter because I know I did!

Here is the picture of the computer's moblie suit. I drew it myself, (I almost published the chapter and forgot to add the picture. 😬)

Stay Weird Beautiful People!❤

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