Love at first sight? (Slow Up...

lovetowrite12340 द्वारा

6.4K 248 53

Elsa Winters is a new actress to the world. She starred in her first movie Frozen. She's excited for what her... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapted 21

Chapter 20

225 6 0
lovetowrite12340 द्वारा

~Same day~

Jack's POV:

Elsa has fallen asleep looking my way. I couldn't help but smile. I've got the best fiancé and the best kid in the world. I'm so content.

"Jack! Can I hold him?" Anna asked. Then everybody started asking.

"Guys quiet down. Elsa's asleep. Anna you can hold him first then everyone else. Just don't wake up either of them," I said.

I carefully handed little Alan to Anna. After he was safe in her arms I sat back down while Anna and her parents looked at our precious baby.

I looked back at Elsa and saw that she was asleep. I tell the woman to rest and she pouts about it. She acts like I'm not telling her to do this for herself. She obviously needs her rest. Same old, same old Elsa. I smiled to myself thinking about her.

I moved some of her hair out of her face. So peaceful.

"Jack, when will you be coming home?" Dad asked.

"Um... what do you mean come home?" I asked.

"Come home, to California. With the rest of your family," he said.

"Manny!" Mom tried to interfere.

"I'm sorry but my home is here with my family," I said glaring but keeping my best not to lose my temper.

"But you live in an apartment back in California with Hiccup," he said. Wow. That just shows how much he listens to me.

"Um... yeah... no... that's not at all correct. I moved out to live with Elsa then I went on that one year trip in Europe then moved back here. Now I live with Elsa AGAIN in an apartment here," I said.

"When did that happen?" He asked.

"I told you exactly when it happened. You just don't listen," I said.

"Well-," dad was cut off by mom thank God.

"Alright you two. We are not going through another argument especially today because of Alan being born," mom said glaring at dad and me.

We were silent for a while. Elsa's parents and Anna were watching this all roll out. My siblings are used to it so... I guess it doesn't bother them. Unless it does and they don't show it.

The silence was broken when the nurse walked in.

"Hello, how is everyone?" She asked.

"We are doing good and you?" My mom asked.

"I'm doing alright, thanks for asking. Now I'm gonna ask for everyone to leave so we can do some check ups on the mother and the baby," she said.

I got up and took Alan from Elsa's parents.

I smiled at them then turned to Anna and said, "Um... just bring everyone to the apartment, then come back to pick us up. I'll text you when we are ready."

"Of course," she said then got up and lead everyone out.

After everyone was out I placed Alan in his little bed. Little man has been sleeping throughout everything. Elsa too except she's been moving. Very small movement though because Sophie was also on the bed with her.

~Time skip~

After they had done the checkups on both of them we were allowed to leave. It's literally eleven o'clock at night. They said we could stay the night too.

"How are you doing?" I asked Elsa.

"Hmm... I'm doing alright. Just tired," she said yawning.

"Well yeah. You gave birth to an eight pound baby," I said.

"I know," she chuckled. "Where is everyone?" She asked.

"They should be at our place or hotel or something?" I said but sounded more like a question.

"You don't know?" She chuckled asking. She must really be out of it because she would usually be yelling about her family staying in a hotel instead of with us.

"I'm not sure. I just told Anna to bring everyone over to our place. I'm not sure what's going on," I said.

"If anything, your parents are probably staying at our place. And mine going to a hotel. Which is fine with me. I can't imagine being in the same room as my dad at the moment," I said.

"You guys fought again?" She asked with sad eyes. I chuckled.

"Yeah a little. He asked when am I moving back home. I told him I was home. Then we got into an argument that I don't feel like talking about," I sighed rolling my eyes. She grabbed my hand.

"Try not to think about it then," she said giving me that smile of hers. That makes everything seem better.

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"What?" She giggled.

"You just smile and then everything is fine," I said smiling at her.

"I love you," she said kissing my hand.

"Where is our little boy?" She asked.

"He's in the baby room. With all the other babies," I said.


"So... did we want to go home now or just sleep here?" I asked.

"We should just sleep here. That way there's more room for them all to sleep somewhere," she said. There she is. Always thinking about other people other than herself.

"Okay we will stay then. I'll text Anna really fast," I said.

"Hey Anna. So Elsa, Alan, and I are actually going to stay the night here," I texted.

A few minutes later I get a text back.

"Awesome. Your family is staying at a near by hotel by the way," Anna responded back.

"Alright cool. Sorry for my argument with my dad earlier today," I texted.

"You're fine. I understand," she sent.

"Thank you. Goodnight then. We will see you in the morning. We will probably need you to come by around 9 o'clock in the morning," I texted.

"That's no problem. Good night brother-in-law," Anna said.

"Elsa and I aren't even married yet," I texted.

"Yeah but you'll be married in like what a month?"

"Well less than a month. February 11th," I texted.

"Whatever 😂 see the three of you in the morning bye!"

I didn't respond after that.

"Anna will be here to pick us up tomorrow morning," I told Elsa.

"Perfect. Now, time for sleep," she said snuggling up in her blanket. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. I tried to get comfortable on the chair because there's no where for me to sleep. But Elsa stopped me by saying:

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get comfortable," I said.

"Dork. Get on the bed and snuggle with me. The chair is uncomfortable I'm sure and I want you to sleep up here with me," she said yawning.

"Alright. Scoot over," I said getting up about to lay down with her. She moved to the right side. I laid down next to her and she faced me.

"Boop," She said as she bopped my nose.

"And you call me the dork," I said jokingly.

"I love you!" She said and pecked my lips. "Good night," she said.

"I love you too! Sweet dreams Snowflake," I said.

She fell asleep almost right away.

This woman is the love of my life.

~Time skip to morning~

Elsa's POV:

I woke up this morning around 10 o'clock. Jack was nowhere to be seen. I sighed. I want my baby in here with me. I saw him for only that little bit before he fell asleep and then I fell asleep.

There was a knock at my door. Then in came a nurse with my baby!!

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm doing good now that I see my baby," I said chuckling. She chuckled with me.

"Missing him are we?" She asked. I nodded eagerly.

"I only got to see him a little yesterday before I fell asleep," I said.

"Well, good thing for you. He's awake and wanting attention. You can leave whenever you please today," she said and gave me my little Alan. She left the room after handing him to me.

"Thank you," I said looking down at him.

His eyes were open and he was staring at me. I kissed his forehead. He's just the yummiest thing I've ever seen. I didn't notice someone walking in.

"Elsa," I looked up to see Jack.

"Hey," I said smiling.

"Little man is awake?" He asked. I nodded.

"I brought you some breakfast," he said.

"What did you get me?" I asked him as I held Alan close to me.

"I got you yogurt with some granola and fruit. Also your spoon. Then water," he said setting it down by the table next to me.

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome love."

"He's so small," he said. I chuckled.

"I know he is. But he definitely did not feel tiny when I was giving birth to him," I said.

"Yeah, that looked really painful," he said.

"Um... it was Jack," I chuckled, "and I had to carry him in my stomach for 9 months."

"I don't know how you did it but thank you for it. You are so strong. I love you," he said kissing my lips.

The kiss didn't last too long because Alan was starting to get all fussy.

"What is wrong baby?" I said looking down at him. I rocked him a little bit.

"So... when does momma wanna leave the hospital?" Jack asked. I smiled, I'm a momma now.

"I don't know, dadda when should we leave?" I asked.

"Okay, I mean we can go now?" He asked.

"Maybe just give Anna a quick text. While I feed our little boy. I think that's why he's being fussy," I said.

"Okay I'll do that now then," he said and started texting Anna.

I moved my gown down a little bit, enough for our baby to eat.



"Anna said she will be here in about 45 minutes. She's just going to let your parents know what she's doing," Jack said.

"Okay. Could you get the diaper bag and give me the cloths I packed?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'll leave your clothes on the table... and I am going to feed you your yogurt," he said.

"Jack, you don't need to feed me. I'm not a baby," I said pouting a little bit.

"Uh... yea you are. You're my baby. And while little man is eating, his mommas gotta eat too," Jack said sitting back in his chair and grabbing my yogurt. He opened it and mixed the granola and fruit around then fed me a spoonful. I chewed on it until I swallowed.

"Thank you," I said smiling at this goofy man in front of me.

"You're welcome... what do you want to do when we get home?" He asked.

"Probably talk with my parents. I've missed them so much these past few months," I said.

"I'm sure they have missed you too," he said smiling at me then fed me another bite. After swallowing I asked, "Maybe we should give your parents a call as well for them to go to our place."

"Hell no. I don't want my father coming over," Jack said.

"Jackson Overland Frost! Just because your father is being a pain in the ass doesn't mean the rest of your family should have to suffer because of it," I practically yelled at him. Which was a bad idea because it startled Alan and now he's crying.

"Oh Alan. Mommy's sorry for being so loud. Please calm down," I said rocking him gently. His cries slowly subsided.

"I did not expect you to yell at me for that," Jack said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Jack, I feel like we have this conversation all the time," I said.

"Sorry. You know I have dad issues," he said.

"I know Jack but just try to get along with him please. I'm sure that he will wake up one day," I said. He sighed and simply just nodded his head.

"Here hold our son while I go change," I said.

"Um... Els, I don't think that's a good..."  I gently put Alan in Jack's arms. "Idea..." Jack continued nervously.

"You're doing just fine see. I won't be too long," I said and kissed his forehead.

I took my clothes into the restroom then changed into the clothes. When I was finished I walked out and just saw Jack smiling at our little boy. It was the cutest sight I've ever seen. I walked over to them and hugged Jack around his shoulders from behind. My head resting on his shoulder.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi love, Anna just texted and said she is here. So we can get going now," he said. I kissed his head then grabbed the diaper bag.

After I had everything we brought I looked to Jack to see him still holding our son.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep," he said and walked towards me.

"I would hold your hand but I'm afraid of dropping him," he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You're fine Frosty," I said.

We walked out of the hospital and to our car. Anna was in the front seat waiting for us.

"Hey guys! How was your night?" She asked.

"It was good Anna. How was yours?" I asked as Jack placed Alan in his car seat. I put his diaper bag in the backseat with us too.

"It was great. I got to catch up with mother and father. They slept in your room if that's okay?" Anna asked.

"That's fine Anna. I would have expected that anyway," I said smiling at her. I sat in the backseat as well.

"Hey Jack. Can you drive? I'm sick of driving," Anna whined. Jack and I chuckled.

"Yeah, I can drive," he said.

"Thank you," She said as she sat next to me in the back. Alan was on the right side in his car seat and I was in the middle seat.

"No problem, plus I don't want you driving because you can be a bit crazy sometimes," he said in a joking manner. I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's extremely rude. How dare you," she said.

"Okay you two no more arguing please," I said.

"He started it!" Anna said.

"And I'm ending it, now stop please," I said then continued, "You two are adults, stop acting like children."

"Sorry mom," Anna joked.

"Can we just go home now?" I asked ignoring what she said.

"Yeah," jack said then started driving off towards our home.


Finally we are home. I am holding little Alan in his car seat. Jack has the diaper bag and Anna is unlocking the door.

Once the door was open my parents, specifically my mother came over to me squealing. I know where Anna gets that from. Father was quite excited to see us all too.

"Elsa, my darling! How are you feeling?" My mother asked. I smiled at her as I put Alan's car seat on the table.

"I am doing wonderfully mother," I said my smile never leaving my face as I look at my baby.

"He is absolutely precious sweetheart," mother said.

"Thank you. He's been looking around a bit today," I said.

"He's probably interested in the things around him," she said giggling and I giggled with her.

"Elsa! Can I hold him?" Anna asked. I nodded. I got Alan out of his car seat and gently put him into Anna's arms. Anna sat on the couch with mother and father following her.

I was just smiling at them as Jack came from behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"How long do you think your parents are staying here?" He asked.

"Hmmm... maybe a few days. They can have our bedroom if they'd like. I wouldn't want them sleeping on the floor or on the pullout couch," I said. He kissed my head then rested his head on my shoulder.

"Probably a good idea," he said, "Although, I wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor in Alan's room. That way we are close to him," he added.

"That also sounds perfectly fine to me," I said and kissed his cheek.

"Let's call your parents," I said. He sighed but agreed.

"Hey guys, we are going to make a quick call. We will be in our bedroom if you need us. Please watch the little man while we are gone," Jack said.

"Okay, is everything alright?" Dad asked.

"Everything's fine. Jack just needs to call his parents," I said. They all just nodded then cooed at our baby.

Once we were in our room, Jack dialed his mothers phone number. We waited three rings until she answered.


"Hey mom." "Hello Mrs. Frost."

"Jackson! Elsa! Hello! How are you feeling Elsa dear?"

"I'm feeling wonderful Mrs. Frost," I smiled while talking even though she can't see me.

"How's little Alan?" She asked.

"He's good mom. We just wanted to invite you guys over to see him before you leave," Jack said.

"Oh that would be lovely. Just text me your address so we can be there," she said.

"Of course. We will see you when you get here," I said.

"Yes you will. Bye Elsa dear. Bye Jackson! I love you!"

"I love you too mom bye!" And with that we hung up the phone.

"At least she's excited to be here and my siblings," Jack said. I chuckled and pecked his lips.

"Come on, no more negative talk. Let's go back out there to see our cute little baby Alan," I said grinning and taking his hand, dragging him out of our room.

When we walked out, dad was holding him and mom was sitting next to him. They both were grinning. And Anna was no where to be found. So I'm assuming she's in the bathroom.

"So we are going to be having about..." Jack took a second to think, "ten people here tonight, not counting Alan because well he eats mommas milk," I smacked his chest. "We should probably make some food for everyone," he continued.

"Yeah we should. What were we thinking?" I asked.

"Hmm... I mean just burgers and hotdogs probably," he said. I nodded.

"Perfect. I'll get started on sides and you get started on burgers and hotdogs," I said. 

We put our hands in the middle. Mine on top of his, then said together, "Ready... Break!"

Then we zoomed off to whatever our jobs were.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A/n: yay! Another update! I hope you guys liked it. I am trying to update more often. I'm just trying to find more inspiration too. Anyway thanks for reading.
Don't forget to:

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