
נכתב על ידי DMJRallo

536 29 8

Callista, a special girl in an ordinary world עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

49 4 0
נכתב על ידי DMJRallo

Days had past and Iris stayed close to me and Alexander.  I had told my parents that Iris was living with her grandmother because her parents were overseas but her grandmother was ill so I asked her to stay over to not be alone until her parents arrived. My parents bought the story and they welcomed Iris in our house. Iris tried to contact her Morlock but he still hadn't responded.
“what will happen if my Morlock never returns?” askediIris, one evening to Alexander
Alexander looked at me and then at Iris “ you will be assigned to a new Morlock but he won’t always be with you, because you will have to share him with another IIllusionst, but for now I will watch you both together, so don't worry” he said trying to reassure Iris.
“ I think we need to try to think of other things, what do you say to a night out? “ I said trying to sound enthusiastic
“ out? Where?” asked Iris suprisingly
“ well, my friend Amelia is having a party tomorrow and I think we should go , we can’t sit here and wait all day long “ I said looking at Iris and then smiling at Alexander
‘She is in depression,  we need to lift her spirits.’ I thought looking at Alexander and making him read my thoughts
“ I think it’s a good idea, we should go to this party, but you both need to stay close to me so that I can protect you both" said Alexander looking at me
We all three agreed that going to the party would be good for us. The following evening after many hours on deciding what to wear Iris  and I were finally dressed. Iris was wearing a pair of black tipped Jean’s with a silver glittery top . She looked really good with her long straight red hair and bright green eyes. She was a bit shorter than me but with her heels tonight she was the same height as me.
I decided to wear a short Jean’s skirt and a black satin tank top and long black boots. Iris wanted to curl my hair and put on my makeup and I let her. When she finished I looked in the mirror and I looked so different but I really liked the look and smiled happily.
The doorbell rang and my mom yelled from downstairs that Alexander had arrived.
“ I’m going down, are you finished? “ asked Iris grabbing her bag and looking at me
“ yes! Let’s go have some fun" I shouted grabbing my bag
We went down the stairs and my eyes met Alexander's eyes and he smiled
“wow, you both look so beautiful! “ he said holding the door as we walked out of the house. We both went in his car and I tried to read Alexander's thoughts but all I read was silence. He was blocking me and it was frustrating because I wanted to know what he really thought of my new look.
We got to the party and there were many people but we stayed close to Alexander. We small talked with some of our classmates and ate some snacks.
“Callista! Come dance!” yelled Amelia as she was dancing on the other side of the room.
Without thinking I walked over to her and started laughing and dancing with her. Everyone was around us dancing and laughing and I tried to look around to see where Alexander and Iris were but I didn’t see them with all the people around me dancing. I decided to walk back to where I had left them earlier to see if they were there but when I finally got to the other side of the room they had left that spot. I continued to look around but with all the people I was not able to see them so I decided to walk up the stairs to see better from the top floor. I looked around but I didn’t see them. I started to get worried and decided to open my thoughts to see if Alexander could hear them.
‘Alex, where are you? I’m at the top floor, please come to me.’ I thought and waited
I looked around and I finally found Iris dancing with a tall blonde guy laughing and having fun and that made me smile. I continued to think of Alexander and looked around until all of a sudden I felt a spark in my hand and without turning around I knew Alexander had found me and my heart started beating.
I turned around and Alexander stood there worriedly. ‘Are you ok?’ He thought looking at me
‘I got worried when I didn't find you.’ I thought looking at him
‘I was watching you both, don't worry my eyes never left you.’ He thought holding my hand
I keep feeling the small sparks but it didn't bother me and I got closer to him putting my head on his shoulder. He then put both his hands around me holding me tightly. I looked up into his eyes
‘You make me feel secure and I like being close to you.’ I thought still in his embrace.
‘Callista, I like having you close to me too.’ He thought holding me tightly and then kissed my forehead.
I looked up to him and smiled and got closer and put my lips on his. I felt a spark on my lip but I didn't move away and neither did Alexander.  He got closer and kissed me passionately holding me tightly. He then stopped and moved away without looking at me.
‘We need to get closer to iIris,  let’s go downstairs.’  He thought grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the stairs.
‘What did I do?  You seem angry.’ I thought walking with him towards iris
‘We will talk later.’ He thought
The rest of the evening we danced and we didn't speak to eachother and we blocked eachother's thoughts. We then decided to go home and in the car we were all silent. When we got to my house Iris ran out immediately. “ thanks Alexander,  I’m going straight to bed I’m really tired, see you tomorrow “ she said going into the house
I sat there looking straight ahead not knowing what to do.
“Callista, I know what you are thinking, you're not blocking me to read your thoughts" laughed Alexander
“ I know, they were meant for you to read" I smiled looking at him
He then moved closer and kissed me lightly on the cheek
“ you know what I’m feeling because you feel it too but you need to know that our kinds aren't meant to be together romantically , I’m your Morlock and I’m here to guide and protect you"  he said holding my hand and looking into my eyes
“we can change everything, and stop saying you're my Morlock,  you are more and you know that.” I said
“ I know, but we have work to do together and we can’t be distracted” he said brushing his fingers on my cheek and moving closer and kissed me passionately.
We then moved apart breathlessly and looking eachother in the eyes
‘Don't say anything more for tonight,  I dont want to ruin this moment.’ I thought looking into his eyes
“goodnight Alex “ I said smiling
“ see you tomorrow “ he said smiling as I got out of the car
As I entered my house I heard him drive away and I felt like I was floating.  I walked to my room andiIris was already sound asleep.  I got undressed and layed in bed thinking of Alexander and how his lips felt and how I loved his kiss. I closed my eyes and thought about Alexander until I fell sound asleep.
Meanwhile outside there was a Sirthros looking from above in a protective shield that made him unnoticeable.

המשך קריאה

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