Izuku the hero (OPIzuku)

Bởi myHeroAcademiafan132

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hey guys. this is my 2nd fanfic i will try and do my best and i hope you all enjoy this one too! not sure wha... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1. horror and escape
Chapter2. Wandering
Chapter 3. training hero's vs Villains.
Chapter 4. Sports festival
Chapter 5. Fitting in
Chapter 6. Villains at UA and secret
Chapter7. Izuku captured!?
Chapter8. Escape.
Chapter 9. Guilt
Chapter 10. Out of control.
Chapter 11. trouble exam
Chapter12. Remember
Chapter 13. Despair and taken out.
Chapter14. Jealousy
Chapter 15. Chaos
Chapter 17. Retaliate

Chapter 16. The Hell

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Bởi myHeroAcademiafan132

Izuku was standing above the school gate, ready to confront the villain. "Please make sure all the people get out safe, this place won't be safe for long i can feel alot more coming but in the meantime i will handle this one and stand on gaurd" Izuku said towards Aizawa and Nezu. Class 1A aswell as the big three and the teachers with Nezu ran towards the others to evacuate, however there were a few people who stayed behind.

Mirio, Alice, Dawn, Bakugo and todoroki stayed. "You guys sure about this? It might get rough here" He asked without looking back. "we are just back up for if there are more, and with those wounds i doubt you can continue for long" Bakugo smirked. While the others nodded. Izuku smiled. "I'm counting on you then" he said in a serious tone which snapped them into reality that it was a serious matter.

"You certainly had alot of hits in those few meetings we had, it's time to pay you back for it" Izuku said towards the villain. The villain put up his hand and shot a fire ball at Izuku but he just deflected it. "How did he!?" Todoroki asked. "That fire ball was so fast i didn't even see it coming before Izuku reacted" Mirio said. "my biggest surprise is that he can just deflect them now, at first he needed to create shields to block it or throw his body infront of it but he does it with such ease now even when wounded like that" Bakugo added.

"Well he pushed his body quiet alot, first the invasion at UA, then the prof license, after that against me. his body was literally on the verge of being destroyed and he used ALOT of energy in the process, he even was in a coma, but instead of energy, speed and power decrease it actually increased. Guess it's the result for pushing himself, i also noticed this when he was healing after he returned from his coma" Alice explained.

The villain charged a bigger fire ball but Izuku kicked it right back at him. The villain was hit by his own fire ball and took quiet alot of damage as he quickly retreated. "You made it seem so easy this time" Bakugo said with a grin. However Izuku did not respond.

"please check on the teachers if they are done evacuating" Is the only thing he said after a long silence. "Afterwards send Iida or Alice to notify me, please hurry up" He added. They all knew something serious was happening.

They quickly made their way towards the teachers, they noticed that all the people aswell as students were evacuated, so Alice quickly rushed towards Izuku, Izuku was holding 1 hand up opposite from the school, Alice noticed Izuku was holding up a barrier to shield the entrance and school.

"Izuku everyone has evacuated" She shouted while Mirio, Bakugo, Todoroki, Dawn, Nejire aswell as Aizawa and some pro's showed up to look. "They aren't far enough yet, i will lure them away from here, Alice please protect them all" Izuku said dropping his barrier and jumping away.

"IZUKU!!!!" They all shouted. Izuku stood infront of the villains that were coming towards UA, He noticed atleast a few hundred. "If you think that the amount you felt earlier is all we had then you are sorelly mistaking" Kurogiri said showing up on a roof. "Those 1000 you sensed earlier are just a fraction of the villains that gathered" He added.

"I see, then just the more reason i must take care of those infront of me and stay alice to protect the others" Izuku said with a smirk. "Well i would like to see you try but Tomura has other plans for me, you might even witness it *if* you survive long enough" Kurogiri said laughing then dissapeared.

Izuku was standing in the middle of a crossround and noticed some villains coming from 2 other sides. " Well atleast they won't make this easy" He smirked before taking a serious face and a fighting stance. The fight started, Izuku tried using only his base speed and power to save up energy. He took alot of villains out but was slowly being pushed back. 'shit there are too many of them sure they are weak but the have strength in numbers' he thought when suddenly. Bakugo, Alice, Mirio, Nejire, Todoroki, Dawn and Aizawa showed up.

"You guys shouldn't have come, even with this number there is no way we can win this" Izuku stated. "Well even so we can buy the others some time and make sure you stay alive with us." Alice said while Dawn nodded. "You are the reason the 2 of us are still living today, so there is no way we will give you up" Dawn added.

"And we are your friends" Mirio said while everyone nodded inclueding Aizawa. "You saved us and others so many times, we owe you so much, but we also care" Aizawa said. "thanks you guys" Izuku said smiling. "I will hold the front, please back me up with long ranged moves, Aizawa please watch carefully and if you see a dangerous quirk let me know and erase it please" he stated while charging. "Right!" they all shouted.

Izuku charged in and took on alot of villains, Mirio joined him since he could make other slip through him, Nejire, Bakugo and Todoroki were using long ranged moves to back them up, Alice defeated all who managed to slip through and Aizawa instructed them for dangerous quirks.

Suddenly Izuku had a bad feeling and turned around, He saw there were villains holding Alice off while charging for Dawn with a sword made from a quirk. Alice managed to free herself from the villains and jumped infront of Dawn to safe her, Izuku saw it all happen and before he knew it he was standing there aswell. But he had no time to block or use his quick and was cut from his left shoulder down to his right hip.

He quickly punched the villain in the gut before falling to his knee's. "Izuku! are you okay?" Alice and Dawn asked in unison. "I'll manage, Dawn please heal my wounds as much as you can" he asked and so she did. The others made a circkel around Izuku and Dawn to protect them, while Bakugo, Nejire and Todoroki kept using long ranged moves.

Dawn healed Izuku enough to stop the bleeding but she couldn't completely heal him as he had so many wounds on his body. "Izuku please rest a bit," Dawn said. "No i can still go on" he stated and now used his quirk to shoot energy shockwaves towards the enemies by kicking and punching towards them.

The hero's aswell as the Villains all stopped at the moment a big screen went on and Showed Tomura. "Good day everyone, As you all know Tartaros has been Destroyed which made all the big shot villains escape, most people now should be on the run i guess, and you hero's are fighting to protect them. Such a waste" He said.

"You face a desperate situation, we already killed the New Number 1 Endeavor, aswell as some other strong pro's, But i found a way to make your life's a true hell and show you more despair." Tomura said taking the hand off his face showing his face for the first time, "This is specially for you though, Izuku, since as you can see i am still alive, But i have to pay you back for what you did and give the others some despair. I hope you enjoy" Tomura smirked while showing a chair.

"It can't be" Everyone's eyes went wide. "Is that!?" Aizawa shouted. "As you can see we managed to capture your former symbol of peace, now let me show you how that pillar of hope crumbles to dust!" he said, at that moment Villains started Attack All might's skinny body, Dabi shot some flames at him while Magna threw his weapon at All might crashing into him, Twice and Toga ran inbetween attacks to also land some cuts on him. "Stop..."

The villains continued Attacking All might. "I said stop..."

Tomura walked towards the beaten All might, grabbed his neck with 4 fingers lifted him up. "do you all like the show so far? I hope you do it will get even better as i will literally make your pillar crumble" he laughed.

Tomura grabbed All might's arm which slowly crumbled away almost to his shoulder before Toga cutted it off, he then did the same to his other arm which was then cutted off by Spinner. "I said stop!" Izuku shouted. Then Tomura placed his hand flat on All might's chest which killed the symbol of peace.

Dawn and Alice started crying while the others stared in horror, Izuku looked down shadowing his eyes by his hair. All the villains were celebrating. Then a powerfull shockwave was released pushing everone but the now surrounding hero's away. "What are you celebrating for" Izuku asked in a scary tone releasing even more energy without showing his eyes, slowly a black aura like energy field surrounded Izuku.

Another burst of energy was felt as Izuku vanished and reappeard on the spot, but when he did alot of villains were falling down. The hero's were surprised by this, Izuku turned to the villains between them and the school he vanished again as all of the villains at that side collapsed and Izuku just walked casually back to the group.

"I know he is strong but this is insane this must take tons of energy right?" Mirio asked silently. "This isn't good" Alice stated while Aizawa nodded. "he is moving too fast for me to erase his quirk" Aizawa stated. "Why are you trying to erase his quirk?" Bakugo asked.

"Because if he doesn't, then Izuku will die" Alice stated. It got silent for a few seconds, "What do you mean he will die?" Nejire asked. "He is past the state i was with the chip, he is using more energy then he normally has, seeing All might die triggered this, his anger took over and he won't stop untill we somehow manage to stop him by making him unconcious or erase his quirk if we don't do that, then the only time he will stop is if he dies from receiving too many wounds or when his energy is completely gone" she explained.

Izuku placed his hands infront of him close together releasing bursts of energy while also creating an energy ball. "Aizawa be ready, there will only be a small opening" Alice explained as she noticed what he was doing.

Izuku dissapeared again and appeared behind them infront of all the villains, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he screamed while releasing the energy ball and making a shield surrounding his friends. "Once the field dissapears erase his quirk, then we have to grab him and get out of here as fast as we can" Alice explained. The field took down 80% of the villains there. Aizawa immediatly erased Izuku's quirk as the black aura dissapeared and Izuku fell down.

Alice jumped towards Izuku grabbed him and jumped away just intime to avoid being pierced by rock spikes. "Bakugo, Nejire shoot the strongest biggest move you can use, Todoroki make a big strong barrier of Ice afterwards!" Alice ordered. "After that we have to retreat!"

Nejire and Bakugo made their move, Mirio lifted Dawn up and ran towards the school grounds together with Aizawa, Todoroki made a huge icewall just as Bakugo and Nejire's moves exploded. They all ran towards school where a bus was waiting for them. They all quickly got inside and managed to escape, Alice laid Izuku down on some seats.

"Dawn try healing his Wounds and energy at the same time" Alice said. "Sure but that will take more energy then i have" she explained. Then Alice held out her hand, "use my energy as extra" she said, Dawn grabbed Alice her hand and started healing Izuku. After a while Dawn had to stop her healing because both she and Alice were completely drained. "This is insane, after all that he still hasn't completely healed." Dawn stated.

"He used almost all his energy after all that and sustained numerous wounds, it's only natural it takes alot to heal it all. " Aizawa explained. "You 2 did enough all he needs now is some rest" He added. After a Few hours they made it to a secret camp for the people aswell as the students and the surviving hero's.

Everyone was excited to see the bus arriving knowing the remaining fighters had returned, but were all shocked to see the state Izuku was in even though he was healed he was unconcious, and all of his wounds were still visible. "It's a miracle he is still alive if i see those wounds like this, and seeing as how drained Alice and Dawn are it means it was much worse before this" Nezu said walking up to them.

No one knew what had happend or what they had seen. "Nezu sir, Gather all the hero's and by all hero's i mean pro's aswell as students we need everyone" Aizawa said. "But before that bring me all the pro's aswell as every teacher available." He added.

Nezu quickly gathered The hero's and teachers, as they were all sitting around Izuku. "As you can all see, you can see the shape Izuku is in after buying us some time" Aizawa said as everyone nodded. "This is the enemy we face, no matter how strong someone is we can't solely rely on their strength, we saw the horrifying truth, Izuku was being overpowered, not by strength but by numbers" He explained.

"There is another reason that Izuku is still unconcious and in such a state" Aizawa said. He then called Alice inside. "Why is she here?" Mic asked. "Some of you might recall what happend to her, and also what the docters had said if she continued that way right?" He asked as most of them nodded.

"Izuku was past that state" Alice started which widened everyone's eyes inclueding Nezu's. "What we are about to tell you is the absolute truth no matter how unreal it may sound." Aizawa said. "Just what happend back there" Midnight asked. "As some of you might now Endeavor was killed by a villain" Aizawa said. while some of them nodded other gasped in shock. "Yes i saw it happen aswell, we were about to join him if mt, lady, Kamui woods and Best jeanist didn't manage to save us" Gang Orca said while walking in.

Aizawa nodded. "What we saw triggered Izuku to go out of control, we witnessed the death of All might, the pillar of hope, the symbol of peace" Aizawa explained. Everyone's eyes got wide and everyone gasped for air while some had tears in their eyes, inclueding Nezu.

"All might is dead?" Nezu asked. "Yes" Aizawa said. "We were all shocked aswell, however Izuku went out of control, we saw his red energy aura against Tomura out of anger for me, this time it turned black, it was unreal he took out dozens of villains in the blink of an eye, he even made a path to school in that same instance" Alice explained. Everyone was overwhelmed by shock of All might's death and Izuku's power. "He even created an enormous shockwave that took out 80% or so of the villains surrounding us, this gave us a chance to stop him before it was too late, the moment we did we retreated as stronger villains were slowly gathering, inclueding the one that killed Endeavor, if we hadn't stopped Izuku there, then he would of died using every bit of energy he had, maybe die from the damage he sustained before using his energy." Alice explained.

"It took all of my aswell as Dawn's energy to heal him as much as you can see now" she explained. "You mean to tell me it was even worse then this?!" Midnight asked. "Much worse, it was harder to find a spot on him that wasn't injured" Aizawa explained.

"As for Izuku now, we don't know how long it will take for him to heal, nor do we know when he will awaken or even what happens when he awakens. I will stay here with him for the time being, but we have to prepare ourselfs aswell as the students for the war against the villains. And if i may speak my mind... this isn't the time to have mercy on them or show any hesitation, we have to attack with intent to kill, and be able to kill if needed because if we don't kill them then they WIL kill us" Alice explained bringing the hard truth.

"We have to save those people aswell as ourselfs from this hell"

well another chapter completed another one pretty short, hope you all liked it!

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