Letters to your heart

由 AppleRoug

11.6K 429 776

Have you ever fallen so deep in love that every day was a magical moment? A tingling sensation that keeps you... 更多

Chapter 1: Introductory Letter
Chapter 2: Anticipation
Chapter 3: Letter of Request
Chapter 4: Signature
Chapter 5: Addresse
Chapter 6: Archive
Chapter 7: Acknowledgement
Chapter 9: Closing
Chapter 10: Post Note [Ending]

Chapter 8: Memories

1.4K 38 97
由 AppleRoug

WARNING: This chapter contains mature content, If you are 18 and below please DON'T read this

wait until you're legal, thank you for you understanding~



Ahhh~ Sorry it took this long for Yuma and I to finally release Chapter 8! The holiday season, work and life balance so and so fort are hindering us. I hope you guys will enjoy this one as well >u<)/

Oh! Btw, Happy Birthday our sweet Fiona Gilman, Priestess. Yuma and I made a special short birthday present for you here in our fiction <3

Also I've updated Voice to your heart~ Just short and simple story for EliSop for all your questions what happened chik chak chuuu hahaha. In any case enjoy sweethearts.

Yuma and I will be posting some sweet Valentine Special for our beloved ships in Letters To Your Heart!

Thank you so much everyone for your continued support! Love lots and enjoy!



Norton and I visited Eli's office and I'm quite surprised, his aura changed. He's not the usual cheerful Eli we know, he still has this soft smile written on his face but he seemed quite stressed and in pain. I looked at Norton and he still has the same forlorn expression Eli has.

"Eli" Norton called as we both sat down across his table,"What's...I...well..." I can feel Norton have so many questions to ask Eli but he doesn't know where to start, Eli chuckled sadly

"Eli, what happened?" I asked. Eli was taken aback. Guess, he wasn't expecting I can actually talk now, Ms. Nair also have the same bewildered look on her face a while ago when I asked her if Norton was in his office

"Y-you can...talk now, Viktor! That's amazing! You have a wonderful voice!" Eli grinned brightly,"Let me guess~ You and Norton are together now! How cute! You really did your best buddy! Now you and Viktor are together~ congrats!" The excitement he's expressing is laced with happiness and sadness. I'm getting worried.

"Uh...y-yeah...I'm happy too." Norton smiled but still had this sober look on his face.

"Well, to break all of this tension between us..." Eli placed both of his hands over our shoulders,"I will be leaving the country and I'm staying in England for 2 years"

"TWO YEARS!?" Norton and I exclaimed in unison

"Woah! Woah! Chill! We can still communicate ya know!" Eli pointed out his phone,"Yeah two years to further my studies and some business shenanigans, it still depends on when I will be back though, If I will stay for a short while or will take a little longer, So around two years or so. It's to help my father in running Oletus afterall.."

"That's...well..." Norton stuttered

"That's a long time, Eli...we're going to miss you..." I continued where Norton left off

"I know, I will too Viktor." Eli smiled sadly, sat on his chair, turning it around and stared off the distance,"I have to focus on being an heir after all otherwise I won't be able to help my father and besides I'm not only doing this for my father, but also for myself." he turned his head towards Norton and I,"I'm doing this for you too, all of you. You can't have a lazy ass, spoiled boss who likes to party and run away from his responsibility right? You need someone who will you look up to."

"Eli..." Norton's eyes are moistening with tears, I held his hand tightly,"Fine. I understand, thank you...for being considerate to us...but..."

"But?" Eli tilted his head

"What about Aesop? Aesop Carl? Will you confess your feelings for him?" Norton asked curiously

"I..." Eli averted his eyes,"...No...I won't..."

"Huh? I thought you love Aesop? Why give up now? It's now or never right at the very least you can tell him how you honestly feel before you go, otherwise you will never get a chance like this anymore, Eli" Norton walk up to Eli's side looking deep in those lonely sapphire eyes of his

"It's better if he's off with someone better than me, I'm not saying I don't deserve Aesop or he doesn't deserve me but I think it's best if we stay as friends, that's all" Eli once again averted his eyes. He's trying to hide that pang of pain that's writhing inside his heart, his own words must have hurt him.

"What do you mean, Eli? Don't give up now." Norton held both Eli's shoulders making him face him

"Norton is right Eli, You might have a chance. I can feel Aesop will love you back or at least reconsider his feelings for you" I supported Norton's idea

"Thanks guys but I've already decided." Eli smiled sadly, I don't understand why he would give up easily but I can feel like it has something to do with Eli being pressured by his family. I'm honestly rooting for Aesop and Eli.

"Aesop already has many burdens to carry.. And, I don't want me to be his baggage too."

"Eli, You can't just---" Norton was cut off

"Mr. Clark someone wishes to see you." Ms. Behamfil interupted

We all turn to look at the person walking behind her and to our surprise it's Mike, Lucky, Naib, Jack, William and Hastur. Everyone is here and they all look concerned, Mike was the first one to run to Eli's side

"ELIIIII!!!!!!" Mike hugged Eli tightly and released him,"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY LEAVING THE COUNTRY!? THAT'S SO UNFAIR!"

"We were very shocked!" Naib run to Eli's side too

"Woah, how did you guys know and don't you all have work today!? It's monday!" Eli blinked a couple of times, looking at everyone

"We were informed of your departure and we went here as fast as we could." Mr. Hastur explained

"You were? By who?" Eli asked confusedly

"Mr. Joseph Desaulnier" Mr. Jack replied

"WHAA?! Why would he---"

"He was---Um, let's say he was sad to see you leaving as well." William scratched the back of his head

"That was shocking! Why is he sad? In any case, yes I will be leaving for two years and guys don't worry we have cellphones and we can catch up in no time, also england is just one or two flight away from here, I can visit when I'm free, which I don't think I'll ever be... or when you guys are!" Eli tried his best to ease up the tension building inside the room.

Eli is right we can still contact each other but it's still sad he won't be here physically and what saddened me most is that he decided not to confess to Aesop. How heartbreaking. I really have a strong feeling that Aesop loves him too

"Okay, Let's celebrate Eli's departure at Wu Changs, sounds good? I will invite everyone and when is your flight Eli?" Lucky smiled brightly

"This thursday" Eli replied simply

"Damn, so fast! Okay, we'll prepare the celebration in two days time!" Naib flail his hands happily

Everyone decided to plan for Eli's despedida, they're really serious that it will take two days and everyone was also shocked that I can talk which was a normal reaction just like the fact that they were shocked when they knew I couldn't speak, same reaction with different scenario. I giggled to myself.

After our final decision was made, Norton went back to his office for work.

My poor boyfriend, it's lunch and he still has work for him to do.

I'll try and cook for his lunch next time. Mike and his company came to have lunch with me before they went back to work. I also called Aesop to join us. Aesop was really happy he wanted to see all of them again.

Aesop also told us that he'll be transferred to Oletus Entertainment next week which we congratulate him for it

"Great we'll have a double celebration!" Naib slammed his balled fist in his palm

"Pipe down, Naib. You're attracting too much attention, do you want to be punished so badly?" Mr. Jack teased, Naib blushed at his remark

"Goodness, you two not here, I beg of you." Mr. Hastur scoffed at the two love birds while shaking his head

"Hee~hee~ I didn't know you guys are kinky---OW!" Lucky elbowed Mike and glared

"Double celebration? Is it someone's birthday this week?" Aesop asked dubiously. Everyone looked at each other awkwardly. That's right! Aesop doesn't know yet. It might break his heart. I was about to explain the situation to Aesop slowly---

"Eli will be leaving the country this Thursday, he'll be gone for two years," William said bluntly

"H-huh!?" Aesop's eyes grew wide,"Leave!? Two... t-two years???"

"Yeap and---OW!" Lucky elbowed him too,"What the he---EH!?"

Aesop is... crying

"Aesop." I patted his back and he turned to me

"Wh... why... is he leaving...?" Aesop asked looking at me with that mournful expression

"Huwah! I'm sorry---sh*t why are you crying!?" William panicked and patted Aesop's back too

"Aesop, You love Eli too right!" Mike asked bluntly,"You should tell him how you feel!"

"Wha... Noo... Im-- I... I can't, I don't have the courage to..." Aesop wiped the tears off his cheeks

"Do you want to stay oblivious of each others feelings then? If one of you isn't brave enough to confess your feelings, the feeling of regret will linger in your hearts forever!" Naib crossed his arms.

"Naib is right. You can't just let your feelings unspoken now do you, Mr. Carl?" Jack added, plastering a small grin on his face

"Love is truly complex but think about it Mr. Carl can you really endure it without letting Eli know how you feel about him? Especially when you two will be apart for a very long time." Mr. Hastur patted Aesop's head

"We will help you two." Lucky smiled confidently,"We can't let these two love birds fall apart now, do we?"

Everyone agreed and gave Aesop our encouragement. From the looks of it, Aesop was motivated with each everyone's words. Thank you everyone! Now another plan is being devised.

After a few exchanges, We all left to do our work.

I was busy delivering all documents to different departments when all of a sudden Ms. Michiko wanted to talk to me privately and to my surprise it's about a promotion

"Am I being promoted?" I asked nonchalantly, It was too sudden.

Ms. Michiko was surprised probably because I can talk, she didn't ask about it and just giggled,"Yes but there's a little bit of a problem if we're going to promote you, My dear."

"What is that?"

"Your educational background." Ms. Michiko tapped my head with her fan. Ah, she's right I don't have any bachelors degree and the reason I passed is with Eli's help, the interview and exams we're not as challenging as I thought it would be too. I really need to save to further my education if I want to excel in my career. Ms. Michiko saw my worrisome expression and spoke,"Worry not, My dear Viktor. Take this."

Ms. Michiko handed me a piece of parchment and when I opened it, I was surprised. I read it's content: Scholarship Grant at Oletus University. I looked at Ms. Michiko and she gave me a bright smile

I can't believe this!

"This... This is---Ah! Thank you!" I hugged her instinctively, she giggled yet again

"You shouldn't thank me, Thank Mr. Clark for this"

"E-eli?" My mouth was agape. Ms. Michiko nodded

"Mr. Clark is helping quite a lot of employees nowadays, I'm happy we have a compassionate soon to be CEO" Ms. Michiko praises

"We sure do." I smiled

Thank you, Eli this means a lot and I'm proud of you for doing your best.


"I didn't expect you to catch a cold" I patted Aidan's little head,"I told you not to take a shower when you're tired and sweaty."

"I'm sorry..." The little silver hair have his sapphire eyes welling up with tears

"It's okay, I'm here I'll take care of you. I'll just take my leave off work." I sighed exasperatedly. I thought I would be able to go and hang out during Eli's farewell party. Unfortunately fate forbids me to confess my feelings for him. I have to prioritize Aidan first.

"Aesop..." The little guy tugged my arm,"When is daddy going to visit again?"


That's right I told him Eli was his daddy.

I smiled at him,"He's a little busy at work... so... so..." My heart is aching because I know perfectly well Eli is leaving for two years and the fact that I won't be able to tell him I love him, feels like a knife being stabbed in my chest. My tears began to fall, one after another. I've never cried this much before. I really have fallen deeply in love with Eli.

"Aesop...? Did you and daddy fight?" Aidan slowly sat up from his bed and hugged me,"Don't worry daddy tell me last time, he loves you so much and he even asked me if he could give you something as a surprise and then he told me that maybe he should give you a huge chocolate bar!"

"Huh? He sa... said t-that?"

"Yes! I told him the sweetest desert he can give you is a kiss!"

"Where'd you learn that?"

"From my classmates---achoo!"

"You should lie down and rest, you still have a cold."

"You should surprise daddy with a kiss too!"

"R-right... I don't do those cheesy things Aidan and you shouldn't too...It's embarrassing"

"It'll be okay, Aesop. Daddy loves you so much! I'm sure everything will be okay!"

"Thanks Aidan." this little guy warms my heart, his optimism, his charms and his beautiful sapphire eyes reminds me of Eli a lot.

"If... Daddy loves you... Does that mean... Aesop... you are the mommy right?"


"Uhmm, Aidan... It does not work like that... "

"But my classmate said that daddy and mommy are a pair... I finally told them I have a daddy... Then they ask how about my mommy... Hic... Ae... Aesop... "

Oh dear, His cold is making him sentimental. This poor child. I never knew he wanted to have a complete family this much...

I hugged my nephew tight and cradled him in my arms. I'm so sorry Aidan, I thought I had already given you the best that I could give but it's not enough.


My tears are streaming down my cheeks. I felt like my heart was getting squeezed tightly in my chest hearing my beloved nephew's wish, I have the same wish as he did back then. I wanted a complete family too.

"Can you be my mommy... Hic... Aesop... "

"My goodness Aidan, Ain't I as good as your mommy now? I care for you, feed you, take you to school, play with you and I love you like what a parent does or even more and to answer your question, Yes, I can be your mommy"

Aidan's lips curved into a cute smile,"I love you mommy! and daddy too. I want to live together with both of you!"

"Yes, yes, we will soon. We're gonna fetch daddy first okay... uhmm... Mommy will do his best! I promise."

"Hehe... hehe..." Oh, he fell asleep with a smile on his face. Aidan is really cute. Aelia, thank you for bringing Aidan to this world. I gained another purpose in life. It's just sad that you didn't get a chance to take care of your son and watch him grow this cute and loving. I will cherish him and Eli.

"Now I just need to accomplish what I promised you, My cute little son." I tucked him in the bed and kissed his forehead. "Hope you get well soon."


It's Eli's despedida party today and Aesop couldn't make it. I look at my best friend's eyes and I could tell that behind those smiles and laughter he's throwing at us, his eyes are in pain. Well, it really is saddening for us too that Aesop couldn't be here. Me and Viktor also urge him to at least have a quick visit to Aesop at his apartment within those two days. He is busy preparing for his journey. We've heard from Aesop that his nephew is down with a cold and he took his leave to take care of him.


Eli didn't even bother going.

He even just let his 'get well soon' regards to Aesop's nephew through Viktor. It pains us that he controls himself seeing Aesop. I knew it was hard on his part controlling himself. Knowing Eli, I know that as soon as he saw his face, he might not want to go to England anymore. Aesop could literally make him falter.

The party is quickly drawing to an end with laughter, tears,and hugs, with Mike and Naib's crying being the loudest.

"Ugh. Why do we have children here at the bar Xie?" Fan shook his head

"Fan, ask that question to this lover boy here~" Xie looked at me with his eyebrow raising up and down.

Damn it, Xie!

"Tsk! Why me? Ask Lucky there. He chose your bar for this party" I replied

"Wow. Campbell is not denying the fact that he's a lover boy and actually answered the question. Pfft." Xie turned to Viktor with a wide grin on his face,"You're Viktor again right? There are so many things Fan and I wanted to tell you."

"Uh-huh. I'm Viktor, Norton's boyfriend!"

Oh! Viktor smiled so sweetly at me. Those words coming from his mouth made me puffed my chest proud. I return the same sweet smile at him. He quickly got his attention back to the twins, "Hm? What was it that you're going to tell me?" AHHH! Don't tilt your head like that at them! You look so adorable doing that!

I look at the twins and they have a smile and an amused look on their faces.


"Wow. Cute." Fan looks at me with a knowing expression. Dammit!

"His innocence, Fan...! I can't do this. It's your win Campbell!" Yes, he is so cute. Don't you guys look at him!

"Don't falter now Xie. It's time we expose Campbell."

"Expose? Do... does... Norton... " Viktor looked at me with sad eyes. I shot eye daggers at the two bartenders."Do you have o... ther---"

"NO VIKTOR! I ONLY HAVE MY EYES ON YOU!" Damn. I shouted, I panicked.

"Pfft---! PWAA---HAHAHAHA! My Goodness Fan!" Xie burst out laughing holding his stomach as he did

"Hahahaha! Campbell~ Campbell~ Where is the almighty Campbell?" Fan sounding like his twin

These.Twins. Really.

"Hey bro! What's the matter? Lovers Quarrel in my despedida?" Eli dropped his arms sloppily on my shoulders.

"Nah, Eli. That was... Ugh! I'm sorry." I slapped my hand on my face

"Pfft. Losing your cool Campbell huh?" Jack snorted at me.

"Hic... I remember Jack told that to me too~ Hehehe~ Let me and Mike act it out" Naib lazily stood up

"Naib... You're drunk." Jack crunched his brow at Naib. Who's basically have this big dopey smile on his face

"No Jack! I'm not... ! Hic... Mike c'mere!"

"Hic! m'kay~ I'll be acting with you coz we kinky bruh~"

"Mike... You're drunk" Lucky copied what Jack said earlier watching Mike have the same sloppy appearance like Naib does.

"No Lucky! I'm not! Me and Naib will just perform a show tonighty~"

Jack and Lucky just look at each other, letting out a sigh. They knew there was no stopping these two when they're drunk.

The two stood right in front of our table, slightly farther for us to have a better view of their performance.

"Naib! Look... It's not what you think it is, that was just a client." Naib started scratching the back of his head. Looking panicked and flustered at the same time.

"I see it with my own eyes Jack! She kissed you on the cheeks and you smiled! You freaking smiled! You like that so much huh?" Mike crossed his arms like Naib usually does and pouted, looking at the fiddling fingers of his right hand as he did.

I was grinning as I took my shot. This is getting amusing. I look at Viktor and he is chuckling beside me, how cute~

Naib suddenly grabs Mike by his shoulders and makes him look at him. Their gaze is fixed with each other with a serious expression.

"Naib. I only have my eyes on you." Pfft. I can't control my laughter. He really did get Jack's aura there. I look at Jack and he has his face covered by his palm. Probably very flustered.

"Jack... " Mike looked at Naib lovingly, Naib started snaking his arms on Mike's waist, drawing his body near him. Now their faces are drawing closer.

Are they really going for a kiss?

I was startled with a sudden dash of the two people seated on the table towards Naib and Mike. It was Jack and Lucky. They instantly let the two break away from each other, grabbing hold of their lover. They both have flustered looks on their faces.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my! I can't! This is the best performance I've seen!" Eli burst out laughing.

"Pfft! You've been exposed, Jack." Hastur snickered at his best friend.

"Shut up tentacle head!" Jack growled, taking hold of Naib tightly on his chest.

"You'll go bald, if you get easily pissed off like this at least I have flowy hair."

"Guys! That was... Hic... A... Very touching performance... I... I only have my eyes on Martha too!" Will flopped down on the table after saying his piece. Wow. He got easily wasted. And what a dramatic guy while drunk.

"I have no words to express this group of peers..." Fan just shook his head out of resignation.

"Hahaha! They are amusing, Fan! We never had a good laugh lately, not until today!" Xie is still laughing.

Jack and Lucky let their lover be seated on their side, Mike and Naib now slowly dozing off to sleep. I'm thankful that Viktor insisted on not drinking. I never know if he's also a lightweight or not. At least if we get drunk, I want it to be private. I'm anxious about what could happen... Makes me more nervous After seeing these idiots act like this.


Eli is also down. He really drowned himself tonight. Goodness, I hope he'll be okay to fly tomorrow.

"Aesop... Aesoppp... Aidann... I'll... be... back... Promise... "

"Norton, we need to do something." Viktor looked at me worriedly.

"Yes, we should. We can let it end like this." Viktor locked arms with me and leaned on my shoulder.

"I'm worried about Aesop, Norton... I will ask my friend's assistance to let him meet Eli, at least before his flight." I leaned in and nuzzled my face on his silky blond hair.

"I can't let this be too. I will work on my side"


"Ehem... As much as we don't want to ruin your lovey-dovey time, you guys get your friends back home." Xie suggested pointing at the drunk heads at the party

"Thank you so much Fan for reserving this bar for us tonight." I smiled at them

"No problem Campbell. You're like a little brother to us already. We see how much you've grown. Aaaah~ how time flies... We finally get to see that happiness in your eyes" Fan gave me a warm smile

"Same sentiments with Fan. And I hope that friend of yours there too finds his happiness. Those eyes... I've seen them in your eyes way back then. You know what you got to do now. Support him."

"Yes. Thank you Fan and Xie." We waved our goodbyes to the twins and proceeded to fix up our stuff, preparing ourselves to go home.

"What do they mean Norton?"

"I will tell it to you some other time okay?"

"Hmm~ okay"

Jack and Lucky brought Naib and Mike home while Hastur assisted William. Viktor and I grabbed Eli and sent him back home. Good thing we already called his butler so he could assist Eli as soon as possible.

With that, me and Viktor planned out what we could do and the people we needed to get help with to start this operation.


Within a span of two days, Aidan recovered quickly.

Thank goodness!

But today is Eli's flight!

After I took Aidan to school I immediately contact Viktor and asked where they are and apparently everyone is at work and some of them either take their leave or half day to escort Eli at the airport

I was panicking!

What if I don't make it in time!?

What if I lose the chance to confess to Eli!?

All these What If scenarios made my head spin, I really hope I can catch up to him. Norton told me, Eli texted him he's on his way to the airport, I felt my insides being churned from inside out!

I went back to my house and immediately called a cab when all of a sudden an emerald sports car park in front of my house, the windows slid down revealing a familiar chestnut haired boy in the driver's seat.

"Aesop Carl right? Hop in! We're catching Eli Clark's flight!"

"E-e-edgar Valden!?"



I didn't think twice when he opened the passenger's seat, I immediately took my seat and buckled up. I'm so surprised he's here. I looked at him, he was so focused on speeding up but being careful as he did.


Edgar answered the call and automatically set it in free-hand speaker mode.

"Mr. Valden, is Aesop with you already?"

That voice... It sounds familiar.

"Yes, Ms. Woods. Thankfully there's no traffic---Sh*t I spoke too soon. Traffic." Edgar honked impatiently, I never expected him to be frustrated, I see him as this calm and collected guy. I was pretty shocked

"Mr. Valden, Can you give me your exact location and leave this to us," Ms. Woods confidently suggested

"Us? Edgar... what's---" Edgar sent his location to Ms. Woods and as an immediate response I heard a siren coming from behind us and stopped near Edgar's car. The Ambulance van opened and I saw Ms. Woods was inside wearing a surgical mask.

"Mr. Carl, there's an urgent request from you. Please come with us" I hastily ran inside the ambulance van and it was shut close and started to drive off, the cars make a way for us to pass

"Great! Thanks for the save Emily and oh! Mr. Carl, this is Ms. Dyers!" Ms. Woods removed her mask and introduced the young beautiful woman in front of us

"I... I think I saw her back at the orphanage." I blinked a couple of times, trying to process everything all at once,"Is this even legal?"

"Yes, don't worry Aesop. Luckily for you, we really have an emergency call near the airport so we can drop you off from there." Ms. Dyers patted my head

"Aren't you a lucky boy~" Ms. Woods poked my cheeks

"I don't understand why are you all helping me?" I asked confusedly

"We're all friends aren't we and you're also friends with our dear Viktor it's the least we can do for you and oh! Look there they are!" Ms. Woods pointed to a couple of people waiting in front of the airport entrance. When the door was opened, the two at the entrance smiled at me, I remembered these two

"We'll leave Mr. Carl to you~ Goodluck!" Ms. Woods rapidly close the door and the ambulance drove off in a flash

"Um..." I looked at the two infront of me

"You might not know us but the name's Demi, Demi Borbon! I worked part time at Wu Chang Brother's Bar as their barmaid and this big guy here is Kurt Frank, he works here at the Oletus Airport, we're both Viktor's friends" Demi smiled at me shaking my hand

I remember these two, back when we stalked Viktor and Edgar but of course I'll pretend I don't, it might get awkward that we did something ridiculous because of Norton's silly jealousy.

"Okay, Let's cut to the chase, here I got you a Visitor's pass." Kurt slid the ID in my head,"It'll help you access the departure area to see Mr. Eli Clark, come with me."

"R-right! Thank you so much!"

"Goodluck you two!" Demi waved to Kurt and I goodbye

Wow! So many things happening all at once and a lot of people are helping me with it, I don't understand why but I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart, I never expect these kinds of support, I feel an endless warmth surging inside my heart.

When we went inside, We hastily looked for Eli and Kurt on the other hand was contacting someone

"There he is!" Kurt exclaimed. As I looked at where he was directing his fingers at, I was shocked Eli is being surrounded by security, How am I supposed to get near him now. Kurt saw my hopes being crushed to the ground and place a hand on my shoulder,"Don't lose hope Aesop, we got this"

"Huh? We?" I was confused, are there more people who will help me?

"There you are, Kurt right?" A man in a security uniform greeted us,"Norton asked me for some assistance regarding his boyfriend's friends, I knew he was on a date back in the park." The mysterious man chuckled and turned to me," In any case, the name's Kevin Alfonso. You're Aesop Carl correct? Come with me."

"I..." I couldn't protest and just stared at the both of them

"Go ahead Aesop, Goodluck!" Kurt gave me a thumbs up

"Thank you..." And now I'm following a different person and this time it's Norton's friend.

Viktor and Norton, where are they though?

We got closer to where Eli was and Mr. Alfonso was talking to one of the security and to our dismay securities cannot enter VIP lounges unless they are called or have access cards

"Damn, we need a back up plan." Mr. Alfonso shook his head, he walked back and forth. I felt bad I'm not contributing any help in this situation.

"Can we help you perhaps?" We both turned around to see four people smiling at us, two of them are familiar

"Joseph!" I exclaimed

"You seemed distressed, Aesop." Joseph grinned,"Let us introduce ourselves first before we help you, shall we?"

"Helena Adams." The small chestnut haired girl smiled brightly. I remembered this beautiful girl, she was present back in Oletus Christmas party

"Stacy Goldrick, Helena's stylist and bestfriend" The purple eyed girl giggled

"Claude Desaulniers." The elegant man curtsy politely,"With all the formalities have been settled, we have one problem lies ahead. Ms. Elaine will not fancy our presence, Joseph. Any plans perhaps?"

"I have to agree especially when he's against Eli and Aesop's happiness and Oletus Entertainment heirs are her competitors." Helena added

"Then, shall we distract her? Mr. Ellison is present there as well at the very least we can balance their moods." Stacy suggested

"I agree with Stace." Joseph nodded and turned to me,"Aesop when we distract Eli's parents do your best to confess to him alright?"

"YES! Thank you! All of you!" I bowed

We didn't go inside instead we waited for Eli and his company to leave the VIP room to prepare for our plan and execute it perfectly. Thankfully, it didn't take long till Eli exit the place and the four of them as per plan distracted Eli's parents and Mr. Alfonso asked Eli's security to leave the guarding to him.

I was chasing Eli but I was surprised when there was a group of four security surrounding him and what surprises me more is he is with that beautiful blonde lady. Is that his fiancee?

I stopped

I choked on my words

I couldn't confessed to him

I got scared, he's with that person

I was walking backwards when all of a sudden a pair of hand pushed me back, I turn around to see who it is

"What are you doing, Aesop?"


I looked at him with this wavering silver eyes of mine. I saw a silhouette of someone in his back. I took a glance, my eyes widened in shock. Everyone is here, even Mr. Smiley and Aidan!

"Aesop don't give up now!" Viktor grabbed both of my arms and shake me lightly, snapping me back to my senses

"B-but..." I blinked at them a couple of times. I looked at everyone they're giving me this hopeful stares. Why are you all sacrificing your time and effort supporting me like this? I don't deserve it at all but I'm so happy, I've never felt this kind of happiness before in my life because of what I have been through and ever since my beloved sister passed away. I can't let everyone down right now...You can do this Aesop! You're not alone anymore!

I took a deep breath

I balled my fist

Clenched my teeth

I looked at Viktor with my eyes focused and determined,"Thank you, Viktor..." I turn to everyone who's supporting me,"...All of you thank you"

I gently removed Viktor's hand off my shoulder and gave him my confident smile

I immediately ran to where Eli is and with all of my heart, I will confess to him. Right here and right now.

"ELI CLARK!" I called with all of my strength

Everyone has their eyes locked on me. I couldn't care anymore, I just want to tell Eli, tell him how I honestly feel, All of it.

I want you, Eli

I need you, Eli

"A-aesop...?" Eli's sapphire orbs dilate.

"ELI CLARK! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU, ELI!" I shouted my confession while I ran towards Eli. I can't believe I just did that and I'm sprinting frantically too but It made my heart felt light, my eyes began tearing up, I couldn't contain what I'm feeling anymore

Eli gave me hope, hope to love again, to love others, to love myself and to love him. He showed me so much that even If I couldn't see it, he made me feel it. Eli gave his world to me, I want to give my world to him too. I'll start by loving him. Treasure him properly this time and I hope that he feels this way about me

"Ngh..." I suddenly felt a little bit dizzy. My migraine is kicking, I'm hearing the noise in the crowd again but I have to try to go where Eli is. I want to hold him,"Ow..."

"Aesop!" I heard Eli shouting my name, my knees are beginning to give up on me.


"D-don't fall Aesop... Eli... ngh...." I mumbled, there's this strong ringing in my head, I need to breathe.


I felt a pair of strong arm supported me

"Aesop." I looked up to see Eli with a worried expression on his face and all of a sudden my headache calmed down,"What do you mean don't fall? After confessing you won't fall?"

"H-huh... ?" I fluttered my eyes a couple of times and he snorted brushing my silver tresses off of my face.

"You've already fallen though. Fallen in love with me" Eli wrapped his arms around my hips and placed his forehead over mine

"How cringy..." I rolled my eyes at him. Blushing as I did. I tried to shake the pain away.

"Who's the cringy one here? Shouting their confession" Eli stuck out his tongue teasingly at me,"You okay?"

"Yeah. sorry, my migraine kicked in but I'm fine now." I slid my hand around Eli's neck looking at his beautiful sapphire eyes."So, aren't YOU gonna say something back?"

"Do I need to say something back?" I raised a brow at his response. It got me kind of irritated and he's looking at me with those playful stares. Now, I'm starting to have second thoughts why I confessed and fell in love with an idiot.

"Okay if you're NOT gonna say anything back! I'm taking back that damn confession! Good day to you, Mr. Clark!" I removed my hands off of Eli and pushed him off of me. I took so much courage to confess to him and I'm ashamed I even shouted my feelings in public

Eli grabbed me by the arm and gave me a quick kiss on my lips. It left me stunned. He softly whispered in my ears,"I love you too, Aesop Carl."He leaned back and winked at me. A wide grin formed on my lips, Eli gave me another kiss and this time I returned his gentle kiss. I've never been kissed before and it felt so heavenly, it's so sweet and it's so precious especially being shared with someone I love.


I broke off the kiss knowing that we're doing this in public,"Eli we're kissing in public"

"I know but you're so cute when you kissed me back" Eli teased,"I thought you didn't like the noise and here you are shouting your confession plus the crowd, where is the Aesop I used to know?" Eli chuckled

"Whatever." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close to my face, letting our foreheads touch again,"I guess you're the only noisy person I ever loved in my entire life, I love you Eli"

"I love you soooo much too, Aesop and I--" Eli's words we're cut off

"What is the meaning of this!?"

Our momentum broke when a harsh voice rang towards our vicinity. We all turn to look at where the voice is coming from. It's Eli's mother, her face was in deep rage, Eli's father tailing behind her, looking very worried. She marched towards us. I saw Joseph, Stacy, Claude and Helena apologizing at the couples back, I mouthed 'It's okay, thank you'

Eli immediately hide me behind his back protectively and looked directly at his mother's raging sapphire eyes

"Eli Clark! You've caused nothing but shame to this family!" Eli's mother bore her eyes towards her son.

"No, Mother. I've always been doing my best all these years but you were so fixated in making me the perfect heir, don't you ever look in my eyes and ask yourself if your son is happy?" Eli remarked sadly

"This man made you this rebellious! What good is he to you!?" This lady really knows how to tick someone off, I felt Eli's grasp to me tighten. Eli is really angry, I've never seen him this angry before but he's trying to control it, I squeeze his hand back hoping he will calm down.

"This man you're insulting is the man I love and whether you like it or not, I will marry him!"


"Eli! Lady Gertrude is here---"

"Lady Elaine, will you pardon me if I speak on Eli's behalf" The beautiful blonde woman stepped in between Eli and his mother, she turned to us with a smile on her face

"Gertrude?" Eli tilted his head in confusion

"Please, leave these lovers be. I know how important my marriage with Eli is. To bring honor, wealth and power to both of our families but I will not be able to bear separating Eli and Aesop apart, I don't think my conscience will ever be cleared knowing that I hurt two people who genuinely love each other and also... " Lady Getrude turned to everyone, maybe she knew it was all planned out,"I am touched by how many of Eli's companions support both of them, it shows how Eli genuinely treasures this person and Eli's relationship with his companion is strong. It's admirable and without our unison, Rest assure that the Clark and Finley household will keep our bond even stronger"

"My dear..." Lady Elaine was taken aback by her words. I'm glad that because of Eli's genuine actions It moved someone's heart, including mine.

Lady Gertrude walked up to Eli and I, took both of our hands in hers and smiled softly,"Eli Clark, the Finley household will fully support Oletus Inc's new CEO. I look forward to working with you in the near future."

"Gertrude, I can't thank you enough for this!" Eli is tearing up

"And Eli, do not hate your mother she has her reason why she acts that way to you, Tough love" The lady explained,"My grandmother used to tell me, your mother was from a small, wealthy family and she was arranged to your father, she never liked it, but for the sake of her family's wishes she abided by it. Although Mr. Ellison was a kind hearted man just like you, he knew their marriage broke Lady Elaine's heart and her freedom, your father showered your mother with all his love and eventually they fall in love"

"I see..." I mumbled as I watched Eli listening eagerly to Lady Gertrude's story

"But her sadness and suffering did not stop there because of the pressure of being a part of the Clark household was too much for her, she became bitter so when you are born she forced the family tradition upon you because she was scared you might experience being mistreated just like how she was. All she ever did was to protect you but it was too much that your happiness was compromised. Please don't hate her."

"Thank you, Gertrude. I never hated my mother to be honest, that's why I want to be the son she always wanted..."

"You will be, Eli. I have faith in you" Lady Gertrude held Eli's face. It kind of made me jealous so I turned away.

The lady noticed and giggled, she took my hand and placed my hand in Eli's face instead,"You have this special person, make both of your dreams come true."

Eli and I looked at each other and smiled,"I will talk to mother"

I nodded at him as I watched him walked up to his mother, giving her a warm hug

"Eli..." Lady Elaine called his son softly,"I'm... "

"I'm sorry Mother. I'm sorry I couldn't be the son you can be proud of but I am grateful for you Mother, I always am. I sure am hurt that you loathe my freedom and my decisions but I know you're doing it to protect me, I appreciate you for that." Eli lets her mother go, looking deep in her sapphire eyes

"Son..." Lady Elaine held her son's face

"I love you with all my heart, I promised that this path I will take, will make you proud of me"

"Eli, please I've done so much and hurt you... If you must choose your happiness then..."

"I already did." Eli looked at me with his sweet and gentle eyes

Lady Elaine turn to me as well and gave me a warm smile,"I see, then while you are away, I will take care of that happiness of yours"

"Thank you." Eli gave her mother one last hug and faced everyone,"ALL OF YOU IDIOTS! THANK YOU TOO!"

"Eli Clark!" Eli's mother gave him a death glare, he chuckled in return

"Wow, thanks a lot Eli!" Norton rolled his eyes at him while Viktor giggling by his side

"What the hell ELI! THAT'S NOT HOW THANK YOU WORKS!" Naib shouted

"YOU'RE THE IDIOT ONE!" Mike seconded.

"Seriously you two please stop shouting we're in public" Lucky placed his hand on his face

"Such a rowdy bunch" Kevin shook his head, Mr. Jack and Mr. Hastur as usual laughed at their commentaries

The joyous event echoed around the place as we bid Eli farewell

"I'm going to miss you daddy!" Aidan hugged Eli tightly

"I will too champ! Don't worry when I come back, I'll buy you lots of sweets! Take care of mommy for me and behave yourself okay~" Eli gave Aidan a kiss on his forehead.

Wait. Did I hear that right?? M-Mommy?? It filled my heart with warmth as I stared at my... husband and son...

"I'm really going to miss Eli..." William sniffed

"Dude are you crying!? Damn, that was so lame." Naib snickered

"F*ck you Naib! I can't believe Jack said yes to an a**hole like you" William gave Naib a soft punch on the arm

"I can't believe Martha said YES to a big gorilla like you!" Naib retaliate

"You two stop bickering we're saying goodbye to Eli, we don't want to bring bad memories to him now, do we?" Mr. Hastur scolded

After our few exchanges we finally watched Eli's plane flew off the horizon. It was a bittersweet moment and I'm glad all went well for all of us.

I stare off that velvet sky knowing it'll be a long while till I get to hug and kiss Eli again.

"I will wait for you Eli..." I silently told myself as I held my chest tight and left the premises.


I can't believe I was able to juggle between work and study. I wanted to improve on my career and I'm glad Norton was very supportive of me. There are times that Norton and I don't talk that lasted for weeks because I was very busy with my studies but he understands and respects that. What he usually does when we're both preoccupied with our lives, he always sends me letters at my apartment, plants sticky notes in my notebook or gives me flowers and chocolates to help me coped up with my stress. It never fails to bring a smile to my face. I promised when I finished my studies I'll do the same.

How did I get myself a perfect boyfriend? I'm so blessed.

During lunch time, I always hang out with Aesop and just like me, Aesop was quite busy with his own studies, preparing for his licensure exam. For the past few weeks I often witnessed Eli and Aesop showing affection towards each other. It's adorable. It must be tough for the both of them, not being able to be with their lover physically but I'm glad they're managing well.

Weeks and months have passed, whenever I hung out with Aesop. He gets a little bit... grumpy? Tired and stressed? I asked him what was wrong, he told me that he's having a hard time working, studying, taking care of Aidan and matching his time with Eli. I pitied Aesop for it.

I was at home playing with Wick after studying. While...


My phone is ringing. I checked the time it's already 11 in the night.

"Hello? Oh. A video call." Right. I have a new phone. Norton insisted that I get this gadget so he could video call me too whenever we could not meet.


Ah! It's Eli. I can't believe he looked a little bit... different? matured a bit. I chuckled to myself

"How are you, Eli?" I asked. Wick bobbed his head to my side


"Hey there buddy! I'm doing great, Viktor. It's just a little bit sad here without you guys plus I don't have Brooke Rose with me." Eli pouted. It is really sad, he's away from home.

"I hope you don't get too sad Eli. we're all waiting for your return and don't worry when you get back we'll throw a huge party for you! It'll be a surprise!"

"It's not a surprise anymore Viktor! You just spoiled it!" Eli laughed. Good, It made him a little happy, which reminds me why he is calling me this late hour.

"Oh, Aren't you and Aesop calling each other?" I asked

"Hm? Oh, he's kind of busy with study and tucking Aidan to sleep." Eli replied with a serious tone. I stared at Eli, he looked troubled. Did something happen to him and Aesop?

"Is there something you would like to share, Eli? Knowing you, something must have happened." I looked Eli, he seemed hesitant but eventually he let out a breath

"Well. I'm missing Aesop a lot and he's busy but I can't argue with that. I'm just getting a little bit clingy and selfish. I want all his attention to me but I have to be patient about it. It's a little bit frustrating to do so..."

"Eli..." I look at Eli sadly. I never knew he felt this way, Aesop looked so tired too. Especially being redesignated to Oletus Entertainment, his responsibilities doubled the amount he is doing here as an ordinary auditor. He is now supervising over there. I kind of miss Aesop too.

I thought both of them were okay. They're having those moments when they need each other's company but work and distance are hindering them. I wonder how I can help them.

"In any case! I didn't call you to go gloom and doom! I want you and I to talk about your relationship with Norton~ I will also share some funny moments Norton did when he was desperately pursuing you~" Eli winked

"Oh, Now, I'm interested! Okay, I started liking Norton way back... hm... three years ago?"

Eli and I talked for hours not minding the time at hand. My embarrassing experience made him laugh, I also promised to take pictures of Aesop and Aidan in secret so I can send it to him. He told me he's gonna make a surprise for their monthsary, Eli is such a sweetheart


My first few weeks in England were quite fun. I got to visit a lot of places. I got lost along the way because the maps that were sent to me via email were all inaccurate. I bought a lot of stuff too, food and things I needed. I also attended some of their festivals. It was enjoyable but the most memorable thing being in England is when I go home in my condo unit, opened my Laptop and talked to Aesop through Skype. It was really breathtaking and sweet.

Five months have passed and I'm quite happy and accustomed to live here and I learned how to do my own laundry and cook for myself which was still taxing for me to do but I got the hang of it at least.

Every month I always send chocolates and flowers to Aesop during our monthsary. Those gleaming eyes and flushed face over the screen never failed to make me pull the corners of my lips. How long I wanted to touch him on the face in person rather than touching it through the screen. This made me so sad, but I need to do what I promised my parents.

Long distance relationships are tough especially for Aesop and I but we still manage to do our best and support each other every day.

Ever since Aesop and I became a couple, We can't help but to have these occasional cheesy smiles, exchanging of our sweet glances, everytime we talk about what happened to us, go silent, stare at each other and began laughing over nothing, It's more than my heart could take. I never live to see the day that Aesop will smile at me lovingly and no matter how much of a shy bean he is or embarrassed, He never forgets to say I love you, Eli Clark it was the cutest thing in the world.

I hope it'll last forever


"How was your tutor though?"

I asked as I watched Aesop through the other side of the screen prepare breakfast for both Aidan and him. I really loved seeing him the most.

"He was good I guess?" Aesop shrugged while handing the plate down the table, it was the usual eggs and sausages for their breakfast,"Mr. Jerry Carl is very strict so to say, he'd give me tons of work, assignments that I have to either study beforehand or I have to research about it in our local library, I'm a little bit pressured but it's worth it. I'm actually learning. Plus we have the same last name and he's taking a liking to me. Cool, huh?"

"I see, just don't get too stressed Aesop. I'm worried about your health, I can't be there when you need me."

Aesop snorted and looked at the screen with a grin on his face,"I'm not a baby Eli and besides whatever I'm learning, I can apply in my work so it's a win-win for me."

"Ohhh! that's great then!"

"How are you there though?" Aesop sat down the chair, placed his hand over the table and stared at me,"I bet there are a lot of beautiful women and handsome men there that wants to associate themselves with you"

"What!? W-well... there are but... they're nothing compared to you, you're the fairest of them all"

"Is that so?" I saw a sparkle in Aesop's eyes when I praise him like that, he's so easy to read, It's so cute how my compliments make him grin like that.

"Yeah! Please, don't be jealous Aesop I only have my eyes for you. Pinky swear!" I shook my head vehemently

"I was just kidding Eli" Aesop laughed,"I only have my eyes for you too but I can be easily triggered by jealousy, be warned"

"Really? How adorable! I mean I am too but I'm confident no one will get near you"

"Hm? Why is that?"

"Well because you're grumpy all the time and I'm the only one who can handle you."

"Ha.Ha. Whatever." Aesop rolled his eyes at me,"In any case, I gotta go, I still need to take Aidan to school and get back to work, I'll contact you during lunch again."

"Oh sure! Sure! See you later too!"

"I love you, Eli..." Aesop blushed

"You still blush while saying that~" I teased. It's so cute that we're dating for months now and he still get flustered over our I love you's I mean I am too but his reactions are so precious and he's fun to tease too

"What the hell! Aren't you gonna say something back!?" Aesop retorted, I knew he's gonna yell at me, Typical Aesop. He gets so demanding whenever he tells me how he feels. Pfft. He really wanted to hear those three words from me.

"I am! I am! I'm just enjoying your reaction!"

"Ugh, whatever, I'm hanging up---"

"I love you so much, Aesop Carl~"


"You go silent! Geez, Aesop! You make me fall for you over and over again!"


Aesop immediately turned his phone off all flustered. He's so adorable I can't believe he's always lifting a heavy burden in my heart whenever I see him. I'm so lucky. In any case, I have to get back to studying otherwise I might get scolded or worst additional homework, I'm horrified with all these things I have to learn, I hate studying but if doing my best is one way to go home quickly and see my boyfriend and my son, I'll do everything that I can.


Lunch Break for Aesop and self-study time for the students here at my college.

"Gonna call your boyfriend again, Eli"

I turn to my side and see a dark haired man smirking at me. Jose Baden, One of my classmates. He's a very hard working guy and is a part of the Baden Household. His family owned a winery business which he discreetly brought at school and let me taste it for him, this guy is something else.

"Yeap! I missed him so much~" I really can't help but to declare our relationship with everyone, I'm just proud and happy for us. I even tell some old lady at the park about it and she just happily listened to me

"You're strong Eli. Studying abroad away from your loved ones, especially having a boyfriend and a son, you say? Don't you feel lonely?" Jose asked with concern


I do feel lonely sometimes, especially when everyone is busy and I want someone to talk to, being alone in my condo unit waiting for them to go online is hard on me that's why sometimes I stayed up very late just to match their time but that's wrong of me too, I always fall asleep in class, Aesop would often scold me to rest but I don't want to miss a day without hearing or seeing him

"You okay?" Jose nudge me lightly,"Sorry to bring that up, If you're lonely you can come to my place and have some couple of drinks with me"

"Thanks but It might worry my boyfriend so..." I scratched the back of my neck. Jose chuckled

"I understand. If you need me, I'm here for you Eli" Jose patted my shoulder

"Thanks again and OH! I really need to go! My boyfriend needs an immediate answer"

I patted Jose back and dashed towards our school backyard where there are no people to disturb my conversation with Aesop when I opened my phone I saw 7 missed calls. Yikes. I hope he isn't mad at me, I called him back and he immediately responded

"Took you long." Aesop raised a brow at me

"Hi Eli!" Viktor popped to Aesop side

"Hey there Viktor! How are you and Norton!" I'm so happy Viktor is always there for Aesop, his sunshine attitude will help Aesop to cope up with his stress at least

"We're great, he's still working hard as ever." Viktor smiled enthusiastically

"That's great, how's your study? You and aesop sure have it hard. Working, studying and taking care of your loved ones" These two are really similar, Just like Norton and I, they too are sworn brothers.

"It's fun! I even gained new friends at my university and learned new things and it's all thanks to you!" Viktor gave me a thumbs up. Wow, I'm surprised, Viktor is trying his best to socialize with other people and I've noticed it quite sometime too every since he can talk, he's so talkative.

"Nah, You deserve it buddy!"

"I will pass this conversation to Aesop now, You must have missed each other a lot"

"Don't worry Viktor, Aesop and I always have time for each other."

"How sweet~"

It's true though, if we could, we can even talked all day and all night but work and school forbids us so we can't

"Eli is so cringy sometimes..." Aesop shook his head while taking a piece a meat on his mouth

"I think it's cute how he always says how he feels about you." Viktor winked at Aesop

"Viktor, It's okay if it's just us but in public, he always shouts I love you so much Aesop Carl, my angel, my one only, my beloved husband, I love you forever more." I saw Aesop shudder, that's so mean but this is Aesop we're talking about he doesn't fancy public affection but when we're alone he showers me the same cheesy line I tell him

"Oh my god Eli! Are you trying to kill aesop?" Viktor gasped but he's containing his laughter

"Pfft! Have you seen his cutesy reactions Viktor~ he's an angel~"

"ELI CLARK! Stop that!"

"Seeeeeeeee." I snorted,"I love you, Aesop. I really do."

"I..." Aesop sighed,"...I love you too, Eli."

"Geez, these two, I missed Norton already I should video call him---like right now!." Viktor pouted, Aesop and I both laughed at Viktor. I miss everyone so much.


Few more months have passed and Aesop's exam is nearing. He's been busy lately, like really busy. Whenever we called each other, he wouldn't even look at me and just have his eyes glued on the textbook and with whatever he's writing. It made me sad... I was doing alright at school and no matter how lazy I can be about studying it's not a challenge for me but for Aesop, I can feel the pressure and stress for him, I want to tell him to relax and take his time, but whenever I do he will get mad at me.

One day, our biggest fight came...

"Aesop, Please relax. I'm worried about you, you have bags in your eyes, you're not eating well and you're having a mental break down. Please, rest and take it easy..." I begged Aesop, It's been weeks, he's been constantly grumpy like why is he fixated on passing this? I understand he failed four times already and if he did again it's not the end of the world, he can still try, I'm here to support him the best way I can, financially and emotionally

Aesop slammed his hand hard on his table,"Eli you don't understand how important this exam is to me!"

"I do, I do, I'm just worried about you..." There he goes again

"Look, Eli if you have nothing good to say besides I'm worried about you please just stay silent! I'm having trouble studying, taking care of Aidan and working already! Don't add up to my stress! It's frustrating...ugh...!" Aesop groaned

"I'm sorry."


He goes back to studying again. I should try and avoid stressing him more.

Another week has come and he's still preparing. We still call each other and whenever that happens we just video call and I stare at him while he studies so what he does is he let Aidan talk to me for hours, I was really happy, hearing about how happy he is at school and how much he love and misses me, then Aidan got busy too apparently he joined the Soccer team which occupied most of his time, I was excited for him but I noticed that I got lonelier. Aesop and I barely talked nowadays and what's worse is whenever I tried calling him he'll reply with something I didn't expect will hurt so much

I'm sorry Eli, I'm busy. I need to study. Let's talk some other time

What a cold response.

No I love you

No Good Night

No Good Morning

Nothing. Just Nothing

I stayed in my condo unit for hours, whenever Norton or anyone is online, I communicate with them but they have lives of their own, working, spending time with their loved ones or on vacation and I honestly don't want to ruin their time.

It was so lonely and silent here at my place.

I need you Aesop...


Monday Morning

"Wow, you look awfully dreadful, Eli." Jose remarked

I sighed exasperatedly,"I know... My boyfriend is busy with his studies and we barely talked and well... I just... it gets lonely..." I hang my head low, I don't want to worry anyone but I'm just feeling depressed right now, I have no one else to talk to, no one else to lean on, I know I'm always alone when I was young but it's so frustrating when I'm already grown up and these things still happens

"I see, well as I've asked before you can come at my place for some drinks"

"Thanks Jose, I appreciate it so much"

I waited for hours till it's self study time so I can talk to Aesop again during his lunch break. I immediately ran to my secret rendezvous and called which I'm glad he picked up right away, I feared that he will say he's busy again. What I saw before my screen is not what I expected, Aesop's brow knitted perfectly and he has this frown on his face. My beautiful boyfriend sure is tired

"Aesop, I missed you."


"What's wrong, Mr. Grumpy face" I joked to ease the tension

"Not in the mood Eli..." Aesop scoffed,"Look, Eli... I'm still preoccupied with my study, calling me constantly, texting me and demanding me to reply every time is suffocating me... Please, I need some time... "

"Aesop...?" I blinked profusely before I absorbed what he just said,"What?"

"We'll talk later when I go home, I need to clear my head first"

"I just called you and you're gonna hang up..."

"Yeah... please... take care of yourself"


He hung up immediately. What the hell is up with that!? That was one devastating conversation but he told me he's gonna talk to me later, might as well wait... again

When I got home I opened my laptop and flopped to my bed as I waited for Aesop. I really hope everything will turn out well for him and for us, like how we used to go lovey dovey months ago. A few minutes of staring at the ceiling, my laptop finally rang. FREAKING FINALLY! I hastily stood up and answered it right away. I'm really happy and giddy he's the one who called this time, I've been initiating for weeks now.

"Aesop! Welcome home!"


"Hm? What is it?"

"I want to tell you something important"

Important? Now that's strange hopefully he's not sick or something, these past few days all he does was nothing but study and stress himself, I really should call Daniel to assist Aesop in his daily needs even if he's way too stubborn not to let anyone help him, he needs it the most. His stress might trigger him quitting halfway studying for his licensure exam. He needs a confidant.

"W-what is it?" I'm bracing myself for whatever bad news he will share. I feel like it's a bad one from the way he looks.

"Lets..." With a sharp breath he continued,"Let's just break up..." Aesop looked away sadly


"Hold on! What do you mean by that!?" I did not expect that, I keep my eyes focused on Aesop and he's not looking back at me, I don't understand what made him say this to me especially when we both did nothing wrong with each other well, at least I think we don't

"Break up... as in... we're gonna be seperated..." Aesop repeated and this time he glared at me but it's not that angry kind of glare, It's a sorrowful one

"No, No, No. There has to be some sort of mistake, why are we breaking up??? Did I do something wrong???" I asked, I was panicking. I didn't like what I'm hearing at all

"No, you didn't..."

"Why are you saying we should then!? I don't get it!"

"It's just..me..I'm just tired..."

"Tired of what? Tell me, so we can work things out... please, Aesop. We have to" Soliciting Aesop might ease his mind, maybe he's just really tired and stressed and he couldn't think of something positive at the moment, I should try to ease his mood and he'll take back what he said

"It's just-- I'm getting frustrated Eli and I've told you before I need some time because juggling study, work and taking care of the child is hard for me..."

"I'm having a hard time too Aesop, I'm away from my home, studying abroad, away from you..."

"I know but I'm just tired Eli and we need time to think about this relationship. Please"

I didn't expect this turn of events. Aesop really is insisting for us to break up, I feel my heart being shattered by those words. I thought we're going to be okay and when this is all over we can get back to what we used to be. I don't want to let him go but if he honestly believe that this is for the best and it won't cause pain and suffering for the both of us anymore then I'll let him go, I know we still love each other but I also know we're hurting each other if we continue this perhaps time will help us when we're apart.

I let out a heavy breath and looked directly in his silver eyes,"Okay... I understand, Aesop." My heart aches so much and it shows as my tears slowly streaming down from my cheeks,"I still love you and will always love you..."

"I do too, Eli. Thank you for loving me, I love you too, I will never forget you taught me how to love again. Take care of yourself."

"Thank you... Good night..."

This time I'm the one who hangs up and now

I'm officially alone...

This relationship might be too abrupt... Happened and went too fast...

I can probably take Jose's offer this time and talk to Norton about this, I'm pretty sure everyone would be shocked about our break up. I drop dead to my bed as I swayed this painful feeling writhing in my chest. I'll cry it out and hope that it will subside when morning comes.


Let's just break up.

Those words I spouted just shattered my heart in a million pieces. But it should really be this way. I should have known from the start that we're not compatible with each other. Eli has a bright future ahead of him while I... I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm still struggling with my life, work, studies, and Eli.

Eli being clingy is not helping with the situation. He's a natural genius while I on the other hand need to work harder than anyone else. It's not easy to do what he was saying---to relax and take it easy. His words of encouragement were breaking me apart and as time went by...

It gets suffocating

I feel so weak

I feel so tired

I feel so helpless

"Heya Aesop! hehehe~ you look so down darling, What's bothering you?" A finesse voice of a woman snapped me out of my gloomy thoughts.

"I... Mary...uhh---everything you said to me about European countries was correct right? There... are more beautiful people like yourself there... and even more... More worthy than me right?" I can't further conceal the sadness in my voice.

"Oh darling, Is this about your boyfriend? Is he cheating on you?" Mary pouted,"Well yes, people there are beautiful but you yourself, quite got the looks too, my dear~" She immediately sat beside me and pats my back for comfort. I let out a sigh. I just hope Eli would find someone more worthy than me in England.

Someone who is not ill-tempered all the time, has patience and understanding. Someone who will give him more time than me. Someone who can return that same genuine love he has. Someone... someone... that's not me.

Mary, She's one of my classmates in the review center. She helps me a lot with studying given that there are a lot of changes that happened in laws and taxation just within a span of 4 years. I was left way behind too much. Maybe this was the reason I kept failing after my first attempt. Self-studying and obligations can't be juggled together. This made me heave a heavy sigh.

"That was such a heavy sigh~ Mind telling what is the context of what really happened?" Mary looked at me worriedly.

"I... I hurt Eli ... Mary... ! I broke up with him... I think that's the most feasible solution to this problem. What am I gonna do now? I feel so messed up!" I just burst out crying in front of her. I can't tell this to anyone. I know how important Eli is to them. I don't want them to hate me too like I hate myself.

Viktor... Norton... They would despise me... After all the help they did. I just threw it all away. I got scared all of a sudden, my anxiety is kicking in and my stomach is churning from inside out. My heart and head is aching from all these swirling emotions inside me

"Let it all out Aesop." Mary continued patting my back.

"I feel so unworthy of him. I can't give him time because I was too busy. I feel angry all the time. I feel so guilty. Maybe this relationship is wrong from the very beginning. We're too naive to think that love is all that matters. That with love it would feel nothing but butterflies and unicorns." I sobbed while letting out a laugh.

Mary just stared at me, waiting for me to let the burden off of my chest, so I continued.

"Maybe we're too naive to think that diving into a relationship abruptly would be okay. We're too inexperienced for this matter. I hate being far away from him too. I can't help but feel so helpless. Everytime I look through the screen, I feel so paranoid. I couldn't give him time. What if he became bored of me? Eli easily gets bored and I'm a boring person. Eli is so handsome and he could snag a beautiful person, more suitable for him right there. Better stop this now early than make it harder for us more, right?" I'm talking way too fast. I just want it out of my system, especially that exams day is looming in. I don't want to be left behind, I remembered my parents, my sister, a lot of people left me behind, I don't want to be hurt again.

"Come on, there's more to it right?" Mary's voice is really soothing. I wiped my snot and tears away and smiled at her."You don't really want to break up with him right?" I jolted at what Mary said.

"Thank you very much for listening to me, Mary. I love him. I want him for myself, but if I feel unworthy of him... I will just hold him down." I slouch in my seat, another fresh stream of tears flowing down my eyes.

"Take the exam and pass. It's easy right? Then you can prove you're worthy. Just let this be your driving force to pass, for your son and your lover" I nodded my head at her. "And you could set your heart at ease, right? Now that you freed him you can rest assured that he won't be bothering you for awhile and also, we'll see if he'll snag himself a beautiful European there~" Mary just let out a soft chuckle. I glared at her and she smiled right back at me.

"I see that you still love him but choose to let go because of that pride of yours darling~" I look at her with shocked expression.

"See. That was it, my dear~ You do want to look great standing beside the man you love. It's a natural thing! Who isn't right? When he is surrounded by people way beyond your level" I let my head flung down again, digesting what Mary is saying. She's younger than me but had a lot to offer when it comes to advice. I feel ashamed.

"I don't blame your decision if you think that would be the best. But... are you guys both happy? The answer is---No." My already shaking body shakes more as her words become sharper. "Think this through okay~ Not until it was too late to mend this again."

I nodded my head vehemently. I feel like I was showered with cold water.

"Thank you, like a lot Mary."

I sighed exasperatedly. I have no choice but to do my best. I must focus on my goal. I will pass the exam. Say sorry to Eli for my abrupt and messy decision. And mend this broken relationship with him, I want Eli back in my life again. I just hope whatever my friend said won't come true that he will find someone new. I don't want to give Eli up for anyone but I have to focus on being a worthy partner for him.

For our son, for us. I can do this!


Aesop broke up with me.

Just wow.

I was so petrified with Eli's news. I tried calling Eli but he didn't want to talk to me personally and just sent me the message. I wanted for us to talk so badly through video call but he stubbornly declined and said he needed time before he could finally face me. He also told me he just wanted to inform me and the others about this so we won't bother probing Aesop for questions and answers about their separation. He doesn't want us to make Aesop feel uncomfortable or worst disliked by him and dislike him in return.

I got so worried, Eli is away from home with no friends or family, how is he able to find comfort in these times. He was always there when I needed him and now he needs me, I can't do anything about it.

I, myself, am being a little more busy too with company restructuring that is happening here and there. Eli has been gone for a good 10 months now. I'm kind of guilty myself that I don't look on how they are. Long distance relationships are hard and they are both new being in a relationship too.

I'm a fool to think that they could handle it on their own.

Also, Aesop was dispatched in the Oletus Entertainment and he's always been there ever since Eli's departure to England. He only visited for 2 or 3 months here at Oletus Inc. and and after that, he kind of distance himself. We respected that since he was also busy studying for his exams. But it seems like after a few more months, he seems somewhat afraid of stepping foot in the Oletus Inc.. Good thing that Viktor is being insistent on keeping in touch with Aesop. At least we know he is still doing good.

So this is what it was all about.

A break-up.

I am seeing myself from Eli and Aesop, two years back when I messed up my relationship with Mike.

Why didn't I notice it sooner?

This couldn't be like that right?

I tried contacting Viktor's phone number but I changed my mind. He's in the middle of his final exam which would accelerate him to graduate fast in his course. I shouldn't have burden him with these things.

Naib and Mike's world tour premier of their movie is also on the roll. William is busy conditioning himself with the upcoming World Cup that will be held in a few months time.

I could not bother them. I should help fix this thing up. Eli... Aesop... Please don't give this up. Don't be like me, suffering for two years. Luckily, Viktor came into my life. I was saved from my senseless torture.


Few months passed and winter came. Viktor had finished his studies and we decided to travel to England for a celebration and to visit Eli. I'm so proud of my genius boyfriend who actually finished the course in the accelerated study for mass communications.

Eli was ecstatic and told us we can stay at his place, Which I'm really grateful at least it'll lessen our expenses. Aesop also passed his board exam. He's happy he finally got the license he always wanted.

During our departure our friends bid Viktor and I farewell and of course asked for souvenirs and greetings from them to Eli. I looked at Aesop, he had this usual blank expression plastered on his face. I wonder what he's thinking, We all promised Eli not to bother Aesop about their past relationship so no matter how much I wanted to ask how Aesop was feeling I couldn't. I'll save the questions for Eli.

We took the business class and boy! How cute Viktor was looking so excited at the whole experience.

"Wow! I've never been on an airplane before!" Viktor poked everything he saw, smiled at the attendant he saw, and happily munched the meal he's being served. I can't help but kiss him everytime he does and of course he sweetly kissed me back.

"Viktor, you're so cute." I cuddled close to him,"I should take you to places often if you get so adorable like this."

"Really!" Viktor giggled and kissed my cheek,"Norton, about Aesop and Eli."

"What about them?"

"Well. I hope you won't be... shock" I stare at Viktor and he has this worried aura looming around him. Why would I be shocked?

"O---kay? Why would I be though?"

"You'll see once we get to Eli's place."

I just nodded in response. I was quite confused. I hope it's not an accident or something else that'll be really worrisome. I let out a breath, hoping it's not what I'm thinking about.

We landed at the airport. Luckily, Eli was waiting for us and drove us off to his place. We shared stories here and there but what surprises me is how happy Eli is. Maybe he's very happy to see us? I'm not so sure. When we finally reached his place. I was still dazzled by his lifestyle, he's staying at some expensive condominium unit. This little prince really knows how to live his life.

"I'm home." Eli announced through his Video Phone Door. Who's he talking to?

Oh wait wait wait Eli! I will just turn the gas off! You should have damned called me when you guys are near the place!

"Ehhhh!? What are you doing!?" Eli asked worriedly

Okay! It's off haha...! Come in! Norton and Viktor are with you right? Hi.

Who is that? It sounded like a girl. I looked at Viktor, he didn't look surprised. Is this the shock thing Viktor was talking about? The door swung open revealing a beautiful auburn haired girl with gleaming caramel colored eyes, greeted us, she's wearing a purple t-shirt and shorts too.


I was shocked. She looks awfully familiar

"V-V-Vera!? What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed.

"Vera?" The girl croaked her head towards me and looked at Eli who's chuckling by the side

"I told you, You looked like your twin sister." Eli winked at the auburn haired girl,"Anyways come in you two"

"Wait---whaaa? Sister???" I was so confused but Viktor yanked my arm to go inside Eli's home

"Norton. This is Chloe Nair and yes she is your secretary's twin sister. Small world huh?" Eli introduced this young girl

"O-oh... Okay? Um... Hi?" I greeted her, she giggled. Vera and her are really alike. I'm still baffled. Wait but there's a lingering question ringing inside my head, I turn to Eli to ask,"Why... um... Not to be rude or anything but..."

"Why is she here?" Eli continued where I left off so I nodded,"Well, she's currently living with me."

"What??? I mean... I'm confused..."

Eli turned to Chloe and signaled her to give us some private time. I looked at Viktor, he's awfully quiet. When Chloe left, Eli sat beside us and smiled

"Viktor already knows this."

"What does he know???"

"Chloe and I have been living together for months now. We're kind of a thing now. Don't worry we don't do anything weird"

"Why, Eli???"

"Er... It's a long story to tell..."

"Don't you love Aesop anymore that you find comfort from someone else?"

"You don't know how it feels like Norton because you have Viktor with you"

"Well yeah, but I won't go looking for someone else's comfort for that, I'll try to fix what we have."

"It's not easy Norton"

"Won't you at least think about how Aidan might feel about this?"

"I bet Aesop told Aidan to forget about me..."

"NO!" Viktor interrupted. He looked angry, this had Eli scared,"Aidan still misses you and thinks that his daddy will come back. Aesop on the other hand misses you too but unfortunately you two had a huge misunderstanding. You both don't want to talk to each other about your problem, you two can still mend your broken relationship"

"Sorry... "Eli slump his head low

"Look Eli, don't make the same dumb sh*t I did when I was 19. I should be saying this to Aesop but heck! It could wait until I return. And for goodness sake you're already 22 turning 23 right? Are you really entering a relationship because you felt lonely? Mike did the same thing and my pathetic a** back then held back even though I still love him. For two years!! I watched him enter a relationship with Lucky for comfort but it gradually became real. It freaking hurts everytime and I couldn't do anything about it because I initiated the break up. I should really be telling Aesop this. But you need to hear this too and to prevent you from doing something so reckless. So that's how fickle your love is huh?"

I huffed a breath after saying my long piece. Eli's eyes widened with all my revelation. I knew I hadn't told him about Mike, my bad. But he needs someone's example to be able to know what could possibly go wrong. Eli is a highly analytical person so he should get the gist right?


The whole room is quiet...

Eli had his head hung low now and Viktor... He has the same posture as Eli too. What could've happened?

"Viktor?" I placed my hand on his shoulder and he swatted it away.


"Hey! Viktor, you know that Mike and I have long been concluded right? We're fine now as friends right? Come on, you're the one I love, don't be like this. Talk to me."


I was panicking internally. What if he could not talk again? I know why he suddenly became so talkative upon regaining his voice. It saddened me as I knew Viktor is being paranoid--- thinking of one day--- What if he can't talk again. he always tells me how he loves me everytime, If he can't talk again, he will be devastated.

I panicked with these thoughts in my head and regardless of Eli being there I cupped Viktor's face, pulling him for a kiss.

"Ugh---" Eli rolled his eyes at us.

"Pfft. Norton. I was just teasing you!" Viktor caressed my cheeks and swipe the cold sweat that trickled down my face."I love you too."


Thank goodness.

He's teasing me now huh? This made me chuckle. I pinched his cheeks. Too cute!

"Norton. Thank you so much. You haven't stayed for a good 10 mins inside my condo and yet you already gave me a sermon like a father" Eli laughed at me. I see how these 10 months made him mature. His aura drastically changed from a typical hyper teenager to a man now. He has grown so much.

"See Eli, don't make the same dumbsh*t he did in his teens. You're already an adult so man up!" Chloe just spank Eli's back. They look more like best friends than a thing.

I can tell Eli is still in love with Aesop.

"You still can't come back right?" Viktor asked Eli the question that we both wanted to ask.

"I was binded with the contract I agreed with my parents. I... "

"You did that for Aesop right? You train and study hard here to be the best CEO out there both for him and your parents right?" Viktor bore his eyes at Eli. I'm still amazed how Viktor could read through people's expressions.

"Yes." Eli replied simply

"So man up! We're gonna pummel some senses to Aesop too!" Viktor smiled sweetly at Eli.

I pat Eli's shoulder "Bro, I'm really sorry it took us time to assist you guys."

"No. Don't be. We're busy being adults... It's understandable... We're really just messed up. I might have suffocated Aesop too much. It's my fault. I just... I just wanted to have more time with him. We really didn't date for real and we just agreed to be in a relationship. We're both naive." Eli showed me a soft smile,"I will try again Norton, Viktor. Thank you. "

"Alright! Purpose for the visit done. You're gonna visit some corporations today too for business matters right? I heard from your mother that your stay might be shortened as you progress way too quickly, both in school and international business transactions. I'm proud of you buddy."

"Thank you Norton."

With that we bid our farewell and proceed with our plans to tour England.


After slapping Eli with reality and him realizing his mistake, Viktor and I personally asked Eli that we will need some alone time for 4 days in England and then all of us can hang out besides we're staying here for 1 week for Eli. It's quite challenging for Viktor and I especially the workload that will come after we go back but we do this for Eli, we can handle anything.

During those four days, Viktor and I went sightseeing. While Viktor was busy taking pictures, buying souvenirs and enjoying the place I was busy watching him being all adorable all the time. Like seriously, he gets all jumpy like a puppy walking around with me. I just want to keep him in the box and I am so glad he lets me kiss him all the time and he will kiss back. He's so innocent! He even tried wearing those royal garbs and everyone just stared at him which triggered my possessiveness and let him take it off after, he pouted. Sorry, Viktor can't let anyone see those adorable faces you're making.

All mine~

I'm acting like a kid!

Both of us attended England's music festival. It was gorgeous! As someone who grew up in Ever sleeping town where festivals are being held I always have this celebration vibe carved in my heart. Seeing and experiencing festivals in other countries makes it more magical. I was cheering along with the folks and tourist there, I noticed Viktor have his eyes on me and gave me a quick kiss on my lips

"I love your smile the most, Norton." He muttered under his breath. Even though it was loud around the place, I can hear his voice despite it all.

"I love yours the same way." I replied giving him a peck on his lips

After the celebrations and tours. We ended up staying one of a luxurious hotel which I booked a day before our flight in England. The first day, Viktor was surprised he thought we'd be staying at Eli's place, we would but I would want this trip to have sometime for the both of us first.

We ate in one of these fancy seafood restaurants in England. I won't lie, everything was so pricey and I managed to save it all for Viktor and I, I can tell Viktor was a little bit worried about the expenses but I reassure him. I did it to celebrate our anniversary and super belated passing his studies.

"I can't believe you prepared this for months... I want to do something for you too, Norton" Viktor tilted his head sadly at me

"Don't worry Viktor. You already gave me something in fact... Everything." I said the cheesiest line in the world like it's not something embarrassing. The atmosphere made it really romantic actually.

"Thank you, Norton. Let's eat!" Viktor happily took his spoon and fork and started munching the dishes in front of him.

When we both finished eating. I stood up and walked up to Viktor planting a soft kiss on his cheeks

"Wait here, Viktor." Viktor only nodded to my request.

I walked over to the middle of the restaurant, stood on the platform, at my back was a group of staff with their musical instrument on. I held onto the microphone and stared at Viktor. When the lights dimmed and the spotlight was on me and Viktor. I let out a breath and smiled.

I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel as though I was enough

Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over

I saw Viktor's honey orbs were dilated, his mouth wide agape. He held his hands tightly in his chest when he heard me sing. I never sang in my entire life before but I asked my friends for assistance for these past few months. Jack even hired a professional instructor for me. I prepared all of these so I can convey my feelings towards Viktor in a special way. I wanted to surprise him and I want to show how much I love him that he means the world to me.

I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I know I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old

Just say you won't let go

Just say you won't let go

I will never let you go Viktor. Not after everything we've been through. I would gladly spend the rest of my life holding your hand, being next to you and cherish you for every waking moment of my life.

I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night

When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute, I forget that I'm older
I wanna dance with you right now
Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that everyday'll get better
You make me feel this way somehow

I watched from afar as my tears began streaming down my cheeks, Viktor chuckled softly. He was crying too. I'm so happy this melody is touching your heart. I'm so overwhelmed right now. I was cracking while singing already but I want to finish this song for you, Viktor.

I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old

Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

I wanna live with you

Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most

I gave the mic to the host and he continued to sing for me. I slowly walked up to Viktor and kneel in front of him with one knee, revealing the small beautiful crimson box, opening it, showing a golden ring rimmed with elegant yellow diamond around, shining like a light of the firefly. Viktor gasped and kept his gaze at the box. I mimicked the host while the host sang the last final lyrics.

I'm gonna love you 'til
My lungs give out
I promise 'till death we part like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows
Finally it's just you and me 'til we're grey and old

Just say you won't let go

And with that one last note. I confidently and lovingly asked...

"Viktor Granz, Will you marry me?"

There was a moment of silence in the whole restaurant. Viktor was sobbing uncontrollably. I waited for him to calm down and after a minute of kneeling in front of him, he nodded at my proposal. I slipped that beautiful firefly ring in his hand, he immediately hugged me tightly

"He said yes!" I exclaimed and hugged him back, carried and spun him around. The crowd was filled with tears and the whole room was booming with clapping sounds. We stared at each other and shared a heated kiss in front of everyone. When our kiss broke, Viktor was mouthing something, I couldn't understand. I got a little bit worried,"Y-you didn't lose your voice because of my proposal, didn't you... ?" I looked at him sadly

"NO!" Viktor stretched my cheeks, frowning as he did,"I... I'm speechless... hic... I can't believe you!" He gave me a quick kiss, embraced me again and placed his head over my shoulders, nuzzling me.

"I love you, Viktor Grants, so much. Or should I say... Viktor Campbell."

"I love you too, Norton Campbell... so much!" Viktor leaned back, snoozle my nose in his,"So, this was your plan all along huh? I never would have guessed"

"What can I say, I'm a man full of surprises... but... I have one last surprise~"

Viktor looked deep in my onyx eyes,"Oh! Tell me!"

"I'm sure you'll guess it when we head to our hotel~"

"I... would? Let me guess! Is it chocolates!"

"Better than that." I winked at him

"Really? Wow! Okay!" Goodness, his innocence is killing me.

Both of us left the restaurant and got ourselves a cab and headed towards the hotel. When we reached the hotel, I asked Viktor to take a shower first and so he did. It was funny because Viktor looked like he expected we'll be taking a shower together, we've been doing that for the past few days within our stay at the hotel, but for now, I need to prepare what is needed when he comes out and I need to shower too.

It kind of made me curious why somehow, Viktor felt relieved that we won't be taking a shower together? When he finally finished his warm bath which actually took some time, I did mine immediately.

Why am I excited for this horny activity? Geez, I'm starting to act like Mike, Naib and Jack. I shouldn't be too close with those kinky brothers and couple a lot. I should also let Viktor refrain from hanging out with them, they might give him weird ideas.


"The lemon soap smells nice!" Viktor spoke as soon as I got out of the bath.

"Is it now... hm?" I raised a brow at Viktor. He's still wearing his bathrobe on while I dry my hair with a towel covering my torso. He lazily slumped on the bed and started playing with the sheets and rolling over as he did.

Pfft! So cute!

I walked up to our bed and pinned him from above. Viktor's honey orbs were fixed on mine and he have this huge grin on his face

"Are you trying to seduce me, my wife?"

"What wife? Pfft." Viktor poked my nose,"Hm, who knows~ you think you're the ONLY one who can do surprises?" He raised his left brow on me

Wow. How Daring.

I licked my lips and as I did, Viktor started pulling me for a passionate kiss. I returned his rabid kisses. The smacking sounds of our lips echoed in our room. That lemon scented soap really is intoxicating. I slid my hand to strip Viktor off the bathrobe he was wearing, tossing it off the side. I'm glad my towel is being cooperative and took off on it's own revealing my hardened and throbbing shaft, grinding against Viktor's skin.

"Mhm... norton... "

Here it goes again. Viktor's moans aroused me. I broke our kiss sliding my tongue in his cheeks, circling around his earlobe and nipping it. A sweet yelp escaped Viktor's mouth. I trail small kisses on his face until I reached his neck, attaching my mouth and slowly sinking my teeth. Viktor flinched from the pain and pleasure, I ran my tongue against the mark I did.

"Ah... norton... more... "

His pleading made me go insane. I let my knee caress his crotch and with every brush, Viktor dug his nails deeper at my back. I stayed close to his face, watching as his cheeks burned in crimson hues. While my knees are busy, my mouth and hands do its job satisfying Viktor's rosebud nips.

"Norton... it feels good... mmph... "

The more I see of his fair flesh the more I want to mark everything mine, I sucked his skin from top to bottom earning a squirm and lewd noises from Viktor. It was mesmerizing to watch and sweet to hear. I travelled all the way his thighs, Licking it close to his crotch, making him jerk his crotch towards my tongue.

"Want me to suck it Viktor?" I teased. I saw Viktor's needy eyes, clasping his lips tighter with my suggestion. I reached for the bottle of lubricant, glazing my length and fingers with it.

"Do... Do you know how to properly do this already...?" Viktor asked nervously

"Yes, Don't worry. It won't hurt I promise."

"O... okay... I trust you..."

"If it does, tell me. I will be very gentle with you." I reassured Viktor. He nodded lightly,"Deep breath and relax, Viktor." I gently insert two of my digits inside of him. In an instant I heard a painful groan from him, he's too tight since it's his first time doing this.


"Viktor, Does it hurt?"


"Want me to stop?"

"N-no... please continue... I trust you"

With that request I gently pushed in deeper, exploring his warm cavern, scisorring my fingers inside. Viktor kept on squirming, clenching the sheets tighter and his eyes shut tightly as I move my fingers more. It really got me worried. I slowly pulled my fingers out. He left out a sharp breath

"I can't do it...! I don't want to see you hurt..."


"Let's just do what we did last time. I feel like you're going to cry if I do it any further."

I thought I did a handful of research about this. I even asked the guys for help but I really dont have the courage to do so. I breathe out heavily. Viktor placed his hand to my cheek and smiled

"Let me to do it to myself instead then"


"At least... I know how to... uhm... feel it? I don't know. Let me try."

"Okay..." I handed him the lubricant and instructed him what to do,"Just put this on your fingers really well. It'll hurt if it's not soaked enough."

"Mhm kay."

After Viktor generously coated his fingers and braced himself. Inserting two of his fingers in his hole


I watched him as he jerked himself with his fingers, he was moaning so lustfully and the face he's making, it made crotch twitch in excitement. I'm losing my mind. His face was so sexy, It's seducing me. He even closed his eyes while feeling himself. I can't believe it's actually working. After a few minutes of preparing himself, he was huffing so loudly

"I... I think... I'm ready...hah... "

"You sure?"

"You're asking me if I'm sure...? when you're already hard... hah..."

I stare at my shaft. It's been hard ever since this activity started. I'm still anxious but with Viktor's assurance, I spread both of his legs, tucking it in my shoulders. I reached for the condom on the bedside preparing to ripped it apart when Viktor snatched it away from my mouth.


"Norton, I want you to enter me raw... D-don't worry, I'm prepared enough for this... " He looked at me shyly. His remarks made me blush profusely. I never expected that it would come out of his mouth. I just nodded my head vigorously at him while I positioned myself near his entrance. I was about to say something when Viktor reached out for my face and spoke before me.

"Don't hold back. I can take it."

"Then, I won't stop even if you cry."

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and he gave me a confident smile.


Finally, Norton and I will go all the way tonight after being so hesitant for too long. We've been both greatly busy to the point where our schedules usually did not exactly coincide with each other. We usually cuddle around but not doing that all the way. I feel like he is afraid of hurting me.

So I've been preparing for this, with my friend's support, I could make Norton satisfied tonight!

My session with Naib, Mike, and Aesop will not go to waste!


One time, I decided to visit Aesop, Mike, and Naib at the Oletus Entertainment since I'm not that busy and I can't bother Norton. He is presenting in front of the shareholders as of the moment. Norton's been helping quite a lot with Mr. Ellison since he still can't over-work. We're actually glad that he made a speedy recovery.

"Viktor!!!" I saw Naib waving a hand at me from a distance. He's walking beside Mike. I waved a hand at them.

"Hey~ Hey~ Viktor! What has brought you here? Hmmm ~ If you're looking for Aesop, he'll be with us in no time! Me and Naib pester him to have dinner with us!" Mike is really lively today as well. I let out a chuckle.

"No, uh---I was actually looking for both of you... too!" I started fidgeting my hands. Well, the purpose of my visit is kind of awkward so to say.

"Hm?" Naib leaned towards me and stared directly in my eyes. Probing for a continuation. I quickly averted my gaze.

Goodness. My face is heating up.

"Hmmmmmm~" I'm being coerced by these two. Now, Mike has the same look as Naib has. I breathe in and let out my intention.

"I actually need... Sex tips...!" I shut my eyes tight waiting for their response, bracing for whatever scrutiny or teasing they will throw at me.

"The 'sex' word coming out from Viktor's mouth with an angelic voice... I... Can't even... That should be illegal." Naib leaned down on Mike's shoulder while Mike pats Naib's back.

"Hush Naib, our friend here is finally turning a new leaf." Mike looks at me with a big dopey grin.

"We will fill you with explicit details! So be ready!" Naib puff up his chest proud

"Thank you... Uh--- the internet can't really tell me anything... And I need to guarantee that information with people who have the experience uh--- hehehe" I scratched my cheek looking so awkward about telling these things.

"You're in the right place! Welcome to the Kinky Bros!" Mike exclaimed

"Damn you, Mike! Shut your trap! I'm not included there, okay?" Naib growled at him.

"Well, who said he loves it the way Jack was pulling his hair while doing di---mugfh!" Naib muffled Mike's mouth whispering curses and threats at him. I let out a laugh. These two really are hilarious combo.

Finally, I saw the familiar silver hair guy walking near our group.

"Aesop!" I waved a hand at him as soon as I saw him. He waved a hand in return.

"Aesop! Come with us at Wu Chang's! Right now! This is an emergency!" Mike flailed his arms in front of Aesop, he raised a brow at Mike's statement.

"Mike, really? Emergency at a bar?" Aesop let out a chuckle. Aesop and Eli's been dating for around 3 months now. I noticed how much love changes this aloof man."Sorry, but I need to check on Aidan---"

"I already contacted Mr. Smiley! He will take care of Aidan's dinner and let him know that you'll be with us! He said OK-wokey!" Mike eagerly held Aesop's hand for confirmation.

"Huh? Okay. I will consider this hangout since Viktor also came all the way down here in Oletus Entertainment" Aesop gave me a warm smile which I gave back to him.

"I will just drop a message to Eli to let him know what I'm up to okay?"

With that, four of us went to Wu Chang's brother bar. We quickly greeted the twins and requested a private lounge for us. It's still Monday and we agreed not to drink and just eat out of the menu of what the bar resto offers. They said aside from the famous Dovlin, Chef Murro's cuisine is really scrumptious. What the reviews said did not disappoint our taste buds!

"Viktor, before we say anything, let me ask you and you have to answer this truthfully. How far have you and Norton have done it?" Naib bore his eyes at me seriously.

"Wait, is this emergency... about... about s... se---"

"YES! Aesop S-E-X!" Mike giggled at how flustered Aesop looked upon knowing the agenda of this meet-up. My face must be beet red right now!

Ah! This is too embarrassing!

"Viktor~ Come on! Don't act so cutesy now and remove that hand off your face! Tell us how far both of you've gone in your sexual activity~" Mike teased

I fidgeted a little and started to get nervous with three sets of eyes expecting an answer from me. I breathe in and answer them truthfully to the best that I could.

"Uh... Uhmm... kissing... the deep one... "

"And?" Naib raised a brow at me.

"And Kisses... on the body... Sometimes he... he bites uh... "

"Annnndd~" Mike has this gleaming eyes

"And... and he salivated some sensitive part of my body, like... like my earlobes... and navel... and thighs... and... ni... nipples...!"

"And... ?" Aesop has this eager look on his face. The usual look he has while I saw him reviewing.

"He... He... Pumps... my... my... uhh--- c-c-c-c... co... co---"

"Cock!" Naib just slammed a hand on the table,"My goodness! Just a handjob? Pssh" Naib waves a hand in front of his face.

"That's not all! I... we did it also... through... between my thighs---"

"See! That also counts as a handjob! Not even a blowjob?" Naib shakes his head.

"Blowjob? The... t-the one that you put inside your m-mouth?? I... Uh... I c-can't... I'm shy...!"

"Yes that's it. At least you got one term out from your research. You're gonna fill your mouth with your partner's hardened cock until it reaches your throat. Fair warning, you would gag but that's where the fun starts! And it would be sexier if you swallow his cum" Naib just smirked at me.

"Swa-swallow? I---Ah!" I desperately hid my reddened face. How could Naib tell those lewd stuff with a straight face? My goodness! I think I've got the right people to ask about these matters.

"Aww! So cute~ no wonder Norton would be so considerate of you!" Mike has his hands clamped together. "Hey Naib! Isn't your first time with Jack just a handjob too!? Don't belittle this baby here!" Mike retorted.

"But we have a second round with the real thing sticking in my butt!"

"Ah... how explicit" Aesop hides behind his white sweater's collar.

"That's what... I wanted to know... Uh... Norton is really afraid to hurt me..." I slouch down in my seat.

"You need to be preppy~ It would hurt! But the pleasure is worth it!" Mike exclaimed. "Hmm~ there's a thing you need" He scrolled down through his phone and showed a thing with a hose and a pump? And he added it to his cart? Mike winked at me and Aesop.

"Opsiee~ two sets should be ordered!" Mike let out a happy hum while fiddling again on his phone.

"For what is that?" Aesop asked curiously. I was shocked he is as innocent and curious about this thing like me too. I bet he wanted to learn things too to satisfy Eli.

"To let your man enter you raw with no problem!" Naib said proudly.

"Raw?" I tilted my head as I asked him the question.

"You're gonna clean the inside of your butt so he could enter you raw, without a condom. It feels heavenly~" Naib let out a toothy grin.

"You gotta need to clean yourself thouroughly before sex okay? Read the manual attached to this product... And lubricants are a must!" Mike warned me or rather us because I saw Aesop is also listening intently.

"And you gotta stretch that hole or let your partner deal with it! It's more sexy that way but based on my observation, doing it to yourself while your partner is watching is more stimulating~" Naib is starting to sound like Mike now. How knowledgeable these two could be in this field?

"Ah! Toys could help too! And oh! If you wanna make it easier~ letting your hole loose with a dildo could do! But nah~ I prefer Lucky's dick, do so with your partner's too. So~ Scratch that! Just look at these cute toys~" Mike showed his phone an online store filled with colorful things, leathers, belts, and balls.

"Hey!" Naib smack Mike instantly, "Ouch!"

"Don't ruin their innocence. Spare them from your kinks!"

"But BDSM is your kink too!" Mike pouted as he scolded Naib back

"Zip it! It's Jack's---" Naib suddenly covered his mouth.

"Ohohoho~ Now I have something to tease my manager about."

"Please don't" Naib rolled his eyes at Mike.

"This... cat ears and tails are so cute" Oh that's right, Aesop likes cats. I saw him petting Mr. Whiskers and Alexander the most back in Oletus Inc.

"Hohoho~ Nice choice! You'll be cute in it Aesop!" Mike snickered.

"Would... Would you think... Eli would like it?" Aesop fidget his hands with a flustered look on his face.

"I bet he would! He might probably cry out of happiness~ Okay! Added to cart and before you guys react, these are my gifts okay~ No buts!" Mike continued fiddling with his phone which left me and Aesop's mouth wide agape.

"Nice choice buddy! Cats would suit you! Eli keeps comparing you to a cat you know?" Aesop shy away again on what Naib has said.

He looks so cute!

"Let me add~ Be nude behind an apron and act cutesy with it or even cook them something while wearing it! 100% would lift that mammoth up!" Mike puffed his chest.

"Pfft! They would probably eat you guys more than the food you prepared. Still be ready by then!" Naib warned. "We have more to share so continue eating up! Our food's gone cold already!" Naib commanded.

"Thank you, you two." I smiled sweetly at them.


I was preparing myself, stretching my hole to finally receive Norton inside me, to finally connect us both body and mind.

My head is going haywire. This is so lewd and I'm feeling embarrassed in front of Norton doing this. I take a quick look at him and he is heaving a heavy breath, looking at me lasciviously.

This is effective.

As I feel that I prepared myself enough, I look at Norton's dreamy eyes.

"I... I think... I'm ready...hah... "

"You sure?"

"You're asking me if I'm sure...? when you're already hard... hah..."

This is too much intoxication. Norton positioned himself on top of me, I feel our bodies heated matched with are huffing breaths. I feel my heart will escape out of my chest with my anticipation of what's about to come.

I saw him opening a condom sachet and I quickly snatched it away from him. I prepared enough for this. I will receive him today and this time raw!


Waah--- I feel so shy but I need to be daring! You can do this Viktor!

"Norton, I want you to enter me raw... D-don't worry, I'm prepared enough for this..."

He looked stunned. He must be thinking 'What happened to my Viktor'.

This is so embarrassing but I need to see through this!

I watched him as he nodded his head vigorously. His face is so flushed! His reaction made me pull the corners of my mouth. He's such a cute obedient pup~ I reached for his face and said my final piece

"Don't hold back. I can take it."

"Then, I won't stop even if you cry." Norton gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I gulped hard. Calm down Viktor! You prepared for the longest time for this very moment!

I took a deep breath as I felt a hard, unfamiliar thing poking my entrance slowly... It honestly hurts... I feel tears are prickling in my eyes but I need to endure it. I should think of other things besides the pain, happy thoughts Viktor. I haven't noticed that I was subconsciously digging my nails on Norton's back. He looked at me worriedly.

"Viktor, are you really fine? It... It's only the tip."

"Just... hah... please continue, Norton... p-please... " I huffed heavily. It's only the head but I already feel so full. What more if he really entered me all the way? Thinking more about it made my head spin more, I couldn't tell if this is ecstasy or something else.

Norton must have felt my uneasiness as he reached for my lips and kissed me deeply, swirling his tongue inside my mouth. I still taste the faint flavor of mint from his mouth. He let his hand travel from my waist to my chest caressing it, swirling his thumb on my already protruding nipples. When he was satisfied with his rough kisses on my mouth, he motioned his lips from my jaw to my ear licking and nibbling it. Every sensation is driving me insane.

"Hnng... Norton... ah... "

Norton sure is skillful with all these numbing stimulation, it diverted the pain I'm feeling from his hardened shaft that's slowly entering my hole. Without me realizing it, his whole length already filled me.

"Hnggh!" I yelped.

This foreign feeling... I can't explain but it's making my mind go blank. It made me feel so happy that I'm crying more from my happiness than the pain.

We're finally connected.

Norton stared deeply in my eyes. He looked concerned and blissed at the same time. I saw his moistened eyes flutter at the sight of me.

"Norton... I love you..." My tears keep flowing from my eyes. Norton catches my hand and kissed my palms like he usually does when I caressed his face lovingly. His face was wet with tears too.

"Viktor... I love you too, like too much... " We chuckled upon realizing we get too emotional in the middle of this. He hugged me while remaining connected for a while without moving. He might be letting me adjust to his size.

He's... quite big.

"Viktor... are you ready?"

I nodded vehemently at him. I really wanted him to move, I bet he felt the same way too. I feel him getting hotter and bigger, twitching inside me. I braced myself for what is about to come.


I can't believe this. This moment finally came. I'm finally inside him.

Viktor's whimpers are so cute. I couldn't barely control myself now. I'm still considering how I will enter him without hurting him, even though I told him I won't hold back. That thin thread of patience is near snapping inside my head. He looks so gorgeous, I want to ram him non-stop.

When I asked him if he's ready. he nodded his head, he can switch from cute to sexy in no time. You're making me crazy, Viktor. If only you know how much control I have right now being with you like this...

I let out a breath before I started with a lazy phase moving my hips, grinding inside him.

"Hng... so tight... haaa... "

"Hnnn--- ahh... Ah!" Viktor arched his back, letting out a cute scream. Did I hit his prostate? Finally found it. I was celebrating inside my head as I rocked his body. I heard a command from Viktor that made me lose my wits end

"Nor... Norton... Haaa... Hnn! Fah... F-faster...!"


Without a warning, I ram my cock strongly inside his warm cavern. I saw Viktor's eyes continue spilling tears. He looks so beautiful.

"Viktor... haa... Viktor"

"Ah... ! Hnn... ! Umpf... ! Norton! N-n-n... norton... ! Ahh... !" His screams are melody to my ears. I leaned back holding his hips to assist him which made me move even faster. All these pent up sexual frustrations, these fantasies of finally jerking my cock inside him, making his expression so beautifully messed up made our experience more lasciviously. I want more of Viktor, show me all of you.

"Ah! Norton... I... Hah... l-love you... ! I love you... !" There he goes again being cute. I stopped for awhile moving my hips as soon as he shouted those words. I smiled at him lovingly.

"I love you too... so much, my dear husband." I lifted him up, letting him in a sitting position. I hugged his slim waist and I leaned close to his ears, whispered huskily,"All mine."

I continued with my violent movement thrusting in and out from his entrance. I feel his throbbing cock sliding up and down to my stomach, while he moves his hips together, following my rhythm.

Wow. How daring. Making me hornier than I already am.

"All... y-yours... !Hnng... ah... ! N-norton...!" A smile formed on my face. I love this new side of Viktor, I'm seeing. I grabbed hold of him and thrust deeper.

"Ah... ! too... hah... Too deep... !" Viktor's eyes literally rolled back from the ecstatic feeling. I thrusted deep, hitting that sweet spot which made me hear my beloved's beautiful moans.

This feels so heavenly. I can't withhold this cum any longer.

"Norton... I'm... I can't any longer... ! hic!" He's breathing sluggishly. Is he also holding back to prolong this ravishment?

"Viktor, I'm coming... Hah... Hnn"

"Haah... ah... !"

Now I should pull my cock out but all of a sudden Viktor hugged me tightly

"Viktor... ?"

"Shoot it... Haaa... Inside me... Please!" I shivered from his request

Damn. I growled as I ram myself, violating his hot and wet cavern heavily inside him. I couldn't refuse that request and my climax is reaching its peak.

"Ah...! Norton!"

"Viktor... haah... " And with one final thrust I filled his inside with my sticky white fluid while Viktor made a mess on my stomach. This is so hot.

Viktor slumped his head on my shoulder and mumbled,"Finally... "This made me stoned in my position. Does he want this to happen too? My eyes moistened again with tears. What an overwhelming first time for the both of us.

Viktor raggedly face me, tears dripping on his eyes. He planted a soft kiss on my lips and let out the sweetest smile I always see. I looked at him and swept the streaks of hair covering his face.

"Beautiful... I love you to the moon and back, Viktor." It sounds so cheesy but I can't help saying those words to this special person that saved me. I lose count how much we exchange these I love you's but I will never get tired of telling him these until the day I die.

"Norton Campbell, I love you, sooo much." He hugged me again.

"Uhm... Viktor, I will pull out now okay? Is your stomach fine? No funny feeling?" I looked at him worriedly.

"No, There's no problem... It's just... The funny feeling was from the moment you shot your cum inside me." He smiled at me innocently but his words aren't that innocent anymore. This made me hang my jaw. I snapped out of it in an instant.

"Oh. I'm glad this went well"

I laid him again on the bed and let out my cock which just hardened again after my release. Goodness! Am I this robust or I'm just continuously being aroused by Viktor's sexiness tonight?

His hole spilled some of my cum, I did really filled him up good. The sight of his protruding hole which already has the shape of the girth of my cock is too arousing. I gulped hard.

Norton... Meditate... Viktor is already tired... I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

"Norton..." Viktor is calling my name so softly like a purring cat. His eyes looked at me, pleadingly

God. I can't take it!

"Viktor... I did say that I won't stop, right?" He nodded so innocently.

I won't hold back tonight. I looked sternly inside his honey orbs, which reflected those hungry eyes of mine. Damn. I'm so horny right now. I dive deep on his mouth, claiming it, leaving bites on his lips.


I marked every inch of him, biting down his flesh which earned my ears some sweet mewled from Viktor. This is heaven. I could do this all day.


I sucked on his pink protruding nipples, playing it with my tongue, nipping it between my teeth.

"Hnnng... ! ah... ! Norton! Please... " He couldn't take it anymore either.


I lifted his thigh which showed his gaping hole. I reached for the lubricant and poured generously on my two fingers which instantly entered his hole. I keep lubricating inside, scissoring it again just to make sure it wouldn't hurt.

"Norton, Please... Put it inside...!"

The way he pleads made my head go helluva. I made him turn from his side lifting his other leg up. I position myself and thrust inside him again. I really love seeing his lewd face and loud moaning while doing this.

"Mnng... ! Hah... ! Norton... !"

"Hnn... Viktor... !" This position is driving both of us in pure ecstasy. It tingles all of our senses. Seeing Viktor's sexy back, leaning on the mattress with his face towards me is very picturestique. Now I want to see it every time. I leaned in and kissed that smooth nape, biting and salivating it after.

"AH... !"


I return to my quick ramming phase, going in and out of his cavern. I saw him gripping the sheets tightly. He should be nearing too. The second round really made us more sensitive with all these stimulation.

"Norton... I'm c-coming... !" Almost there.

"Viktor! Hnn... !" And one last pump, I filled him again for the second time. I pulled out my shaft this time and looked at my adorable fiancé's flopped body. He looks so beautiful and sexy.

Pinkish flesh

That sexy slim back

Those golden disheveled tresses

Those round buttocks messily designed with my cum

My goodness, this is too overwhelming. He is making me weaker, the view is making me melt.

I flopped heavily on the bed with gruff breaths. Viktor looked to my side and smiled.

"You baaaad boy~" He never failed to make my heart skip a beat. I was wide-eyed at his remark which was not very Viktor-ish. He surprised me tonight, I love every side of him. I really went overboard for our first time doing this activity which made me let out a chuckle upon realization.

"Because love will make me go wild." I winked at him which earned me slap on my arms. I hugged him tightly closed to my chest.

"Let's clean up and sleep shall we?"

I slowly lifted Viktor up, we both washed up and I gave him warm milk before we slept. He looked so tired, but happy.

Such a memorable first night as an engaged couple indeed.


Mr. Campbell came back from his trip, I've heard he was with Mr. Granz. I wondered if they have a thing going on. He keeps his life private even with me and of course, I wouldn't be so foolish to ask my boss. Hey Mr. Campbell is Mr. Granz your boyfriend? That will be a disaster. In any case, I was doing my daily task of monitoring Mr. Campbell's schedule and workload today as usual.

"I wonder if Fiona fed chuckles before leaving home?" I mumbled to myself. Fiona often forgets lots of things at home whenever we're both getting ready for work. I'm required to be at work as early as 5:30 whereas Fiona was too lazy to get her butt off our bed, so she leaves home around 8 or 9 in the morning, lucky for Fiona, her shift starts at 10am she doesn't need to rush and her responsibilities aren't as heavy as mine.

Oh, It's her birthday today. We should go on a date on her special day.

Man, this wife of mine really needs to set her priorities, then again, I spoil her too much every time she acts cutesy on me, I'm the one to blame too.


I poked my head when I heard the elevator door open. I blinked a couple of times and saw Mr. Granz coming out from it, smiling from ear to ear. Something good must have happened. It's not surprising that he often visits Mr. Campbell nowadays but what's surprising was, from acting very awkward with each other to very clingy with each other. I observed this, after the volunteer work. They've become more attached than before.

"Good morning, Vera" Mr. Granz greeted

"Likewise, Mr. Granz." I smiled at him

"Call me Viktor instead. I wanted us to be friends too"

I nodded to his request. This person is really cute just like my Fiona, no wonder Mr. Campbell is taking a liking to him.

"Oh, by the way, Is my fiancee at the office?" Viktor looked at me curiously.

Wait---What did he just say? Fiancee?


Viktor giggled,"Sorry, what I meant was---Is Norton is there? Sorry for the shock. We're engaged already!" Viktor declared joyously

WOAH! ENGAGED?! That escalated quickly or rather It's obvious but since Viktor proudly stated it in front of me, I can't help but to be baffled. Viktor giggled once again from my reaction which snapped me back on my senses

"Oh, h-he is." I stammered a little

"I see, thank you Vera!" Viktor exclaimed, prancing towards Mr. Campbell's office

"This is..." I immediately tapped Fiona's local and as soon as I heard her greetings I spoke up,"Fiona! Let's have a date later, after our shifts!"

Eh? Sure~ sure~ Fiona spoke from the other line and with that confirmation from I hung up.

Oh boy, What wonderful news and I'm super excited for Mr. Campbell and Viktor's wedding.

Viktor took his time staying at Mr. Campbell's office an hour or two and then he left, he also gave me some chocolates he got from Mr. Campbell. That's very romantic. After a short while, I finished all my tasks. Mr. Campbell called me up during lunch time at his office. When I entered I saw his face glowed up.

I wonder what he wants?

"Thank you, Vera for coming. Please, take a seat. I hope I didn't bother you with work." Mr. Campbell looked at me with concern.

"Not all Sir. Is there anything I can help you with?" I sat down in front of Mr. Campbell's desk

"I need your opinion or perhaps advice to this." Mr. Campbell showed me a magazine, full of beautiful places, decorative venues, floral designery, various accessories and to my surprise it's a wedding magazine. I stared at him with a huge grin on my face

"I see. Are you planning for you and Viktor's wedding, Mr. Campbell?" I asked politely

"Yes and wow. You're calling him Viktor now, he requested that, didn't he?" I nodded at him,"Call me Norton then, outside work or just the two of us, talking casually. I consider you as one of my friends Vera, we are batch mates after all."

The boss I've met before gradually changed in time, love moves in mysterious ways. I gleefully replied to him,"Alright then. What advice are you seeking Norton?"

"Well, I wanted to look for a nice wedding venue. A church? A beach? Any of that. I also want it to be somewhat serene. Romantic but quiet. A place for everyone to be enchanted by the morning and perhaps party at night and OH! honeymoon too!" Norton tapped the magazine on his table,"I never knew planning for our wedding would be this challenging. I should have asked an event's organizer but I want to have a better outlook on what we both want first. Didn't you have it hard when you got married?"

"Well, I did but Fiona is natural at planning everything out so I just support her with it."

"I was wondering too, how come you both didn't share one last name?"

"We do actually, we just want to keep Fiona's maiden last name intact with my last name."

"Oh, so in papers, Fiona is a Gilman-Nair?"


"I see. I didn't know you could do those things. At least I'm learning from you but I don't think Viktor and I will use that kind of method for our last names since he wanted to inherit mine."

"That's good then. So, back to the venue. How about trying to visit Red Church aka Cathedral. It's one of the most extravagant and blessed churches here in the city. It's been there for 100 years. It's not a cathedral for nothing."

"Ah, You're right! I haven't thought about that! Thanks Vera! I will seek your advice in the future."

"Sure, Anything for an old friend of mine."


Vera invited me on a date for my birthday I presumed but unfortunately, Martha called me first and asked if we can hang out and I kind of invited her on our date out of impulse. Sorry, Vera. I promised to make it up to you, Martha looked in trouble and in need of our assistance. Martha and I waited for Vera in our local cafe and when she arrived, she was all smiles. I'm glad she's not mad at me for inviting a friend over.

"Goodness, How was work? I'm glad you got out this early" Martha greeted Vera.

"Well, I've got big news for both of you~" Vera sat in between us,"It's about Norton and Viktor. They're getting married!"

Martha and I were pretty surprised and squealed in unison. Vera filled us in details and we can't help but to grin with every juicy news. Here I am reminiscing the time we three talked about these guys ending up together and now they do and it's a wow factor they're going to get married. Vera then turned to Martha

"Martha, what is it you wanted us for help?"

"Well, Will and I are going on a date and as you two know. I have no idea what to wear or how to even look like a normal girlfriend in front of him, last time at Oletus Annual Christmas Party. Mr. Clark hired his friend's personal stylist. Stacy Goldrick to do the work for me." Martha explained

"No wonder, you looked damned good!" I gave her a thumbs up,"I have so many many mannnyyy ideas what you should wear, depending on what occasion~"

"Fancy restaurant and the other one is a surprise." Martha shrugged her shoulders

"Ah, surprises. I love that." Vera held her hands together dreamily,"I suggest you wear something red?"

"Why red?" Martha raised a brow at Vera's suggestion

"It's seductive? Also you shouldn't wear any jacket"

"No way! I always wear one or a coat." Martha shook her head in disgust

"It's a way to let William let you wear his jacket! Geez, you've got 0% romance in you, Martha" I rolled my eyes at her

"How should I know this!? Ugh---Okay, whatever enlighten me"

"Ah! Ah! Ahhh! You should wear heels Martha." Martha shuddered at my suggestion,"It'll give the when-you-fall-effect William will catch you~"

"Are you guys serious!?" Vera and I stared at each other and nodded in unison,"Everything looks so girly! I want to wear baggy pants and sweaters rather than skirts and dresses..."

"Just do it for one occassion geez! You barely go on a date because of work. Let your every date be special sis~" I winked at her

"Fine." Martha groaned and snapped her fingers,"Bide the way, remember I told you that Mr. Clark and Mr. Carl were together months ago?"

"Yeah what about it?" Vera took a sip at her milk tea, she bought earlier

"I think they broke up recently."

"Wow, that's harsh. Why?"

"I don't know the details but probably because long distance relationships are hard and I barely see Mr. Carl visit Mr. Clark's office, I know he was transferred at Oletus Ent. I always see him supervising the auditors there whenever I visit Will and Mr. Carl often takes a lot of effort visiting Mr. Clark's office just to... um... stare at it? But in any case, he never goes in anymore. So, I've concluded that they're no longer a couple." Martha expounded with a sober look on her face.

"Wow... That's hard and harsh. Hope, they'll be okay soon."

"I agree with Fiona. I'm glad Mr. Campbell is doing good in his love life though."

"Okay guys! Let's sway all this gloomy atmosphere and get back to what will Martha wears~"

"Ugh...! Fine"

With that the three of us spent our quality girl bonding time together that afternoon, after our chit-chat we escorted Martha, driving her home. When we bid our farewell, Vera and I didn't go home just yet instead we drove off to somewhere. I curiously croaked my head at Vera who's driving and humming to herself

"Where are we going, Vera?"

"You'll see." I stayed silent the entire trip. We stopped and parked in an unfamiliar place, Vera got out of the car and opened my door like a gentlewoman~ Vera is really romantic. She took hold of my hand and whispered,"Close your eyes, Fiona."

"Okay!" I closed my eyes while Vera took the lead. A couple of minutes walking, we halted. A cold breeze brushed over my skin. Brrr--- where are we? I felt a coat enveloped me, must be Vera,"Thank you. Can I open my eyes now?"

"Go ahead."

With her command, I slowly opened my eyes. We're both standing in the middle of a bridge, colorful christmas lights gleamed around in it, there were multiple padlocks attached to it. This place, I know of this. This is where we first met, our first date, the place where I said yes to Vera to be her lover and her wife. This is our special place. I looked at Vera with a huge grin on my face

"Sorry, I couldn't reserve a fancy restaurant for us beforehand. So, I thought maybe... I can surprise you with our special place instead." Vera giggled

"It's what the thought that counts silly." I grace my hand around her neck and pulled her for a soft kiss,"Just being with you is more than enough."

"Happy Birthday my dear wife, Fiona Nair" Vera hugged me back, snoozling my nose.

"Thank you my beautiful wife, Vera Nair~"

I sure am lucky to have Vera as my wife. We shared one sweet night on my birthday.


We've been back from our week-long vacation from England and I still feel my head on cloud nine. Finding myself giggling out of nowhere every time I remember those moments.

"What is making you laugh Viktor?" Norton inquired with a gleeful expression. I love that my soon-to-be husband is always smiling now.

"I just... reminisce about the moments we shared in England."

"That would forever have a place in my heart Viktor. I will never forget. Especially the morning after that" Norton winked at me and smiled teasingly. Ah! I must be blushing so hard right now but I'm glad Norton liked it. I should treat Mike, Naib, and Aesop. Their help is very much appreciated. They should also know that Norton and I are already engaged.

"Come here and let me hug you." Norton leaned to the passenger seat of his car where I am seated and I leaned in to him to hug him too.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I feel our hearts thumping faster. These exchanges of 'I love you' never failed to let our hearts beat out of our chest. We're so deeply in love with each other.

"So Viktor, are you ready? We're gonna go to the Red Church today. This is where Vera suggested that I check to tie the knots." I nodded to him and he buckled my seatbelt for me. He started the car's engine and we went on our way to check the prestigious church.


The Red Church

What dawned before our eyes is a gilded church with white and red accent to it. It's pillars are supported with Coronthian columns that matched that exquisite carvings and design from the exterior and interior of the church. It's wide expanse of garden where it was centrally located is so beautiful and dreamy. From the right we could see the reception hall filled with chairs, shaded vividly by large voluminous trees surrounded by lush green foliages and yellow roses. From the left we could see the prestigious Venetian-styled cumbent where the people of the church stays.

I'm in awe.

I never knew there's a place like this just outside the outskirts of the city.

"Welcome. Are you the couple that we are expecting?" A voice of a woman suddenly snapped us out from our amazement. I turned my heels to where that voice came from.

I feel the blood was drained out of my body.

I started to shiver as I laid my eyes on the middle-aged nun.

"Viktor! Viktor! Are you okay?"

"Ms... An... na?" My voice is cracking. I thought they were all apprehended... Why?

"My dear, I'm Sister Ann now. The salvation of the Lord redeemed me from that forsaken name. You looked quite... familiar.,, "

NO. NO. NO. Noooooooooooooo... !

Horrifying memories of the past that I kept sealed inside came rushing and filling my mind.


Something just snapped in my brain. I heard ringing senses. My head hurts. I...


"............." I can't instruct my mouth to speak.

No... No... No... !

"VIK---" I blanked out.

And the last view I saw is the face of my husband with a horrified look on his face.



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