Going Beyond!

Von TheWanderingBlade

97.2K 1.5K 2K

A My Hero Academia Story: Izuocha Mehr

Update 2023
Relationship Arc information
(Arc 1)Chapter. 1 Savior
(Arc 1) Chapter. 2 Priorties
(Arc 1) Chapter. 3 Teamwork
(Arc 1) Chapter. 4 Confessions
(Arc 1) Chapter. 5 Whispers
(Arc 1) Chapter. 6 Attacked
(Arc 1) Chapter. 8 Freefalling
Recovery Arc Information
(Arc 2) Chapter. 9 Together
(Arc 2) Chapter. 10 Training
(Arc 2) Chapter. 11 Upgrades
(Arc 2) Chapter. 12 Return...
Finale Arc Information
(Arc 3) Chapter. 13 Alone
(Arc 3) Chapter. 14 Apology
(Arc 3) Chapter. 15 Fall
(Arc 3) Chapter. 16 Beyond
(Arc 3) Chapter. 17 Bittersweet
(Arc 3) Chapter. 18 Peace
(Arc 3) Chapter. 19 Forward
Authors Note (Book Completion)

(Arc 1) Chapter. 7 Raid

3.2K 63 71
Von TheWanderingBlade

Thanks for 600... 700.... 800... 900 reads... Jesus XD

Oh, at 1k and then 2k, etc... I'll have the group go on field trips ;) trip one being a hot spring...

So, let us begin...

It's been 2 days since the day Uraraka had been kidnapped and every student was on edge, especially Deku.

The boy had received a special pardon, thanks to All Might, to skip class and focus solely on his training and upcoming raid.

In that 2 day span, the boy had managed to bring his maximum natural power of One For All to 30%, but when anger was taken into account, he could go up to 100%, but he would be out of commission.

He knew that his emotions may get the better of him, so as he trained his body, he trained his mind.

Now, was the day the fruits of his labor would be shown to the villain scum who abducted her...

Deku stood in the doorway of the school, the paper with the instructions in hand, and his hero costume equipped.

"Midoriya!" A voice shouted from behind the boy, he smiled as he saw its owner running toward him.

"Hey, Kirishima." Deku smiled and his classmate caught his breath next to him.

"Be safe out there... give em hell." He smirked and Deku nodded.

"Believe me, they'll pay for what they did," Deku smirked and began walking out of the school.

"Oww." Deku winced in pain and grabbed his back.

Damn mosquitos...

"You alright?" Kirishima asked and he nodded, "Must've been a bug..." Deku sighed and cracked his knuckles.

"Anyway, wish me luck." He waved to him and activated one for all.

"And We'll be back soon." He gave one final goodbye and ran away towards his target.

Kirishima waved as he departed and the moment he was out of view he turned around.

"Did you get him?" He asked and a pair of gloves came into view.

"Yep, and he was none the wiser!" Hagakure said happily and Kirishima smirked.

"Thank god we had Momo make that tracker." He said with a relieved sigh.

"So, did the plan work?" Another voice asked, belonging to Iida.

"Yep, so, what's is the plan?" He asked and Iida smiled.

"I hate breaking the rules... but he's my best friend, and she is as well, I say, the plan is to go crash that party."

"W-Woah really!? You!?" Kirishima asked dumbfounded and Iida chopped the air.

"Of course! He's our friend! We did the same for Bakugo."

"Is the rest of the class onboard?" Hakuge asked kids nodded, revealing the rest of the class behind him.

"Hell yeah, we are!" Mina shouted.

"So, Kirishima, Hagakure, let's get suited up, we have a party to crash."


Deku jumped from building to building, getting closer to his target and trying his best to conserve energy.

He landed on the roof of a warehouse, dead ahead was the target.

I'm coming Ochako...

He leaped off the roof and landed softly on the ground, he looked once more at the paper, seeing that it specified him coming in by himself.

"It's more than likely they will be passive while he's trying to turn me to their side, with Ochako as bait, the second I decline though, they'll open fire." He spoke aloud and put his hand to his chin.

The door to the warehouse was left open, and no one was coming to attack, so an initial "peaceful" conversation would be assured until he declined if course.

"I can only hope my speed is enough, look for some way to distract them... or something... anything... I can't risk losing her." He continued and sighed.

"Maybe guns blazing would be the best option." He mumbled and shook his head.

"I'm not Bakugo Iuzku... stay calm and composed..." he took a deep breath and began to walk inside.

"Here we go." He mumbled

"Ahh, Izuku Midoriya, right on schedule." A voice spoke from the down corridor.

Sitting in a chair was the head of the league of villains Shigaraki.

He held Uraraka in his hand, only holding his pinky off of her.

"D-Deku!" She whispered and tried to move, but his grip limited her movement.

Deku's heart broke when he saw her, her body was battered and covered in bruises, dried blood was all over her face, and she looked exhausted.

"W-What did you do to her...?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Why don't you ask her?" He grinned

"Ochako..." he mumbled and she looked up at him.

"I-It's ok... I've been strong... so you do the same." She gave a small smile as Shigaraki tightened his grip making her scream.

"NO! LET HER GO!" He shouted angrily and took another step forward, fists out and powering up.

Shigaraki lowered his pinky slightly and started to laugh.

"Another step and she's dead, remember I don't want to kill her... but I will." He said with a grin under his mask.

Deku thought for a moment of what to do, eventually, he decided to comply and lowered his guard, looking straight at him.

"Good, now, let's discuss our... situation." He began and took off his mask, revealing a grin.

"Our master has been communicating with us, he has plans and you're a central part of it." He stood up and brought Uraraka up with him.

"He's making his grand return soon, and will bring pain to everyone."

"No! You're lying!" Deku shouted and he began to laugh.

Not at all boy, and without a symbol of peace, the world is defenseless!" He shouted with glee, making Deku angry.

"Now, all this is a plan set in stone, the final cog to it will be your compliance, if you agree, you'll get your girlfriend back." He smirked.

Dammit... he's using her as bait!

"D-Deku..." Uraraka spoke quietly.

Deku looked up to him and she had a small smile on her face.

"It's ok... don't you dare become a villain Deku." She raised her voice slightly and Deku frowned to her.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them with a fire.

She's right... I'll never join them.. and I will save her.

"I'm not joining you, I never will..." he grumbled.

"What was what? This is your final-"

"IM NOT JOINING YOU!" Deku yelled and began charging one for all.

He rushed forward and cocked his fist back.

One for all 30 Percent!

Shuichi, Dabi!" Shigaraki yelled and the two villains jumped in the way.

Shigaraki walked away through a nearby door.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Deku screamed and ran faster, his aura was bright green and pink sparks surrounded around him.

"Burn..." Dabi whispered and launched his blue flames at Deku.

"Delaware Smash!" Deku shouted and launched a wind blast that blasted through the fire.

He jumped through the smoke and cocked his fist back, "SMASH!" He yelled and launched a punch midair on Dabi, sending the villain flying into a wall.

"Damn..." Dabi mumbled and got to his feet, he hopped down and came running back with flame balls in his hands.

"Lucky shot lets go brat!" He yelled and threw the fireballs at Deku, he jumped over them and landed, quickly begging adjusted, he ran at Dabi, meeting him with a punch.

"Not bad kid." He smirked and began launching punches, meeting even with Deku, neither side giving an inch.

30 Percent!

He clenched his teeth and began punching faster and harder, knocking his opponent backward, slowly gaining ground.

"Shuichi want to help out!" Dabi yelled and jumped out of the way.

"Too weak? Fine! Now you fight me!" Shuichi yelled and rushed Deku with his sword, he slashed at the boy, he jumped back and stared him down.

"Get out of my way," Deku spoke plainly and he laughed.

"Like I'd do that." He smirked and rushed him again, slashing his sword a multitude of times, each being dodged by Deku.

I have to keep going!

"Forty Percent!" Deku yelled and began dodging faster and even a landing a few blows himself.

"Not bad, but it's a 2 on 1 remember!" He shouted and jumped out of the way, behind him was Dabi, standing tall, despite his injuries sustained from earlier.

"You will die by my flame!" He shouted and launched a massive fireball at the boy, he dodged it by ducking downward, when he raised his head Shuichi slashed him in the chest and he fell to the ground.

He grabbed at his chest as blood began to spill onto the ground.

"D-Dammit." He mumbled and the pair walked over to him, both looking down at him in disappointment.

I... failed...

"Given up already kid? That's no fun." Dabi smirked and began kicking the boy in his side.

I-I'm sorry...

He closed his eyes, his vision was becoming cloudy and he was losing energy.

"And after this kid, when you're in hell, you can watch as your girlfriend is killed."


"It's a shame too, you seemed to have promise, too bad seeing how you declined our offer and that your dying," Shuichi smirked and raised his sword up.

"I'll make this quick, then do the same for your pathetic girlfriend." He began the motion downward and grew a smirk.

"Goodbye hero."



The two villains stood, both of them had their eyes opened and looked around, the boy who was on the ground a few moments ago was gone.

They both turned around and saw the boy upright, he stood with his fists drawn, and a face that would put villains to shame, his costume in tatters, but still had the green he was known for.

The biggest change though was that boy had tentacles protruding from his arms, they extended toward the pair of villains, they both began looking down and they saw that they had them though their chests.

Both villains fell to the ground and began bleeding out of their wounds.

"H-How?" Shuichi asked and began coughing blood.

"H-How did you... how did you do that!" Dabi yelled as well.

"I... I don't.." he began but a shockwave of pain made him stop.

Deku fell to his knees as the tentacles returned to his body, causing immense pain.

"Dammit... what was that!?" He grunted and stood back up, he looked to his arms and they looked completely normal.

Was that... a new quirk?

He shook his head and tried walking forward, but fell to his knees in pain.

"Dammit..." he grunted and looked upward.

I'm sorry Ochako...


Deku looked ahead toward the explosion, a massive figure dropped down, Deku looked at it and chuckled to himself for a moment.

Sorry, mom... All Might... Ochako...

The beast rushed forward and kicked Deku in the face, sending him flying backward.


He closed his eyes, ready to move on.... but nothing happened.

He opened them to see he was in third arm belonging to Ojiro.

"Hey man, you did one hell of a job." He smiled and Deku looked up.

"W-Why are you here?" He asked confused and he pointed behind him, revealing the rest of the class.

"Because we won't let you die alone!" Kirishima shouted and raised his fist.

Behind him, explosions were going off as Bakugo shot himself forward and landed next to Deku who was now standing.

He looked to the two knocked out villains, he grinned and looked over to the monster.

"Not bad nerd... not bad at all."

"Not bad!? That's amazing!" A third voice shouted as Mina came running in.

"In case your confused, we planted a tracker on your suit." She pointed out and Deku lightly laughed before turning to the rest of his class.

"Thanks, guys." He bowed and they smiled.

"Your worth breaking the rules for." Iida smiled and adjusted his glasses

"Now, go save Ochako, we'll handle this monster." He pointed to the door and Deku nodded.

"Be safe!" He shouted and ran into the doorway.

The monster began giving chase but was stopped by an explosion, knocking it over.

"YOU'RE FIGHTING US NOW YOU BASTARD!" Bakugo shouted and rushed forward.



Deku ran down the halls, looking for the place that Shigaraki may have escaped to.

"Dammit, I gotta find her!" Deku yelled aloud and burst through a door, then his jaw dropped.

It was a giant room, with an open roof and a military aircraft in the middle.

And out of the corner of his eye, he saw the pair walking in.

"Dammit No!" He shouted and began running top speed.

The plane began to take off and Deku ran faster.

"I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY!" He screamed and jumped onto the door of the plane right before it took to the air.

"I... Made... It.." he panted and opened up the door.

"I hope everyone else is ok..." he prayed and busted inside.

"Ah, I see you've arrived," Shigaraki smirked and Deku stared him down.

"Let her go!" He yelled and charged forward, only to be knocked to the floor by Kurogiri, then as he jumped up to recover, Toga landed on his chest and stabbed him multiple times lodging several needles in his body, he screamed in pain and used his fingers to launch himself backward.

Deku slowly got up and clenched his fists.

"I'm not done yet!" Hey yelled and launched another assault, he leaped up and launched a kick, this time landing a direct blow on Toga, but before he could pivot, a fist collided with his head and sent him spiraling backward before he slammed into the ground.

"Just give up Midorya, it's no use." Shigaraki sighed and walked over to him.

"This is your last chance brat, join us or you'll both be killed.

I-I can't! H-How do I win!? Wait...that weird thing from before maybe if I can...

He clenched his teeth and although it was painful, tentacles discreetly came out.

Deku took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"I'll never you join you," he said plainly.

"Then die." He simply stated and launched his fist forward.

Deku sprang up and extended his arms to launch the tentacles forward, but just before he did so he was punched in the stomach, sending him flying into the side of the ship.

"D-Deku!" Uraraka shouted and covered her mouth.

The dust cleared and Deku laid motionless, he was breathing, but his energy was tapped.

"Is that all you've got? One punch? That's all it takes to take you down? Pathetic." He said in disgust and tightened his grip on her neck once again.

"D-Deku... Please...don't... give... up..." she choked out.

The voice of Recovery girl began playing in his head on repeat.

"If you break your body like that again, you won't be able to use it!"

Deku stared upward, he closed his eyes and thought of his girlfriend.

I don't care anymore... if it means saving her, destroying my body is a small price to pay.

He opened his eyes and his body began to glow.

"I'm... not... done..." he spoke and slowly got to his knees, then stood back up.

The plane itself began to shake from the pure pressure he was giving off.

"H-How are you still alive!?" Shigaraki yelled in frustration.

"D-Deku..." Uraraka mumbled.

"Hey ninth... it's me, remember me? The girl? Yea, anyway, you have to win this fight nine! We all believe in you! So, if what you need is a bit of motivation to win, you clearly have it! Oh, and make sure to not die, and if you plan on using your full power, that may be the key! Just be careful!

"That voice..." Deku mumbled and clenched his teeth.

She's right and the only way to win this...

Deku took a deep breath and clenched his teeth.

"Screw it."

His body began to glow bright green and pink bolts of lightning crackled around him.

A reddish-pink pattern appeared across his body and his expression turned.

"One for all... full cowling... ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!"

Deku screamed and launched himself at Kurogiri, he punched him so hard and so precisely that it managed to hit his actual body, sending him flying.

Then without any hesitation, he did the same to Toga, who was beside Shigaraki.

Deku landed and took a deep breath.

My body is breaking apart at the seams! I need to hurry!

"GIVE HER BACK!" He yelled and launched himself at him.

Right before he landed his attack on him however, the plane suddenly began shaking, sending the boy tumbling backward.

His power released from him and his body began to scream in pain, but by sheer will, managed to stand.

"W-What the hell!?" He yelled out, still in pain and looked around, the plane was shaking, he placed his hand on the floor, it felt... hot...

"Oh no..." he spoke aloud and Shigaraki began laughing.

"Don't you see 'Deku' it's pointless, this ship is set to blow, and you and your girlfriend will go along with it."

Deku fell to his knees, he punched the ground, unable to process the range of emotions he felt.

"N-No..." he whimpered.

He looked up saw the horrified look in her eyes and his heart broke.

"Then... I'll do what I can to fight!" He protested and clenched his fists.

He wiped the sweat and blood from his face and took a deep breath.

"I won't give up till I'm dead on the floor." He stated and began powering up, using every ounce of energy he had left.

"I'm done playing games kid." He set Uraraka down, but she was still tied up.

He extended his arms and smirked to the boy.

"Time to die!"

Hey guys... 2 things.

1. I'm sorry for the cliff hanger, I know ur sucks but whatever lol
2. I'm sorry for the late upload, I had a lot of IRL stuff and on top of that, I wanted to make this absolutely perfect!

So, I hope you enjoyed :)



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