My Taken Mate

By kauigirl

65.1K 2.8K 444

Hayley Hanes has an amazing family who can be a bit intrusive at times. She loves them regardless, enjoys spe... More

Early Morning
Fitting In
Making Moves
Party Prep
Pack Links
Bonfire Discoveries
Broken Hearted
The Struggle
In Pieces
Sunday Brunch
What ifs and What is
Death Defying Dinner
Weekend Work
Secrets Revealed


3.8K 179 35
By kauigirl


Starting any new job is nerve wracking. There's a whole new group of coworkers to get to know. Adjusting to a new work environment, and of course a new boss and his expectations to feel out.

I face all of that plus the anxiety of knowing my bosses are my mates father and uncle, and said mate will be in this new work environment. It raises my agitated nerves to a thousand!

Despite that, as far as first days go today has been good. We were given a run down of the company and jobs currently going on. We visited the site where the new homes were being built which is where most of our work days will be spent. It's early afternoon by the time we return to J & T Construction.

Trevor and Jared are showing Eric and I the warehouse that stores some supplies and tools when the rumble of an engine approaches. We turn as a group to watch a gray jeep make it's way up toward the building. My heart skips a beat as I watch Hayley exit the vehicle.

She's dressed in skin tight denim jeans and a black off the shoulder top. Her hair is piled atop her head in a messy bun. She's beautiful in an understated way. 

Why the hell I'm waxing poetic is beyond me and if the guys were able to hear my thoughts right now they'd probably nut punch me just to see if I still had a pair. I can't help it, Hayley makes me feel and act differently than I'm used to. She softens the hardened parts of me. As she bends to reach through the passenger window for her bag, I'm reminded there's one part of me she constantly hardens.

Stepping behind the work table we're standing at, I discreetly adjust myself as I watch her wave Sam off and approach us. Her step falters a bit as she notices me amongst her father and uncle but she recovers quickly and continues toward our group.

"Hi dad, uncle J," she greets kissing each of them on their cheeks. She then nods to Eric and myself, "Hi guys."

I'm not gonna lie, I wish I was a kiss recipient but we're nowhere near that phase of our relationship yet. I'm hopeful that will change, as soon as I can begin a relationship with her that is.

Eric and I both return her greeting as Trevor asks, "Hails, how was your first day?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "Like any other I guess. Just a little strange, it being our last and all."

A short, stocky man approaches with a clip board in hand. "Hey Jared, got the new shipment for you to sign off on." As Jared takes the offered clip board, the mans attention is directed to Hayley. "Hi Hayley! Have a good first day?"

There's a slight tension in her body that only someone so attuned to her every move like I am would notice, I feel myself tense. If this man did anything to make her uncomfortable I am more than willing to make him pay. She smiles politely at him easing my worry, whatever problem she has with him I don't think he's the cause.

"Mr. Burns, it was good. Thanks for asking."

The man smiles in return, "I just got off the phone with Mikayla. She was complaining about all the work she was given. Did you have the same problem?"

It's small but I notice a slight grimace on her face before she responds, "Um, no. Thankfully I took care of most of my credits the past three years so my senior year is pretty light."

"That was smart, if only my daughter thought ahead like you she wouldn't be grumbling on the first day," he says with an audible sigh that has Hayley smiling bigger.

Trevor pipes in, "That's my Hails. Smart like her pops."

Hayley rolls her eyes playfully, "I doubt mom would agree." Trevor grabs her in a headlock that has her laughing. He kisses her forehead before releasing her.

"Aunt Shelly has the paper work for Phoenix and Eric on her desk. I need you to input that into our computers and set up their employee numbers. When you're done give me a shout on the walkie and I'll send them over so you can show them how to punch in and out. I already had Shelly manually punch them in for today so we're good for their hours worked as of right now."

"Alright, no prob. Are you finishing early today or will I need to call mom to come get me at five?" she asks as she walks backwards toward the office.

Trevor looks at Jared in question. "It's probably gonna be a late night. The delivery was delayed at the Steadman job so our guys are working into the night to meet the deadline. They'll need our help to get it done," Jared informs him.

Before Trevor can say anything, Hayley beats him to it, "Mom it is."

Seeing this as an opportunity to spend some time with her despite her wanting space which I regret agreeing to, I jump in with an offer, "We could take you home. We're done at the same time today right boss, unless you needed our help with that job?"

Hayley tenses once again as she and her father speak at the same time.

"No, that's ok…"
"Sounds great! Thanks Phoenix!"

I smile at Hayley in triumph while she frowns, "Dad, I'll just call mom. She won't mind. That way Phoenix doesn't have to take me home then double back to their house."

"It's not a problem," I assure them both.

Trevor grins, "See Hails, it's not a problem. As long as Phoenix and Eric don't mind it's probably a better option than making mom drive all the way out here and back."

I hide a smirk behind my hand as I watch Hayley silently fume. She'd rather be anywhere else than in my personal space but she can't argue the logic behind my offer.

"Fine," she grits out causing her dad to look at her curiously.

"So gracious," her uncle jokes causing my smile to bloom full force on my face. She really is irritated by this and I can't help but find it adorable. I love how feisty she is.

Realizing she's coming off a bit rude, she aims a smile at me full of sass and mutters a quick thank you before saying goodbye to us all and stomping off. I can't help but chuckle at her and the baffled expressions on the guys faces.

"Someones having a mood swing type of day, must be that time of the month," Trevor guesses.

We all shiver, no one enjoys being around a temperamental female during a certain time of the month. At least I know for a fact that's not the cause of Hayley's irritation today, that solely falls at my feet. Work talk resumes amongst the three older guys. Eric moves closer to me and asks, "What was that?"

In my brief interaction with Hayley I completely forgot he was here. "What was what?"

He raises his brow and gestures toward Hayley's disappearing form behind the office door, "That. I saw the way you watched her from the minute she got out of the car. You couldn't take your eyes off her, and you were quick to offer a ride. Aside from the fact you already claimed a mate, Grayson basically called dibs even if we all know he hasn't got a shot in hell at that."

I'm unable to hide the growl that creeps up at his mention of Graysons attraction to my mate. Luckily Trevor, Jared, and Mr. Burns are too busy talking shop to notice. Eric isn't and the shock on his face is evident.

"What the hell, Phoenix?" he questions aloud before quietly asking, "You got a thing for Hayley? She's beautiful but is she really worth risking your friendship with Grayson and this mating thing you have with Jeanette?"

I didn't really want the guys to know what's going on until I could fix the situation. Especially not Cody. There's no doubt he'd throw a punch at me first before I could even explain. I have no choice with Eric though, he's already seen my reaction to Hayley. I can't let him think I'd purposely hurt Grayson or Jeanette.

"She's my mate."

He remains silent before bursting out in laughter.

"Good one. Stop fucking around and tell me what's really up with you," he says once he controls his laughter.

I chance a look at Trevor and the guys, relieved they only glance at us before returning to their conversation. Realizing I haven't joined in on his laughter, Eric sobers.

"Wait, you're shitting me right? She's not really your mate!" he says a little too loud for my liking.

Grabbing his arm and pulling him behind one of the work trucks I say, "Will you quiet the fuck down! I don't need everyone knowing! I need to figure this all out before I say anything to anyone."

"No wonder she didn't seem too happy about accepting a ride. In fact, she looked like she wanted to slap the suggestion right back in your mouth," he points out in amusement.

"Yeah, she's not my biggest fan right now but I'm hoping to change that."

He looks at me incredulously, "How the hell are you planning on doing that? Last I checked you were mated to Jeanette. I don't see Hayley or Jeanette as the sharing type. Not when it comes to a mate."

Starting to get angry, I'm in his face in an instant, "I would never ask either of them to do that. What kind of sick fuck do you take me for?"

Eric back peddles, "Sorry, I didn't mean you would expect that. I'm just saying you're already mated, you made Jeanette a promise. How are you going to keep it now?"

Rubbing a hand down my face, suddenly feeling weary, I reply, "I honestly don't know how, but I do know that things can't stay the way they are. First thing I need to do is talk with Alpha Hanes about our situation, then sit down with Jeanette."

Eric steps forward and pats my back, "Damn man, I don't envy you. That sounds like a whole lot of drama. You sure it's the step you want to take?"

I shoot him an 'are you for real' look to which the asshole laughs, "Just checking. Despite the mine field you have to walk, I'm happy for you. Hayley is awesome, you couldn't have been given a better mate."

Smiling in agreement I nod, "Yeah. She's amazing. The circumstances just suck. Claiming Jeanette as mine was the best thing for her at the time, but turned out being the worst for Hayley. It still kills me how much I hurt her."

"Well, what's done is done. Everything will work out and I'll help in any way I can," Eric says.

"Thanks man, I appreciate that. I'm gonna need all the help I can get."

As we move to rejoin the guys, a tall blonde sashays alongside us offering a flirtatious wink. "Hi boys."

She continues past us toward Trevor, Jared, and Mr. Burns.

"Damn, she's hot! Where the hell did she come from?" Eric asks, looking behind us to where a sleek looking Lexus is parked. "I didn't even hear that car pull up."

Neither did I which makes me wonder just how long she was there.

"Daddy, you ready to go?" the blonde asks as she kisses Mr. Burns on the cheek and greets Trevor and Jared.

"If it's okay with the bosses then yeah," he says.

Trevor asks, "Your truck still acting up?"

"Wouldn't start again this morning. Changed the battery and spark plugs but no luck."

Jared gives him a curious look before asking, "I thought you were gonna trade her in for a new one."

Mr. Burns sheepishly replies, "I was, but my baby girl needed a car and had her heart set on that Lexus there. I figured old Bertha had a few more miles left in her."

My eyes swing over to the blonde and notice she's staring back at me with a giddy look in her eye. Having no clue what that's about, I take her in from head to toe. She's pretty, but the overdone make up and spoiled princess vibe she has going on dims it. As if realizing the same, I see Eric lose a little of the interest he first had on her arrival.

"Well, bring Bertha by the shop when you can and I'll have my cousins look at it. We may be all about custom work, but they can still check her out for you," Trevor offers.

Shaking both their hands Mr. Burns thanks them before following his daughter to her car. As they're walking, Hayley comes back out of the office and passes them. The girls exchange such a heated look it's easy to see they don't like each other very much. Once the blonde is past Hayley, she sticks her tongue out and points a finger toward her mouth in a gagging motion. Catching it, we all can't help but chuckle.

"Hails…" Trevor scolds though he's smiling.

As she approaches us I notice a slight blush on her cheeks for being caught, "Sorry dad, but you know I can't stand Mikayla."

"Still, she is our foreman's daughter. Try to get along for business sake please," he suggests.

"I'd rather get crabs," she says under her breath causing Eric to double over in laughter, and a huge ass grin to cross my face. To her dad she says, "Sure thing, I'll start on that tomorrow."

Trevor just shakes his head while smiling. Hayley walks up to him and grabs his walkie off his hip before examining it closely. We all watch as she turns it from side to side before looking at her dad, "Well, now I know why I've been calling you for the past five minutes with no response." She holds the walkie up to Trevor's face and points to the switch on the side of it, "You see this little button right here dad, it's the on switch," she flicks it on and a beep can be heard, "You turn it ON like this when you need to use it. You know, so people can get ahold of you. I know you're getting old, dad, but I thought something as simple as turning a walkie on wouldn't require my assistance. I guess you really are one step away from the nursing home."

He swats at her laughing form but she quickly hides behind her uncle, "You're a regular comedian aren't you?" Trevor quips trying to reach around Jared to get her. She's quick and darts around him making her way back toward the office but stops midway for one final zinger.

"I was just kidding dad, don't get your adult diapers in a twist!" she cracks up laughing as she enters the office.

"That little shit!" Trevor says joining us in our laughter.

"I'd take that any day over the spoiled princess Burns has to deal with," Jared points out.

Just then her sweet voice can be heard over the walkie, "Dad, come in."

Trevor clicks his walkie, "Go ahead Hails."

"You can send Eric and Phoenix in now, I finished uploading their employee files."

"Thanks, I'll send them in."

"Okay, and mom said to check your phone. She texted you an hour ago. You need me to come back out and show an old man how to check his texts?"

Laughter can be heard throughout the warehouse, whoever has a walkie set on the same channel is getting a show.

"No wise ass, just do the job I'm paying you for," Trevor scolds, though the smile in his voice takes the authority out of it.

"Roger that boss man, Hayley over and out."

She's too freaking cute and I wish more than anything that I could be on the receiving end of that playful side of her. 

Trevor looks at Jared, "You're right. I got really lucky with Hayley. No matter how much of a pain in the ass she can be."

We all laugh at that before Eric and I make our way to the office. I'm looking forward the few minutes I'll get to spend with her.

Noticing the pep in my step, Eric laughs. "Come on, let's go see your funny as hell mate."

It's a relief that he knows. One less person to keep the secret from and an ally in my plan to make Hayley mine.

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