K! The Hidden Key.

נכתב על ידי LyndaMichel78

1.8K 31 3

⚠️16+ Fighting/swearing slight sexual content/description. No🍋⚠️ She was born when the Slate was created. Th... עוד

Knock on Effect/Knife/Karma
Adolf K. Weismann/King
K! Missing Kings.
Kickdown/ Kaput
Kids Room
Kali-Yuga/ Knucklebump


377 5 0
נכתב על ידי LyndaMichel78


She stood on the roof overlooking the fight between the two Kings. Wondering if the world had changed much since she had awoken. Her memories were jumbled and confused! Mostly she barely remembered when she had gone to sleep all those thousand of years ago. Her stasis chamber had washed away from the Slate. She had been found almost a hundred years after the Slate had been destroyed. She awoke to a world that was dying. Within the first fifty years over a billion people died. The world's population when she was brought back was down too barely ten million people. Fighting against the outside lifeforms that wanted Earth's resources with out the indigenous population. The Slate was created to keep them away from Earth and protect humanity's home, and everything else that called the Earth home! So when the powers that be figured out how to send someone back through time to before the Slate was destroyed. She jumped at the chance to go back and stop the Slate from being destroyed! She was the key to unlocking the Hidden powers within the Slate. Whoever had opened it had done it wrong! Creating all this chaos within this little part of the world.


She looked at the Gold Kings tower still standing. It had been destroyed long before she had awakened. Most of the world's largest buildings had fallen into ruin when she woke. The population to small to care about those monuments. Also to busy fighting to live in that post-apocalyptic world! Struggling just to stay alive. She noticed that the fighting was coming to an end. Damn she thought I need to move were the next thoughts that moved in her mind. As the Blue King took notice of the rooftop she was on. She moved swiftly into the shadows moving to the other side of the roof. She jumped to the next rooftop moving quickly away from the action. She could feel the Blue King push his aura out feeling if someone was there watching the fighting. She didn't look back she kept running! This night was done! She could head home out of the cold night.


Another cold night waiting in the shadows. She stood watch over the boy known as Tatara Totsuka. His death was the catalyst that started everything. Saving his life should begin to right the future. In this moment the future is bright and blank with possibilities. The world she woke up in could be so much better. He moved through the night to the building from the fight before camera held tightly in his hands. She knew he was going to the rooftop of that building, and waiting for him would be the one known as the Colorless King! She watched closely waiting for the right moment to make a move. As the boy spoke to the other she swung down into the shadows besides the Colorless King. Just as he pulled his gun she threw her fist, punching him hard in the face! The gun fired as it fell missing her and the boy. As she went to fight the other ran away.
"Come back you coward!"
She yelled at the retreating figure. When she heard footsteps and the wheels of a skateboard coming, she knew her time was up! She saw Kusanagi and Yata flying to Totsuka rescue. As she jumped away quickly just as the boy called out to her to thank for her help and saving his life.
"Hey whoever you are thanks for saving me! Kusanagi, Yata did you see the girl who saved me?"
That was the last she heard as she left the range of their conversation.


Her little apartment was cold or at least it felt cold after spending the last couple of days outside it seemed like she'd never get warm again. She had the heat up as high as it could go. Blankets piled high on top of her and still she shivered. She decided to go take a shower to warm herself up. When she finished she grabbed her phone something that wouldn't exist yet. A modern phone in the past. She laughed at that. She knew she shouldn't of taken it, but the devices today were so old. Plus they were limited in what they could actually do. Her phones iOS was amazing and could connect even to the older internet systems. So she just kept it out of sight and used it mostly when no one else was around. Even though most of her apps didn't work! As they didn't exist yet, but the ones that didn't require internet services did. She just couldn't get enough of Subway Surfers. She curled up in her bed to sleep exhausted from the adrenaline rush and subsequent let down when there was no fight. The Colorless King was a coward that's for sure. As she started to dose off. She knew she'd have to go look for the boy with the silver hair. If the Colorless King stayed true to his timeline the Silver King was next. And that boy would be the key.


When she left her small apartment a few days later. As she needed food and supplies. She saw her covered image on the hacked screens asking people to report sightings of this person to the Red Clan for a reward. She blew her fringed bangs out her eyes. Nobody catches sight of her in those clothes as she only uses them for her missions she was normally dressed today jeans and a plain black T-shirt with a gray hooded jacket. She overheard some people in blue uniforms speaking about the photos of the ninja girl. Apparently they were calling the video a hoax. That there was no reward. She thought that they must belong to the Blue Clan. She headed away to get the things she needed before she had more important things to do like helping Kuroh and Neko help the Silver King realize he was the Silver King.


She stood on a rooftop watching the people below. Seeing the silver haired boy with the little white cat wandering around the square. She noticed Yata on his skateboard heading straight for him. She had to give it to the boy he was pretty quick dodging Yata's attack. He took off away from danger running as fast as he could. She watched the cat and mouse or crow and dog game as Yata and Kuroh were called respectfully. When the silver haired boy escaped from the Black Dog. She followed him and his little kitten to the island school. Knowing that the Black Dog was right behind them. She intercepted him at the entrance of the building pulling him away.
"Kuroh Yatogami I know you Black Dog! I know you've seen me on the video fighting with the silver haired boy. He is not the Colorless King! At least not anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"That King can change bodies like we change clothes. He no longer resides inside of that one. Another King does now."
"Which King?"
"That information isn't required. All you need to do is help him, and know I'll be there whenever I know you need my help."
When he heard a noise coming from behind them he turned to look for just a split second and when he looked again the girl was gone.

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