The Wrath of Aphrodite - Book...


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SEQUEL TO THE LOVE OF APHRODITE After being publically humiliated by Hephaestus, revealed as an adulterer, A... Еще

The Love of the Sea
Sapphires and Diamonds
The Show-Stopping Return to Olympus
Reunion Time
Home Sweet Home
The Late Night Talk
The New Home
Wrong Choice
The Big Talk
The Big Talk pt 2
Empty Victory
Marvelous Moments
The Wrong Thing
Father's Day
The Beginning of Goodbye
Late Night
A Little Too Much Forgiveness
Uncertain Certainty
All Grown Up
New Wife
He's Not Yours
The Most Beautiful Mortal
Eternal Mortal
Change and Harmony
Days of Mourning
My Passion, My Soft Spot
Grovelling for Forgiveness
Slipping Dignity
A Pity Gift
A Rather Intense Goodbye
The Goddess Breakfast Part 1
The Goddess Breakfast Part 2
Worth the Wait
The Pleas of Psyche
First Task
Second Task
Third Task
Final Task Has Begun
Running Out of Time
Wedding's End

Dark Man

849 30 0

Storming out from Poseidon's home never felt so good.

"Mommy! Where's our house?" Eros was beside me now, his hand held tightly within mine. He was pointing ahead of us as we walked through the meadow. His little, bright eyes were taking in the scenery with such excitement, it nearly brought a tear to my eye.

"We're almost there, my little God. And then, I'll show you your own room!" I try to match his excitement, despite the sour feelings from earlier still lingering. My revenge on Nerites eased the feeling for a moment. In fact, it felt great for a moment, but now, it doesn't matter.

Nothing matters except me and my son.

"Do I get all the same toys there?"

"I'll get you new toys." I answer him swiftly as we are finally within sight of our cute little cottage. "There it is! It's all ours!" I lean down to his height and he hugs me excitedly. He breaks away from me then and runs ahead.

I stand up then and watch him adoringly. I didn't think that moment would turn into a moment that made my heart sink.

Just on the far side of the house, a dark figure stood. A terribly familiar figure...

"Eros, go inside." I say sternly and quickly. Now wasn't the time for my voice to shake.

"Why?" He looks at Ares curiously, not being able to recognize his own father and then back at me. "I don't understa-"

I gently nudge him inside the front door, and close it behind him. "What are you doing here? What gives you the nerve to stand here, right now without any notice?"

"You know I never give any notice." Ares voice is soft. For a mere moment I almost expect him to endearingly call me Blondie again but he doesn't.

I don't know if I'm disappointed or relieved that he doesn't.

My heart is sinking by the millisecond.

"I don't want to see you right now. I haven't forgiven you." I tell him sharply, looking away.

"I know. That's why I've stayed away this long already, but I couldn't wait any longer. I heard you were leaving Poseidon and Demeter has been gossiping about you moving here. I knew how to find you, so I couldn't resist seeking you out...just to see what you'd say." He doesn't move but I know he wants to be closer to me.

"You can't blame me for going with Poseidon!" I defend myself. "Nor for staying with him for so long! I needed the humiliation to die down..."

"I don't blame you. I also don't come here aiming to make you beg for my forgiveness." Ares says surprisingly.

"I thought you didn't want me to be touched by any God but you." I cross my arms defiantly. "How aren't you angry?"

"I drove you into his arms. Believe me, I am furious, but not at you." Ares is beginning to sound more like himself, his voice harsh and seductive.

I better start walking away from him now before I feel tempted into doing anything I know I shouldn't.

"Well, you should have come here asking for my forgiveness." I conclude, as stone cold as I can manage. "Seemingly, you haven't, so please leave."

"I am." He cuts me off softly. "I just have a stupid way of getting to it."

I pause, angry that his voice has any effect on me anymore.

"You're just saying that!" I retort fiercely. "It should have been what you led with months ago if you truly cared about abandoning me! Me and your son!"

"Aphrodite." He says weakly, reaching out for my arm, fumbling weakly.

"Aphrodite what? Say something! And make it worth my while please!" I know Eros can hear me screaming from inside but I can't hold it in. He doesn't know yet that I am yelling at his father yet either.

Ares friend sadly and takes a step back from me. "Just know that I love you. I will give you time, if that's what you want."

"I don't think time will help. Space won't help you be able to come back into my life because that space won't help me forget. Only your words and actions can help me forgive you and trust you to stick with me! I am not a useless little Blondie idiot anymore! I am not your property, I am not your secret, I am not your lover on the side while my husband is away and you just happen to be around. I am unmarried now. If you love me, you had better show me or else I'll end up with someone else that deserves me! And next time, I certainly don't deserve to be left there on my own to handle the situation and face the consequences of what we both did!"

Ares is white in the face and unable to face me. "I will show you...then. I will find a way how." He is a simple man of words, but he appears genuine.

I can't let myself just bend my will that easily though.

"Then I'll observe how you attempt to do so. Goodnight." I nod curtly and head for my doorway.

"May I see him?" He's awfully quiet still.

"Not tonight, after he just heard me scream at you. He doesn't need to meet his father like this." I answer strictly, closing the door behind me.

I lean against the door and inhale deeply, trying to calm my poor heart after such an expected visit. I didn't imagine he would just show up like this...but it is not all that surprising that he would. That is his style.

I didn't imagine him to be so weak though. I did see weakness in him on that dreadful day of humiliation, but that was the worst of it. I thought it was merely temporary...

Perhaps not. Maybe he's lost all his courage on every matter except the battlefield.

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