Good Girls Love Bad Boys


400K 9.4K 1.1K

Copyright © 2014 by casey pascoe. All rights reserved * * * One mistake and he is forced to spend one hour... Еще

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty - Seven
Chapter Thirty - Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
*A/N - Sequel*

Chapter Thirty-Five - Halloween

5.7K 144 10






6 Months.

6 Draining months of study, exams, assignments and worst of all. 6 months since Nathan was deployed. Our frequent skypes where becoming less and less. He'd be able to talk everyday one week and then nothing the next. And it was driving me crazy. Letting out a groan, I dropped my head into my hands.

I missed him. His eyes. His laugh. His goddamned touch. And now, for all I knew, he could be dead or missing or getting shot at. And I couldn't do anything.

Another groan left my lips.

"Whats wrong? " Emily asked looking up from hers.

"Nothing, it's just...Nate. Why is this sooo difficult?" I groaned.

She gave me a sympathetic look. "It'll get better".

"When..?" I whined holding my head in my hands.

She laughed.

"Someday, besides we have bigger things to worry about"

"Like what?"

She laughed again.

She'd been happier the last couple of months. It was mostly due to Jason. They dated the first 2 months until announcing they were in a relationship. But she'd failed to mention her family. Her father. Her mother. Her abusive life.

But the way she acted now, is like it had never exsisted. No Shitty father. No shitty mother. It was like she had a smooth upbringing with happy parents. 

"Exams, we have exams to worry about. And I was asking for help" Emily stated as my eyes met her curiously.

"Your three hundred times smarter than me, and you need my help?"

"Not with school you idiot, with life?" she emphasised the last word.

"Oh" I said dumbly. "What happened?"

"Well Jason has taken me to his parents house heaps and he keeps asking to meet mine".

"I think you should tell him"

"What! No! He'll run for the hills as soon as he gets wind of my parents" Her face turned pale. "Or they' will get angry. I haven't told them, dad says strictly no guys".

"What about ya mum?"

She let out a dry laugh. "Yeah you know her opinion on guys, how do you think they'll react when they hear I have a boyfriend. Hmm?"

"RIght" I huffed leaving the room and entering the kitchen. "Do you want a tea?" She called.

"No thanks"




Once she left I couldn't help but feel jealous.

She was just about to go on a "big date" that jason had been telling her about all week. And here I was staying at home, crying because my love was probably being shot at. At least one good thing would happen soon.


Lisa was having a Halloween party and - despite her arguments - Finn insisted on inviting HEAPS of people. And I mean heaps. I'm going as a Zombie maid. Lisa's going to be an Rockstar. Emily's going as a mouse (duh). Emma is going as a girl in really really really short shorts and a leather jacket(biker). Aparently because Will would be there.

Matt will also be there. 

Matt. Matt. Matt. Almost a year since i'd seen him. Thought of him. Know I felt bad. Her mid was clouded with nate. Nate. He could be getting hurt. 

I let out another groan.







"Hello my hot little bombshell!!" Finn's voice boomed through my house.

"Hi" I said reoccupied with fixing my sound system.

"What are you doing?" he asked as I plugged the last chord through. I got up and mockingly dusted my self of.

"Nothing now, I just finished" I said pecking him on the lips. "What are you doing here?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes . I walked through my living room to my kitchen.

"Your house looks good babe" He laughed. "Like mega scary".

He wasn't kidding. The house was decked out with everything form pumpkins, to smoke mashines, to automated skeletons jumping out. One of the pro's to having rich parents who were never there.

She sighed at the thought.

Her parents had been emotionally, mentally and physicallly draining. Badgering her to move. So far I'd been able to stay until the end of the year (which was only a few months) but I didn't want to leave at all.

"Whats wrong?" He asked and I realised I was scowling into the mirror. He intertwined his fingers with mine. I sighed again, droping my head on his shoulder.

"Nothing, you should get home. You need to get ready"

He smirked and let out a wild evil laugh.

"I will see you in a few hours" he cackled.




There was a knock on the door.

I turned to see Emma, in her biker costume. In a panic I check the time. Only 4:00.

"Hey em, you know you don't have to be here for another 4 hrs. It's not even dark" I laughed. She stood there, shifting from foot to foot.

"I thought I'd come extra early and help you, but know I see it, you probably don't need help" she said gesturing around to my halloween'd up house. I smiled.

"I'm putting the lollies and stuff in bowls". We sat in silence, the only sound was bags o candy ripping open.

"So..uhm...lisa, I'm sorry about..uhm.." Emma trailed off.



"Get on with it, I'm your friend just spit it out".

"So..uh.. I'm really sorry about New Year's Eve" when she said it, it didn't quite register.

I thought back to New Year's Eve, the party at Issy's. I grimaced at the memory of Emma's cold body, her pale cheeks and having to stick my finger down her throat so she wouldn't die. I'd honestly forgotten. Well, no I could never forget. More like pushed it the to the back of my mind.

"Oh uhm, don't worry about it" I said softly.

"I wanted you to know that I'm sorry and I kinda got this letter in the mail last week". She handed me a letter with bold letters on the front.

"Emma, what is this?" I asked curiously. She just stared pridefully at the letter.

"Just read it"


Miss Cole,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to attend London's most prestigious Art School. LAU has chosen you and thirty other students from around the globe to attend the schools early admissions.

We hope to see you soon.


Anne Parker

CEO and President of LAU

I looked up at her. My jaw dropped.

"Emma," I said. "Congratulations!"






'I'm a mouse, duh'

The house looked amazing. The music was blaring with amazing songs. Food and people overflowed the house and not one person said they had a bad time. EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE was having a great time.

Two hands wrapped around my waist. I glanced back to see jason pulling me toward him. I smiled brightly.

"Hey beautiful" He slurred slightly. He was 18 now. And I was 17. People thought it was weird going out with a guy older than you. But c'mon. Cygnet was head over heels for Nate - who is four years older (I think).

"Are you drunk?" I laughed knowingly.

"No" He kissed my head. "How did a guy like me, end up with a beautiful princess like you?"

"Easy" I said softly earning a confused and slightly curious look. "Your my prince. My knight in shining armour". He smiled.

"Jason?" A t the sound of this confused voice, jason tensed. He let go and turned slowly.

"L-Luella?" He was stuttered, feeling small I hid behind him like a child. Not sure on what to do. They stood in a daze for a moment before Jason cleard his throat. "Uh Hi" He said unsure of what to do they went in for an awkward hug. She reciprocated the offer.

"Hey" She didn't notice me or the fact that I was trying to get a good look of her. She was average height, svelte creamy brown hair, vivid blue-green eyes and tanned soft looking skin. She could be described in one words. Beautiful. Suddenly I felt self conscious and slightly envious of this beautiful woman who seemed to know jason very well.

When I slowly turned to walk away jason perked up again. "Oh yeah this is my Girlfriend Emily. Emily this is Luella, Luella Black" I smiled and shook her hand.

"Sorry I didn't hear your name" she said loudly. I let out a laugh.

"It's Emily" I said.

"Okay" and with that she didn't give me another look. Jason seemed pretty enticed as well. I easily stepped backward slowly before turning and walking away.

An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. 

Even thoughI trusted Jason. 

I didn't trust this girl.






"Lisa's been talking to this guy for a while now" I muttered, imagining venom dripping off my tounge. 

"She's just talking" Felicity said. It was her first party since giving birth to conner, who was now 7 months old. She'd moved schools, gotten tutors for nearly every subject and was given an extension for her HSC. She was doing well. 

They'd stopped talking. Lisa glanced around before noticing me and felicity. When she smiled and started walking toward us I immediatly felt bad. 

"Hey" She said to the both of us. 

"Hey" I replied. "Who was that?" I asked getting punched in the side by felicity. 

"Oh" She said glancing back. "Uhm that was Chase" 

"And how do you know him?" I interrogated. 

"Finn!" Felicity barked before rolling her eyes and walking off. I turned back to Lisa who had a confused and slightly amused look on her face. 

"Are you seriously going all caveman on me?"

"No I was just curious" I said cooly, but that cool little bubble was about to burst. 

"Oh okay, well I met him when I was with cygnet out of school. We only hung out once though" 

I nodded. 

After a few minute of regular chat, a thought hit me. 

"Wait why didn't you hang out more?"

"What?" She asked, shocked at my abrupt question. 

"Why didn't you hang out more?"

"With who?" 


"Oh uhm nothing really"

"Your lying Lisa" 

She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the corner.

"Okay, you just can't get mad"


"Chase kissed me" I felt my expression change even before i could register her words. That dickhead kissed her. He kissed my girl. "I promise i didn't kiss himback!" Her voice was desperate. 

"Ahhh months ago, when felicity had her baby"

"So I was with my sister, who was in labour and you had you tounge down some arseholes throat!" I said angrily. She looked shocked. 

"He  kissed me!z I pushed him away, if you want to check i'm pretty sure he still has a scar on his knee from when I pushed him over a boulder and down the hill". 

"What you pushed him over a ledge?"

"Yes! And he tumbled over down the hill for 30 metres. Babe I promise you he caught me by surprise". 

I couldn't help but smile. 

Half the fact that he fell down a thrity metre hill. 

Half the fact that she pushed him. 

But then another fact stepped in. 

This guy touched her.

Kissed her. 

I started toward chase, who was across the room talking to some skank. I felt Lisa smooth hand on my bicep. 

"Please don't Finn" 

I pulled away from her and charged forward. 


"Yeah?" He turned and saw me coming but he had no time to moove. 

My shoulder pulled back I released.

My fist connected with his jaw.

A fatal and satisfying crunch under my knuckles made me smile. 

"Kiss my girlfriend again and you'll regret it!"


HSC = The Higher School Certificate (HSC) is the credential awarded to secondary school students who successfully complete senior high school level studies (Years 11 and 12 or equivalent) in New South Wales, Australia.

Okay hope you liked it. 

The actor i imagine Luella Black as is Liana Liberato 



- Casey x

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