(A) (S)ingle (D)esire

De yaoi_lover_bro

703 28 29

Autistic!GaaraXNaruto The gang decides to throw a bonfire at the beach, but the only thing Naruto's worried a... Mai multe

(A) (S)ingle (D)esire

(A)nd (S)o It (D)evelopes

299 14 13
De yaoi_lover_bro

A/N: I couldn't find a picture of Naruto and Gaara with a kid, so I made one. 'I made one' as in I took a different photo and made it GaaNaru. Enjoy my bad Photoshop skills, and sorry I even did this. But that's how I picture Gaara and Naruto's kid, red hair like Gaara (Or from Naruto's Uzumaki heritage) and Naruto's blue eyes.


Naruto watched with saddened eyes as his son stomped his foot and violently swung his arms. Many times he had witnessed sensory meltdowns but it never got easier to not be able to help someone of his own flesh and blood. With Gaara, of course it was terrifying, but he already knew how to help him during his episodes. Yet with his own son it seemed as if nothing worked.

"Gaara? Can you come home right now, it's just that Yuiitsu's not calming down. I can really use your help." Naruto said into the phone pressed against his ear.

"I'm leaving the store now. I'll be home in twenty minutes." Naruto sighed as Gaara hung up, he always has to remind him to say goodbye first.

"Iitsu, you wanna play with Mr. Kuma?" Naruto bent down to his six year old son, holding out a brown teddy bear-- a gift from Kankuro when Yuiitsu was born which Gaara thought he had lost long ago. As spit drooled from his mouth, Yuiitsu tried to get himself to look at his friend, but he felt blinded by the living room light. Naruto frowned, he knew his son was agitated by the loud music coming from their neighbors. Apparently it was someone's birthday, and though Naruto was definitely one for parties, he wished he could tell them to turn that crap off. But instead, there wasn't much to help block out the noises and vibrating beats. He closed all the windows and even tried to go to the furthest room from the source.

Grabbing a tissue, Naruto set Mr. Kuma down and scooted closer to Yuiitsu. He gently took hold of the younger boy's chin and wiped away the drool.

Yuiitsu whined and tried to take a step back but ended up almost tripping. Naruto, on pure instinct, grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. "Tell me what's bothering you, Sweetie." Naruto whispered but all he got in return was his son twisting in his arms.

Running his hand through Yuiitsu's red hair, he began to hum a tune he knew his son would recognize. It was the melody to Themes From the Moldau. Naruto wasn't big on classical music, but Gaara surely was.

He once told him it helped when he was pass stimming. When rubbing his arms didn't calm him down enough, than the melody his mother used to sing to him would. Naruto and Gaara, whenever they held Yuiitsu in their arms, would always hum it. Hoping it would work for him as it did for his redhead father.

Yuiitsu hiccuped as he slowly went from pushing at Naruto's chest to fidgeting with his fingers. Naruto's shirt was stained with tears and snot but he couldn't care less about it since Yuiitsu seemed to be finally calming down. It felt as though they were there for an hour, but since Gaara hadn't arrived yet, Naruto shrugged it off. He didn't care how long it took, he just wanted Yuiitsu to be happy.

Just as Naruto was pulling away, the neighbors decided fireworks were the best way to upset an autistic kid.

Not on purpose, of course. But to Naruto, it sure felt like it.

Yuiitsu ran to the coffee table and hid underneath. His arms wrapped themselves over his head to try and block out the sudden booming and slammed his eyes shut. "Yuiitsu," Naruto pleaded as he walked over to him.

"No! No like!" Yuiitsu cried. Naruto knew if he wanted to calm down Yuiitsu, than he would have to stay calm himself. Just as he was about to start humming again, Gaara suddenly unlocked and opened the front door.

Immediately greeted by the bright light of the living room, he automatically adjusted the setting from mid-high to mid-low. Naruto stared at him in surprise, not believing he totally forgot to change the lighting. He stood up as Gaara locked the door behind him and took off his shoes.

"Is Yuiitsu hiding?"

"Yeah," Naruto sighed, disappointed that he couldn't help him on his own. Over the years, Gaara had learned a thing or two about social cues. If someone smiles, then smile back. If someone's red, they might be embarrassed. If someone burps, challenge them-- according to Naruto that is, but he never complied. But if someone's sad, a simple friendly gesture can go a long way.

Walking over to him, he grabbed his shoulder and gave a small smile to his husband, which caused Naruto to huff out a breath of relief. "Did you get it?"

Gaara nodded as he handed him a bag and made his way to the coffee table, where he saw Naruto crouched when he first entered. Yuiitsu still had his ears covered but opened his eyes once he noticed the lighting difference.

He looked up and saw his other dad smiling with his hand stretched out. "No, it's loud!" Yuiitsu cried as he rocked back and forth. Gaara retreated his hand and lightly clapped them over his ears, still smiling, before dropping them to his sides. Curious, Yuiitsu slowly made his way out of the protection of the wooden table. His hands were still covering his ears and because Naruto had calmed him earlier, he wasn't so overwhelmed as before.

Yuiitsu knew that just like him, his dad would be scared by loud noises and bright lights, but that daddy always hugged him when it happened and he'd be okay. He just wished he could be hugged and then everything would be okay, too, when he freaked out.

Naruto sat on the couch with Gaara on the floor beside him. Yuiitsu crawled his way over to his dad, sat on his haunches, and sniffled. Still rocking back and forth.

Naruto handed over the brand new headphones to Gaara, who gentle lifted Yuiitsu's hands away from his ears. Just before Yuiitsu had the chance to get over stimulated again, he suddenly became deaf as Gaara placed the headphones on him. Yuiitsu had a look of pure innocent confusion and curiosity on his face as his dad kissed his forehead before moving away. Then came the strings of an orchestra filling his ears with the notes to the same song his daddy was humming.

Naruto handed his phone over to Yuiitsu to hold as the song played. As Gaara rubbed Yuiitsu's arms, Naruto sighed in relief, glad to know they finally calmed him down.

Two minutes into the song, Naruto leaned over and kissed Gaara on the top of his head. He turned around and happily accepted another to his lips. "It was honestly a great idea to buy him those. I never even thought about using headphones, especially since it's mostly over stimulation by touch that gets to you."

"When I used to go to counseling my therapist told me about it, but since I never had an extreme experience like that I didn't have a reason to purchase them."

Naruto shifted and laid on his stomach, head facing Gaara and Yuiitsu, who currently had his eyes shut. "It's crazy how you two are so alike." Naruto muttered as he ran a hand through Gaara's hair.

Yuiitsu had his dad's pale skin and red hair, he was also born with the genetic gene of having autism. Naruto and Gaara always bicker on if Yuiitsu's hair actually came from his Uzumaki or Sabaku background. Seven years ago, Temari had agreed to be their surrogate, of course they used Naruto's DNA for it. So even if biologically she was Yuiitsu's mother, she could never replace his dad in his heart.

Gaara and Naruto had been very thankful, with both being male, neither could have a child of their own. So Temari, with Shikamaru's permission-- who said that going through an adoption system would be too troublesome--, granted their wish a year after her own son was born, Shikadai.

Yuiitsu was born May 15th with Naruto's blue eyes and whiskered cheeks.


When they got the phone call of Temari going into labor, they were in the middle of a heated make out session. Naruto fell off the bed and scrambled to find his jacket, shoes, keys, phone, banana, and wallet. He ran all over the house crying out, "Oh my god, it's happening! She's in labor! The baby's coming! What do I do!? What do I bring!? Why am I holding a banana!?"

Gaara watched as his husband went crazy and tripped over his own feet from running around everywhere. He laughed softly as he pulled on a shirt and made his way out of their bedroom and down the stairs. Making sure all baby proof things were in place.

"Naruto... Naruto!" Gaara grabbed his blond husband by the shoulders. Naruto's heart was ready to explode and he was breathing as if he just ran a marathon. "Everything will be fine," he said as he pried the banana from the other's hand. Naruto swallowed before trying to control his breathing.

Gaara turned Naruto around before draping his jacket over his shoulders, "Let me drive and you can fix yourself in the car."

On the way to the hospital, Naruto spent that time letting all his worries out. Wondering if their baby was a boy or girl. If they would like having two fathers. Would they prefer to call him 'dad', 'daddy', 'papa', or like what Bart does to his father, would he be called 'Naruto'? Was 'Naruto' too hard a name for a baby to pronounce? What if they don't like ramen!?

Gaara, with a small smile, pulled into a parking spot before throwing a blanket over Naruto's head, "You seem to be having a meltdown, does this help?"

"This is no time to be joking around!" Naruto cried as he threw the blanket off, "Ramen is the most important meal of the day!"


"I think it's time for him to go to sleep." Gaara said as he watched Yuiitsu slowly nod his head back and forth, trying to open his heavy eyelids. "Huh?" Naruto shook his head to escape the memory before looking over to the little redhead.

"What time is it, 7:30?"

"Around there, yeah." Gaara nodded as he stood up and swiftly scooped Yuiitsu into his arms. He leaned his head on his dad's shoulder as he accepted the warm hug. Naruto followed the two up the stairs, unlocking the baby gates for them. He leaned against the door frame of Yuiitsu's room and watched as Gaara, with one hand, pulled back the blankets and set him onto his bed.

Yuiitsu still had the headphones on as Gaara pecked him on the forehead, and when he pulled away, he turned on his nightlight. Instantly the room was filled with dimly lit blue and yellow stars. His dad stood up and was replaced by his daddy next. Naruto pulled the blankets over Yuiitsu's chest, up to his chin, and tucked him in. He kissed his cheeks before mouthing an I love you, and walked away. By the time he closed the door behind him, Yuiitsu fell asleep to the repeating sounds of an orchestra filling his ears. Naruto left his phone on the dresser to help Yuiitsu fall sleep without having to worry about the neighbors.

He sighed as he leaned against the door and smiled at Gaara. "How was work, Sweetie?" Naruto asked jokingly, and though Gaara had definitely improved on reading people, he still had trouble with sarcasm, even simple rhetorical questions. "Fine," he stated.

Naruto let out a tired laugh as he pushed himself off the door and made his way back downstairs. "Hungry? Iitsu wanted a PB&J earlier, I can make you my specialty, too."

"I'd rather have yakitori," Gaara said as they entered the kitchen.

"Still not a fan of my cooking?" Naruto fake pouted.

"I don't think it's considered 'cooking' if you don't use a stove." Gaara deadpanned.

"Not with that attitude," Naruto laughed and kissed his cheek, "so yakitori for dinner?"

Nodding, Gaara washed his hands in the kitchen sink before making his way to the fridge, chicken already thawed out-- he called Naruto earlier that day and asked him to take the chicken out. As he did that Naruto decided to make the tare sauce to speed up the cooking process. Gaara cut pieces of chicken breast and Naruto mixed soy sauce, rice sake, and sugar together, after washing his hands, of course.

Once the chicken was in pieces and put on large toothpicks, Gaara dipped them into the tare sauce and added salt before putting them on a tray and taking them to the backyard for the grill. Naruto turned the porch light on for him after opening the glass and screen doors. Leaving the glass one open to hear if Yuiitsu gets out of bed.

The music the neighbors were playing hadn't decreased, in fact it seemed to have gotten louder. Much to Naruto's relief, he was glad Gaara had come home when he did and put Yuiitsu to sleep.

Gaara turned the grill on and waited for it to warm up before placing the yakitori on its surface. The smell suddenly invaded Naruto's nose and he hummed in delight, "Y'know what would go with yakitori so well? Tomato-maki!"

Gaara flipped the chicken and nodded, concentration never leaving the grill.

"Imma go check if we have cherry tomatoes," Naruto said as he left and went back inside, going straight to the fridge. He looked for them but couldn't find any, disappointed, he opted for shishito, small green peppers instead.

He grabbed a small bowl and threw some in, then got out vegetable oil and kosher salt. With a teaspoon of oil and two pinches of salt, he mixed them together and headed back outside. "Time for some shishito."

He grabbed two of the large toothpicks and stuck the peppers on them, four on each. Since the grill they owned was a large one of the brand Blackstone, they had enough space for both men to stand and cook at.

"We don't have tomatoes?" Gaara asked as he watched Naruto place the two sticks on the grill's surface. "Nope," he said with a pop to the 'p'.

Gaara, from past experience, knew he couldn't trust Naruto with cooking, so-- with a trick he learned to distract someone-- kissed his cheek. Naruto looked over to him with a smile and gladly accepted another kiss to his lips. Gaara caressed his cheek before moving his hand to play with the blond's hair.

Naruto, not expecting a make out session, made a noise of surprise but didn't complain. As he kissed back he completely forgot about the food, and smiled happily once Gaara slowly pulled away. "How about you choose where we eat and go set up there?"

Naruto nodded with a slightly dazed smile before leaving for the kitchen to get plates and glasses. Immediately Gaara turned back to the food, quickly turned off the grill, and flipped the peppers and chicken. Since it was still hot they would still cook.

As Gaara finished up outside, Naruto took the chance to set up the dining room table. He knew Gaara too well after all these years to know when he wanted him distracted. The first hundred times, of course, worked, but to Naruto now it's a fun way to get a make out session started.

Friends like Kiba and Sasuke would joke around and call Naruto a 'housewife' since he didn't have a job. Because of Gaara's career as a research attorney, they got paid quite a lot, so he asked Naruto if he could stay home with Yuiitsu for at least a year when he was born. Understanding why Gaara was worried, he did just that. But five years later, it became normal.

Naruto would cook-- okay, Gaara would cook and Naruto would make anything not involving a stove--, cleaned, did the grocery shopping-- which Gaara told him to stay away from the ramen aisle--, and took care of Yuiitsu.

Naruto wanted to pay Gaara back for all that he'd done for their family. So tonight, Naruto would spoil him. He raced to the basement in searched for the Sauvignon Blanc wine bottle they had. Gaara and him weren't really much on getting drunk but did have a nice collection of wines: reds and whites.

Naruto also quickly grabbed some long stick candles before running back upstairs to the table. He knew yakitori and shishito didn't take long to make. However, he was glad Gaara always cleaned up before eating, he didn't like to know a mess was waiting for him later on. He placed two plates down across from one another, grabbed some napkins, silverwear-- though he doubted they needed them--, and two wine glasses.

Knowing he needed to stay sober for Yuiitsu's sake, he poured just the right amount in both glasses and told himself sternly to not get any more. Just before Gaara entered the house, he hastily set up the candles and silently cursed as he burnt himself with one of the matches.

Naruto quickly turned around and smiled at Gaara's stunned face. "Lemme help you with that," he said, slowing his breathing down as he walked up to him and took the tray from his hands.

"What's all this?" Gaara asked as he closed and locked the glass door behind him. "Tonight is my treat, not including the food, of course."

Naruto placed two sticks of the yakitori each on a plate along with a single one for the shishito. Putting the tray on the counter, he dimmed the lights even more to bring out the candle's flickering flames.

"It's not my birthday and our anniversary was three months ago. So...?"

"So, you get to go on an at-home-date with your loving husband." Naruto smiled, ushering him to the table. Since right when Gaara came home he had to help Yuiitsu, he completely forgot to take off his jacket, which kept him warm outside in the autumn weather.

Naruto took his coat and placed it on the backside of his chair before pushing him in. Gaara was still in his work attire, a white button up with some dark slacks. While Naruto was in a pair of jeans and a loose T-shirt, and if it weren't for him picking up Yuiitsu at school he would've worn a large shirt with some shorts like usual.

He sat down across from him and grinned. Gaara looked at the bottle of wine on the table and read the name, "Sauvignon Blanc, good choice for yakitori." He picked up his glass and held it up, Naruto following suit. "To our family," Gaara smiled as Naruto repeated the toast, they locked their arms together before taking a sip of the wine.

As they ate, Naruto was constantly refilling Gaara's glass, which he tried to deny. They were laughing and telling stories, just enjoying spending time together. Gaara was about a glass away from being drunk and Naruto noticed, stopping the refills.

He stood Gaara up before taking his phone to play some soft music and set it down on the table. It was a different version of Themes From the Moldau, a much slower tempo as he began to undo Gaara's tie.

Gaara hummed and let Naruto take the tie off before wrapping his arms around his neck. They swayed at the slowest speed of andante, he enjoyed the feeling of Naruto's breath on his face.

"I love you," Naruto said with a warm smile, enjoying the kiss Gaara gave in return. He ran his hand through blond hair, encouraging him to deepen the kiss. Naruto complied and opened his mouth, letting Gaara's tongue explore as if hadn't ever before. He moaned as the taste of their dinner and wine slipped onto his tongue.

Naruto's arms, that were loosely gripping his work shirt, began to travel up to his collar. He slowly unbuttoned the shirt until it was fully open, letting his hands roam the pale skin as he gave out another soft moan.

As Gaara lightly pulled his hair and Naruto felt those hard muscles in his sculpted abs. He began to trail kisses down his jaw all the way to his neck. He smiled when he smelled the light scent of Gaara's cologne before gently sucking where his neck and shoulder met.

Gaara sighed with content and continued to hold Naruto around his neck. Over the years they both grew taller, but Gaara had at least an inch or two on Naruto.

The blond slowly dragged his tongue up his neck to the shell of his ear, sucking the lobe. "Thanks for dinner, how about I serve you dessert now?" he whispered heatedly.

"Our dinner was pretty unhealthy, I don't like something like ice-cream should be eaten right afterward."

With a light snort, Naruto continued to whisper, "Then why don't you feed me something more bitter but just as good?" He began to press himself against the other, jeans rubbing on work pants. He began to suck his neck again, with one hand he used it to caress that pale chest, avoiding sensitive areas, and the other gripped his hip to bring him closer.

"Naruto," Gaara moaned lowly.

"Hmm?" he kissed the hickeys just given, enjoying the sight of red and purple on Gaara. Sure his hair was naturally red, but this... this was caused by him, he gave Gaara those red marks, a sign that he was his and his alone.

"Iitsu's home..." Gaara whispered but still closed his eyes at the feeling of Naruto's slow rubbing down south.

"Then we'll just have to be quiet," Naruto chuckled softly, "Gaara." He looked down to those slightly hazy blue eyes, waiting for him to continue. "Lemme treat you tonight."

As Gaara thought about it, Naruto ran his tongue over his collarbone and played with his nipple, earning a groan from the taller male. "O-okay." he swallowed hard, feeling his reaction from the rubbing and pinching and biting travel wonderfully downward.

With a smirk, Naruto grabbed Gaara's hand before dragging him up the stairs and to their bedroom, the furthest room down the hall and from Yuiitsu.

Once they entered, Naruto quietly closed the door behind them then immediately attacked Gaara's lips, ushering him to the edge of their shared bed. When the back of Gaara's legs hit the mattress, they fell, Naruto on top of him, using his knee to grind against his husband.

"Nngh... Naru," Gaara moaned, Naruto trailed kisses from his lips to his jaw, neck, and all the way down to a different nipple from before. Sucking it, he lightly rolled the other pink nub between his fingers.

They've done this many times, a department they weren't unfamiliar with, however Naruto knew from past experience that he had to go slowly. Since it was over stimulation by touch that had Gaara freaking out-- and these activities certainly over stimulated both of them-- they knew they would have to go at a slow pace. But neither minded, since it meant staying in the moment longer.

Gaara lightly pushed Naruto away, only to take off his already unbuttoned shirt. Naruto helped by running his hands up his chest, then to his shoulders and sensually slid the white fabric down his arms. As he did that he was grinding down on his lap, enjoying the friction and noises coming from Gaara.

Both their hearts were pounding loudly, almost in sync with one another. "Gaara," Naruto panted as his face went flush, "I'm gonna suck you off, are you okay with that?" Just because they were married doesn't mean consent wasn't needed.

He could already feel himself twitching with need, gulping hard he nodded his head and laid back onto the sheets. Naruto grinned and began to slowly undo his belt then work pants. He unzipped them then unhurriedly pulled them down. Gaara lifted his hips to help, loving the feeling of his pants and boxers rubbing him. Once they were fully off, Naruto threw them to the floor along with the shirt.

Naruto leaned back down, leaving a trail of kisses on his neck, shoulder, and chest. "I'm going to touch you now," he whispered heatedly, licking his nipples again.

"Nngh, go ahead." Gaara groaned when Naruto's hand slid over his stomach to his groin, gently grasping his member. He took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes as Naruto pulled back the foreskin. He was semi hard but they both knew that would change soon.

His hand began to sensually move up and down at a slow pace, still leaving kisses all over him as he heard the man under him moan in pleasure. "I'm just stroking you."

He could feel Gaara hardening as he swiped the pad of his thumb over his leaking slit. Gaara was grasping at Naruto's shoulders, trying to enjoy Naruto treating him and not freak out. He was breathing heavily at only being stroked, not even the real fun has begun yet.

"N-no!" He hissed, nails digging into his shirt, as Naruto's hand went all the way to the base and started to tenderly message his balls. Instantly Naruto withdrew, knowing that if Gaara said no-- if anyone said no-- to stop automatically. A warning of his overstimulation.

"It's okay, I'm just stroking you," Naruto murmured as he began to suck his neck again, hand continuing to move, feeling the throbbing veins along his length. They knew they couldn't do too much since Yuiitsu was home, but a simple blow job would suffice.

"Naruto, is this snot?"

"Hmm?" Naruto's eyebrows furrowed as he looked down to where Gaara was pointing at his shirt. "Oh yeah, it was from when I was trying to calm Iitsu down earlier." He carefully took it off and threw it to the floor with the rest of their clothing. Gaara took that chance to unbutton Naruto's jeans, unzip them, then pulled them down along with his boxer briefs. "While he's asleep, let's have fun." Gaara smiled, pecking his tan chest.

It was then that Naruto noticed just how much he craved Gaara's touch, moaning a bit too loudly when the redhead started to stroke him off. Naruto was still leaning over him somewhat, with his left hand using Gaara as support while still rubbing him with his right. He panted on Gaara's neck as he buried his nose into him, unable to control his reactions to his husband's hand reaching underneath to massage his balls.

Naruto got off of him and knelt on the floor, leveled with Gaara's hardening cock. Without using his hands, he sensually licked him from the base to the tip, causing him to shudder.

He smirked at the reaction before attentively began to suck his swollen head. Gaara hissed in pleasure, staring down at one of the hottest, sexiest sights he's ever seen: his stubborn, childlike, goofy, erotic, charming, gorgeous, fiery husband on his knees sucking him off. He almost laughed at the thought.

The blond took more of him in and hummed at the taste of precum and whatever he couldn't fit into his mouth was taken care of by his hand. He deliberately moved his head back and forth slowly, enjoying the feeling of Gaara inside of him. The only times he opened his mouth this wide are when he's eating ramen or going down on his husband. And right now, he was doing just that, giving him a blowjob.

Gaara groaned, trying not to buck his hips up and choke Naruto. He then pulled off with a pop before rubbing him fully with his hand. "Is that good?"

Nodding, Gaara had a look of pure bliss and Naruto couldn't help but get fully erect with the sight of it. "Are you okay?"

With a weak smile, Gaara nodded again and Naruto went back down on him. His tongue played with the foreskin before swiping all over the head.

"Oh, god," Gaara moaned, "if you keep that up I'll cum too soon." Naruto gave a choked laugh and began stroking himself, unable to resist with how erotic Gaara was. He then lifted his head and took a deep breath before taking him as much as he could. He tilted his head to get a better angle, relaxed his throat muscles, and slid as far as he could down that huge cock. He bobbed his head and caused sounds to be made and Gaara threw his head back.

The sensation only lasted about twenty seconds, but it was enough for Gaara. Naruto pulled back and coughed, fisting his hand over his mouth.

"Naru, come here," Gaara panted as he pushed himself to fully lay on the bed, his head resting on the pillows, legs no longer bent over. Naruto did as told, laying on top of him, knees in either side. He grabbed both of their erections, gliding his hands over them, precum and saliva moistening their lengths.

They both moaned, Gaara pulled Naruto down by his neck to kiss him, guiding his hands over his back, down to his ass. With a single finger, he entered it inside of his tight hole, enjoying the shiver of Naruto's reaction. He pushed in and out along the ring of muscle.

Naruto was shaking with pleasure from both his cock and anus. By his erection alone he knew just how much Gaara was enjoying it as much as him. He then felt another finger rub along his entrance before pushing its way in.

"Nngh! G-Gaara, mmf, that's good." Naruto panted, hand speeding up unconsciously. Gaara's fingers were dry but it didn't hurt him, only pleasure was on his mind.

They both knew that for Gaara, he needed to focus on one thing, and right now that is Naruto's insides. His fingers stretched and slipped in and out, then he began searching for that special spot. Smiling when Naruto gasped, clenched around him, and faltered in his grinding. "God... I love the way you make me feel." Naruto breathed.

His hand continued to stroke their cocks, both nearing their limits. They hadn't had sex in a while since Gaara was either always at work or Yuiitsu was home. They loved being parents, but sometimes they wished they could be hormonal teenagers again every once in a while.

Gaara's fingers were abusing Naruto's prostate, rubbing it ruthlessly as they both groaned to the friction on their cocks. "I-I don't think I can last m-much longer," he warned, feeling the coiling in his stomach tighten. Naruto nodded, "Yeah, me neither."

Suddenly, everything became too much, Gaara could feel all that was happening to him. He felt weight on his groin, spikes of pleasure coming from his erection, the way his body sank into the mattress, and the hot breath from Naruto on top of him. His fingers instantly stopped moving and he slammed his eyes shut. Naruto immediately noticed this and slowed his hips as he wiped his pre-cum covered hand onto the bed sheet. He gingerly held Gaara's face in his palms, expecting the inevitable sensory overload that usually came whenever they were close to releasing. "Gaara," he whispered, lightly kissing him.

The redhead was panting but he couldn't tell if it was from the excitement of touching one another or the fear that came with a sensory meltdown.

"I'm just pleasuring you, okay?" Naruto said as his hips became languid, almost deriving out their each other's enjoyment. He kissed his stiff lips as his hands moved down to his arms, rubbing them while repeating himself.

"I'm just pleasuring you."

Gaara flinched as said, "T-too much..."

Naruto moved his mouth to his ear, almost chanting like it was a mantra. They were only at the second stage of a meltdown: triggers. "I'm just pleasuring you," he rubbed his cheek against Gaara's, still caressing his arms, he could hear his breathing begin to even out and he sighed in relief.

"I'm just pleasuring you, you're okay," he held his face in his hands again, leaving chaste kisses everywhere and smiled when Gaara opened his eyes.

He moaned at the way Naruto was moving on top of him, then he frowned, "I'm sorry."

Naruto's smile didn't falter, "It's okay, but I don't think I can last any longer."

Gaara reached behind Naruto and re-entered his fingers, enraptured by the bliss on his husband's face.

"Nngh! G-Gaara," Naruto moaned and rubbed their cocks together again, he leaned down and captured his lips as the coiling in him snapped, truly only holding back to get Gaara calmed. He shuddered and gasped as he continued to rub his prostate, it was too good that it almost hurt. With his free hand, Gaara grabbed hold of Naruto's head, their foreheads were touching as they both panted into each other's mouths.

"It's okay," Naruto said breathily as he continued to grind against him, "cum for me, I want to make you feel good, too."

Gaara nodded and let everything gush out, they stared into each other's eyes, a way to keep him in the moment. "N-Naru-to..." he panted out, his husband smiled and kissed him. They were both enjoying their highs, the tingle in their bodies made them feel amazing. The last time they had any type of sex was about a month ago when Naruto's parents wanted to spend the day with their grandson.

"I love you," Gaara said with a gentle smile, Naruto pulled away and grabbed his right hand, because they were gay and proud and that was were they wore their wedding rings. "I love you, too. And I will for eternity." He kissed the ring before getting up off of him and put his boxers back on, already beginning to go soft.

He went to their connected bathroom before returning with a box of tissues. He used one to wipe his hands and Gaara cleaned himself of the white fluid mess on his abdomen and chest. "Huh! That felt good," Naruto stretched and yawned, Gaara smiled as he threw the tissues away.

Knock! Knock! Knock! "Daddy? Dad?"

Naruto's eyes widened as he turned toward the bedroom door, relieved he remembered to lock it. Gaara quickly grabbed pajama bottoms before giving him the okay to open the door.

"What are you doing out of bed? It's past your bedtime," Naruto said as he opened the door to reveal Yuiitsu with the headphones still on and phone in hand. Naruto knelt down and gently removed the headphones, "did you have a nightmare?"

Yuiitsu shook his head. "What is it, Sweetie?"

Yuiitsu handed the phone back before saying, "Can... can I sleep with you and Dad..." he looked down to the floor with a frown and Naruto smiled in understanding. "Of course, Iitsu."

His face lit up as if it were Christmas and it caused him to chuckle. Gaara suddenly came up behind him and said, "Why don't you come with me while Daddy gets the bed ready, okay?"

"Okay!" Gaara picked him up like a koala and turned to Naruto, "Make sure to change the sheets."

With a light blush he nodded and heard Yuiitsu ask, "Why your hands wet?" and as the pair descended down the stairs, he could hear Gaara say, "I just washed them," followed by an "Oh, okay."

Naruto smiled, glad that Gaara and Yuiitsu finally got to have some time together, even if it was just to distract him while he got rid of any... evidence of their previous activity. He changed the sheets as asked before washing his hands and lightly sprayed the room, hoping it didn't smell like sex. But he didn't want to overstimulate them by too many smells, either.

As Gaara and Yuiitsu made their way down stairs, Yuiitsu poked his forehead were a tattoo was. "Dad, why you red there?" They entered the living room and Gaara said, "It's a tattoo."

"What a tattoo?"

"Something you're not allowed to get until your eighteen."

"Do every tattoo look like that?" Yuiitsu poked it again.

"No, most are different." Gaara said as he turned to the kitchen and placed Yuiitsu on the counter.

"Are every red?"

Gaara smiled before answering, "No, but mine is a kanji of the word love."


"It's a style of writing using characters." Gaara watched as Yuiitsu just stared. With a smile and sigh, he said, "I'll teach you more about it later, okay?"

Yuiitsu furrowed his eyebrows and looked angry, but curiously he said, "Why love?"

Ignoring the question, Gaara asked, "Are you mad, Iitsu?"

The young boy still had his brows furrowed but he sounded truly confused, "No..?"

"Iitsu, do you want me to tell you about facial expressions?"

"What's that?"

"How do you feel right now?" Gaara decided starting with him would be easiest. Yuiitsu took awhile before answering, "Tired..?"

"Do you know why I asked if you were mad?"

With a shake of his head, Yuiitsu was starting to feel embarrassed. "When you have your eyebrows together like that, you look mad." Gaara said, trying not to over explain or hurt his feelings.

"Is that bad?"

"People might think you... they um... Let me put it this way. If I smile at Daddy, am I mad at him?"

"No," Yuiitsu's face went back to normal.

"What if I smile but I'm telling him that he should've listened to instructions?"

Yuiitsu began to rub his arms as he looked away, "I... I don't know."

"You know, Iitsu, I used to not know either." Gaara ran his hand through the younger boy's red hair.

"Really? Why?"

"Well, we're both different."

"Because of the... ASD?" Yuiitsu whispered at the end and caused Gaara to frown slightly.

"Yuiitsu, I don't want you to be embarrassed about that. We both have autism. There's nothing wrong with it, we're both just... different."

Yuiitsu was still looking away, "B-but, why do you get happy so fast w-w-when you start, start," his lip began to tremble since he couldn't get the right words out.

"Shhh," Gaara knew he was getting triggered and so he hugged him, still running a hand through his hair. "We're different together, but we're also different from each other. Do you know what I mean by that?"

"N-no..." Yuiitsu said in frustration. Gaara began to hum the song again and Yuiitsu breathed heavily.

After a few minutes he seemed to be relaxed again, Gaara pulled away and looked at him. "What I mean is that I start to freak out about physical things, if too many people touch me at once I get scared. Or if the weather outside starts to go crazy, I get scared then, too. Because I don't like the feeling of the wind hitting me, we're both more sensitive to everything. We don't like bright lights, but to Daddy, it doesn't bother him. We don't like loud noises, but Daddy loves things like parties or music festivals."

Yuiitsu took a second to understand what was being said to him, then he nodded. "But noises really scare me."

"See? That's what makes us different. When I hug you, what do you feel?"

"I guess, safe. I feel safe."

Gaara smiled at his response, "When someone I don't really know hugs me, I get really scared. But then Daddy's always there to help me out, I've known your daddy for many years, so I feel comfortable when he hugs me."

"I like some noises, like that song Daddy sings." Yuiitsu looked up and smiled.

"I like that song, too. When you hear a bang or a bam, what do you feel then?"

Grimacing, Yuiitsu answered, "Scared!"

"You dislike noise more than I do."

Yuiitsu nodded in understanding, seeing the difference between the two of them. Gaara noticed how he finally caught on and decided it was time to tell him what his name meant.

"Yuiitsu Muni Sabaku."

"Huh?" Yuiitsu looked at his dad in confusion.

"One of a kind, or one and only. That's what your name means: Yuiitsu Muni." Gaara grabbed a pencil and paper and wrote something down before showing it to his son. In neat handwriting, the characters 唯一無二 stained the white paper.

"Is that kanji?"

Chuckling, Gaara nodded and handed him the paper. Yuiitsu smiled as he tried to trace the lines, fascinated by them and their meaning.

Poking his cheek, Gaara decided to continue teaching him about facial expressions. "Are you happy?"

Yuiitsu nodded and continued looking at the characters. "Do you know how I know?" He finally looked up and shook his head. "You're smiling. When someone, anyone, smiles, it means they're happy or excited. This is a little rhyme Aunty-Temari taught me when I was younger:

When you see someone smile,
They probably saw someone's good style.
When you see someone frown,
They must've stepped in something brown.
When you see someone yell,
They might have been expelled.
When you see someone cry,
They probably told a lie.
When you see someone hiding,
They must've seen someone fighting.
And when you see someone gag,
They might have tasted something bad."

Yuiitsu smiled and giggled then repeated the rhyme, as he did that, Gaara started to clean the dining room, blowing out the candles that were almost completely gone-- something he'll have to scold Naruto for later-- then washed their dishes.

"What does style mean?"

"It could mean someone's clothes. I wear slacks while Daddy wears jeans."

Yuiitsu nodded and continued on, when he got to the something brown, he asked again what it meant. "Scat," Gaara said simply and Yuiitsu giggled, knowing the word from class which they just learned. "What expelled?"

"To no longer go to school, but in a bad way." Gaara began rinsing the dishes.

"If I see a fight, go hide?"

"Well, first I want you to what bullying is," Gaara turned to him.

"Being mean," Yuiitsu said, kind of proud that he already knew that.

"Yes, if someone is picking on someone else, don't be a bystander." Before Yuiitsu could ask what that meant, he continued, "Either step up to that bully or go straight to an adult and tell them what's happening. If you think you'll end up getting hurt, then finding help is the best choice."

"Daddy said he stopped bullies hurting you," Yuiitsu said matter-of-factly.

Chuckling, Gaara shook his head, "Did he? What did he tell you?"

Yuiitsu tapped his chip before answering, "Daddy said they want throw you in trash. But you're pretty big so I don't know how they do that. Daddy said he stopped them but he won't tell how!"

"Now, the way your daddy did it was very... physical. At the time I was really happy about it, but I don't want you to think violence is the answer."

"What's violence?"

"Hurting someone, like hitting or kicking."

"And Daddy hit and kicked them?"

Gaara wasn't too sure how to explain it, so he said instead, "Well, I freaked out so badly that I couldn't control what I was doing and I also don't have any memories of doing anything. I woke up with Daddy hugging me."

"Daddy said they were mean because you're autistic. Will I get bullied, too?" Yuiitsu asked with a frown. Gaara poked his cheek again, "Did you step in something brown?" Yuiitsu looked up at his dad and shook his head. "Daddy was my very first friend. He stopped bullies from being mean to me. And along the way we had more friends. You know them all, too, we're one big family. Lee, Tenten and Neji. Shino, Hinata and Kiba. Sasuke, Sakura and Ino. Chouji, Aunty-Temari and Uncle Shikamaru. Uncle Kankuro, Naruto and me."

"Who's Naruto?"

Gaara chuckled at the question, "Daddy's name is Naruto, like mine is Gaara."

Yuiitsu looked at him with wide eyes, "But! But you're Dad and Daddy is Daddy!" Gaara just continued to laugh as he picked Yuiitsu up and began to go back to the bedroom.

"Having one friend made all the difference. I ended up having many people by my side and I call them my family. If you can do the same, then it'll stop people from pointing out your differences and others will look past them."

Yuiitsu nodded but said, "Does that mean I gotta call you Gaara now? That's weird."

Gaara laughed and shook his head, "No, you can still call me Dad and Naruto Daddy." They reached the top of the stairs and Gaara let Yuiitsu walk on his own into their bedroom.

"What took you so long? I'm ready to pass out." Naruto yawned and patted the bed for them to lay down. Yuiitsu climbed the mattress and crawled to his daddy, who welcomed him with open arms.

"Do you need your nightlight, Iitsu?" Gaara asked as he was about to turn off the lights.

"Uh-huh," he nodded and watched as he left to retrieve it. Naruto pulled the blanket over the both of them, running his hand through his red hair, a habit he developed for the both of them.

"What did you and Dad talk about?"

"Did you know Dad has a tattoo? It's a kanji for love. Dad told me how to tell if someone is mad or sad or happy. Then he told me about when he was little. Is it true?"

Confused, Naruto said, "Is what true?"

"That your name Naruto and Dad is Gaara?"

"Oh," Naruto laughed, "yes, but I'm Daddy to you, okay?"

"Okay, I like that better." Yuiitsu turned his head to the door as Gaara walked in with the nightlight. He watched as he plugged it in and turned it on, then switched the lights off and the room was filled with blue and yellow stars again.

"When did the neighbors stop playing music?" Gaara asked as he closed the door behind him and crawled into bed, careful of Yuiitsu. Naruto's eyes widened slightly as he realized it was completely silent. "Huh, I don't know, that's probably why Iitsu's not getting triggered."

Yuiitsu looked at his daddy with a frown. Gaara saw this and said, "Did you step in something brown again?"

Both Yuiitsu and Naruto looked at him confused but then Yuiitsu smiled before shaking his head. "Why don't you show the rhyme to Daddy?" Yuiitsu nodded happily before opening his mouth.

"When you see someone smile,
They probably saw someone's good style.
When you see someone frown,
They must've stepped in something brown.
When you see-,"

Yuiitsu stopped to yawn, feeling the affects of being awake as late as 10:03.

"When you see someone yell,
They might, might have... been expelled
Whe...n... you see som... someon-."

Yuiitsu ended up falling asleep half way through but all Naruto and Gaara could do was smile at his adorableness.

Gaara leaned down and gently kissed his forehead and whispered, "Goodnight, Yuiitsu Muni." And then Naruto left a chaste kiss on a single cheek before saying softly, "I love you."

Yuiitsu began to smile but he was still out cold. Naruto looked to his husband before saying it to him, too. Gaara smiled and repeated him.

They closed their eyes and let sleep take over them as the blue and yellow stars continued to shine and watch them. Just as the real ones did for eternity, this time they had Yuiitsu with them, making everything compete.

Words: 7,932 (Oh my god!)

Published: September 2nd, 2019

A/N: Please comment and vote, but mostly comment! Also, I know I said this was a one shot, but I couldn't help myself. This was also the first time I've ever written smut, so hopefully it was good? :D

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