Can You Hear Me?

By Anime_is_addictive

13.9K 511 139

Everyone around you was finding their soulmate but you hadn't yet. Your friends were concerned but you weren'... More

Can You Hear Me? Pt.1
Can You Hear Me? Pt. 2
Can You Hear Me? Pt.3
Can You Hear Me? Pt.4
Can You Hear Me? Pt.5
Can You Hear Me? Pt.7
Can You Hear Me? Pt.8
Can You Hear Me? Pt. 9

Can You Hear Me? Pt.6

1.3K 51 8
By Anime_is_addictive

Your mom wraps the scarf around your face one more time. "Promise you'll call once you get there? Please?" She reminds you for the hundredth time.

You huff but the sound is muffled by the scarf. "Yes mom I promise I will remember to text you."

"More like I'll remind you to text her." Johnny says lounging in the back of your mind. He was trying to give you some space to say goodbye to your family but he didn't want to fully leave you. Not while you were so close to being with him.

You click your tongue, meaning the sound for Johnny. "Quiet you or else I won't come see you." You tease him.

Johnny lets out a short laugh. "Oh like we both know that's never gonna happen. You won't be able to stay away."

The two weeks at home went by quickly but also dragged on. They were heavy on your heart which was already in Chicago.

But now it was finally time. You were catching a flight to Chicago for 2 weeks before school started again. In a few hours you would finally see your soulmate. Finally be able to hug him, smell him, feel him. And kiss him.

Your mom gives you one last hug. "I love you Y/N. Have a good time with Johnny. I also expect to see pictures." She pats your cheek lovingly.

You smile back at her. "I will momma. And I love you too. Be safe going home." She nods and gestures for you to go into security.

You wave goodbye until she can't see you anymore.

Your pulse quickens once you get through security and are walking to your gate. "Oh my god this is really happening. I'm really going to Chicago. I'm really gonna see Johnny."

"Are you at your gate?" Johnny pops back in, breaking your train of thought.

"Uh..ah yeah. Yeah I am. I'm just waiting to board right now."

"Are you good baby? You sound off." Concern shows through in Johnny's voice. "Are you afraid of flying? I can talk to you the whole time so you don't think about it if you want."

You smile softly. "Aww you're so sweet love. But no I'm alright, I'm just nervous. And excited."

Johnny laughs softly. A warm sound filling your ears. "There's nothing to be nervous about baby. But I know it is a bit nerve wracking. But how do you think I feel? I don't even know who to look for! I'll just keep yelling for you and embarrass you."

You laugh at him now. "Oh you'll know. I promise. But you better not yell for me! I'll just hide from you then!"

Johnny's laughter fills your head again. "Yah that's mean Y/N!" You laugh with him and then the voice goes off saying your zone is boarding.

"AH! I'm boarding now!" You say while packing your things up and pulling out your boarding pass.

"I'll be waiting for you. Are you going to stay up on the plane or are you going to sleep?" Johnny asks.

You hand the lady your boarding pass. "I'm probably going to try to sleep since I'm tired and had to wake up early."

Johnny hums in understanding. "True since it's nearly impossible for you to wake up in the morning." He laughs again at you since he's the one who sometimes has to wake you up when you ignore your alarm.

"Yah you meanie! That's only been a few times! You better be happy, I don't wake up early for just anyone." You pout as you walk to your seat on the plane.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I love you Y/N and I appreciate you waking up early to come see me. I'll make it up to you. How about that?"

You plop down in your seat and pull out your phone charger and some earbuds. "I guess..." You tease him.

Putting your earbuds in, soon you get sleepy and fall asleep. You wake up to someone shaking your shoulder.

"Miss? Miss, we've landed. You can get off now."

You look around wildly. "Oh my god I slept through landing and getting off." You look at the flight attendant.

"O-oh thank you. Sorry for sleeping through everything." You say as you get up and grab everything as quick as you can. The flight attendant just nods at you and leads you off the plane.

You stand outside the plane and walk down the chute, clutching your backpack strap. You were here. You were really here in Chicago. After sending a quick text to your mom, you pick up your luggage and head out the gates onto the arrival floor.

Your heart beats loudly and your breathing speeds up as you look around trying to find that shock of fluffy black hair and tall stature in the crowd.

"Babe where are you? Shouldn't your flight have landed by now?" Johnny sends you a thought, sounding worried.

"I'm here. I slept through landing and getting off so I'm a bit behind..." You trail off, straining to see around people.

Johnny sends a short chuckle, "Dang you must have been really tired then."

Then there he is.

There's no denying that's him.

He has on dark jeans with a tri-colored sweater and white sneakers. That black hair is done and swooped back, showing off his forehead. He has this lost expression on his face and his eyes search wildly in the crowds of people. 

Your heart is beating so loud, you're surprised he can't hear it.

Wiping your sweaty palms on your pants, you feel rooted to the spot.

"Dang Johnny, you clean up well." You muster up the courage to tease him even though you feel like you're going to throw up because of all the excitement and nerves swirling in your gut.

He stops in his tracks and looks around. Then finally those dark eyes find yours and you feel a spark in air. You smile big at him and drop your backpack at your feet with a soft thud.

Johnny rushes at you and you at him. He scoops you up in a hug, enveloping your body in his. He buries his head into your shoulder.

"Oh my god, it's really you. You're really here. Y-you're even more perfect than I imagined." He breathes out in that deep voice of his.

You just melt into his arms. You're actually hearing his voice out loud and not just in your head. It feels so surreal like a dream.

He sighs and takes a deep breath in, squeezing you even more, trying to get you as close to him as possible. You bury your face into his chest and squeeze him back.

Hugging him was even better than you imagined. Nothing could compare to his hugs now.

People diverge around you two, some smiling and others whispering about "two lovers reuniting" but at that moment it is just you and Johnny and no one else.

Pulling back from you, Johnny gently holds your cheeks in his hands and places a soft kiss on your forehead. You blush and smile up at him.

Now actually looking at him you notice you barely reach up to under his chin. "Good lord he's even taller than I thought." You think in your head.

Johnny laughs out loud. "Yeah I get that a lot." He smiles down at you and once again you melt.

Those eyes twinkle like actual stars and his cheeks smush up when he smiles big, making it your new favorite thing in the world. His smile is so dazzling in person, no wonder you could feel it across the bond.

"Oh my god you're so cute." You blurt out before slapping a hand over your mouth and closing your eyes in embarrassment.

You hear Johnny's laughter. Even that sounds better in person.

Your cheeks heat up and you become even sweatier because of the embarrassment.

You open up your eyes when you feel Johnny pulling your hand off mouth.

"Thank you babe. You aren't bad looking yourself. I'm glad I can see your cute face now." He teases and gives you a little wink which sends another rush of warmth through your body and into your cheeks and ears.

Johnny pulls himself away from you and reaches down to pick up your backpack and slings it over his broad shoulder. One hand grabs your luggage while the other one reaches for your hand.

He entwines your fingers, his large hand engulfing yours. Then he lifts up your connected hands and places a soft kiss on the back of your hand. More pink splashes across your cheeks and your ears burn red hot.

He flashes you a quick smile before pulling you through the crowd and out to his car.

In the car, you still can't believe you were there with him. All you wanted to do was look at him and catalog every little detail about him. From the way the corner of his eyes crinkle when he smiles, down to the veins in his hands and everything else.

Johnny looks at you. "I know, I can't believe it either." He leans in, gaze flicking down to your lips then back up. You lean in too, desperate to finally kiss him.

But then he pulls back abruptly.

"Uh uh uh remember how I was going to make you wait?" He winks again at you. This tease.

You hit his arm,"Really?!"

He laughs and winces as he rubs the spot you hit. "Ow, you've got some power in that swing. I just want to make it special, ya know? Do you trust me Y/N?"

"With my life and heart." You respond back, less angry at him. It was actually really sweet that he wanted to make your first kiss something special.

Johnny starts the car and pulls out onto the busy airport road, taking you to his house.

It was dark by the time you arrived in Chicago. Your face was glued to the window looking at all the lights of the city passing by. It was such a magical and calming sight. Almost whimsical with all the lights and colors.

"Hey love?" You turn back to Johnny.

"Hmm?" Johnny hums, eyes on the road. The street lights outside bounce their light off his hair and his tan skin. Everything this man does is attractive to you, even driving a freaking car. You die a bit inside because of the happiness.

"Can we get Starbucks?"

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