The Happy Marriage of Rosanna...

بواسطة VedaPettigrew

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A lowly Baron's daughter is swept up in a whirlwind marriage to a Duke no less. Rosannah Winthrop had a lonel... المزيد

Ch 1 - Rose and Grayson
Ch 2 - Conversation
Ch 3 - Amblethorpe Park
Ch 4 - Return to London
Ch 5 - Getting Ready
Ch 6 - Social Engagements and Set Downs
Ch 7 - Punishments Revealed
Ch 8 - New Sisters
Ch 9 - The 'Thing' in the Box
Ch 10 - A Thorough Examination
Ch 11 - Withdrawal
Ch 13 - Ladies Luncheon
Ch 14 - Maestro
Ch 15 - Settling Papa
Ch 16 - Henry's thoughts
Ch 17 - St Luke's
Ch 18 - Gossip
Ch 19 - Halcyon Days
Ch 20 - Persistent Visitors
Ch 21 - A Satisfying Set-Down (Henry POV)
Ch 22 - A Short Interlude
Ch 23 - Out of Sorts
Ch 24 - The Children Arrive
Ch 25 - The Gleam
Ch 26 - Waiting
Epilogue - A Happy Ever After
Thank You

Ch 12 - A Musical Interlude

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بواسطة VedaPettigrew

Copyright to VedaPettigrew

Rosannah tried to satisfy her eyes with the sights of London instead of revelling in the sight of her husband as the coach made its way to La Maison de la Musique. Henry sat next to her and she had faced away as much as she could, looking out through the window instead of allowing herself to be weakened by his visage. He looked very handsome indeed, dressed in his finery and she could not look upon him without a pang of longing that she knew would go unsatisfied.

He had returned in time for the evening soiree and although she was grateful he had granted her request, all day she had been made to wonder if he would. It had made her slightly resentful, as had his general attitude towards her. His anger at her mistreatment was understandable, but she should not be made to suffer for it.

The oppressive mood that had begun to weigh her down when he left her alone in bed had continued through the day, with one notable highlight. Handing out the biscuits to the staff had been such fun. They had been so overcome that it could not help but lift her spirits as she passed each one out from the basket she carried.

Mrs Swift had escorted her around the house, requiring an extra push when Rosannah asked to go down below. "I could not take you there, Your Grace, it is not done."

"I wish to go," she had replied obstinately. When she reached the bottom floor, she saw that below stairs the servants were much more relaxed, though they jumped to attention quickly enough when she came upon them.

"Please do not strain yourself, I merely wished to bring you a biscuit to say a small thank you for your work," she repeated over and over again.

When she had finished they had all gathered in the servants' hall, sitting or standing stiffly as they waited for her return. Her visit had obviously put a stop to the casual way they had been behaving and she felt guilty. "I am sorry that you felt uncomfortable with me here. I will not come down uninvited again without prior notice."

Their faces all showed shock at being apologised to by their mistress and she could not but help adding mischievously, "But be sure, I would love to receive an invitation from you," and was rewarded by a stunned silence. "I would be honoured to accept," she supplemented for good measure.

"Very kind Your Grace," Jameson said with a red face, "but we could not issue you an invitation. This is your house, you may go where you wish."

"But it is also home to a lot of you as well, you are uncomfortable with my presence in your space and I do not want you to be concerned that I might pop in any moment. So I require an invitation."

Jameson looked positively pink, "My Grace..." he paused, unsure what to say, "It is not done."

"So I keep hearing, and yet I just seem to keep doing," she replied cheekily. A maid unsuccessfully tried to stifle a snigger, earning a severe look from both the butler and housekeeper. "I would like you feel you can approach me, I do not wish to be thought of as inaccessible. I know you respect the authority of Jameson and Mrs Swift and I would not usurp it, but you are all important to this house, to His Grace and myself, so I will not be cross if you should find a need to speak with me." They looked unsure how to react so she smiled warmly at them, deciding to leave them alone. "Enjoy your biscuits, Goodbye."

As they curtseyed and bowed she turned to go but twisted her head back to add, "Do not forget, I expect an invitation within a month." Once she reached the top step she could not help laughing silently at the outburst of shocked giggling and chattering.

The memory of the incident made her smile briefly and Henry's hand covered hers, "What amused your thoughts Rosannah?"

"Nothing really," she replied coolly, careful to keep her façade in place. She made no effort to move her hand but refused to respond to his touch. His fingers clasped hers, but she could not return the gesture. She would not even turn to look upon him. He sighed and removed his hand.

Once they arrived he helped her down from the carriage and she tucked her hand into the crook of his arm willing herself to stay strong, she had to protect her heart from a day like yesterday. But he pulled her close and despite her best intentions her heart tripped.

Unfortunately they were slightly tardy which meant they did not get the chance to mingle properly, most people had already entered the hall and sat down. Lady Edith had been hovering, awaiting their arrival - she greeted them warmly and led them straight to their seats.

Not just any seats, these were the best in the house. Relief filled her that they had been able to come, it would have been a terrible insult to Lady Edith if they had not been here.

Henry realised this too, for as they sat down he leant down and murmured in her ear, "Thank you for your diligence my dear, without it we would have upset a great establishment."

His breath tickled her neck, causing her to quake. "Do you frequent La Maison de la Musique then? I do not recall seeing you." She pretended the tremble didn't occur.

"I have not been here often, but it is a place I respect. It has a good reputation." Her hair moved against his lips and she swallowed dryly. She wondered how she would keep her countenance if he continued whispering in her ear, but then the musicians filed into their seats and did their final warm up. He sat up, moving away from her jellified body. She slumped in relief, it was hard to resist him when he was that close but she had no desire to fall all over him only to be rebuffed yet again.

Once the music started in earnest, she lost herself to its beauty. Gladly forgetting everything around her, she was taken to the heavens as the melodies carried her away from the hall, the crowds, even Henry. She loved musical performances - music spoke to a place deep within her, swirling with her spirit and bringing her to a place of utter bliss.

Bach's joyful movements were followed by the haunting ones that brought tears to her eyes. She closed them, shutting out everything but the notes sliding into her soul. Peace came to her as each strain soothed away all else but what she was hearing - absorbed into another world, transported by violins, oboes trumpets and horns.

The piano, her favourite instrument, enthralled her even more. She watched the fingers dancing over the keyboard and wished she had been able to bring her piano from home. It was the only thing from there that brought her true joy. She had not found a piano at Amblethorpe or Foxleigh House, just a clavichord, which was not equal at all. In fact the whole music room was pretty poor.

When the last concerto of the first half played its final note she luxuriated in the moment of silence before the applause and general chatter began. The first clap brought her back to Earth with a start and she found herself sitting forward, eyes closed and leaning towards the orchestra. Hurriedly, she sat back and furtively looked about to see who noticed her lapse. As her eyes met her husband's reverent gaze, she saw that he had.

"You love music," he murmured with new revelation. She realised that in all their courtship, he had not taken her to a performance. She nodded, breathing deeply to savour the harmony in her spirit.

"I do."

He leant into her, daringly brushing a tendril of hair by her ear a sending shivers down her spine. "Then I suspect I shall become a more regular patron, for watching you was..." he brushed a kiss to her temple, causing a gasp behind them. Seriously, would they ever go out as husband and wife and not make that happen? "... enchanting." He bestowed another light kiss and then stood to escort her out.

They were met with a throng of people milling in the hall, waiting to be called through to dinner.

"Amberly," a gentleman hailed loudly and made his way over. Rosannah recognised him as the Marquis of Sophia's yearnings.

"Wiston," Henry greeted warmly. "I did not think this was your sort of thing."

"And you would be right, but I have been dragged along by Lady Enderly," he nodded towards a stylish lady, just out of mourning for her elderly husband. "Your Grace," he bowed to Rosannah.

"It is good to see you again," she smiled, remembering his enjoyable company on a number of occasions.

She was sorry to see him with Lady Enderly who had been spent many occasions insulting her for any number of reasons. To call her merely unpleasant would be a compliment, but Rosannah supposed she maintained a façade of sweetness and light that was impeccable among eligible young men such as the Marquis.

"You too Duchess," Wiston smiled. "Though now I have lost all hope with your sudden marriage to my good friend here." He punched Henry lightly but her husband was not so amused. His arm squashed her hand protectively against him as his jaw ticked.

"So, Lady Enderly is back in society now?" She endeavoured to remind him that Wiston was not really interested in her.

"Yes fortunately for me," he grinned. Rosannah's hope for Sophia dimmed.

It seemed to please Henry however and his stance relaxed. "Wiston, you are in the presence of a lady," he reminded him in a lightly warning tone.

"My apologies Your Grace," Wiston bowed before her in an elegant flourish and Rosannah could not help but giggle, causing Lady Enderly to look over, rancour very apparent. It did not help Henry's disposition either.

"Stop being ridiculous," he snapped. Seriously, with so many changes of mood, he was going to make her dizzy.

Wiston stood and looked at his friend with a knowing look, humour dancing in his eyes. "Very well Dauntless Duke, I know better than to take you on."

Rosannah really tried, but another giggle escaped. She had seen this carefree side of Wiston before, but not in such a personal way. She thought he would do very well for Sophia if only he could see it. Plus she would be happy to extract him from the unpleasant partner he was currently with.

Henry harrumphed at her side and she squeezed his arm, finally allowing her stiff posture to curve against him.

His body instantly relaxed and softened against hers. She could breathe again. She felt his lips at her temple again and fought against the prickle of tears.

"I must say I did not think this was your sort of thing either Amberly." Wiston's amusement ignored his friend's obvious displeasure.

"It has fast become my most favourite thing," Henry looked down at her and she melted at the look in his eyes.

Why is he so decidedly rejecting me? She wondered anew as she met his gaze.

"Oh?" the Marquis teased irreverently, a gleam in his eye. "Was it because her Grace was practically making love with the orchestra?"

Rosannah gasped as her cheeks pinked and Henry grabbed the Marquis' jacket. "That is my wife," he growled fiercely and Wiston choked back a laugh.

"Sorry Amberly," he sounded anything but. Though when he looked to her he sombered, realising her dismay was real.

"Your Grace," he grasped her hand, "I really do offer my sincere apologies. I was focussed only upon teasing my friend and did not give enough thought to how it would affect you." He kissed her hand, looking at her with a plea to forgive him.

She gave him a small nod. The fact was his teasing only revealed the truth of her actions, though most would not dare to acknowledge it out loud. She pulled out her mask, she needed to hide right now, she would deal with the shame later, once she was alone.

"I forgive you Marquis," she said serenely.

"Now that is the lady I remember," Wiston said, "all grace and favour, elegant to the last. I did not realise there was anything else until I witnessed her with you Henry. You have only yourself to blame," he turned to smirk at him, "for until she married you, I could never have accused her of such a thing, though it was always evident that she truly enjoyed music."

Henry growled again but the Marquis just smirked. They must be very good friends indeed, and perhaps that is why the Marquis was reluctant to involve himself with Sophie. Especially if he was not ready to settle down. He was respecting his friend.

The dinner gong called their attention as the butler announced that supper was served. Wiston bowed to her again and excused himself to accompany Lady Enderly. As they walked in first, befitting their station, Henry leant into her ear.

"Perhaps it would be better to control yourself." She flinched at the admonishment but he added smoothly, "Until I procure you a private viewing area where only I can see you, for I will not be denied that pleasure again."

She looked up at him, distracted by his endearing words, and would have bumped into a chair but for his quickness in pulling her away. She took the opportunity to lean into him and was rewarded with the back of his finger discreetly stroking down her neck.

They were sat together, defying the social norms of separating married couples at such events. Her other side was taken by the Marquis of Wiston, which seemed to infuriate Henry, especially when the Marquis would take an opportunity to share a private joke with her, or even touch her on occasion. Whenever he did that, she feared Henry might explode with apoplectic rage.

Lady Enderly was watching through narrowed eyes from the other side of the table, also unhappy that Rosannah was centre of her partner's attention.

Lady Edith was seated on Henry's other side and Rosannah looked for an opportunity to ask after her daughter. Fortunately a moment arose just in time. Henry was clearly about to storm out with her due to Wiston's mischievous flirtation and at the very moment Henry braced himself to stand, Lady Edith's attention became available.

She took a moment to whisper in his ear, "I am only yours, you need not be jealous." Then leaned across him and felt his sharp intake of breath. He was not unaffected by her then, at least while she was covered. Maybe that was the answer, they could make love while she kept her night rail about her. It did not suit her ideal, but she would take anything she could. If her scars only brought him pain, she would hide them for his sake.

"Lady Edith, thank you for the invitation, I have been most impressed with the players finesse."

"They are the best I have heard, it is why I chose them to play this particular performance. I wanted it to be special for you, you have always been a dear friend to my Hannah."

"How is Lady Hannah, I have missed her these few weeks?" Rosannah felt her husband's hidden hand stroke her ribcage. His touch tingled through her and she shivered.

"Oh dear, are you in a draught?" Lady Edith sounded worried and she felt Henry's chuckle beneath her.

Oh, he was playing that game was he? Delight flooded her as she rose to the challenge, leaning her hand upon his leg to press nearer to Lady Edith, she let her thumb stroke his thigh and he jolted as well.

Ha! She thought triumphantly as she answered placidly, "No, it was just one of those unaccountable shivers."

"But your husband seems to have suffered the same complaint, there really must be a draught," Lady Edith looked up and Henry's hand immediately rose to graze her décolletage. She fought to keep her composure but had to tighten her hold on his leg to enable her face to remain tranquil.

"I think we have just had a coincidence," she said and lifted her head, affording her husband a generous view down her dress, as she addressed him, "You do not feel a chill do you?"

His eyes rested upon the very place she displayed as he answered tightly, "No, indeed I am quite warm."

She bit her lip to stifle an exultant smile. Lady Edith stood anyway to investigate and as she passed behind them, Rosannah turned, deliberately brushing her husband's arm with her upper body. His entire body went rigid and he glowered down at her, "You win, stop."

Instead, as a rush of pleasure ran through her, she pressed into him and beckoned Lady Edith to her, "Thank you for seating us together, in truth I prefer it. It is a pleasant surprise."

Lady Edith looked curiously towards Henry, "We received yesterday, along with everyone else in London it seems, a missive from your husband, instructing us that we must do so or your attendance would not be repeated."

Rosannah gripped his arm, hugging it to her chest. He had done this for her. "Well, I thank you for the kindness," she smiled.

Lady Edith returned one easily. "It is unusual because most wives and husbands require a break from each other," her eyes twinkled with mirth, "but happily you do not it seems." Then her attention returned to her mission.

Rosannah did not release Henry, instead looking up with utter adulation. "Thank you," she breathed, trying to control her staccato pulse, "You definitely win."

He gave her a pleased look, "I am glad you approve."

"I want to kiss you," she could not hold back.

"Rosie," he groaned, eyes flaring. His gaze flickered to her lips and she darted out a tongue causing his pupils to flare.

"I want ..." he stopped and let out a harsh breath. The stone wall came crashing back, every muscle setting into the familiar hardness. He was rejecting her again. Disappointment crashed over her, removing all joy at the news of his actions.

Clipping on her own mask made him frown but she did not care. He had tricked her again, leading her heart down a path that ended with it being torn open. She would not let her pain show, instead she disentangled herself from him and turned to Wiston, noticing a shrewd look in Lady Enderly's eye.

Bother, trust the one person she did not want to see any hint of weakness, witness such a delicate moment with her husband. Ignoring the discomfort it produced she proceeded to carefully conduct a flirt free conversation with Wiston. At least it was on her side - he really was incorrigible.

As they re-entered the hall Henry tried to lean down and whisper into her ear, but she leant away, she would not play this game. She sat stiffly in her chair and listened as the violins took up again.

This time she kept pinching her arm to prevent a repeat of her embarrassing reaction. She sat stiffly, holding herself erect the entire time, not hearing the music at all. Unfortunately it meant that instead of being swept away, her mind just turned over and over, wondering why Henry was so determined to reject her.

By the end of the performance she was full of abject misery. Not understanding her husband's state of mind troubled her exceedingly. She doubted herself, their love, the future of their marriage.

There was part of her that knew she was overreacting but she could not seem to help the horrible ideas from developing in her head.

When they left the hall Wiston was watching her, regret written clearly on his face. She did not offer him anything more than a serene nod as they glided to the carriage. Inside she was churning.

"Rosannah," Henry began as soon as they were seated and on their way.

"NO," she shouted, catching them both off-guard. "Do not say anything Henry. You can say nothing that would help me."

Tears pricked her eyes and she turned away from him, unable to prevent them from blinding her vision.

"Oh," alarmed pain rang through his voice. "No do not cry Rosie, I cannot bear it." His body pressed behind her but she faced resolutely away. Arms came around her and he buried his face in her neck, planting many little kisses into her skin.

"No Henry," she wrenched away, "I cannot play whatever game this is. You love me one minute and push me away the next."

"I love you every minute," he sounded wounded.

"Then prove it," she turned to him, "Make love to me," she begged.

Something dark came over his face, he pulled back. "I cannot Rosannah, I am sorry."

Hearing his words spoken aloud ripped her body apart. Such panic and agony tore at her she thought she might go mad. She drew in a ragged breath, wrapping herself tightly against the stabbing pain in her heart. She bowed her head and rocked, ignoring everything but the command she spoke over and over under her breath to not let the pain in.

She was dimly aware that he was beside her, cajoling her with words of love she did not believe. Finally she heard something that disgusted her so much she could not help but react.

"I will come to you again in the morning," he promised brokenly, "I know you need our intimacy. I will..."

"You will not." She raged and he recoiled in shock. "W..what you did this morning... it, it..." her chest heaved, "was a t..t..terrible thing to"

His eyes widened and it was his turn to lament. "No Rosie," he ground out painfully. "Do not stutter with me, I beg you. No... Oh what have I done?" He sat back as a look of utter desolation crossed his features.

Frustration tore into her pain, she did not understand what he was about. How can he reject her one minute, then be in pain at her reaction? It was ridiculous.

"Rosie," he croaked, "I never meant to hurt you like this."

"W...W...well you have. I..I..I don't underssss...tand why you have l..l...loving me," she stammered through her agonising confession.

"I love you more than anything in this world," he pleaded, "you must know that."

"B..but you k...k...keep re.....jecting me," she cast her eyes to the floor. "I... I thought it mmmmust be scars. B..But..."

"NO," he growled and threw his arms around her, dragging her close. His breath raged. "Rosie, it is not you. It could never be you. I love you, I love your body, your scars do not offend me, though I hate the cause of them... it is something else."

Despite her lectures she curled into him, he was the only thing she wanted. "W..What is then?"

He was silent as he rocked her in his arms, kissing her hair and her neck, her face. Any part he could reach.

"H..Henry, please?" she implored.

"I promised myself not to tell you," he sounded raw, "But now I do not know what is worse. I had not thought I would hurt you so. I thought you knew how safe in my love you were."

"How can I feel safe at my husband's" she burrowed her face into his neck. Just glad he was holding her, if only for now.

"I love you so much Rosie. I love you. You cannot know how hard it was to pull away."

"Ssso why?" Her arms snaked under his jacket as she pressed against him, he would not push her away again.

There was a long wait, but she felt him wavering in his intent. Finally he whispered, "I thought it would help," he paused, "... when your courses came and you had not conceived, I thought it would help if it were my doing."

Confused she looked up at him, his face contorted into a grief she had not witnessed.

"Why would I not c..c..conceive?" she asked, stunned.

He took a long look at her, willing her to understand. Suddenly the doctor's examination came to mind. He had so thoroughly investigated her stomach scars... No! It could not be.

"Dr Adamson," she whispered shaking her head softly side to side, pleading with him to correct her.

But he nodded sadly, "I'm sorry Rosie, but he thinks it highly likely that you have suffered too great a damage." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, chaste but loving.

The horror of not being able to bear children flooded her.

" you w..will t..t...t..t..t," she forced a deep breath, "t...take a mmmm..mistress to prov..vide an heir."

"NO!" he shouted and she jumped violently in his arms, he modulated his voice, "Rosie, not in a whole lifetime could I take a mistress."

"Annn annulment" she asked dully. Pain at the thought of being discarded so cruelly overwhelming her.

"No," he retorted sharply. "There will only ever be you, no other woman could or will ever replace you."

The coach pulled to a stop, interrupting their conversation in a way she didn't want. " not sssleep in your ch..chamber Henry. P.p..please?"

"I will never do that again," he assured her, and when the door opened he led her into the house, upstairs to her chamber and dismissed Maisie, who was waiting to serve her mistress.

"I will attend her Grace tonight," he commanded gently to her grinning maid.

"Very good your Grace."

Once the door was shut he sat her down on the edge of the bed, kneeling before her as his arms stayed around her waist.

"I will never be with another woman," he repeated looking into her glistening eyes.

"W..w.what about an heir? You really should..." she nearly broke at the effort of forcing her next words again, "g..g..get annulment."

"NO." His voice was even more forceful and she looked upon his face to see only horror at the idea. It instantly soothed the fiery pain rushing through her veins, reassuring her of the truth of his words.

She cupped his cheek and said dully, "Oh Henry, I am so sssorry, I have let you down."

"No," he said more gently, "Rosie, I have told you before, it is not you I hold to account." He leant forward and kissed her lips.

His love seeped into her, relieving the enormous pressure she felt since he abandoned her yesterday morning. It was not a passionate kiss, nor a long one, but the connection of his soft lips pressed urgently against hers was all she needed.

She pulled back, still holding his face, "That is why you are so angry at my p..parents."

"Yes. Not wholly, but it is a big part of it." He kissed her thumb.

"What is the whole of it?"

"They hurt you Rosie. Deliberately and harshly." He sounded incredulous that she needed to even ask. "I cannot forgive that. I will not." She gave him a weak smile.

"So instead of hurting me by informing me I am..."she swallowed, "... b.barren. You tried to take the blame by withholding yourself from our bed?" She could not believe it. He nodded uncertainly.

"That is simultaneously the best and worst thing you could have done." A solitary tear escaped, "Best, because you fell on your sword to try and protect me. Worst, because the agony of rejection and sleeping alone was the greatest pain I have ever felt."

His eyes widened in horror. "Even at your mother's hand?"

Another tear fell as she nodded, "Because I love you so much. Nothing can hurt as much if love is not involved."

"Rosie," he groaned, "I am sorry. How could I have been so foolish?" He buried his head in her lap.

Her fingers ran through his hair, "Because you love me, and tried to protect me. But you could not prevent it, I was due pain either way. But with you in my bed, in my arms, I can withstand anything."

"I tried to give you what you needed this morning, but you said it was terrible, why?" he raised his tortured gaze.

"It was so impersonal Gray, I was rejoicing in your touch and thinking you felt the same. But you were performing a chore that you took no pleasure in. I imagine I felt much like you did at our very first joining." She ran her fingers over his eyebrows.

Light dawned, as dismay etched into his features. "No – oh Rosie, I am sorry. I did not intend... I had thought... I was trying to help you. I remembered how vexed you got when we missed our morning loving that time."

A small, teasing smile set upon his lips, "I did not want you to suffer."

She affectionately pushed his face. "Gray, you are a fool. It is not simply the wonderful end, it is the whole wonderful journey, with you. The intimacy, the connection. It gives me confidence and makes me feel... right."

"I feel the same, I have been like an angry bear. But you must know you were wrong to say I took no pleasure in it, I wanted to touch you. I always take pleasure in touching you," his hungry look devoured her senses.

"Oh Gray," she breathed.

She saw the need in his eyes that mirrored her own, a need to heal the ridiculous rift between them. Their affection was the best way to do that.

"Love me," she mouthed.

He launched, attacking her lips with his own and she was lost. He lay atop her, burying his fingers into her hair as his tongue thrust into her mouth with a violent passion

"Rosie, oh my love. I adore you. I will never be apart from you again, I swear it," his lips sought every part of her face, her skin crying out for his love. "I'm so sorry I hurt you, I was a fool."

"I love you also, so much," she cried as his teeth nipped her shoulder.

He cleansed her pain as he held her close, whispering vows of undying love. Making promises of being by her side forever, never leaving her bed again - his words as healing to her as his actions.

They lay entangled in the sheets, she was folded into his arms and utterly content, it was the only place she wanted to be, the perfect remedy for the last two days.

He held her tighter as she leaned up and put a loving kiss against his lips.

"I cannot believe I thought giving this up was a better idea than confiding the truth," he murmured into her mouth.

"No, me either," she presented him with another kiss. Her hands rested on his chest and she snuggled her head there too

"Though it does pain me that we cannot have children," she admitted in a small voice.

"I feel the same," he murmured reluctantly, kissing the top of her head.

"I pictured a mini you so clearly, running about the estate."

"Funny," he stroked her shoulder, "I saw a mini you, wild curls bouncing as we take her on her first pony." His arms squeezed her again.

Her voice broke as she revealed her heart, "Thank you for choosing to keep me, I could not begin to survive the pain of losing you."

"It was never an option, not even entering my head until you mentioned it," his tone was clear, no deception at all. "Rosie, I could lose everything in the world, but if I still had you, I would be a happy man. You are worth more than anything I possess."

She sighed happily, "High praise indeed."

"Truth," he counteracted.

"The letters you wrote, commanding that we be seated together," she started but was interrupted by his indignant voice.

"I did not command, I merely stated we would be sat together or we would not be there at all."

She giggled, "Like I said... commaaaanded," but this time she let the word escape on a yearning breath, revealing the desire it produced in her.

He took a sharp intake of breath, "Very well, I acquiesce, I commanded," he admitted with a grin, "because apparently my wife likes it."

"I confess I do," she pushed a slow kiss to his chest. "Much as I find watching you in a cold rage very..." she fluttered her eyes up to his, "vexing."

His eyes heated, "This bodes well for our bedroom, for I find my ire rises easily." He chuckled.

"Yes, though only at those deserving of it. Apart from poor Wiston." She buried her face in his neck to stem the giggle, especially as he rose to the bait.

"Poor Wiston my - - foot," he objected harshly, "he's a cad, a bounder. You should stay away from him."

"I could not possibly," she said teasingly. At his stiffening body she took pity, "Because I can tell he is a true friend of yours."


She kissed his chest.


She kissed his neck.


She nibbled his chin.


She licked his lips.

"Hmmmm. Minx, you win." He devoured her mouth and she willingly let him.

Once he had thoroughly kissed her, she continued, "So, those commanding letters -"


"Did they say anything else? Only you seemed to discard a lot. I thought perhaps you could not find the right words to say." His arms tightened.

"I wanted to add the instruction to not invite your parents to the same function as us, or the same consequences apply. But I could not without causing a scandal. I would not mind it for their sake, but you would be caught in it as well."

"I am happy you refrained, I would not enjoy being the fodder for gossip. Though I admit, I would be happy with the result."

Never suffering her family again? The very idea of such freedom filled her with a lightness she had never felt before.

"Truly?" he sounded surprised, "I thought you would censure me if I banned you from seeing them."

She gazed wide-eyed at him, "No, I would be glad of it. I would not want you to duel my father, but I would happily assent to obeying you on this."

He was watching her with a curious delight. "In that case," his voice deepened to a hard edge, "Rosannah, I forbid you from seeing your parents again." He was being extremely stern and her stomach flipped, not just at his tone, but his words.

In one fell swoop he had released her. The decision was not hers, despite the fact she desired it. The decision was his.

She bit her lip, "Say it again, be commanding." Her breathing became ragged and he fought back a grin before switching to a dark cold persona, astounding her with the difference.

"Rosannah Ivy Augusta Foxleigh." Unwavering authority raged from his demanding tone, coupled with a glare from his icy gaze. It made her squirm against him with vexed delight. "You will comply with my instructions, I have the rights over your life and will not brook disobedience of any kind," she juddered as a delicious ache swept through her. "I forbid you to visit, talk, correspond or interact in any way with your parents. Do you understand?"

She was practically panting, "Yes Gray, I understand."

"You will obey me," his dictate was unyielding.

"Yes Gray, I will obey you," she agreed breathlessly. How could his domineering attitude have such an effect upon her?

"Well, I must say I like this new development," he grinned wickedly. "I'm definitely winning next time we go out."

Much later, after another healing union, the birds started the morning chorus.

"Oh, my," Rosannah peeked towards the window, "we have stayed up late."

"Hmmm, we had some wasted time to make up for," he breathed into her hair.

"It was only yesterday morning," she giggled, "we did not miss one day."

"I know, you vixen." He kissed her temple, "But it felt like an eternity."

She snuggled into his embrace, "It did. But tonight has proven to be magnificent indeed."

He growled softly, "You say the best things."

"I speak only the truth."

"Yes, and you revealed a truth tonight I am thrilled to discover." He sounded positively wicked as he rubbed languorous fingers through her hair, making her scalp tingle in sensual delight.

"I know you think you have found an advantage over me in our little game," she yawned, "but you are missing a key piece of the puzzle."

"No, I don't believe I am," he sounded amused, "I saw what happened when I exerted my authority over you. Your desire was incredible."

She could not help but giggle at the truth of that. "Yes, I was as surprised as you. Do you truly not think badly of me for it?"

"No. I liked it," he paused, "a great deal."

"Why? I do not even know why it produced such a reaction in me. Though I still insist you are unaware of a vital piece of information. I will not divulge however, for I do not want to lose our game."

"First my beautiful wife, I like it because it shows how deeply you trust me. Respect me. You have given me the role of master and protector and it is an honour I will always cherish." She nodded sleepily into his chest, that is exactly how she felt.

"Secondly, I know the missing piece," he teased. "I am only this because of you."

She squinted up at him.

"As your husband I hold rights over you that would allow me to make such demands whether you desired them or not. However, had you not given me permission to command you, you would not have been so..." his lip twitched, "...pleased."

Rosannah poked him and he grabbed her finger, biting it gently. "I had free reign to command you because you let me." She pouted that he knew her secrets and he chuckled lightly before continuing in a serious tone, "It shows that you have faith that I will not abuse my power, and that pleases me immensely. Especially considering your upbringing." His fingers twitched briefly in her hair.

"I have never trusted or truly respected my parents," her lips brushed his chest. "But with you it is easy."

"Grrr, woman!" he pulled her face up and plundered her mouth with his tongue.

"I have my own advantage you know," she teased after their amorous kiss.

"What?" He started licking her ear, distracting her. Surely they would not love again? She shivered as the familiar ache unfurled.

"You confessed you only did something because I permitted it," she said breathlessly. "What on earth will people say when they discover the Dauntless Duke is following orders from his wife?"

"They will never believe you," he mocked as he kissed the sensitive spot under her ear. She clutched his hair.

"But now, the Dauntless Duke would like to give some orders," he warned as his tongue made its way down her neck.

"His Dainty Delight would be happy to obey," she breathed.

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