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Part Two of the Series, Heart of the Cure. The fight for survival continues when the Crow's worst enemies do... Mehr

Chapter One: Seattle
Chapter Two: No One Left Behind
Chapter Three: Clash
Chapter Four: Retention
Chapter Six: The Awaited
Chapter Seven: Preminition
Chapter Eight: A Chance
Chapter Nine: Discontent
Chapter Ten: Encounter
Chapter Eleven: Afraid
Chapter Twelve: Once We're Done
Chapter Thirteen: You or Me
Chapter Fourteen: Smolder
Chapter Fifteen: Uncontrollable
Chapter Sixteen: The Calm
Chapter Seventeen: Before The Storm
Chapter Eighteen: The On Bringing
Chapter Nineteen: England
Chapter Twenty: A Missing Piece
Chapter Twenty One: Lucky Day
Chapter Twenty Two: At Fault
Chapter Twenty Three: Alabama
Chapter Twenty Four: Just Like Me
Chapter Twenty Five: Consequences
Chapter Twenty Six: Remember Me?
Chapter Twenty Seven: Vaccine
Chapter Twenty Eight: A Decision
Prologue: Together Forever

Chapter Five: In Circles

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Von friendsend

A.N: Hey guys, here's chapter five of Heart and Steal! The chapter is unrevised so sorry if there's any mistakes. please leave a comment and let me know what you thought ^^ I know there's so many people anticipating two certain individual's arrivial and I assure, it won't be long. anywho, I hope you enjoyed! 

The room was silent for awhile. Yoongi had been alone at home for about an hour. Sophie was with Katie whilst Sarah was out and about, doing tasks for the Crows. Yoongi didn't mind being alone, to be honest, sometimes he needed to be alone. There was so much going on, so much in his head that he couldn't comprehend them all at once. Everything were all mixing in his head, it was good to have some alone time to think about things. The Crows, the Skull Fighters. . . Jungkook and Jimin, there's so much.

He sighed as he leaned his head back, head softly thudding on the headboard. "Four years. . . where are you? What happened to the two of you that's taking you four years to get back to us. . ." Yoongi looked down, eyes staring at his hands. He remembers the last time he saw the two of them. Four years ago, before they left the Crows. 'Jungkook, he's twenty five now and Jimin. . . Jimin is twenty seven. So much time has passed. 'Yoongi tsked, shaking his head "I'm getting old."

He turned his head when he suddenly heard the door to his room open. He smiled when a familiar face appeared, peeking through. "You're calling yourself old? You're only thirty three. Compared to me, you're but a child." Louis said with a chuckle, pulling a chair to sit next to Yoongi. "A fifty five year old man like me is too old for all this. I'm the old one, not you." "I already feel old though. And you, you don't look old at all. You look like a teen." Yoongi responded, a smile on his face.

His comment made Louis cackle, shaking his head lightly. "Ah, flattery ain't going to take you nowhere. How're you doing by the way? Are you feeling better?" Yoongi nodded, sighing as he looked at Louis's face. "Yeah, I guess so. Seokjin said it's best not to do any sudden movements for a week or so, and to not lift heavy objects." Louis hummed, nodding at all of the information. "I see. . . I also heard that Sarah has been helping out here. Sophie seems to be getting along with her much better than she used to." Yoongi let out an exhale as he sat up, all attention to Louis.

"It's not what you think-" "No no, there's no need for you to explain yourself. If you wanna live your life, you can. You know that I'll always support you and Sophie. I know. . . she needs someone out there for her too." "No, it's not that. I don't have anything with Sarah. She's just helping out here. I already told her not to get her hopes up. . . I don't think I'll ever be able to see someone like that again." Yoongi replied, voice going softer as he finished his sentence.

Louis smiled gently at Yoongi's expression. It's not that he didn't want Yoongi to move on but know that he still loved Jimin, seemed to make him at ease. Whether that made him selfish or not, he didn't know. "Alright, I believe you. Just, let everyone else know. There's alot of rumors going around. And Sarah doesn't seem to be in any hurry to correct them." "Yeah. . . I'll make sure everyone has that clear. There's no way I'll be able to be with anyone again. . . at least, I don't think."

It was sunset, it would soon be dark. Taehyung looked around, shifting his body in different positions. His hands were tied behind his back now and he had no way to escape. The man had taken him deeper into the mall, into a closed down store. The entry was covered in the metal gate, there was no way anyone could see in or out. The man had all the items in the store pushed to the corners, a makeshift fire in the middle. Taehyung didn't know if that was a fire hazard but he didn't say anything.

"Hey! When are you going to let me go!" Taehyung yelled instead. "It's already been hours and I haven't shifted yet." The man turned his head towards Taehyung, eyes looking from his feet to his head, nodding. "You're right, you haven't turned. You must've been telling the truth then." "Of course I was telling the truth, why would I say a lie when my life is on the line?" The man chuckled as he turned his entire body towards Taehyung. "Well, with a hair like that, who knows what nonsense you're saying." "Excuse you?! My hair is beautiful." The man laughed, throwing his head back when Taehyung responded.

"It sure is. Haven't seen that hairstyle since I was in my late thirties. Damn, how long has that been." "Late thirties? So you're forty-?" The man stood silent as Taehyung began counting. "Why the hell do you wanna know my age?" "Well. . . it's a way to stop the silence since you don't wanna let me go." Taehyung responded, a pout on his lips. The man tsked, shaking his head as he rolled his eyes. "I'm forty nine." Taehyung's eyes widened, pout turning into a smile. "I'm twenty seven." "Good for you. Now then, what will I do with you I wonder." He said, making Taehyung pout again.

"You can let me go." "Nah, I won't gain anything from letting you go." Taehyung exhaled, leaning his head to the side. "Look. . . I can give you the injection. . . the cure. Let me go and then I'll go get it and come back." The man seemed to be thinking for a bit before he shook his head, biting his bottom lip. "No. . . you'll just run off. How can I trust you, the person who I almost killed, to come back after I let him go? Not a chance kid." "I'm not a kid, I already said I'm twenty seven." "Doesn't matter, you're younger than me so you're a kid." The man once again turned his body to look at the fire, ignoring Taehyung's whines and groans.

It was after about fifteen minutes that Taehyung decided to talk again. "Look. . . old man, I'm a person of my word. Let me go and I'll come back with the cure. I know I'm a stranger but I know you're not a bad person. A bad person would already kill me or do alot of other things to me but you. . . you're not bad." The man turned his head at his words, an eyebrow lifted up as Taehyung exhaled once more. "Look. . . I know it's hard to trust me but. . . I'll get the cure, I promise."

The man stared into Taehyung's eyes for a bit, eyes shifting from one to the other. In the end, he sighed, he placed his head in his hands, letting out a deep sigh. ". . . fuck it." He stood up and grabbed his dagger, making Taehyung's eyes go wide. He closed his eyes tightly but reopened them when he felt the tape on his hands being cut, wrist feeling much better than before. He was about to turn his head to thank the stranger when the man placed his hand on the back of Taehyung's neck, fingers grasping his hair, pulling his head back.

Taehyung's breath got caught up in his throat when he felt the man's strong grip. "I'm trusting you, don't make me find you and kill you, you got it? And make sure you come back alone." "Yeah. . . I will." Taehyung responded when the man let go, walking away back to his seat by the fire. "Go then, before I change my mind." Taehyung nodded his head as he stood up. He looked around and noticed his pistol and knife by the man. He sighed when he realized the man wasn't going to give it back to him. Instead, he turned around and quickly made it out of the mall.

It was dark when Taehyung made it outside. Luckily, he had been throughout the entire city so he knew the way back like the back of his hand. It was almost twenty minutes later when he finally got back to the zone. He let out a breath of relief once he was back inside. He couldn't control the tremble of his body when he realized that he could've died back there and no one would've known it. Before anyone could notice Taehyung's panic, he took a deep breath, masking it with his usual smile.

He was thankful he did since the minute he walked towards his house he saw Bogum, nervously sitting on his front porch. "Taehyung! What the hell did I tell you about staying out for so long?! I was so worried!" Without hesitation, Bogum immediately wrapped his arms around Taehyung, tightly hugging him against his chest. "I was so worried about you." He whispered more to himself than to Taehyung. His eyes suddenly widened when he saw that Taehyung's bottom lip was bleeding, a little bump on his right temple. "What happened to you?!"

For a moment, Taehyung considered telling him what had happened but then, he stopped himself. How could he? If Taehyung told someone about this, they wouldn't let him out anymore. They would look for the man and maybe even kill him. No, Taehyung wasn't going to say anything. . . he was going to keep his word, like he promised. "Uhm, I kind of hurt myself but it's okay. I'm fine but just in case, do you know where Seokjin is?

I uhm. . . I uh- I ran into an infected and well, it bit me. It's already been like three hours but I just want him to check it out, you know." Bogum widened his eyes, before he worriedly glanced at Taehyung's hand when Taehyung showed him his injury. "Oh Tae. . ." Bogum sighed, shaking his head worriedly. "He's at the hospital. Here let me take you." "No no, it's okay. I can go on my own." "But-" Taehyung shook his head and gave Bogum the most convincing smile he could achieve. "It's okay, really. I wanted to talk to him about personal things too, that's why."

"Oh. . . okay sure. Look for me later yeah? I uh, I'm still a little shaky since you weren't here for so long." Taehyung's smile turned soft, grateful. "Thank you Bogum but I'm fine. I'll look for you later." Bogum nodded, giving a smile of his own. "Okay, I'll wait for you." Bogum said before he saw Taehyung walk towards the hospital. "I'll always wait for you."

"Jin? Jin-hyung?" Taehyung asked as he peeked into Seokjin's lab. He knew the vials of the cure and the reverse cure were here but he didn't know which ones they were. He didn't want to touch anything for in case so he decided to wait until Seokjin showed up. He sat down on one of the chairs, patiently waiting until the doors opened once more. "Oh Taehyung? What're you doing here? Wait, you're hurt, what happened?" "Oh uhm, I just fell but anyways, I want to know if you can give me another cure injection. For later use I mean." Seokjin frowned, eyebrows furrowing with confusion.

"Why?" "Oh uhm, I was bit today so for precaution. . . I'll have an extra injection with me, you know?" Taehyung responded, trying his best to sound convincing, thankfully, it worked. "I see, well I guess that's good thinking. I'll give you one but please know that it isn't as perfect as the original cure. This'll stop the virus but won't guarantee you won't turn the next time you get bit, understood?" Taehyung nodded his head as he saw Seokjin move towards a cabinet, opening both doors before he pulled out a little vial with white liquid.

"You would inject it here and don't push it in all at once. Make sure to go little by little and try not to put too much pressure in it. Do you want me to help you with your injures?" Taehyung nodded at all the instructions, listening carefully to each one. Once Seokjin explained everything, he stood up and gave Seokjin a tight hug. "Thank you hyung but I'm okay. I appreciate it." "No problem Tae. you know that I'm here for you." Seokjin responded before Taehyung was quickly out of the door. He hurriedly walked towards his house, deciding to wait out until everyone was asleep to leave the zone again.

He knew he probably shouldn't go back to that guy. . . what if he shot him when he did return? What if all he wanted was the cure and now that he has it, he'll do terrible things to Taehyung? He sighed and shook his head. No, the man wouldn't do those things, he would've done it already when Taehyung was tied up. He didn't know why but for some reason, he trusted that man. He's never trusted someone so easily like that before. Maybe because he looked oddly familiar. Yeah, that has to be it. Taehyung took a deep breath as he looked outside his window. He would be leaving soon. Just a couple more hours until everyone is asleep.

The moment had come. Taehyung quietly got out of his house, immediately making his way back to where he had found the man. It was quiet  journey since it was still pitch black. It was almost thirty minutes later that he reached the mall. It was much scarier looking than in the day time but that wasn't going to stop Taehyung from going inside. He found the crack in the wall and crouched down, slipping inside. He was quiet, making sure the man didn't think he was another person and attack him like he did in their first meeting.

"Uhm sir? Old man?" Taehyung asked as he slowly reached the store he remembers coming out of. "Oh, well you look at that. You actually came back." Taehyung yelped, turning around when he heard a voice behind him. "Oh, it's you. And yeah, I said I was going to be back didn't I? I promised." The man sighed, looking at Taehyung with a strange expression. "Follow." He responded, signaling Taehyung into the store with him. "You know, there's not much people you can trust in the world. I wasn't expecting to see you back here. If anything, you'd be back with one of your Crow friends to finish me off."

Taehyung frowned, questioning why the man would think that. "I mean, it's not like someone would let off someone who almost opened their skull with a bullet. I tied you up and almost killed you." "But you didn't, you let me go. And you trusted me to be back. Yeah you hit me but that's because you thought I was an enemy. I thought you were the enemy too but clearly, you're just surviving. The same as me, the same as everyone in the Crows." Taehyung reached into his pocket, pulling out the syringe.

He reached his hand towards the man, giving him the said syringe. "Here, the cure." The man looked at the syringe before looking back up at Taehyung, an unsure look in his eyes. "It's the cure, I promise." It was silent for a while before the man sighed, grabbing the syringe from Taehyung. "Allow me, if you want." "It's just a simple inject and that's that isn't it?" "Well yeah but you have to make sure you push it in slowly." Taehyung responded, watching as the man uncapped the needle, injecting the serum into his arm.

"This better work or I'll hunt you down as a ghost." Taehyung chuckled, looking away when the man turned to look at him. "It'll work, I assure you." The man sighed, instantly sitting on the ground, back leaning on the wall. He pulled out a bottle that was in a black plastic bag. Taehyung widened his eyes at the bottle. "What? Wants some?" The man asked when he noticed Taehyung expression. "Uhm no, I'm good. I'm not a drinker." The man chuckled, shaking his head lightly. "Light weight? You can drink already can't you? What are you seventeen?" Taehyung pouted, frowning at the man. "I'm twenty seven." He ended up saying, sighing.

"Twenty seven. . . twenty seven." Taehyung raised both eyebrows when the man kept repeating it, sighing after he stopped, head moving to look at the ceiling. "What's wrong?" Taehyung asked as the man took a large chug from the bottle. "Oh nothing, I just. . ." The man laughed, shaking his head with a sad smile. "I'm stupid, that's why. I'm stupid enough to tell a stranger about my past." Taehyung sensed that the man was slowly getting drunk since he kept drinking large chugs, lifting it up to drink again after swallowing what he had in his mouth.

"I. . . I had a son. He should be your age right about now." Taehyung eyes widened, immediately feeling bad. He guessed the man lost his family to the virus, that or killed by people. "I had a daughter too. . . and a beautiful wife. But I lost them. . . I lost them because I was stupid." "What happened? Was it. . .the virus?" Taehyung asked quietly. He was shocked when the man shook his head. "No. . . it was before the virus. I left them, I left my family because I was stupid. I thought-"

The man choked up. He took a deep breath and swallowed the lump that formed in his throat. "Now that I think about it, it seems like an idiotic reason. Especially in a time like this. I left them and I haven't found them since. I haven't seen my daughter. . . my son. . . in twenty two years. I could still imagine their faces. My daughter, she had long beautiful brown hair that went to her waist. She had a cute little mole under her bottom lip." The man chuckled as he took another swig. "My son had the same one. It seemed to run in the family." The man glanced up at Taehyung, not really noticing his surprised expression. "Hey, you have it too. The mark under your lip." Taehyung's eyes widened, mouth opening widely. "W-What?"

The man smiled, looking back at the ceiling. Tears flowing out of his eyes. "My son, he- . . I thought he wasn't mine. . . but I'm just stupid. He'll always be my son, no matter what. Their names were-" "Amy" The man looked up, eyebrows frowning when he saw Taehyung's bottom lip trembling, eyes watery. "Kim Amy. And your son. . . his name is Taehyung. . . Kim Taehyung." The man widened his eyes at Taehyung's words. "How did you know-" The man instantly sat up when Taehyung stood up, sniffling loudly.

"Wait. . . wait!" The man yelled, quickly sitting up when Taehyung ran out of the store, not looking back, even when he heard the man's voice. . . his father's voice. "Taehyung?! Wait please, stop!" Taehyung was forced to stop when the man ran in front of him, eyes looking frantically all over Taehyung's face. "Tae. . . Taehyung? Is that. . . is that really you?" Taehyung was too shocked to move when the man's hands went towards his cheeks, moving his face to look at every part of his face.

There were tears filled in the man's eyes. "Taehyung, my son. . . you're alive." Taehyung flinched when he was suddenly in the man's arms, in a tight hug. He couldn't help it when more tears fell from his eyes, him going in a full on sob. He didn't know why but he wrapped his arms around the man, tears wetting the man's shirt. "Taehyung. . . my son. Taehyung."

"Taehyung? Taehyung, wake up! Hoseok wants to talk with you." Bogum yelled as he knocked on Taehyung's bedroom door. He waited for awhile, making sure Taehyung wasn't just asleep, unable to hear him before slowly opening the door. He peeked in, eyes moving from corner to corner. "Tae? Are you in the restroom?" Bogum yelled once more. He walked to the restroom door, knocking on it before opening the door as well. "Tae? . . god damn it, where are you?

Why do you always leave like this." Bogum sighed, ruffling his own hair with frustration. "You always have to make me worried. You love to see me suffer huh?" He spoke to himself before he left the house, locking and closing the doors before he got out. "Oh? Was he still asleep?" Hoseok asked. He was outside, waiting for Bogum to come out with Taehyung but only Bogum walked out. "He's not here. He's probably out, outside the zone again." Hoseok lifted both his eyes, tsking silently.

"He's going to hurt himself one day. I don't know why he keeps going out there when we already told him not to. Too bad we can't just ground him like a child." Bogum lightly chuckled at Hoseok's words, making Hoseok smile too. "You know, I noticed that you take care of Taehyung alot more now. It's good that you're there for him. He. . . he really needs someone with him at all times. I. . . I think you're a good person and I know how you feel, how you feel about him." 

Bogum's smile instantly left, cheeks turning pink. "I uhm-" Hoseok chuckled, patting Bogum's shoulder. "I know, he still has hope, so do I. Just. . . just don't give up. You never know. Tell Tae I'm looking for him okay?" Bogum was left surprised as Hoseok left, waving him goodbye. "Yeah. . . I will."

"The preparations are made for the attack sir. I'm sorry but. . . are we really going to attack the Skull Fighters?" A man from the Crows said. Seokjin nodded his head, sighing before he turned to look at him. "We have to. Our comrades deserve their justice and so, I'll give it to them." "That justice is going to get us killed." Jay added on, entering the room Seokjin was in. "Excuse me sir, I'll let you be." Jay waited until the other man was gone before he sat down on a chair, arms crossed in front of him.

"This little mission of yours is a suicide. So many of us are going to die. There's only a few of us and hundreds of them. Not only that, Lianna had told us that there's more Skull Fighters in a different country for crying out loud. What happens when they decide to come here? Huh? What then? By the time they get here, we'll only be dozens. We're not ready for this fight Seokjin, don't commit a mistake." "Then what do I do?" Seokjin asked, a frown on his face.

"Tell me. . . what do I do to them?! I can't just stand here and watch as my comrades, OUR family die because of them! No, I've been standing here, doing nothing but in my lab coat for too long. The virus isn't even our main enemy anymore, it's them. It's the Skull Fighters. Jay, this battle will end, now." Jay sighed, shaking his head at Seokjin decision. He understood him, everyone understood him but he just couldn't stop thinking that this was a bad idea. Even if Jay hates to admit it, he knows Yoongi would be the only one who would be able to reason with Seokjin.

The only other person besides Namjoon that Seokjin listens to, is him. "Before you make your final decision. . . talk with Yoongi." "What?" Seokjin asked, eyebrows raised with surprise. "Please just. . . talk to him. Let him know what you're planning to do. Then. . . then we can go with your plan." Seokjin sighed as he leaned on his chair. He stared at Jay, questioning him without words, only with his stare. Jay was never friendly with Yoongi, not even when Jimin was with them so it was strange to see him insist that Seokjin speak with Yoongi.

"Fine, I'll talk to him but nothing is changing my mind. We're going to attack the Skull Fighters. . . even if it kills me."


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