Until The Sun Dies

MaryH250 द्वारा

79.6K 1.7K 358

Imagine... You are sent up into the Maze instead of Teresa. You're scared alone and the only girl. But one bo... अधिक

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6 Months Later...
What happened?
Until the Sun Dies
Crank Tunnel
Glorious Daylight
A Moment of Wonder
Back in the Maze
Psalm 18:4 Death
An Old Friend
Let Me do the Talking
Be Careful
The Truth Comes Out
The Sun Hasn't Died Yet
Control Your Temper
A Blast From the Past
Anger and Consequences
Why Does This Feel Like Goodbye?
I'm Coming With You
Stupid Janson
Running Out of Time
Brilliant Ideas
Flares, Buses, and Guards. Oh My!
We're Not Going to Make it
Divide and Conquer
Breathing Like a Crank
Cranky Thoughts
"Page 250"
RUNNING out of time
Memories of Rainbows
So Close to Safety
The End and the Beginning
What Happened??
Bruises, Broken Bones, and Stab Wounds! Oh My!
Crazy Ride

Do You Trust Me?

646 14 4
MaryH250 द्वारा

 You wake up to the bustling busy sounds from the city. You're still comfortably rested in Newt embrace, he's still asleep. As you remain with your back leaning against his chest, you feel the constant comforting rising and falling of his breaths. You listen to the sounds of people going on about their daily lives and allow your eyes to slowly fall shut. The warm sun on your face mixed with the oddly soothing sounds city and Newt right beside you slowly entrances you into a deep sleep. You finally wake up when you feel Newt start to shift behind you. You feel a dull pain pulling at your wrists and at your head, and you pull your self from your thoughts. After all the excitement of last night you had forgotten to even check and make sure that neither of the injuries were serious. With the slightest movement you look down at your wrists which are covered in dried blood. You wince, a ring had been cut around your wrist, spreading down your hand from forcably ripping them away from the ropes. That was going to leave a scar. You slowly turn your wrists, ignoring the pain, to try and loosen the dried blood and test your mobility. Behind you, Newt finishes his slow transition from asleep to awake and says. "Morning Y/n, you feeling a bit better now?" His words are followed big a big yawn. "I'm alright, and you?" He groans as he stretches, "A bit sore." Now you really laugh. In the daylight Newt notices that cuts on your wrists for the first time, "What happened?!" You shake your head saying, "It's nothing. I was tied to the chair... Then Teresa made me mad, so I ripped my hands from the ropes." Gingerly he picks up one of your hands to get a better look. "I'm so sorry." You shrug, "It's not that big of a deal. It won't be the first scar I've ever gotten." After your words escape your mouth, a heaviness surrounds the air. And an awareness falls over you, almost like for the first time, you understand the world you live in. It's sad when pain becomes normal, when bloody wrists are the very least of your worries, when you have more scars than you can count. It's sad when an organization does horrible tests on children causing more pain and more death. It's sad when nearly the whole population of the earth is infected by horrible disease that turns you into a rabid bloodthirsty creature that can't even be called human. This life that you're living in is sad. Bad things happen and people get hurt. But you'll never give up, you will fight for a better life, you will fight for your friends. You will fight, and you will win.

After several moments of sitting and enjoying Newt's company, you finally get up and make your way to the dingy bathroom to clean your wrists. Once you're done you decide to try and find Gally, you want to know what happened with Teresa after they left. You find him in the large room at the center of the building. He's bent over the table, studying different maps and plans for the evening. "Hey, Gally." You have to surprise a laugh when he jumps at the sound of your voice. "Y/n. How can I help you?" You roll your eyes at his mocking politeness. "What happened with Teresa after the two of you left the room?" Gally sighs and looks up from his maps, "I asked her a few questions, and made sure she wouldn't escape again." You stay silent for a minute, thinking of the best way to word what you want to say. "Did she tell you anything?" "Like what?" "I don't know anything about me I guess..." "Why? Are you hiding something?" "On the contrary, she's hiding information about me and my past and I would like to know if that information was shared. Is that a good enough answer for you?" Gally raises his hands in false surrender while his crazy eyebrows follow suit. "No, she didn't say anything about you except that we shouldn't trust you." "And do you?" "Do I what?" "Trust me?" Gally pauses, "I do now." You're shocked, that wasn't the answer you were expecting. "What changed your mind?" Gally looks at you the same way he did when he was teasing you and Newt, brotherly. "Now that I know you're innocent. Teresa knows something about your past that none of us do. My first thought was that you knew this as well and were hiding something from us. But now I can see you're just as clueless as we are." You smile at Gally. His logic may be a little confusing, but you're glad that he trusts you. You decide that now, you trust him. It's like Newt said, who we were in the past doesn't matter, they're gone. What matters is who we are now. You thank Gally and walk off to find Fry. You find him in the kitchen, where you hoped he would be, and he's making some sort of stew for lunch. "Hey, Fry." He turns around and his face lights up when he sees you. "Y/n! Good to see you! I heard about what happened last night, are you ok?" You smile at him, "Yeah I'm good, just ready to be done with her." Fry nods, "Yeah, just think, soon we'll have rescued Minho and be off towards the safe haven to start out new lives. We'll be done with WICKED for good." 

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