Questionable Behavior | Billi...

بواسطة kal_ein

83.2K 2.2K 1.8K

ALSO ON QUOTEV 🖤Billie Eilish 🖤 Avery was a pretty quiet girl who lived a relatively boring life. She didn'... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 5

4.8K 138 168
بواسطة kal_ein

A/n: I'M BACK! I'M NOT DEAD! I'm sorry I didn't update sooner! Work has been kicking my ass!! But here's a long chapter to make up for it!


The week slowly dragged on. It felt like Friday would never come. But, eventually, it did!

"Guys, I'm so excited!" Michelle said while practically bouncing in her spot. We were waiting in the line for the concert. The guards had to make sure we had actually bought our tickets and weren't just random people trying to bust into the concert.

"I feel like I'm gonna explode!" Jayda exclaimed as we made our way closer to the guards. After about 3 more minutes, we were checked for our badges and were allowed into the stadium.

Because we had our VIP passes, we were able to get a decently close seat to where Billie was playing. We all sat down with me being between Gabby and Jayda and Michelle being on the other side of Gabby. Gabby and Jayda were talking to each other excitedly- Jayda was practically yelling in my ear- while Michelle was getting her camera ready.

I was practically vibrating in my seat by the time our principal, Mrs. Buman, walked onto the makeshift stage.

"I know you are all very excited! I can feel the energy in this room!" She said while walking back and forth across the stage.

"We, being the other teachers and I, thought this would be a nice treat for all of you! After all, you do have testing coming up within the next few months. So, sit back and relax for a bit! I now welcome Billie Eilish to the stage!" Mrs. Buman said. She handed the microphone to Billie and made her way off of the stage to join the other staff members.

Billie smiled at the crowd and I could feel the energy in the air as the students began to cheer. The look of excitement on Billie's face basically matched the look on each and every student's face. I could tell she was actually happy to be there.

"What's up people?!" She yelled into the microphone. Her response, of course, was the screaming of many teenagers. I saw her smile widen a bit.

"Are you ready to have some fun?!" She yelled, and once again she got the same response except it was even louder this time, if that was even possible. She chuckled.

"Alright! Let's get this bitc- er, I mean this party started!" She yelled as she gave a small look to the principal.

Music started to play over the speakers and I immediately recognized the song as "Bellyache." Everyone in the stadium sang and danced along with Billie. It was honestly a sight to see.

As the concert progressed, I felt Jayda, Gabby, and Michelle stand up to dance. Eventually, they had pulled me up as well. Billie had moved on to singing some of her newer songs. I could barely contain myself from belting out the lyrics when she started singing "Ilomilo." It was around this point- a third of the way into the concert- that I saw Billie's eyes cast over to where Jayda and I were dancing. I saw her eyes widen ever so slightly, as if she had originally thought we hadn't came. I saw her smile grow a bit and she sent a small wave in our direction. I heard the people, girls especially, around us scream louder. I waved back at her, ignoring the screaming people around me.
After that point of the concert, I noticed Billie's eyes would drift over to our small group frequently.

After what felt like mere minutes, Billie had finished singing the last song of her concert. 

"Sadly, this is the end of my show. I wish it was longer! You all have been an amazing audience! Thank you for being here for me, I love you!" She waved to the crowd one more time before exiting the stage.

"That. Was. Amazing!" Michelle said, looking tired, but very happy nonetheless.

"That was the best 2 and a half hours I've ever had in my life." I sighed in content.

"I'm ready to go home and sleep for the next year." Jayda said while standing up to stretch.

"Guys, you're forgetting something!" Gabby said. We all turned to look at her.

"It's not over for us yet! We still get to go see her backstage!" She said as if it were obvious. My eyes widened and my mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"I have no clue how I forgot that!" I said while hitting my forehead with the palm of my hand.

"I don't know how any of us forgot about it. Especially you, Avery!" Jayda said. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Uh, what? What do you mean by that??"

"Um, it was pretty clear that Billie was eyeing you down during the concert my dude. Literally anyone could see it. She's probably super excited to see you again." Michelle said while nudging me in the side with her elbow. I gave them a confused look.

"She waved at me a few times and I saw her look over here like three times in total..?" I said.

"Wow, you must have really not been paying attention, Avery. Even I saw it and I was dancing and moving all over the place!" Gabby chuckled.

"She was clearly excited to see you!" Michelle piped in. I shook my head at the three girls.

"I think you guys were just hallucinating. Plus she could have been looking at anyone over here." I said. Jayda just gave me a look that said 'believe what you want, I saw what I saw.'

"Anyway! Let's go backstage and see Billie!" Gabby said, stopping the conversation short.

"$10 says she notices Avery before she notices any of us." Jayda shrugged as we began to walk around the stage.

"You're on!" Michelle agreed and Gabby also nodded her head in agreement. I sighed and acted like they hadn't said anything.

We made our way to where Billie was sitting under a large, closed in tent/gazebo (I can't remember what it's called lmao) with a line of fans standing in front of her. There were guards standing in front of the opening to the tent, looking at the VIP passes to make sure no one was back here when they weren't supposed to be. It seemed that we were the last people in the line because of how long our previous conversation had been.

After a good 25-30 minutes, we had made our way up to the tent. The woman on guard checked our passes and then allowed us into the tent. Billie was signing something when we walked in. She gave it to the girl who was standing in wait for her. The girl gave a meek 'thank you!' before making her way out of the tent. She looked away from the girl who had exited the tent and her eyes met mine for a moment. I saw a smile grow on her face as she stood to greet us.

"Avery! Gabby, Michelle, and... Jayda, right?" I heard Michelle and Gabby grumbling about $10 while Jayda smiled victoriously. Billie looked at the three of them in confusion for a second before shrugging it off.

"What'd you guys think about the concert?" Billie asked with a small smile playing on her lips.

"It was great!" Gabby said from beside me, momentarily forgetting about the fact that she'd lost a bet. Michelle nodded alongside her.

"That had to have been the best concert I've ever been to!" Jayda cheered then turned to me.

"What about you, Avery? What did yoouu think about the concert?" She asked with a smirk while nudging my side. I rolled my eyes at her actions and smiled at Billie.

"I gotta say, for my first concert, it was pretty amazing."

"I was your first concert? I'm honored!" Billie gave me a playful smile.

"She's gonna be more than her first concert if ya know what I'm saying." I heard Jayda whisper to Michelle and Gabby with a snicker. I stepped on her foot hard and coughed a bit in an obvious way to get her to shut her mouth before she embarrassed anyone else any further.

We all talked to Billie for another 20 minutes before the guards motioned for us to finish up. I sighed.

"Well Billie, it's been fun. It seems like we need to go.." I said with a small frown. I didn't really want to stop talking to her because I knew it would most likely be the last time I ever made any form of contact with her. We all gave our goodbyes to Billie and she returned them. Just as we were turning to leave, Billie spoke again.

"Oh, uh, Avery hold up for a second." She said. I turned toward her with a raised brow. She cleared her throat.

"Uh, could I have your number..?" She asked, almost looking shy. I must have been imagining it though because she straightened her posture after looking at the other three girls.

"I mean, I just think it would be cool if we could all chill sometime. Ya know, get to know one another better. If not that's cool haha." She said, returning back to her not-shy self. I was honestly shocked that Billie Eilish herself was asking me ​​​​​​​of all people for my number.

"Oh, yeah totally! Uh, it's {insert phone number here}." I gave her my number and she put it into her phone.

"So, I'll text you later then..?" Billie said with a smile. I nodded.

"Totally! I'll respond as fast as I can!" I replied and then realized I sounded either too excited or like I had no life. Billie laughed at my face as I cringed at what I'd said.

"Bye, Avery. Oh and uh- bye to you three lovely ladies also.." She chuckled with a wave.

We walked out of the tent and back toward the front of the stage. Because of the concert, school was going to be out for the rest of the day. As soon as we were a far enough distance away from Billie's tent, Jayda grabbed my shoulders.

"DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! AVERY!! WHAT??" She screamed and shook my shoulders. I laughed.

"It's not that big of a deal... I mean, I doubt she even actually texts me!" I said with a shrug. The three girls looked at me with faces that said 'Are you fucking kidding me?'

"Honestly. It's not that big a deal to me! Just seeing her in person was amazing enough... I mean, I got to meet her and unofficially meet Finneas so I'd say getting her number is just... Cool?" I trailed off, not really knowing what to say. I must have been in shock because I wasn't even reacting to the fact that my idol asked me for my phone number, that I'd actually met my idol (which most people don't get to do), and the fact that I'd sort of already met one of her family members without realizing it. Gabby, Michelle, and Jayda all stared at me in shock.

"You WHAT?!" Gabby yelled.

"You met Finneas?!!!" Jayda yelled.

"Um... Unofficially? Me and Billie were talking after school the other day and he pulled up to tell her she had to go because their mom was making dinner...?" The girls looked like they wanted to pass out.

"You've already achieved more in this past week than I will ever achieve.." Gabby groaned. I didn't really know what to say to the girls. They were all moping about the fact that I'd let Finneas. Well, Michelle wasn't as bad as Jayda and Gabby...

"Okay... Uh change of subject, how about we go somewhere for lunch?" Michelle said, snapping the girls out of their moping spell.

"Oh lunch sounds fucking amazing right now! I could totally use it after all that hardcore dancing I did!" Jayda perked up. I smiled at her sudden change of mood. Food always cheered her up. Jayda looked at us, now in a much better mood.

"Well, what are we all standing around here for?? We could be eating right now! Let's go!!"

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