Kill My Love

بواسطة Syeda_331

998 57 53

Have you ever experienced an event in your lifetime where you get hurt not physically, but mentally? then whe... المزيد

Kill My Love: The beginning
Kill My Love: The Introduction
Kill My Love: The Kiss
Kill My Love: Bronze Corporations and The Silver Eye
Kill My Love: The Underground Mystery pt 1
Kill My Love: The Underground Mystery pt 2
Kill My Love: Reunited at last
Kill My Love: So Close!
Kill My Love: The truth I told him
Kill My Love: Killed this love
Kill My Love: Betrayel
Kill My Love: This ends now!
Kill My Love: I've never felt better
Kill My Love: He chose me
Kill My Love: This is just the beginning
Kill My Love: No news is good news
Kill My Love: The End

Kill My Love: Guns, Kicks, Punches and Enemies

76 4 2
بواسطة Syeda_331

The next morning I woke up to the thought of thinking that today was the day that I would start training for my parent's revenge. I wasn't scared one bit but happy that I was told about my parent's past, I was so ready to hunt those murders who had ruined my life! I looked at my clock and realized that I was running late for work!

I quickly jumped out of bed and got into the shower, afterwards I got dressed and then had breakfast and left for work.

Once I got to work I realized that I couldn't concentrate on my job one bit, I was way too excited to head to Bronze Corporations after, "wow, I can't believe I actually still remembered the name", anyways so since I couldn't focus I decided to switch my assigned work with the cashier.

After the workday was done, I went to the locker rooms and changed out of my uniform then I said good evening to all the workers and left the salon. As soon as I stepped out of the salon, I saw a limo parked upfront and then stepped out Raphael.

"Good evening, Analise".

"Good evening, wow I wasn't expecting just a ride to the HQ".

"Well, Dom suggested that it would be nice, you know cause he respects you a lot."

I got inside the car and then we rode off to the agency.

"Ah, Analise I'm so glad you could make it".

"Oh come on, how could I miss this one big chance!".

"Agreed, Rafael thank you very much for escorting miss. Hales to the agency, you may take your leave now".

"Of course, see you at training Analise".

"Now shall we get started?".

"Heck Yes!". 

For some reason, Dominique kept on staring at me after this.

"Ok then, let's get you suited up".

OK! can we just take moment to appreciate this amazing outfit, I mean if only you could look at it; it was a teal coloured one-piece suit with light shimmer and boy did it look sparkly under the lights.

"So, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful!", I replied back with great joy.

"Yes, but also keep in mind that with great power comes great responsibility".

"Yes of course", I replied back.

"Ok, so now that you have your outfit, it's time to get down to business, shall we?"

I followed Dominique down a glass corridor, you could legit see the entire city from my left side and boy was it alive. Dominique started me off by punching bags and sharp shooting practice.

"Good, now it's time for the most important part of...self-defence."

"Raphael will be your trainer from now on. The thought of Raphael without a shirt on and his sweaty body against mine made my legs feel like jelly.

"Umm, Analise?"

"Huh? ahh, what?"

"I said if it's okay if Raph can train you from now on".

"Yeah...sure". I replied back.

"Great you will start tomorrow, ok?"

"I will escort you outside after you change out of your outfit".

So I left the training room and walked down the amazing glass corridor down to the change rooms and got changed out of my outfit and into my casual clothes, then I grabbed my bag and met Dominique at the exit of the building.


"Yes", I replied back.

I waved bye to Dom and the limo that brought me here also drove me back, once I got to my place, I thanked the driver, unlocked my door and as soon as I stepped inside my house I released a heavy breath from my lungs. This was a sight that contained both relief and fear, I wasn't sure if I was finally happy about the finding of my parent's killer or that my life is possibly in danger now!

"Ugh can't I just forget about all of this for one night?"

"Ok, ok Analise, calm down".

After calming myself down, I went to go and use the bathroom. Then changed into my pyjamas and drifted myself off to sleep but I don't know why when every single time I close my eyes, Raphael's face appeared in front of me, I just got sleepier...and sleepier...and soon I was sound asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm, but today's morning was different, today I was ready to get up and go to Bronze corporations and start my training with...Raphael. As I was daydreaming about him, I slowly turned my head towards my clock and realize that I'm already 5min late!

"Oh shit!"

I quickly used the bathroom, put my hair into a messy bun, changed into a pair of shorts, a tank top, after that I quickly put my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my smoothie from the fridge. Soon I was out the front door.

"Oops! I forgot my bag."

Once I got to school, I met Zayn sitting at a table by himself, I decided to go and sit with him.

"Hey," I said.

"Oh, hi Analise, what's up?"

"Nothing much, you?"

"Nothin, hey listen...about what happened between us the other night...I-"

"Loved it!"

"Wait, what?"

"I said I loved it".

"You did?!".

"Yes, didn't you?".

"I didn't just love it, Analise, I enjoyed it as well".


When I said that, I actually did enjoy it. There was just something about that kiss that drove me insane. There was something about her that drove me insane, she is the most beautiful woman I know and I always had this weird, mutual feeling around her and I KNOW that I'm growing feelings for this woman but I have to learn to control my emotions because if there ever is a time in my life where I can't hold them back from her, then I will be putting her life in danger.




"Uhh, what were you saying exactly?"

"I was saying that the bell just rang so do you want to walk together inside?"

"Yeah, that would be nice".

So he walked me inside and I don't know why but I decided to hold his hand and surprisingly, he held mine back, and as soon as we stepped inside the building everyone stopped, looked and stared at us. I don't know why but it just felt nice to be noticed with the hottest and popular guy in school, anyways so once the second bell rang everyone resumed with going to their first-period class and I stopped Zane in the middle of the hallway and I told him that I can go to class from there, I mean like I didn't want him to but I just think I could not have taken any more of the stares I have been getting and I think Zane was probably thinking the total opposite, it was almost as if he could read my mind.  


"Yeah, it's me"

"Oh, yeah what's up?

"The girl is a lot more mature then I thought she would be"


"So this means we have to be careful!"

"Got it"

"And make sure she has no idea that you are the real killer of her parents, it's David Roman"

"Yeah yeah I know"

"Ok I have to go now, keep in touch"

"Yeah, bye"

After school, I was so tired but I didn't let my tiredness take the best of me,  I wanted to go to Bronze Corporations and start some more training to get revenge for my parents. I went home, washed up a bit, got a snack, grabbed my bag and left immediately.

Once I reached Bronze Corporations, I saw Raphael.

"Hey", he said completely confidently.

"Hey", I said back in a nervous sort of tone.

"Are you nervous?", he asked.

"Well sort of to be honest"

"Nothing to worry about I'll go gentle with you for today since it is your first time...especially with me"

"Thank you", I replied back.

Seriously, Analise, that's all that could've possibly come out of your stupid mouth. 

"So are you ready?"

"Yes I am"

"Great, follow me"

And so I did.

"Oh, Analise, I see you have found our way with Raphael", said Dominique.

"Yes, I met him as soon as I entered the building"

"Oh, well I will leave you two to it", and with that, he was on his way.

After Dominique had left, Raphael gave me a new training uniform because there are different uniforms for different practice sessions. I took the uniform and went to go change. It was a really nice uniform, it was all black with a black tank top, tight black leggings and black Nike's. Once I came out of the changing rooms.


As soon as she stepped out of the changing rooms, I was utterly flabbergasted. She stood in front of me modelling her all-black uniform that gently tightened around all her beautiful curves and the black Nike's so looked so damn perfect on her cute little feet. Her hair was tightened back into a messy bun and lastly, her lips were touched up with chapstick. I don't know why but I felt as if those lips held a dark, deep, juicy and tender secret but if that secret was touched once, you would go wild. But one thing I wondered was, which human being would even think about hurting Analise? I slowly raised my eyes just enough so they were lined up with hers. God, she was beautiful!


"Should we go?"

Oh god, there's a lot of places I would want to go with you, but right now I knew exactly where she was talking about going.

"Yes, let's go"

After at least ten whole minutes of walking, we arrived at the annual first-term trainers training room. It was huge! lots of punching bags, loads of free space to do whatever you want. The whole room itself was so cool! the sides including the roof were made of hard metal.

"It's amazing", I blurted out.

"mmm, not as amazing as you"

He said his eyes locked on the wall, I turned to look at him, completely still. 

"Now let's begin little one"

How...I wondered, how can he act like he never said anything?

"Come on little one, I don't have all day here"

I rolled my eyes

"I'm coming okay, sheesh!"

"So for today, we will just start off with some basics. Just some self-defence techniques, nothing too hard"

"I'm not scared if that's what you-"

BAM! he had me down in a second, pinned to the ground by his knees and sides while his elbows were on my arms. neither one of us spoke at this moment, neither of us dare move a muscle we just lay there with him on top of me and me straight on the ground. I don't know why but I could feel the chemistry between us as if fate drags him to me every time but I belong to someone else. He started to smirk and say...

"Well this is fun"

I could feel my legit cheeks starting to blush.

"Let's try this again shall we?", he said getting off of me.

So the rest of the training went by smoothly, neither one of us spoke and no more romantic moments happened, thank god! 

"Ok, I think that's enough for today"

"Yeah, the body cannot handle any more violent activity"

He laughed.

"Do you need a ride home?"

"yes, if it's no trouble"

"Nah, let's do it I just need to take a quick shower, change my clothes then we will leave, I advise you do the same"

Once we were both done, he drove me to my place.

"Thanks for the ride home"

"Yeah, no problem"

Then he started leaning in and I followed, soon enough his warm lips were on mine and without any stress, I didn't pull away but follow his lead.


"I found her"

"Are you sure Zane? it's her!"

"Certain, when do you need her?"

"Not right now, just keep a close eye on her"

"Always, she is already falling for me..." 


The Agency

Teal spy suite for Analise

Black training outfit for Analise

Training room 1

Training room 2

Raphael's car

Zane's car

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