Rewriting History (Obito x Re...

由 JillianJuneBug

418K 18.1K 22.4K

You had always thought that Obito deserved better. In fact, you would have done anything to change the outcom... 更多

Making Time
That Mission
No Expectations
How Could You?
The Limit
The Savior of This World
A Night Out
Swelling Fire
The Uchiha Clan
The Ultimate Test
Fire and Earth
Misguided Judgement
Something Extraordinary
Life Goes On
Love in Its Purest Form
The Meaning of Peace
A Shinobi's Resolve

Hide and Seek

12.2K 573 544
由 JillianJuneBug

A delicate rainfall soon overtook the dreary overcast as you trekked along the unknown land in the search for the hideout. Using a kunai, you chiseled another line into a spare shuriken, marking two months since the start of your journey. Through the rain and mud, you found your spirit and confidence in finding Rin starting to dwindle. Obito never lost hope, of course. His faith in his friends was truly admirable. It was a difficult attitude to match.

The steps you took began to slow in pace, they became less urgent, less hopeful as time went on. It wasn't that there was less desire to find Rin, but chances of locating her diminished once you realized just how much ground you two had already explored, and how much left you had yet to cover. Still, the both of you refused to give up.

As the gentle touch of the droplets pattered along your face, your mind began to wander to Madara and Zetsu, and a stark clarity began to set in. Once Madara was found, the next concern was how the two of you were expected to defeat him.

You recalled from the show that Madara was prolonging his life with the Demonic Statue, the effigy that absorbed and held the Tailed Beasts that the Akatsuki captured in the original show. You also remembered that Madara only let himself pass away once his legacy was planted into Obito. He wouldn't go without a fight.

At this point it wasn't Madara who scared you, rather, it was Zetsu. Zetsu's strength was not in combat, but that didn't stop the fact that he still eats people. That notion alone was enough to speed up your heartrate. 

What if Zetsu surprises us while we are distracted, and he takes a chunk out of Obito, or even engulfs him whole to take him to Madara?

No. No, you can't let that happen, (y/n).

But what if it does?

Don't think about it like that. Your nerves will get the best of you, and then we really will be in trouble.

You inhaled deeply, then breathed out all at once, being extra careful to hide the sound from Obito.

You're not strong enough.

Stop thinking of yourself that way. You need to try.

The sound of your heart hastening overtook the increasingly heavy patters of rain as it began to pound within your head.

You're going to get them killed.


Obito and Rin will die because of you!


"(y/n)?" Obito's concerned voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Your erratic heartrate threw your breathing into a heavy frenzy, unknowingly attracting Obito's attention.

You whipped your head to his direction as your eyes attempted to absorb every feature of Obito's worried expression as if it was the last time you would see his face.

"Huh? S-sorry. I was just... trying to think of ways to defeat the enemy once we find them."

Satisfied with your response, Obito huffed before exclaiming, "I'm just planning on finding Rin and taking out anyone in my way. I don't care who they are, they won't beat us!"

You chuckled unfittingly at his ignorance at just whom you two were going up against. "Heh, here I was thinking you were just gonna take her and run. When the time comes, we'll show them what earth and fire is capable of."

The two of you shared an understanding glance; yours looking a bit more strained and morbid. Obito then flashed you his charming signature smile.

"Yeah, you get the idea, (y/n)!"

While looking over to your best friend, something in the distant background behind his head made you gasp and stop in your tracks.

Obito's steps quickly halted soon after yours. A feeling in his gut led him to know you discovered something important. His voice was unusually low and calculated, "What'd you find?"

What you saw was a bone, large and jutting 40 feet in the air. That was when you noticed the numerous other bones within close proximity of the first. One large set of bones were positioned in a way where you could tell that it was a set of ribs. Images began to quickly flash through your mind.

Those bones.

That mountain.

This place.

You nodded solemnly, fists clenched.

This is it.

You suddenly recalled what the hideout resembled from the original show. You couldn't help but also tug your memories to that fateful scene where Obito broke out of this place and left to help his friends, entirely unaware of the pure, unadulterated agony he would soon find himself in for the rest of his life. You cringed before getting your thoughts back on track and turned back to Obito.

"It's here. We found it."

"Where, (y/n)?! We need to rescue Rin now!"

You stared gravely at the mountain in the distance before turning your attention back to your friend. "I know, Obito! But we need to come up with a plan first. Let me tell you just who we'll be up aga- h-hey! Stop! We can't go yet!" 

Obito grabbed onto your wrist and rushed you closer to the mountain while you begged him to relent even for just a second – a request that went unheard.


Upon reaching the entrance, your feet rooted in place, eyebrows furrowing. 

Wait, this isn't right.

The entrance should have a huge boulder blocking the way.

Why it is suddenly gaping?

What happened to the rock?

Is this not the hideout?

Did I make a mistake?

A million questions raced through your head as Obito recklessly charged into the darkness yelling for Rin. A sudden barrier of dirt made its way in front of him before he could get too far.

"Wha-? (y/n), what gives? Rin could be in danger, what's your problem?!" he angrily bellowed at you, the utter desperation evident in his voice.

Obito's words and demeanor hurt you, and normally you were one to apologize for upsetting him, but this time was different. Everyone's lives were on the line. You couldn't sit back and be compliant anymore.

"Obito, you're a 17-year-old shinobi, old enough to qualify as a Jonin. With that in mind, won't you please, THINK THINGS THROUGH BEFORE YOU GET YOURSELF KILLED!"

Your voice echoed through the cave, clearly louder than you had meant to be. Obito looked at you with shock for a moment, before it became anger, then finally shifting to regret as his eyes averted to the ground.

"Please," you begged Obito with a softer, gentler tone. "I can't let you keep doing this. For all the years I've known you, I've let you make some pretty brash decisions, ones that could have easily ended your life. But I can't do this anymore, Obito! I need you to take better care of yourself! I'll always be there to support you, but I would never forgive myself if I couldn't keep you safe. Please. No matter what happens, I..."

You bite your lip in apprehension.

"I can't lose you."

Obito stood there in silence, his gaze never leaving you. His eyebrows raised slightly and his lips parted, comprehending what you said. He understood exactly where you were coming from. For years Obito believed that as a shinobi he had nothing to be scared of, but after almost witnessing your death in The Land of Grass, he realized that he had one true fear: He couldn't lose you, either.

Without another word, Obito lowered his head in understanding and nodded.

You approached your best friend with confidence and grasped his hand, with him gripping yours back just as tightly.

"Let's go get Rin, but first I need to tell you about the people who took her. There's this... thing called Zetsu. It's so important that you don't take your eyes off him for a second; he can materialize into anything and any second he gets, he will eat y-"

"I think it's time for me to join in on the chatter, don't you think?" A strange, alien, yet familiar voice emanated from the ceiling, catching your full attention.

The being was humanoid, but was devoid of any natural human colors. His hair was a sickly green while his oozing skin was pure white. The lower half of his body was merged into the ceiling as his repulsive yellow eyes observed you from above.

White Zetsu.

"My girl, how did you ever figure out my name? I made sure not to leave tracks behind while observing you all these years. Have I gotten careless? Well,maybe I have, for the purpose of our meeting.""

Zetsu's been watching us, for years?

"Where's Rin?!" Obito's thunderous tone dominated over Zetsu's.

"Now hold on, we'll get to that. But first I have to decide what I'm going to do with the extra baggage you brought along with you," Zetsu said to Obito in a condescending tone, as if he were being forced to take out the trash.

Is he referring to me?

Obito's teeth clenched as he lifted his arm up in front of you in a protective gesture.

"You aren't getting anywhere near her!"

Zetsu lifted an eyebrow. "Um, I don't really remember asking for your permission, but I must say you two make the cutest power couple. It sure took you long enough to find this place though, huh? I was starting to think you would never show up to see your friend, Obito."

Before Obito could blow a fuse, you stepped in. "Where is she? Why did you take her?"

"I don't believe that is any of your business. You weren't supposed to be here, after all."

Disregarding his comment, you matched his patronizing tone, "Where's your other half, Zetsu? The black part of you is missing!"

"Hm?" Zetsu blinked as he began to panic internally. 

She shouldn't know about that. Not even Madara himself knows about Black Zetsu's existence yet. Just who is this girl?

Zetsu began looking a bit nervous as he attempted to figure out whether or not you knew of Project Tsuki No Me, The Eye of the Moon Plan, and its "real" goal.



"And while you're at it, where's Madara? If he's still on life support then this should be easy," you feigned confidence in an attempt to psyche Zetsu out. It probably didn't work.

"You don't have to concern yourself with something like that. I'm afraid that I'm your opponent," Zetsu said as his body began to divide into a clone of himself.

You and Obito got into a battle stance as the two White Zetsus dropped to the ground in front of you with an audible "plop" before reshaping into their humanoid forms.

You briefly turned to Obito, exchanging glances and nods with a determined look on your faces and prepared for battle.

Obito was the first to make a move. He lifted the goggles from his eyes to activate his Sharingan as he charged ahead for both Zestus. While running he dug into his pack and took out six shuriken – three in each hand, before directing his chakra to his feet to jump high into the air. While in midair, Obito discarded the shuriken slightly above him for a moment while he formed hand signs before inhaling deeply. The next thing you knew, the air above you became entirely engulfed in a fierce blaze; Obito could no longer be seen. Suddenly the six shuriken pierced through the massive inferno, each of them encased in a thick coat of flames as they rocketed toward both Zetsus.

You quickly formed your own hand signs and caused the ground below Zetsu to soften, forcing their feet to sink in. Zetsu's smirk faded slightly, noting how your chakra flowing through the mound blocked them from morphing into the earth. You then hardened the ground again around their ankles, effectively rooting them in place and unable to avoid the blazing shuriken incoming from multiple directions.

Upon making contact, each shuriken violently combusted, setting the Zetsus aflame in multiple areas as the weapons twisted and contorted into their body. There were a few moments where a repulsive noise akin to searing flesh was heard, but no screams accompanied it. Obito landed next to you as you both observed the enemy.

The Zetsus just stood there with the shuriken still embedded into them, their flames beginning to die out. Nothing changed, except both Zetsu's now looked murderous. They weren't playing around anymore.

"How... how did that not do anything?" you stammered as Obito stared back at the Zetsus, his fierce expression matching theirs.

Can... can Zetsu... heal himself? Ugh, it's been so long... I can't remember!

Just then, one of the Zetsus grossly detached himself from his own feet to escape your trap and immediately grew new ones as he began charging forward at a surprising speed. You had just enough time to soften the ground again, prompting Zetsu to plummet on his front as he continued to crawl toward with vehement and inhuman movements. Obito ran a few feet in front of you, his kunai ready in both hands as he prepared to defend you from the monstrous thing trying to attack you.

The Zetsu then shifted his focus onto Obito as his body opened up wide, giving him a venus flytrap like appearance. You gasped in terror as your best friend was about to be eaten alive in front of you. Between labored breaths and trembling hands, you managed to form hand signs to perform a new jutsu with very little experience.

Suddenly, the elements of the earth around you formed into two giant, moss-coated hands, one that fiercely grabbed the Zetsu in midair and forcefully pounded him into the ground, while the other stayed close to Obito just in case anything else threatened him.

"Don't you dare touch my Obito!" Your voice was shaky but full of determination to protect him.

Obito stood there in shock; he'd just been attacked by some... thing that had opened its body up to engulf him, but you intervened just in time. You were too distracted with this Zetsu to notice the other one broke free and merged with the ground to appear directly behind you. Obito immediately whirled around to your direction as he sensed the presence with his Sharingan.

"(Y/N)! BEHIND YOU!" he screamed and ran toward you as you turned, only to be met with the other White Zetsu. He then latched on to half of your body, making it impossible to form hand signs with only one free hand. You quickly lost control of the elemental hands as they crumbled back into the earth. You never tried that jutsu in battle before; your inexperience with it caused the technique to be unstable and unpredictable.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Obito demanded as he began slashing at the Zetsu attached to you, desperate to get you free.

You began screaming in fear as your thoughts raced to how Zetsu can devour people, but soon found it increasingly draining to do so.

What... what's his feeling...? My's...leaving me? Oh no. I forgot... one of Zetsu's abilities is draining chakra! Oh my god! Obito!

"Obito! Zetsu – he's draining... chakra... I can't... I'm getting... Obito..." Your words became a hazy, incomprehensible speech as the chakra was swiftly sapped from your body. You fell to your knees as Obito looked on in horror, still trying desperately to get you free. 

"(y/n), (y/n), come on! Fight this, you have to fight this, (y/n)! Put a barrier over yourself – do something! (y/n)! (Y/N)!" Obito pleaded desperately as your eyelids became heavier – even keeping them open has exhausting.

Not long after, the parasitic Zetsu dissolved into the ground, taking you with him.

"We'll talk later," he said to Obito and quickly left.

Alone in the darkness, Obito's quivering hand dropped the kunai and fell to his knees. He clawed desperately at the ground where you once were in a futile attempt to catch Zetsu before he repeatedly pounded his fists into the ground, his mind wracked in anguish. His fists angrily dug into that spot for a while as his body began to tremble. Not long after, his firsts became warm and wet as tears began flooding from Obito's sorrowful, crimson eyes. They dripped off his nose and chin while his eyes were pinched shut; his teeth clenched like a vice. 

"How... how could she let herself get captured like this... how could I let her...?! No. She was captured because she was saving me. I couldn't protect her. I didn't even get the chance to..."

Obito hiccupped as he broke down even harder.

"Now she's taken... because of me. (y/n)... Rin... They're both gone...!"

During his sobs, the Zetsu clone calmly made his way over to Obito and stood over his hunched form. "Now, with them out of the way maybe we can finally have a talk," he said nonchalantly to the sobbing Uchiha before him. 

At Zetsu's words Obito's trembling fists clenched tightly, scraping dirt into his curled palms, his head still low in defeat. Suddenly, Obito snapped his head up at Zetsu, his stunningly red Sharingan staring right through Zetsu's soul.

"Wh-whoa, easy kid. It was for y-your own good, you kn-"

"Get away from me!" Obito shouted as he suddenly leaped up and swung at Zetsu recklessly and aggressively with his fists. He couldn't think straight – his mind only told him to attack the thing that took them. He didn't bother pulling out a weapon; there was no room for thinking things through. Zetsu dodged the first few throws as he stepped back from each swing.

"We just want to talk to you, ki-"

"Shut UP!" Obito interrupted as his fists darted aimlessly toward Zetsu.

Zetsu abruptly stopped dodging and allowed Obito's fist to make contact with his abdomen. His fist sank deep into the oozing substance of Zetsu's stomach, which hardened over, locking Obito's arm in place.

"You need to relax please! Those two are still here for now, but that might change quickly if you don't settle down and do as we say."

Obito's breathing was loud and heavy, but hearing that you and Rin were still there in the hideout gave him enough restraint to force himself to calm down. Obito was never a listener or a follower. It was so hard for him to comply with such a despicable creature, but since it was to protect his friends, he begrudgingly obeyed as Zetsu lead him deeper into the hideout.


You had just enough strength to stay conscious while the Zetsu clone released his hold on you as you landed into a dark and moist chamber.

"I'm... alive...?" you breathed, not meaning to mutter it out loud. 

"Yeah, I didn't want to kill you off just yet," Zetsu began with his disgustingly casual tone. "That Obito seems rather attached to you, so you might still be of use to us, just in case he gets any ideas on believing in hope again any time soon."

You didn't bother asking Zetsu what he meant; you already knew their plans for Obito Uchiha – the one to bring forth death and destruction onto the shinobi world.

"Maybe I should have grabbed you instead of that other girl, maybe then he would have shown up faster!" Zetsu said, chuckling to himself.

The other girl... he means... Rin!

"Wh-where is... Rin...?" you managed to whisper as you attempted to lift yourself up by your wobbling arms.

Either Zetsu did not hear you, or he was done humoring you, because he dissolved into the wall and left seemingly in a hurry.


You heard an impossibly weak feminine noise that sounded like your name. You managed to turn around and see a girl who vaguely resembled Rin curled up in a corner. She looked severely weak, to put it nicely. Her mouth was slightly open, and her eyes were half lidded as she gazed up at you.

Your weary eyes widened at the sight. After months of endless searching, you finally found Rin. But things were not looking good for her.

It was not looking good for anybody.


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