The second last time lord (El...

Von Christmascookie15

11.8K 301 65

The sorceress, a time lady from Gallifrey, roams around in her Tardis, believing that she is the last timelor... Mehr

First Regeneration (part 1)
First Regeneration (Part 2)
First Regeneration (Part 3)
Second Regeneration
Sisters united (Part 1)
Sisters United (Part 2)
Sisters United (Part 3)
Sisters United (Part 4)
Sisters united (Part 5)
Bee and Marla
Bow tie prank
Victory of the Daleks (Part 1)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 2)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 3)
A goodbye
Time of Angels (Part 1)
Time of Angels (Part 2)
Time of Angels (Part 3)
Flesh and Stone (Part 1)
Flesh and Stone (Part 2)
Flesh and Stone (Part 3)
Soft and fluffy
Vampires in Venice (Part 1)
Vampires in Venice (Part 3)
You're my Bow Tie Guy
Amy's Choice (Part 1)
Amy's Choice (Part 2)
Amy's Choice (Part 3)
Amy's Choice (part 4)
A needed chat....
Hungry Earth (Part 1)
Hungry Earth (Part 2)
Hungry Earth (Part 3)
Cold Blood (Part 1)
Cold Blood (Part 2)
I'm back :)
Cold Blood (Part 3)
Cold blood (Part 4)
The man of her dreams
The sisters are back.
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 1)
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 2)
Snakes and Willow Trees (Part 3)

Vampires in Venice (Part 2)

162 3 1
Von Christmascookie15

Sorry about the wait for chapters. almost at 500 reads, so yay. And we recently reached 50 votes so well done to me! This book went way better than I expected it to. I never expected it to be this good, I really only expected me to read it, but aparently not. Anyways, enjoy....

Amy, The doctor, The sorceress and Rory crowded around Guido's small house.

"As you saw, there's no clear way in," Guido reminds, looking at each of them in turn, "The house of Calvierri is like a fortress. But there's a tunnel underneath it, with a ladder and a shaft that leads up into the house. I tried to get in once myself, but I hit a trapdoor."

Amy smiles at the sorceress and they nod at each other.

"You need someone on the inside," they say together.

"No," the doctor bluntly says.

"You don't even know what we were going to say," Amy complains.

"Amelia, I'm pretty sure he does," The sorceress confers.

"We pretend that you two are applicants for the school to get you inside and tonight you come down and open the trapdoor to let us in," The doctor explains, and look seriously at them both.

"You were right, sorceress," Amy sighs, "He does know what we were gonna say."

The sorceress smirks.

"Are you insane?" Rory complains, catching on to their idea.

"We don't have another option," Amy argues.

"He said no, Amy. Listen to him," Rory bites back.

"He always says no, Rory. He's like an overprotective older brother you never had," The sorceress smiles and taps Rory on the head.

"Overprotective!?!" The doctor stares at the small girl.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, doctor," she teases.

"Pretty?!!" He gasps again.

"Oh, now you're gonna spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what I meant, and possible outcomes of every thing you could say, and whether it's worth making me angry. And then you'll get angry at yourself when you come up with most excellent comeback and it's too late to say anything...." The sorceress explains, and then looks up to see everyone staring at her, "Or is that just me...."

"Right.." the doctor coughs.

"There is another option," Guido picks up on the old conversation, "I work at the Arsenale. We build the warships for the navy."

The doctor smiles and walks over to the barrels lined up against the wall. The sorceress follows him and sniffs the wood.

"Gunpowder," she smiles, "Most people just nick stationery from where they work."

A startled Rory slowly slides off his sitting position on one of the barrels, backing away, until he comes face to face with a dead rabbit.

The sorceress snickers at the guy, "Look, I have a thing about guns and huge quantities of explosives."

"So do I!" The doctor grins.

"Not something to be proud of, though," The sorceress smiles.

"What do you suggest, then?" Guido asks, "We wait until they turn her into an animal?"

He turn away from the group and pokes the fire with a stick, slightly angry.

"We'll be three, four hours tops," Amy tries to plead.

He turn to the two girls, who look at him with pleading expressions.

He shakes his head, "No, no, no, no, no, no. It can't keep happening like this. this is how they go," He sits on the bed in the room, head in hands, taking a deep breath, "But I have to know. We go together. Say you're my daughters."

"What?! Don't listen to him!" Rory protests.

"Your daughters?" The sorceress laughs, "You look about nine."

"Brother, then," The doctor suggests.

"Too wierd. Fiance," Amy suggests.

The sorceress blushes deep red, "No Amy.... Don't do this again. Plus there's two of us. Fiance doesn't work when there's three people."

Her smile falters, "Sorry. No, no, you're right."

"Thank you," Rory sighs.

"I mean, they've already seen the doctor and sorceress. You should do it," Amy explains.

The sorceress steps up to her, "I'm coming anyway."

"Please, no," the doctor begs.

"I'll be fine," She smiles.

"Me?" Rory asks Amy.

"Yeah! You can be my brother," Amy grins and rubs the top of his head."

The doctor smiles at the two, "Sorceress, you don't have to do this."

"Clingy," she teases.

"Please," he whispers back.

"Friend zoned," She replies.

"Rory is our brother, then?" The sorceress asks Amy, as she walks away from the pouting doctor.

"This whole thing is mental!" Rory complains, "They're Vampires, for goodness sake."

"We hope," The sorceress and doctor say in unison.

"So if they're not vampires.....?" Amy asks.

"Makes you wonder what could be so bad it doesn't actually mind us thinking it's a vampire," The sorceress smiles grimly.

Amy and The sorceress stand, dressed in Isabella's old clothes, next to Rory, dressed in Guido's outfit, which doesn't really fit him. They stand in front a guy and an older women, both with a not nice look about them.

The Rory stutters as he explains why they want to join the school, "So, basically, both of our parents are dead from getting the plague. I'm a gondola.... driver.... so.... money's a bit tight.... so having my sisters go to your school for special people would be brilliant. Cheers."

The guy takes a step closer to The sorceress, and she shivers under his glare.

"Have we met?"

"Nope," she growls.

"I've just got one of those faces," Rory says at the same time.

"I wasn't talking to you," The tall guy says, his voice a little louder than a whisper.

"She's got the same face.... which is because she's my sister!" Rory trues again.

The women, sitting on the throne, turns to a servant and ushers him forward, "Carlo, explain yourself. Why have you brought me this imbecile?"

"Signora, they have references from the King of Sweden," Carlo relies humbly.

"What?! Let me see," The women turns to Rory and the girls, and holds out her hand.

Rory shakily puts the psychic paper into it, and then steps back to the braver girls.

The women looks at the paper, and smiles, a long, cold, cruel smile, "Well, now I can see what got my steward so excited. What say you, Francesco? Do you like them?"

The signora hands back the paper, as Francesco circles the group.

"Mmmm," he mutters, "I like the pink haired one. But the orange? Meh, she'll do."

Amy and Rory glare at Francesco as he says that and he smiles at the two.

"Then we would be delighted to accept them," Signora Calvierri says, "Say goodbye to your sisters."

Amy grasps onto Rory hand one last time, as he gets led from the room by Carlo.

"Tell Uncle..... Doctor.... I'll see you both pretty soon, ok?" Amy calls after him, "I'll be fine."

Francesco smiles at the sorceress, as he notices her not interact with her so called brother.

"I think there something fishy about you, little girl, and I'm going to find out. I think separating you fro your sister will do wonders," He snarls.

"," she stutters as Francesco grabs a hold of her shoulders and pulls her from the room.

"Don't shout," The young man reprehends, "No one will come for you."

He leads her down dozens of hallways, with twisting turns and many doors, so that even if she had a good memory, she still wouldn't know the way out. Finally, Francesco stops in front of a large stone room, smiling.

"Let's find out all your secrets," he smiles, whispering into her ear.

She wriggles in his grasp, but he pulls her into the room anyway and closes the door behind them.

Pushing her onto a nearly vertical table, he attaches metal clasps to her hands and feet, binding her to the stone. She frowns at him.

"I've been bound too many times, Francesco," she spits, "This is bound to be the last."

She smiles and laughs slightly, "Pun not intended."

He growl at her, and pulls the flower crown she wears off her head. Then he fingers the necklace. Reaching to the back of her neck, he searches the metal change for a clasp, but comes across nothing.

He pulls it up, trying to get it off her neck, but her head appears to big and it just chokes the sorceress.

"Stop," She gasps.

He drops the necklace, and walks over to another stone table, this one horizontal, and containing all sorts of torture weapons. He picks the smallest, a iron knife, and picks up the necklace once again.

He puts the knife to chain, and slides it back and forth. With each, stroke, a stab of pain goes through the sorceress, where the chain touches her neck. A click sounds, and the chain falls away, and, as it does so, so does the consciousness of the timelord.

"no," she whispers, before she goes into a deep, painful sleep.

Later that night, the doctor and Rory walk through an underground passageway, as they make their way through the school.

"Right, Ok, I'll go first. If anything happens to me, go back....." The doctor orders

Not really listening to him, Rory asks, "What happened? between you and Amy? You said she kissed you."

The doctor stops in front of a wooden door, and looks at Rory, "You want to do this now?!?!"

He steps up to the wooden door, Rory following close behind.

"I have a right to know. I'm getting married in 430 years," He pleads.

The step through the door and continue along the passageway.

"She was frightened, we were all frightened, but we survived, and the relief of it..... and she kissed me," The doctor explains.

"And you kissed her back?" Rory asks, grumpily.

"No. I kissed her mouth," The doctor answers and he thoughts trail to the sorceress.

"Funny," Rory mumbles.

"Rory..." the doctor said and he stops, "Rory, she kissed me because I was there. It would have been you, It Should have been you. I made a big mistake that day, and I may have been friend-zoned, whatever that means."

"Huh?" Rory asks.

"Look, we all did something wrong. That's why I brought you here," The doctor says and then whispers, "We all did something wrong, except maybe the sorceress."

A strong gust of wind blows out their torch, wiping out the remaining light they had, and rendering them in darkness.

The doctor whispers to Rory, "Can we go and see the vampires now, please?"

Above the doctor, a grate lies, and as he looks up he pushes it open. He climbs out, using Rory and then pulls him out after him.

"Come on. There we are," the doctor says, as he steps back from the grate, "Where's Amy? I can't see a thing."

"Just as well I brought this, then," Rory smiles, and pulls out a penlight.

The darkness barely gets penetrated with the small torch, so the doctor reaches into his jacket and pulls out a larger light.

"Ultraviolet. Portable sunlight," The doctor explains.

Rory looks at the doctor's light and the looks back at his tiny one, "Yours is bigger than mine."

The doctor grimaces, "Let's not go there."

They hear footsteps, and a Scottish voice call out.


They aim they're lights at the voice, and a red haired girl comes into view.

"Amy!" Rory whisper shouts.

She smiles as Rory hugs her.

"Wow, clingy aren't you," she jokes.

He smiles. The doctor walks over to a chest on the ground and squats in front of it, not smiling.

"Amy, where's the sorceress?" He asks, solemnly.

She shakes her head, "She got taken away as soon as Rory left. The son of the Signora, he took a big fancy to her. It was creepy."

The doctor sighs and opens the lid of chest, showing skeletal remains of humans. He takes a step back.

"What happened to them?" Rory asks.

"They've had all the moisture taken out of them," The doctor explains.

"That's what vampires do, right? They drink your blood and replace it with their own," Amy asks.

"Yeah, except they haven't just had their blood taken, but all the water in their bodies," The doctor explains.

Rory looks carefully at the doctor, "Do you think they did that to the sorceress?"

The doctor doesn't answer.

Rory sighs and asks a different question, "Why did they die? Why aren't they like the girls in the school?"

"Maybe not everyone survives the process."

Rory walks away from him, trying to picture the happy, child like girl that was the sorceress.

"You know what's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks. It's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around," Rory yells at the doctor.

"She's a timelord Rory, she doesn't want to impress me. She never wants to," The doctor explains.

"I'm not just talking about her,"Rory yells again.

But, before the doctor could reply, a group of voices interrupt them.

"Who are you?"

They all turn around to face the same creepy girls from before, advancing on them.

"We should run. Run!" The doctor yells.

The three of them run from the courtyard, the girls still following but at their pace.

They run through a corridor, but stop as they see the Signora, Carlo and Francesco blocking their path.

"Cab for the sorceress?" The doctor jokes.

They turn around to go back the way they came, but it's blocked by the creepy girls.

"This rescue plan, not exactly watertight, is it?" The signora smiles cruelly.

The doctor brandishes the light around him, trying to hold the creepy girls back, "Ha-ha!"

They hear footsteps, and a dark skinned girl, wearing the same clothes as the other girls rushes through a connecting hallway.

She waves at the group, "Quickly, through here!"

They run the way that she had come, and they hear the footsteps of the following girls.

The doctor and gang, run through a door, and he sonics it.

"They're not vampires," Amy says as they stop.

"What?!?" The doctor asks, still sonicing the door.

"I saw them, I saw her. They're not vampires. They're aliens!" Amy says.


The doctor feels a hand on his shoulder and he turns around.


Isabella looks at him and asks, "Are you the doctor?"

"Yeah I am! Has Amy been telling stories?" He smiles.

"I think I found the sorceress you had been looking for," The doctor's smile fades, "She was barely alive, but I don't think anyone bit her."

A dark expression replaces the doctor's old one, as he turns back to the door.

"Thank you, Isabella," he growls.


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