Take On The World ◎ Scott McC...


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"What are you smiling about?" Imogen questioned him as she set his plate of food in front of him and she set... Еще

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: First Day
Chapter 3: A Second Chance
Chapter 4: Taking A Chance
Chapter 5: Bowling
Chapter 6: Study Date?
Chapter 7: Birthdays and Anniversarys
Chapter 8: Together
Chapter 9:Avoiding
Chapter 10: Love
Chapter 11: Whispers
Chapter 12: Red Eyes
Chapter 13: Witch
Chapter 14: The Full Moon
Chapter 15: Boys Are Weird
Chapter 16: Hunters
Chapter 17: Formal
Chapter 18: Because I Love You
Chapter 19: Secrets Are Spilled
Chapter 20: The Witch and Her Wolf
Part 2
Chapter 1: Missing
Chapter 2: Another Werewolf
Chapter 3: Her Name Is Lia
Chapter 4: Wary
Chapter 5: Ice Rink Dates and Head Pains
Chapter 6: Bestiary
Chapter 7: Looming Threats
Chapter 8: The Test
Chapter 9: It's Jackson
Chapter 10: Saving Danny
Chapter 11: About the Future
Chapter 12: Talking
Chapter 13: Library Mayhem
Chapter 14: Staying Safe
Chapter 15: Barriers
Chapter 16: Truth
Chapter 17: Cold
Chapter 18: Matt
Chapter 19: Choice
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: Difficult Decisions
Part 3:
Chapter 1: Awkward
Chapter 2: Open Wounds
Chapter 3: Proof
Chapter 4: Helping
Chapter 5: The Twins
Chapter 6: Not A Love Triangle
Chapter 7: It's Not Your Fault
Chapter 8: The Creepy Motel
Chapter 9: Hope
Chapter 10: Together Again
Chapter 11: The Darach
Chapter 12: Of Hexes and Hostages
Chapter 13: Taken
Chapter 14: Sacrifice
Chapter 15: Revelations
Part 4: Season 3B
Chapter 1: Oh, Brother
Chapter 2: Jealous
Chapter 3: The Werecoyote
Chapter 4: Barrow
Chapter 5: Never Normal
Chapter 6: Choices
Chapter 7: Demonic Ninja
Chapter 8: Kitsune
Chapter 9: Oni
Chapter 10: Not In Control
Chapter 11: Disconnect
Chapter 12: Blue Eyes
Chapter 13: Scrolls and Deals
Chapter 14: Separation
Chapter 15: Oak Creek
Chapter 16: Void Stiles
Chapter 17: Peter and Viola
Chapter 18: Sylvia
Chapter 19: It's Okay
Chapter 20: Grief
Chapter 21: Mother
Chapter 22: Ben
Chapter 23: Half Witch Half Werewolf
Chapter 24: Control
Part 5: Season 4
Chapter 2: Hunters
Chapter 3: Kate Argent
Chapter 4: One In A Million
Chapter 5: Berserker
Chapter 6: Second Chances Aren't Easy
Chapter 7: Tryouts
Chapter 8: Consequences of Biting
Chapter 9: New Pack Member
Chapter 10: DeadPool
Chapter 11: Familiar
Chapter 12: Cousin Bonding
Chapter 13: PSAT's
Chapter 14: Malia Lewis
Chapter 15: An Old Face
Chapter 16: The Letter
Chapter 17: Satomi's Pack
Chapter 18: Things Are Never Easy
Chapter 19: Peter and Kate
Chapter 20: Betrayal Hurts
Part 6: Season 5
Chapter 1: Senior Year
Chapter 2: Not As Trustful
Chapter 3: Effects
Chapter 4: Finding Tracy
Chapter 5: The Rules
Chapter 6: Sinema
Chapter 7: The Dread Doctors
Chapter 8: Trouble
Chapter 9: Their Plan
Chapter 10: Drifting
Chapter 11: The Truth
Chapter 12: Saving Noah
Chapter 13: Skinwalkers
Chapter 14: Shiprock
Chapter 15: An Old Foe
Chapter 16: The Plan
Chapter 17: Saving Lydia
Chapter 18: Who Is The Beast?
Chapter 19: Finding Mason
Chapter 20: The Pocket Watch
Part 7: Season 6A
Chapter 1: Three Months
Chapter 2: Goodbye
Chapter 3: Longing
Chapter 4: Who Are They?
Chapter 5: Pain
Chapter 6: A Way Out
Chapter 7: His Voice
Chapter 8: Theo
Chapter 9: A Way In
Chapter 10: Trying To Remember
Chapter 11: Cherished Memories
Chapter 12: A Night To Remember
Chapter 13: Prom & Graduation
Part 8: The Final Part
Chapter 1: Their Home
Chapter 2: Unrest
Chapter 3: Staying
Chapter 4: Unease
Chapter 5: Race Against Time
Chapter 6: Keeping the Peace
Chapter 7: Clash
Chapter 8: Fear
Chapter 9: Risk and Reward
Chapter 10: Escape
Chapter 11: Heartbreak
Chapter 12: Anger
Chapter 13: The Path Of Revenge
Chapter 14: No One Died
Chapter 15: Losing Control
Chapter 16: His Smile
Chapter 17: One Choice
Chapter 18: Their Voices
Chapter 19: Letting Go
Chapter 20: Epilogue

Chapter 1: Baby

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Chapter 1:



A few more weeks flew by, everyone adjusting to their lives being relatively normal and supernatural drama free. The holidays had come and gone and now they were in the month of February.

They had also been doing their best to catch up on their school work and trying to catch up with everyone else. They were putting all their focus in studying especially since they had Psats coming up.

Currently everyone else was currently in the cafeteria getting lunch while a certain couple was getting hot and heavy in coach's office since he was out for the day.

Scott's eyes crinkled in amusement as his girlfriend struggled to unbutton her shirt while he stood in between her legs as she sat on coach's desk. "I could always just rip it open." He was happy seeing her less tense and more comfortable since the night of the full moon passed. He also felt relieved that she didn't hate him for basically turning her into a hybrid.

There was one good thing, she could control her shifting. Now they just needed to help Malia with her shifting.

Her eyes narrowed at him, "And walk around in my bra?" She pointed out, she was wearing a light blue button down shirt that was paired with a black fringe denim skirt.

His brows raised at the mental image and his grip on her thighs tightened at the idea of other people seeing her like that. "Good point." He muttered.

"Mmhmm." She smiled teasingly and pulled him down into a kiss with her shirt now open. His hands moved up her thighs to her waist and he kissed down her neck. Her eyes fluttered shut, her hands digging into his back.

Ever since the full moon had passed, she noticed that all she wanted was to rip her boyfriends clothes off any chance she got. Scott pulled back and pulled off his shirt before smashing their lips together again.

There was also this other urge she had been getting and that was wanting to bite him, mark him as hers.

It was really weird.

She didn't dwell too long on the thought as the door to coachs office slammed open, pulling them out of their sexual stupor.

"What in the hell is going on here?!" Finstock yelled, watching the teenagers pull apart and he turned around, letting them put their shirts back on. "Put your clothes on and you two come to my classroom as soon as you are done!" He snapped, muttering profanities under his breath while also wondering if this was a thing that his students in his office.




The two were bright red as they sat in the desks in front of his desk, adamantly avoiding his stern gaze. "You two..." He huffed. "I don't even know what to say because I am so--- urgh--- and in my office too! Do all of the teenagers around here use my office to--- you know what? I don't want to know." Finstock rubbed a hand over his face and exhaled, staring them down.

Imogen's gaze flickered away from the angry man to the baby doll on his desk. She repressed a shudder. She never liked dolls. Stuffed animals were cute. Dolls were not. "Uh, why do you have toy baby?" She asked curiously, hoping to shift his attention from them.

He blinked, picking it up and wrinkled his nose. "I got it for my niece but she cried when I tried to give it to her. I thought kids liked this stuff. Now I don't know what to do with it since it was on clearance." He flinched when it cried after accidentally pressing the button. "Now I see why." He eyed it warily, finding the baby creepy looking before looking back at the two in front of him. He got an idea. "Actually, since you two think it's okay to have sex on school property, this is your punishment." He put the baby on her desk.

Scott stared at him in confusion. "What?"

"I am not keeping that thing." Imogen said, frowning at the baby.

Finstock smirked, "Yes, you are. I would give you detention but that would mean that I'd have to come in early to watch you two and I really don't like the idea of coming in early. So for the rest of the semester you have to take care of this baby."

"But-" She tried to protest.

"But nothing. You two are lucky that I'm not telling the principle about you little indiscretion in my office." He reminded them, although he really couldn't afford for one of his star players to get in trouble considering they had tryouts again. "Now, I'll know if you're taking care of this-- baby because I'll be watching you guys and I'll be calling your guardians to make sure you're taking care of... the baby." He pointed to the door. "Now get your asses out of here and go to class." They immediately got up with Scott grabbing the baby as they headed out the door. "No more fornicating in school!" He called out.

Once they were down the hall, Imogen turned to her boyfriend. "I am not taking care of that creepy doll."

Scott's lips quirked upward, "Come on, I think it'll be good for us."

She frowned, "In what sense?"

"Well you know, when we have kids of our own." He said idly, a faint blush on her cheeks at his insinuation. His face warmed slightly, "Not now obviously but in few years once we get married and start our careers we can."

"Well when you put it like that... I guess it isn't so bad." She whispered, slowly leaning towards him as she kissed him. The baby crying startled her and she stared at it warily. "You're keeping the baby with you at night."

He placed an arm around her, leading her towards the cafeteria. "You really don't like dolls, do you?" He teased.

She blinked up at him, "The idea of it watching me at night is what freaks me out and don't forget that it cries."

He merely chuckled.




"So what's going on with you and Malia?"

Isaac jumped at her question, pulling his attention away from the outside and to Imogen who was currently driving them both to the animal clinic. They had all planned on studying together for Psats but Scott had called them, cancelling the get together and had them to meet at the animal clinic because apparently Derek was missing.

"What do you mean? Nothing is going on with me and Malia." He said honestly, turning to her. Had he been spending a lot of time with the werecoyote girl? Yes. But that was only because he was helping her learn control and adjust to being a human.

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "Mmhmm. Sure about that? Because a certain birdie told me that she's been sneaking into your room at night." She mused in a teasing tone.

He flushed at the insination. "It's not what you're thinking. She apparently gets cold easily and likes having someone next to her to keep her warm." He told her. "I'm not really interested in jumping into anything with anybody. Not since what happened with... Lia." He glanced at her, noticing her grip the steering wheel tighter at the name. "And by birdie you mean your boyfriend."

"No, Melissa told me." Imogen answered, pursing her lips for a moment. "I had to get my uncles things from his office since apparently they hired a new head doctor who needs the office."

"You could've told me or anyone to go with you." He didn't have to even smell her chemosignals to know that it was obviously hard for to go into Ben's office and pack up his things.

She licked her lips, "I know, but I had to do it by myself. You know, I found this picture of him from when he was in high school and there was a girl next to him."

He raised his brows at that. "Oh?"

"I-I think they were together. You know, I've never seen my uncle date or have a girlfriend throughout the years and I always wondered if it was because of me." She muttered, she would have never been against her uncle dating or having a family of his own.

He stared at her, "Do you think he loved that woman in the picture?"

"Maybe. I mean, the way he looked at her.... It kinda reminds me of the way that Scott looks at me." She said softly, thinking of the way her uncles eyes were soft as they gazed at the stern looking girl in the picture. "You know, Malia kinda looks like her."

Isaac blinked, "Really?"

She nodded. "Yeah, it's weird." They finally arrived at the animal clinic where they saw Stiles and Lydia get out of the blue jeep and Scott's green dirt bike parked next to it. Allison got out of her car.

She noticed her boyfriend standing at the entrance where he was unlocking the door. Her and Isaac got out of the car. Her eyes fell on the baby in her boyfriends arm and she scowled. "You brought the baby?"

"I couldn't leave it. My mom was home." He said, handing the baby over to her. "Here you hold her."

Allison and Lydia couldn't stop the teasing looks off their faces. "You two really just had to get caught by coach." The banshee mused.

"Now you have to be parents till the end of the semester." Allison teased.

"I'm glad that us taking care of this creepy life like doll amuses you." Imogen deadpanned, walking into the clinic behind her boyfriend.

Stiles eyed the doll. "Did you say life like?"

"Yeah, coach forgot to mention that it really does act like a baby. It pees and poops." Scott sighed, scratching his head. "We had to go to the store and buy diapers. Do you know how awkward we looked trying to find diapers that fit the doll."

"A few people definitely thought we were crazy." Imogen huffed, recalling the weird looks they got from the other customers when they walked in with the crying doll. "But, anyways, you called us about Derek."

Stiles nodded as they all stepped into the examination room. "Ok, so how long has it been?"

"Weeks." Scott answered. "He hasn't gotten back to any of my texts."

Isaac raised a brow, "Has Derek ever returned your texts?"

"Once." He frowned. "Definitely once. But this time it felt different." He furrowed his brows, thinking back. "So I went to the loft. The alarm was on. Everything looked okay." He placed a container on the table. Stiles pulled out a bullet with a skull on it. "But then I found these. So I sent a picture of it to Deaton. He said that it's the mark of a family of hunters based out of Mexico."

Allison swallowed, staring at the marking. "The Calaveras." She whispered, remembering her dad warning her about how strict they were with the code.

Lydia pursed her lips. "What would they want with Derek?"

Imogen stared at the bullet and then her boyfriend. "You don't think they killed him, do you?" She really did not want to bury anyone else. Even if her and Derek weren't close, she would still feel affected if something happened to him.

"I... I don't know." Scott turned to the banshee. "That's why you're here." They all watched Lydia grab a handful of bullets and drop them onto the table. She was silent. "Lydia, what? Is he dead?"

"No." She grimaced. "But I'm not sure he's alive either."

Stiles gave her a look of disbelief. "What does that mean?"

She exhaled, "I don't know. There's something not right. I just... I don't know."

"It's okay." Imogen said softly, assuring her friend to try not to stress herself out. It was obvious that Lydia was still adjusting to her powers as a banshee.

He looked away from her, seeing that she couldn't answer them. "So if the Calaveras have him, how do we find them?"

Scott picked up the bullet and stared at the skull on it. They had to save Derek if there was a chance that he was alive. He glanced at his girlfriend who gave him a nod, knowing full well that they would be taking a trip. "Mexico." 

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