Matters of the heart

Par ThatWriterGurl09

258 15 0

***WARNING*** Mature audience Abuse triggers Cover made by: @Vbeisbier Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 8

8 1 0
Par ThatWriterGurl09

"I'm pretty sure that he likes her." Sam tells Elton. They are making plans for their next trip. "Colby likes Samii?" Elton asks. "I think so. On our way to the airplane bone yard he was scrolling through her Instagram. He is always talking about her as well." Sam says and Elton nods. "Does she like him?" He asks and Sam shrugs. "If anyone would know it would be Devyn or Corey." Sam says. They finish with the trip and sit around talking. "Aye!" Corey says to Elton as he comes in. "What's up man?" Corey asks. "Just planning our next trip. It's a short one. We are leaving for a week." Elton says and Corey nods.

"I got a question for you." Elton says, Corey sits beside him on the couch. "You know Samii pretty well, right?" Elton asks and Corey nods. "Do you know if she likes Colby?" He asks and Corey shakes his head. "She hasn't said anything. Not that she would though. She knows I am close with Colby. She probably thinks I would tell him." He says. "Why?" He asks. "Just wondering. Sam said he thinks Colby likes her." Elton says. Corey looks at Sam with his eyebrows raised. "Why do you think that?" Corey asks. "I have caught him looking at her Instagram a few times and he talks about her a lot."

"Maybe. Anyone seen how they act when they are around each other?" Elton asks. Both Sam and Corey shake their heads. "I haven't really paid attention." Corey says with a shrug. "They would be good together. They are a lot alike and both good people." Sam says. Elton gets a mischievous look on his face. "We could always get everyone together to do something and have both of them there and watch them." Elton suggests. "Sounds good!" Corey says. "What are we gonna do though?" Corey asks. "We could do a movie night here. We could get the stuff to make pizzas and do it in pairs. Me and Kat, you and Devyn, Elton and Amanda and Sam and Colby." Sam suggests. "Sounds good to me." Elton says.

The guys talk to their roommates and Elton calls Amanda. "Bad news. Amanda made plans for us with her friends from out of town so we wont make it." Elton says. "Everyone else is on board." Corey says. "Now just to get Samii on board." Elton says. "I'm sure if Corey or Devyn asked her to come over she would." Sam says. "We can try. She has been a recluse for the past few weeks. Not really talking to anyone. She has been busy though so I can understand." Corey says. "I'll stop by her house on the way to get the stuff to make pizzas." Corey adds. "What kind of movie?" Sam asks. "She loves scary movies. The things she is scared of are clowns and dolls." Corey says. "I'll find something." Sam says.

When I get home from the gym Corey is sitting in his car in front of my house. "Toodles!" I call out and wave to him. He gets out of his car and follows me inside. "What are you doing tonight?" He asks as he shuts the front door. "I was gonna relax and catch up on the Walking Dead. Why, whats up?" I ask. "We are having a movie night and making pizzas. We want you to join us." He says and I shrug. "Not really feeling the whole group thing." I say. "Please, it will be fun!" He begs. "Who is all going to be there. "Sam and Kat, me and Devyn. I think Colby is going to join us too." He says. "So pretty much couples. No thanks. I don't need a reminder that I am single." I laugh. "Colby will be there and he's single." Corey says. "True, but still." I say.

"You are coming. Don't make me sick Devyn on you." He threatens. "Can I wear sweats?" I ask. "You can wear what ever you want." He says. "Fine. What do you want me to bring?" I ask. "Just yourself." He says. I shrug and nod. "Fine. What time?" I ask, knowing I am going to ghost them. I just don't feel like being around people right now. Nothing is wrong and there isn't any problems with anyone. I just prefer to be alone. "Be there by seven." Corey says. "That's two hours from now. Alright." I hug him and he leaves.

I take a quick shower and change into a pair of grey sweatpants that say Strength down the left pant leg and a white tshirt and go into the bathroom. I take my contacts out, put my glasses on and my hair up in a messy bun. I look like a total nerd but I don't care. I put my face cream on a few target areas, making me look like I have spots on my face and relax in the living room watching TV.

My phone blows up, Devyn and Corey calling and texting me. I ignore it and watch my show with a bowl of popcorn in my lap. "This bitch is ghosting us!" Corey says in a teasing manner as he tries calling me one last time. "Go get her." Devyn says. "Alright." He grabs his keys and heads over to my house. I am on the edge of my seat, watching the characters try to fight off a hoard of zombies when my front door opens. Corey comes in and shuts the TV off. "What are you doing? I was watching that!" I shout as I stand up, slipping my Unicorn slippers on. He picks me up and puts me over his shoulders, grabs my purse and phone and locks the front door behind him. "Put me down!" I beat against his back. He puts me in his car with the child safety lock on and takes off towards his house.

"Seriously!" I whine. "Did you honestly think you would get away with ghosting us?" He asks. "Just bring me home." I whine. "No." He says as he drives. I cross my arms and stare out of the window. He pulls into his driveway and gets out. He opens the car door and heads inside. I sit in the car with my arms crossed. "Come on, lets go." He says. I shake my head in protest. "Get out of the car Samii." He says and I ignore him, looking the opposite way. He picks me up out of the car and carries me inside. "Put me down!" I yell and hit his back once again. He drops me on the couch and goes out to his car to get my things.

"What's with all of the yelling?" Devyn asks as she comes downstairs. "Samii protesting." Corey says as he comes back in the house. Devyn just laughs. I sit on the couch with my arms crossed, pouting. "It will be fun!" Devyn coo's as she sits beside me. "We are going to make our own pizza's in teams and then watch a scary movie." She adds. "Please cheer up." She says. "I'm not really mad." I say and uncross my arms. "Well, a little about Corey man handling me but I get over it fast." I say with a soft smile.

"He snatched me up off of my feet and put me in the car." I say. "That explains the Unicorn slippers, glasses and facial cream dots all over your face." She says with a laugh. "Ah crap!" I say and look at my reflection in my phone screen. "I look horrible." I say. "No, you look comfortable!" Kat says as her and Sam come into the living room. "Woah! You wear glasses?" Sam asks. I nod. "Do you have any paper towels so I can take this stuff of of my face?" I ask. "Don't you have to leave that on over night?" Devyn asks. "Yeah but I am so not going to leave it on in front of everyone." I say

"It makes you look cute and approachable." Devyn says. "This isn't a beauty pageant or a night in the club. It's just friends hanging out." Kat adds and I nod. "True." I say with a shrug and decide to leave it on. Colby joins us in the kitchen. "Pizza in partners!" Kat cheers. "You're stuck with me since they have all coupled up." I say to Colby and he nods with a smile. He keeps staring at me while I knead the dough. "Never seen someone with stuff on their face before?" I ask as I stop moving my hands and look at him. "It's not that. You just look so different. I have seen you in sweatpants before but never in glasses." He says. "I look horrible. Don't remind me." I say. "You look fine." He says.

Colby puts the sauce on and some of it spills on my shirt. "Crap! I'm sorry." He apologizes. "I'll get you a clean shirt." He says and disappears upstairs. I add the cheese and pepperoni and wait for him to finish it. He comes back down and hands me a black xplr tshirt. "Really? Sticking me in your merch?" I tease and he nods with a smile on his face. "I'll rock it. No problem." I say and turn away from everyone. I take my stained shirt off and slip the clean on one. "There!" I say as I toss the shirt in the garbage. "Pizza is finished. I added mushrooms. Hope you don't mind." Colby says. "I don't mind at all." I say with a smile.

"Movie time!" Sam calls out after putting the pizza's in the oven. I pop a squat on the couch taking the last spot. "No room for me? I see how it is!" Colby teases. I slide onto the floor. "There. Now there is room." I say as I get comfortable, sprawling out on the floor. "I need a pillow though. The floor is hurting my boobs." I say. Devyn tosses a pillow down and I put it underneath me. "What are we watching?" I ask. "IT." Kat says as she presses play.

Some time later the pizza is done. Colby goes into the kitchen to take them out and cut them. "Will you go help him?" Corey asks. "Sure." I say and start moving my body like an inchworm across the floor, towards the living room. I inch through the hallway and into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Colby asks with a laugh. "Inching my way to come help you." I say and he smiles. "You are a strange one." He says as he helps me up. I carry the pizza pans into the living room and flip the light on with my elbow. I set them on the table and Colby brings in the plates. "Took you long enough!" Corey complains after pausing the movie.

Everyone gets a piece of pizza and goes back to watching the movie. I take a bite of my pizza and the cheese is so stringy and gooey. It drips down my chin. "Crap! Hot!" I say and spit the bite back on my plate. I wipe the sauce off with a paper towel and shoot daggers at Devin. "You little liar!" I say. "What?" She asks. I hold up my paper towel and she smirks. "Too late now. Everyone has seen you." She says and I flip her off. When the movie is done I grab my things and head out the door. As soon as the door shuts I turn back around and go back inside. "I forgot I didn't drive here." I sigh and sit down on the stairs.

"I can take you home, or you can stay here." Corey offers. "Sleep downstairs in a house where there is some unseen force out to get me or go home." I say and use my arms as metaphorical scales. "I'll call an Uber, you don't have to take me home." I say and pull my phone out. "You sure?" Devyn asks and I nod. "We wont see her for another few weeks. Enjoy her company while she is still here." Corey teases. "You all know where I live. You don't have to stay away." I say with a smile.

"I have an open door policy for you guys and you know that." I add. "But you like being alone. You are a loner boner." Devyn teases. "As long as you guys don't bring a fucking party when you come over I think I can handle it." I say with a laugh. My Uber calls to say that it's here. "See ya never!" I tease and leave. "I'm gonna go up to bed." Kat says. "Bed sounds good. Night guys!" Devyn says. The girls go up to bed and the guys sit around talking for awhile. "I'm gonna head to bed as well. I am beat." Colby says and goes upstairs to bed.

"He definitely likes her and they way she acts I think she likes him to. You gonna tell Elton or should I?" Corey says. "I will text him when I get up to bed." Sam says. "Sleep does sound amazing. Night Bro." Corey says and goes upstairs. Sam follows suit after locking up. He gets up and texts Elton.

Sam- The feelings are definitely mutual. You should have seen them tonight.

Elton- Good to know. Maybe we should give them a gentle nudge.

Sam- What did you have in mind?

Elton- We could bring her with us this weekend. Tell her we need one more person.

Sam- Sounds good. Just let me know what you decide on so I can fill Corey in.

Elton- Will do!

The next few days are hectic. I have had meetings with YouTube, and I have edited two videos for a client. I still have to figure out what I want this weeks video to be and find the time to film it. Corey comes bursting into my office singing. "Can you sing louder? I don't think the family down the street heard you." I say as I turn in my chair to look at him. "I need you to do me a favor." Corey says as he sits on the arm chair along the wall. "What's up?" I ask. "I need you to come with us guys on a little trip." He says and I furrow my eyebrows. "Why?" I ask. "Elton needs one more person and the others that usually are in his videos are busy." He explains. "Is Elton aware that you are asking me?" I ask.

"He is the one that sent me to ask. He is finalizing the details and is waiting on an answer. He said you never replied to his text." Corey says. I pick my phone up and look at Elton and I's conversation. I show him the last thing Elton said. "I never got anything from him. The last thing we talked about was the security code to your house." I say. "Weird. I swear he sent me though." Corey says. "If you absolutely need me I guess I can come. When are you leaving?" I ask. "Tonight our flight is at six." He says. "That's not enough time to figure out if I have the money to even go. Where are you guys going?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it. Elton said he would buy your tickets. You just need money for food and if you want to shop." He says. I pick up my phone and call Elton. "Corey is here." I say as soon as he answers. "Yeah? Did you agree to come?" Elton asks. "Where are you going?" I ask. "We are going to Canada. You have a passport right?" He asks. "Yeah. But I don't know if I have the money to go. I still have to pay bills." I say. "Don't worry about that. Didn't Corey explain any of this to you?" He asks. "Yeah I did! She didn't believe me." Corey says. "I'm on speaker." Elton says. "Yep." I reply. "If you want to go I will make it happen. I really need another person though. Please." He begs. "Alright." I say. "Our flight leaves at six. Be there by four thirty." Elton says before hanging up.

Corey stands up smiling. "Devyn and I will pick you up." He says. "Is Devyn going too?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No. She is just gonna drop us off." He says. "I'll just meet you at the airport. I have a few things to do before I go." I say and he nods. "Don't flake on us. Elton is buying the tickets and they aren't refundable." He says before leaving. I finish what I was doing on the computer and then pack my things. I stick to the basic hair products and makeup. After I finish packing I get dressed. I put on a pair of jean shorts and a black tshirt that says normal people scare me. I do my hair in a bump and pull it back. I put it up in a clip and tease it underneath on the sides to keep it down. I do my hair and makeup and grab my sunglasses. I put everything in the trunk of the taxi and leave.

I get to the post office and send money orders out to pay my bills and then I pick up a few things I need from the store, including two new memory cards for my camera. Corey and Elton are blowing up my phone, asking where I am. I take another Taxi to the airport and check in. I get through security and find the guys standing around at the gate, looking around. "Sorry. Was sending money orders out for my rent and shit." I say as I walk up to the group. "We thought you were ghosting us." Sam says. "Samii's going? Sweet!" Colby says, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, the guys said you were upset because you were gonna miss me too much. I got sick of hearing them blab on and on about how badly you will miss me so I am tagging along." I tease and stick my tongue out at him. He makes a funny face at me, sticking his tongue back out. "I only got one room for each location. So we are sharing two beds." Elton says as we board the plane. "Cause that's not going to look bad. One girl and four guys. They are gonna think I am letting you all run a train on me!" I say as we pass by an older lady who gives me a dirty look. "Sorry ma'am. She doesn't get out very often. She has a serious disorder where her brain doesn't function correctly and she just speaks what ever is on her mind. We are taking her away for the weekend for her birthday." Corey tells the lady and I almost jump on him.

"Corey just made me seem legit crazy to that lady." I whisper yell at Sam who is in between Corey and I. Colby goes down to the window seat and I file in after him. Corey sits beside me and then Sam and Elton near the end. "Great! I get to sit next to you. You smell funny." I tease Corey and he flicks my nose. "Owe butt wipe!" I say and rub my nose. "It's sore." I say and adjust my septum ring. "Well if you didn't have a hitch through it like a cow it wouldn't hurt." He says. "Did you just call me a cow?" I ask, pretending to me shocked. "Now you have done it." Colby says. "I hope you know that I will get you back. For what you said to that lady and for calling me a cow." I threaten him playfully. "I didn't call you a cow, chill out." He laughs, shaking his head.

The plane takes off and I pop my head phones in and relax. When we land we rush through the airport, get our bags and get a taxi to the hotel. "Rock paper scissors for who sleeps where." Elton says. "Screw all of you guys, I'm sleeping right here." I say and park my ass on one of the beds. "Maybe the bed hogs should share a bed." Corey suggests. "Not all of us are going to fit in one bed." Elton teases. "Colby is the biggest bed hog out of all of us guys and Samii is the biggest bed hog I have ever met." Corey says and I throw a pillow at him. "Take that back!" I fire at him. "Nope. I stand by what I said." He says with a laugh.

We do a bit of sight seeing, get some dinner and then Sam and Colby decide to explore a bando. "You want us to join?" Elton asks. "You guys can come if you want." Sam says. "You okay with that?" Sam asks me and I nod. "I don't mind. It sounds fun!" I say. "Am I dressed appropriate?" I ask and look down at myself. "You got gym shoes and pants on, your good." Elton says. We pile into the rental car. Elton and Corey in the front and I am smooshed between Colby and Sam in the back.

When we get to the location we get out and find a way in. "I'll take Samii and Corey this way while you guys film the other way." Elton says and we split up. Sam and Colby film for awhile and then stop to take pictures. "So, I gotta ask you something." Sam says as he snaps a few pictures of Colby. "What's up?" Colby asks. "Between you and I. Do you like Samii?" He asks. "Yeah, she's cool." Colby says. "I mean more than a friend." Sam says as he hands Colby his phone and he starts taking pictures of him. "Honestly, yeah. I've thought about her and I,  a couple of times." Colby says.

"Why haven't you said anything to her?" Sam asks. "I don't think she's interested. She seems kind of broken still from her ex." Colby says. "You won't know until you speak up. Just because she is a little broken doesn't mean you shouldn't at least put your feelings out there. Maybe you are the one that can fix her." Sam says. "I don't want to make things weird though." Colby says. "Samii seems chill. I doubt she would make things awkward or weird if the feelings aren't mutual. I'm pretty sure they are though." Sam says as they wander around looking for the rest of the group.

"Did she say something to you about it?" Colby asks and Sam shakes his head. "No, but everyone can see you like each other. Everyone but you two." Sam says and Colby looks at him surprised. "Do I make it that obvious?" Colby asks. "Obvious to everyone but her." He says. They meet up with us. "Look what I brought you!" I say and hold up an old, broken, creepy doll. "That thing is terrifying." Sam says as he takes it from me to examine it further. "We heard a bunch of voices down on the other end. Someone else is here." Elton says. "You should put your sticker up and we should get out of here." Corey adds.

They put their sticker up and we take off, getting out without seeing the other people. When we get back to the hotel The guys take off to meet up with some of their fans and I set my camera up to film a video. I tweet out that I am doing a Q&A in my new video and give them a hashtag to use to ask their questions. While I wait for the questions to come in I hop in the shower and change into a pair of booty shorts and a crop top. I blow my hair dry with a hair dryer and put it up in a messy bun. I check twitter and there are hundreds of questions. I press record on my camera and start answering questions.

When I am finished I put my camera away and go to sleep, today's events tiring me out. "So did you make up your mind if you are going to tell her or not?" Sam asks as they walk into the hotel room. "Shhh." Colby says. "The lights are off, she is sleeping. Watch." Corey says. He grabs a coin from his pocket and tosses it at me. It hits my butt and doesn't wake me up. "See, asleep." Corey says. "So are you?" Sam asks Colby and Colby nods. "Goodnight." He says as he lays on the bed beside me and goes to sleep.

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