A Complicated Love with a Com...

بواسطة LeoHri

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What if one day, Kirino has to decide? A complicated Love with a Complicated Choice that will end up hurting... المزيد

Chapter 1: Dream
Chapter 2: Let's go Senpai!
Chapter 3: His Inner Self
Chapter 4: Troubled
Chapter 5: The Sun Garden
Chapter 6: Further Understanding
Chapter 7: Reasons
New Year Chapter (Special)
Chapter 8: E)3+@ <3 Pt. 1
Random Crazyness and Author's Note
Chapter 9: E)3+@ Pt. 2
Chapter 10: Nature
Someone Requested

Chapter 11: Mind

331 7 2
بواسطة LeoHri


First and for most I noticed how the story was progressing and it's confusing for my part. So I'm thinking about a revised book about this in the future after I'm done with it. I feel guilty how I wrote this chapters. Guys let's be honest, it doesn't connect at some point like, it doesn't have a clear detail. So what I would do is redo all of this again in the future. And I'm really really sorry I can't update much more sooner. Life has been tough That's all.

Also I repeated the chapter 11 which I deleted it. There has been a additional changes, THANKS! Hope you don't get confused with the chapters.



Kariya's POV

Shindou laughed half-heartedly at my reply. "You're kidding..."

"Why would I be? In front of my girl?" I rest my cheek on my palm and smirked at the brown haired "Do I even look like I'm kidding?"

Shindou placed his fist on the table glaring at me. I didn't flinch whatsoever. Me and Shindou stared for how many seconds. The tension between us grew hotter.

"Both of you didn't worked out. You separated each other without a word so I would be damned if both of you got a comeback." He added "I thought this would be a mere joke but it was stupidity!" 

"Karera ga iu yosō-gai no koto o kitai suru..." Beta spoke and I did not dare too look at her even. I can feel the sarcasm plastered on her face as she looks at Shindou. She's so, furious.

"Bold words coming from you Takuto...You talk as if nothing happened in your life."

Shindou irked but didn't showed it off to anyone especially Kirino. But I can just feel his rattle deep inside him. I'll ask about this to Beta after this.

Kirino decided to break the trance holding unto Shindou. "Let's stop please. We're creating a scene here..." He whispered loudly enough to us. Beta remain beamed and slouches on her seat as I didn't move an inch.

"I have a good teaching for you Takuto-kun... A lie becomes true when it gets long." She smiled innocently as I sighed in frustration.

"Are we going to have a tension for lunch or a mouthful of salt?" I earned a pinch on my cheeks by the woman herself. "H-hey! What the---"

"My apologies dear. You're jokes are just awful." She winked at me playfully. Sometimes this girl is complicated to deal with. Besides, Shindou-senpai wasn't wrong about me and her..

We tried ok? But we didn't really last long. But it was enough for me to know her potential.

"So! What do you guys want?" Beta asked but the wavy brown boy stared along with Kirino. Eyes at her and listens. "Are you guys going to stare? It's rude to stare too much on a lady."

"More like a bvtch if you ask me..." I whispered to myself but in a flash I receive a stomp and DAMN! The heel were in contact with my toes!

"HAAaaa" I let out an eerie moan that that both Kirino and Shindou notice. Kirino asked me with worry. "A-are you alright?"

"HAAAaaa it's hot y'know that??? MAAan I'm ordering a shAAKe." I replied shakily. Beta removed the heel on my toe as I sigh in relief. I was really going to cry out of pain.

"K-kariya... This place is air conditioned..."












"It was?" I asked dumbly. And I can imagine Beta face palming mentally. "Y'know I usually train with the three y'know..." I pouted for acting with a bit of stuttering. That was probably the best reason and I hope of works.

"Oh by the way, I haven't seen the guys in awhile. Can you send them a hi from me? That will be wonderful!" Kirino-senpai smiled as I stared at him as I try to reminisce the scene



Wait what just---

"You went to them?" Asked Shindou with suspicion as Kirino nodded in response.
"Yeah and it was really fun. You should come with me by instance."

I really hope not.

"Are we going to order or what?" We looked at Beta who currently face planting on the table and dying of boredom an in patience.

"I would like a strawberry slushy." I said.

"Mine too! And you Shindou?" Kirino glance at the boy next to him as he smiled a bit too quick. "Water is fine.."

"Then it settles then. 2 slushies and water." Declared Beta who raise a hand to call the waiter. I scooted a bit next to her and said.

"You caused all of this trouble and the only thing you're ordering is a glass of water? How low your standards is." Beta rolled her eyes at me and slapped me gently to get away. I rolled my eyes back and then waited. My fingers fidgeting.

"So Kariya... How did you and uhh Beta met?" I was surprise how Kiri was the one asking questions. Normally it was Shindou does the talking. I scratched my head and glancing at the place, trying to recall a decent memory.

"It was during the space match remember?" Well duh. I rephrased. "I mean after the whole event, Beta and the others appeared here just that."

"And how did you guys..?"

I then look at Beta who glance at me as well. Beta properly fixed her composure and said: "We just tried it out."

That was...calm.

"How?" Kirino asked

And neither spoke. Our order came fast as I slowly sipped the slushy and so does Kirino. I was staring at him and then he caught me but I never left my gaze. And then flashed me a smile automatically doing the same.

"In a way." Best reason for a thirty seconds. clap clap.

"You're missing something..." Shindou tried his best not to let go of his anger as he stared at Beta and the girl did the same.

"Masaki and I had been a temporary teammate for saving the world. Of course we had a rough start but oh it went well. A year has passed during the nationals, You, Tenma-kun, and Tsurugi-kun were picked and of course, bonds are starting to create for some unusual reasons. Am I right Takuto-senpai?" Beta mocked and Shindou becomes rigid. Visibly in me and Beta's perspective.

"Masaki and I had a rough start." She laughed wholeheartedly.

"It wasn't the best but it was the unexpected..."

Beta paused and then glance at me. I caught her the moment I heard the word "unexpected." And I couldn't help but to feel curious about the next thing she would say.

"We...tried to know each other and explore each other's content. Not in a sexual way. It's just that..." She looks at her hands. "Something about him just draws our connection." She looks at me with a poker look.

"Mōichido sagashite mitai mono ga arimasu..."

She whispered those last words enough for me to hear them. My eyes widen as my cheeks starts to redden. It wasn't a normal response. It was something filled with an emotion.

"Draws our connection?", " It wasn't the best but it was UNEXPECTED?," "SOMETHING I would mind to LOOK for again?" We turn our head to Shindou whose face darkens.

"Oh please cut the jokes." Shindou remained calm as he looks at Kariya with a grin. "The last thing I knew was you tried."

"You used him."

"He lived long to become something he's not." He added. "And that was the start of serendipity."

"Both of you never even bat an eye."

"Both of you never progressed anything."

"It was merely a trial."

I know the whole story between us but between the two? Why is Shindou-senpai acting like this? And Beta is furious. He's scaring Kirino-senpai...

Beta looked at him and smiled. "I may have used him but I had the heart to tell him. And I wonder..."

"Has Ibuki been in touch with you the whole time?" her voice changed as an immense of aura surrounded them.

"You know too much..."

Shindou was taken back.

Kirino then thinks about this. "You mean The goalkeeper Shin used to play with? What's wrong with him?" He looks at Shindou, asking for an answer as Shindou didn't bat an eye. What's happening to him?

"You didn't know?" Beta almost seems surprised as the pianist shot her a death glared. "My, my Takuto! How long are you going to keep this act of yours?" She was actually threatening by the tone of her voice.

"You can't make the same mistake, Shindou." 

And that is when the pianist stood up, head facing downwards. The pink haired boy looks at him in confusion. "Kirino...Please let be for a while... I'm sorry." Shindou left a sad smile to him.


And then he suddenly left just like that. He left the building.

"What did you do?!" The pinky lashed. Beta rolled her eyes as she stood aswell.

"Listen boy he is being a coward for too long." She added. "He can't run away forever."

"What did you say?!" Kirino barked as Beta paid no attention at him. She looks at me then leaves. "I'll text you later." She paid for their orders and left the building. There weren't too many people so we were left here both. And that's that.


"Are you still up for saying Hi?"


°||Third Person's POV||°

[Please take care of yourself Shindou.
Know that I'm just here for you...]

Kirino inhaled deeply and let out a blast of air. Everything just happened so fast! Kirino didn't understand a single thing but one thing is for sure is something is wrong with Shindou. But the odd thing is, why wouldn't he tell to anyone? Or even his best friend? Or the person he loves...?

"If I were you, don't put much into what they say... All will tell." Says Kariya as both were walking slow but the teal haired boy didn't mind him. He knows his senior just by looking at him and he's bothered. Kariya couldn't keep help but to smile a little since his father thought him how to detect people's breathing. Whether it would be scared or relaxed. 

Well, he's a cazador. That's one thing he should be proud of...

"About what Shindou said earlier..." He's hesitant. "Was it all true?"

"I would be lying if I say I don't."

"But was there a spark?."

He thought about it. Was there?

It took a minute to figure it out. What he wanted to say. But there is something that is stopping the bot to tell him. Due to the fact that no one wants the outcome, It occured to him that Shindou and Beta had a connection. Not some sort of relationship but something inconvenient. 

"I have no notion on loving people who love half or by halves. It's not my nature. It could be infatuation but I can't lie the fact that she made me happy." The teal haired boy sighed deeply eyes on the ground. The pink haired boy looked at him.

"And the truth the I really loved her before."

A pang in the chest was earned. His breathing slowly becomes rigid but Kariya doesn't seem to notice. He bit his bottom lip in stopping the feeling. It was confusing and hurting him. 

"No one wouldn't stay...Because it's just me. Kariya Masaki." Kariya scoffed and shook his head. "The good 'ol pain in the ass..." 

Kirino noticed the pain in his eyes and he was forcing them to stop. It saddens and hurts him more. They may have a rough start but knowing and seeing him? It was quite intriguing by his senior's opinion. 

He's been through a lot, and Kirino knows that. 

"Sometimes Kariya, you're complicated to look through. And by that, it's hard to make choices." He remain silent. "Regardless, the way you act? The way you treat others? Sometimes it quite childish and bothersome." 

The teal haired boy frowned but Kirino did the opposite of it. "It doesn't mean they don't have a great attitude." Kariya was going to counter but Kirino patted him on the head.

"I wouldn't ever say if you're having tough times then there must be something wrong with you or your attitude. Life's a fight. It's a good fight of faith. I encourage people to stay up, stay hopeful, stay faith-filled." He said full of honesty and Kariya knows this. The cazador growled silently.

"Did you hear what I said? No one wouldn't stay because it's me..." 

Kirino shook his head. "Even if it was you, it was the real you." Kirino added. "And I would be happy to be at least the one staying by your side. No matter how bad it is, I'll help you." 

Kariya was silent. He didn't want this. He was playing with him for a long time and what's happening? He's trusting Kariya. Honestly, the boy couldn't believe it and he was hating himself for it. But how long will he keep this up the same as what Beta told them.

" He can't run away forever."

Kariya scoffed.

"You're an idiot for trusting too much...Kirino."


"Hiroto-Kun..." Midorikawa can't help but to feel uneasy. "I'm not feeling well..." Hiroto came closer to comfort him with a water bottle on his hand. "What part does it hurt? Here."

Midorikawa smiled at his actions and gladly accepted the bottle full of water. Instead of drinking it, he continues. "Thank you..."

Hiroto offered his chair to let her partner sit down. Feeling all worried about this makes him tense up, especially Kariya.

"Drink." He commands. Midorikawa sighs at him then unlock the cap and gently sip at the bottled water, leaving a few substances. He then put the half bottle of water aside.

"I'll ask you again Midori, what part does it hurt?" The said person softly laugh at his question. The mint haired boy slowly placed his finger and pointed at his forehead where the frontal lobe is. Without no reply,  Hiroto took his glasses down next to him and let Midorikawa's hair move freely.

"Hiroto-kun..." Midori whines with a smile, gaining a soft pinch at his cheeks.

"Relax will 'ya, you're stressed."

"Then do me a favor and bring me desserts."

"Clever." Hiroto chuckled.

"It's quite obvious Hiro."

"Ok ok..." The former Ailea captain caress his cheeks then moving on to his partner's silky hair. Midori really like this side of his, but then he regrets it afterwards.

"Hiroto..." Midorikawa whines again but the other boy pressed his thumbs on his scalp then hardly yet smoothly let Midorikawa roam those delicate fingers all over his head.

"Not there...There..." Midorikawa moaned between words when he felt Hiroto's fingers reached at the side of his head. This made the red haired boy grin, softened and relaxed, that's what he would describe Midorikawa.

"Say, when will I get my treat?" Those delicate fingers then disappeared without a trace. "Awww, Hiroto don't stop..." 

Midorikawa then jumped at his position due to the increasing weight he felt on his lap. It turns out that increasing weight on his lap was Hiroto himself, smiling.

Those fiery eyes met with the other, drawing close. "Who said I was..."

He then stick his tongue out.

"You'll get it later on bed."

He pressed his lips on Midorikawa's and enjoyed each sweet sensation he tasted from those divine lips of his. A gently pull from his neck deepens the heated battle of tongues, tasting every bit inside themselves, almost.

The sound of the buzzer echoed around the office but that doesn't stop Hiroto from doing his job on his precious Midorikawa. His hand made all the way down to his crotch and---

"H-hiroto....!" The said boy smirked in response, focusing on Midorikawa's crotch. "S-someone's--- here!"

Hiroto silently shushed him as the destined hand starts to move up and down ignoring the little boys' rants. "It's quite big~"

"I-I'm n-not! Ugh!" Midori's back arched and released a silent scream of pleasure triggering Hiroto's inner soul. "Hiroto!" He yelled but more of a whisper to his sense.

"You didn't say stop..."

"...Not here!" Midori looked away biting his bottom lip with a tinted red blush from both sides of his cheeks. At least he was being honest.

Hiroto placed a peck on his lips before recovering his feet back and smiled innocently at him. "Did you have fun?"

A ticked mark appeared on Midorikawa's forehead kicked Hiroto's leg, letting him kiss the dirty floor.

"Have fun you're ass! That wasn't even fair!"

"Fair???? What do you mean---"

"Save it for later! I'm not apologizing to you yet!" Midorikawa tied his air up and fixed his suit before turning towards the door to leave. Surprisingly,  revealing Ulvida with her fist held in front of her along with a stack of papers on her arm, completely monotonous.

Footsteps drawn away, Ulvida sighs and drops the papers to Hiroto's desk, giving a quick smack on the taller man. "O-oi!!"

"Anata wa bakadesu, baka..."

"Ulvidaaaa! I was playing around!!" Hiroto pouted almost looking like a child with terrible manners with a  idiotic personality (from Ulvida's opinion) "

"Baka..." The co-secretary shakes her head and smack her hand on to her face and gritted her teeth. "Get your ass back up. Please, focus more at work." 

"I can manage everything don't worry." Hiroto fixed himself before turning back on Ulvida. "Can I cut in for a moment?"


"How are things going on?"

Ulvida raise a brow. "Beta? Alpha? Gamma?"

Taken back on his sudden question, Ulvida then proceeded with poise. "I haven't heard about them lately. May I ask why?"

"I couldn't get this feeling out of my chest. I'm not ill or whatsoever but I feel...worried."

Ulvida raised her brow once again. "Is this about awhile ago?"

"No! No. Goodness no. How does it connect with the three?" Hiroto blushed.

"The offer you made in bed?" Ulvida's brows wiggled, teasing the red boy.

"How much did you hear?" She shrugged coolly "Much that I need to hear." 

Before Hiroto could speak, Ulvida sharply cut in. "Those three you spoke of, I do not know what your intentions is, but I received a bit of an info coming from Gamma himself. Its more on the little midget."

"You mean Beta..."

She rolled her eyes "I heard her and your kid are somewhat close."

"Techincally not---"

"They've gotten much closer. Work I should say." 

Hiroto tensed up for a second. Worry spread across his face. He can't really trust Beta but with Kariya with her? They can come across a silly scenario. It doesn't feel right at his perspective.

"Why would they work together? I thought they hated each other."

Ulvida walked towards the door. "Why not ask him?" replying without turning back on him and left. 

The red haired let a sigh of relief before slouching on his chair. One look on the papers he then lazily took them and read. So much for having a good night. Hiroto grabbed his phone and then contacted Suzuno. After awhile he finally answered.

"Did I disturb you?"

[Nope. Just had to put a facial mask. Anything you want?]

Hiroto was now confused. "Why are you applying facial mask? You're skin is already clear and smooth, why the latter?" He can imagine Suzuno throw a shrug without no energy at all.

[It's soothing. Afuro recommended me to try.]

Of course..

"Ok back to business, how are the others doing there?"

[Nagumo is already asleep. He had a tiring day shouting on a tree.]

"W-why would he do that???"

[Beats me..] Suzuno shrugged. 

[Afuro spend the day with the kids and teaching them to play soccer. And of course he would spend the night with me with this beauty equipments. It was fun.] He added.

[The others are busy frankly. I don't see them white often.]

"And Kariya?"

There was a long silence...
















[Sorry, Afuro burned the steak.] Seconds later.

[I don't know. He was odd.]  This made Hiroto's curiousness grow.

"Explain." Suzuno sighed on the phone.

[He's been coming home late and being an edge lord. And sometimes he's on the rush. I observe him quite often. His appearance changed drastically. His face says it all. Eyes full of eager. And he wasn't quite cheeky like then.]

"...Thank you Suzuno."

He imagined Suzuno nodding at his reply. [Midorikawa hasn't come home yet. I'm guessing he's still in the building. We'll leave the food for your supper.]

Hiroto ended the call and was now in the most deepest stage of thinking. And in all of the situation he had this by far was the second problematic experience he had. It involved kids yes and one more thing, this could change the entire game itself.

He didn't want Kariya to get involved with this.

Not. At. All.

He needs to talk to him. Also needs to lay Midorikawa. :p



"Anata wa bakadesu, baka..."

="You are an idiot, idiot..."

"Mōichido sagashite mitai mono ga arimasu..."

="Something I would mind to look for again..."

"Karera ga iu yosō-gai no koto o kitai suru..."
=//even I forgot what this mean and I couldn't find the translation anymore.
But what Beta was trying to say is that Shindou was being full of himself that nothing ever happened in the past or he didn't experience the same situation Beta and Kariya are in.//


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