Fallen Kingdom ✔️

נכתב על ידי madstergirl

186 7 0

In a time when power was key, violence was power, and betrayal was common, a war started between three kingdo... עוד

Welcoming the War
Quest of Royals
First Night
Forest of the Lost
Meeting Irseval
Royal No More
Fighting Spirits
Resting Minds and Bodies
Final Rounds
A Mission
Girl Talk
Least of our problems
Service of the River Maiden
Lost in Thought
Far from Home
Best Friends
Gates of the Nethurus Vault
Truth or Leave
Love Locked
Work like a Royal
Princely Dinner
Calm Before the Storm
The Ruins of the Wyverns
Safe Travels
The Welcomed War
Final Battle

Journey North Begins

4 0 0
נכתב על ידי madstergirl

I woke up sometime early morning. I watched as Bowen and Gwen made breakfast. More pig and eggs. It was wonderful. Svenon, Jovsin and Rolande were out collecting as much food as they could for the journey, I found Rathelia teaching Striker to use magic and teaching Prince George something else. I had never seen a book like the one he was reading before. I had to know more about this mysterious book.

I sat down beside Prince George. "What is that?"

"I learned to read and write as a child from Lolana, and when I saw this book in the last town. I found it quite interesting. It's about medical healing. It shows pictures of people inside and out. Organs too. It explains what's poisonous and what heals as well."

I looked at it. "Oh, I know what this book is. It's what doctors read in order to become doctors in Wyverna. A few of the older doctors in Wyverna helped create it by dissecting deaceased humans. Some who died of natural causes, murder and different types of sicknesses. They studied sicknesses and even discovered some and ways to end the sickness. Quite amazing what has been described in there. How much they have learned from observing and experimenting."

He smiled slightly. "If I weren't a royal, I would become a doctor. Help people for once."

"Why can't you? If Bowen can come all this way just to do what he thinks is right, why couldn't you become a doctor?"

"Even if he becomes king, rather then me, we would still need a general."

"Have someone you trust do it. Someone who has trained to be a general. You could also have the king be general. I think Bowen would really enjoy being able to get out of the kingdom."

Prince George laughed. "You're pretty smart for a princess."

"I'm also a stable girl, and professional advise giver." We both laughed at that. "So, tell me what's your favourite thing in that book so far."

"I can understand most of it, but there's a few large words that I don't quite understand. The pictures help a lot with that. If I could be a doctor, I would use money from my family to open up a practice between the upper and lower rows of subjects. I would help those who need it. They can be able to work then and make money. They can pay me back after. I think I would call that a there again transaction, or T.A.B. for short."

"Tab, you're quite smart yourself. You've got a brain inside you, as this book says. A doctor would be a wonderful thing for you to explore as a being. I support you in any career you choose. It's your life and it's your choice what you would like to do with it. You can have the legacy of a general prince behind your brother helping him though it all or a legacy behind being the first ever doctor prince."

He looked confused. "That doesn't sound right to me."

"Does it matter what sounds right or wrong? I'm a stable girl princess. I worked in horse poop for nearly half my life because of your parents. You shouldn't have to do what they say once they are subjected to the law of the known lands. My brother will make sure of that."

"Prince Svenon knows that my parents are horrible people. What they did to King Arion was horrible. Your mother, Queen Servana, she would tell Svenon, Jovsin and I stories when she visited. Stories of the first king of Servania. Hearing what my brother said about you and seeing all this for myself, I am starting to think her stories weren't just stories. Seeing this book even makes me believe that she wasn't just any old maiden in a castle."

"What do you mean? What do you think my mother was?"

"Ever heard of an immortal being who can only be killed in battle?"

I blinked my eyes fast, trying to wrap my head around what he was saying. "You think my mother was one of them? One of those half-god beings created by the god of Light?"

"Yes. She said that a thousand years ago, before Irseval was created as one of those beings, the old king of Servania named his kingdom after his dearest sister when he ran away, not agreeing that what his parents thought was right. He had to leave his sister behind to keep her safe. Just before he was going to rescue her from their parents, Irseval attacked Servania killing the old king. His last wishes that Moira stays safe and his right hand man becomes king. The new found king didn't believe the same as the old king did so he made Servania his own and let Irseval kill Moira."

I felt light headed hearing that. "Are you saying I could handle the torture and fire from my skin become I'm a part immortal of a half immortal?"


"You are cry straight forward, aren't you Prince George. I admit, I wouldn't believe you if I hadn't seen what I had. Knowing what I know now, I have no choice but to believe you. I have no reason not to." I sighed, putting a hand on my shoulder. "When I was younger, there was someone who was looking for an apprentice. A doctor, a very good one at that. Did their own experiments, writing them down. They would like someone to help them and soon do their job when they finish with their remaining life. If you keep reading that book, I will assure you a place studying by the hand of Doctor Tsunami."

"Are you sure that I could become one?"

I shrugged. "You never know until you try. Take a risk. If it doesn't work out, you're still a prince."

"I think that you're right for once, Princess Victoria."

"For once? I've been making the calls this entire time. I've been keeping us all alive. You should be thanking me, Prince George."

He did something shocking. "Thank you, Princess."

I shrugged again. "Fine, Fine. Get back to your reading. I'm going to help pack up for the journey. Bowen and I have a small carriage to fill. The journey from now on will be inside the carriages. Thanks to Cordelia."

Walking off, I used the staff to send Jagg back to his warm home. This would be all horses and carriages from here on. The small carriages just big enough for two to live in, maybe three. Gwen and Rathelia were paired. Bowen and I, Striker and Prince George were paired and my three brothers were paired. Yet, Svenon decided to go with Striker and Prince George for some reason. Whatever it was, I didn't care for it. The cold that was coming was from a storm in the north. The land of the gods is magical and doesn't let weather inside its barriers. Once we get into that boarder, we'll be safe. Until then, we need to stay as warm as we can so we don't freeze to death. That meant preparation. Agreeing to stay another night meant more of a chance that we wouldn't freeze to death.

I left with my brothers to find more animals with fur. I had my Wyvernth while they had their bows. We were in bushes waiting for the hunt to come to us. Rustling sounds filled the cold, quite air. There was rabbit. A bunch of them. I wasn't sure what was going on. I saw the deer remains and understood. They were jackalopes. Magical animals half deer and half rabbit. Hunting them would be easy. It was what killed the deer that would be hard.

"What should we do?" Rolande asked our older brothers.

"Worry about the jackalopes and the deer, get the skin and meat, then look for what killed it." Svenon told us, confident in his plan.

I shook my head. "Are you mad? It must have been a family of bear killing those deer. Kill the bear and have enough fur for the cold. And gain a pile of meat."

Jovsin laughed slightly. "We'll get the bunny rabbits while our little sister quivers in fear again. It's just like old times."

"You get food and fur for everyone else. I'll be hunting for myself and Bowen. Good luck."

Jovsin put his hand on my shoulder. "Holler if you need us, though I'm sure you're capable of fighting yourself. You are a survivor after all."

Running off, I followed large tracks. I found two large bear and three smaller bear. It would be perfect for blankets and pillows. The meat would last us the trip north too. The crystal clear waters told me it was safe drinking water as well. Something the others would be collecting for themselves. I lined up the bear quickly, throwing the Wyvernth as hard as I could. The spear went directly through all their skulls, killing them instantly and painlessly. Using my knife, I carefully skinned them for their fur and packed their edible meat into the pouch. When that was done, I took the two charmed canisters Rathelia gave me for Bowen and I to store our water inside. I carefully placed them in the water to fill while I hunted for other food, natural food. Seeds, vegetables, fruits, bark, nuts. Anything I could find. Jackalope were all around so I got some of those to make gloves and hats. It would be needed where we were going. Coats, blankets, pants. All things we'd need. Shoes too. After the canisters filled, I put them inside the charmed bag so they would stay cool.

I ran back with all the fur. I had three times as much as they had. I gave one of the large bear furs to the others. I took Bowen to our wagon home so we could make it for us. I found that they were charmed to be bigger on the inside. There was two beds even. No wonder there were able to have three in one. I started to teach Bowen how to sew and weave. He started with the blanket. He certainly learned fast when it comes to this, but he had such a horrible memory. I had some sheep fur that was rolled up for sweaters and pants. I taught him how to knit, but every five minutes he asked me what he had to do to knit. I sewed the gloves, shoes, jackets and outer pants. He knitted the sweaters, pants and socks. Hours passed, but we finally finished it around night fall.

There was a knock on the door. I jumped up to find Rathelia there. "Princess Victoria, we made enough for everyone. Your brothers even knitted sweaters and socks for everyone. We were wondering if you needed anything before we head off?"

"I don't think so. We have so much in here. I think we can leave now. Since Striker's movable cabin has a magic seal that he can use to see, I would like him to lead. Here's a map for everyone. If anyone gets lost, this will help you find your way."

Her eyes had tears. "Thank you. You're so kind. I'll hand these out and let them know."

I walked outside to Princess. I pet her mane. "Okay girl, I need you to follow the others to Nethurus. The land of the gods. King has been there before, so follow him, okay?"

A confident neigh, and we were off. I jumped in the carriage before she got too far. Soon after we left, the door opened to show snow everywhere. Out stallions were ones meant to survive in this weather. Us on the other hand, weren't. I locked the door, making sure it wouldn't happen again. Bowen and I got into our warm clothes and sat under our giant bear blanket.

"Are you warm enough?" Bowen asked me.

I laughed. "You're the one shaking. Here, let's share body heat. Like you said before."

We both fell asleep next to each other, my head on his shoulder and his head resting ever so gently on mine. This was the start of the journey north. I couldn't be happier with the outcome.

המשך קריאה

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