Saving Emma: The Art Of Falli...


373 171 83

Nothing is ever as it seems. Everything seems very plain on the surface, but in fact, you actually have to di... Еще

Coming Soon


5 3 0

"your turn." I said after taking one sip from the bottle.
"Okay. You were my first love." She took a long sip  

"Seriously?" I gasped.

"Come on Flynn you barley dated either." I shrugged and took the bottle from her grasp.

"Emma wasn't the one who took your baby doll in 3rd grade. It was me." I smirked.

"Flynn winters!" She said, slightly drunk 

"I didn't talk to her for weeks! What did you do with it?"

I passed her the bottle and said "no idea." I laughed

She giggled and shook the bottle. "Looks like we're out." She got up a bit unbalanced.
"You've just reached your tolerance I think that's a good thing." 

"What's the time?" She asked
"10.." I yawned.

We spent all day talking, eating, watching TV and drinking

I would be happy if I died right now.

"Early night?" I said not knowing what else to do.
"Yeah, we need to be up in time to meet Drew." I looked at her fragile legs, still covered in bruised. I went up behind her and swept her from her feet. "Whoa!" She giggled
"Bedtime angel." I carried her to her room and placed her down.  I turned off all the lights and came back to her room. She was already fast asleep. I crawled in next to her with my heavy boot and a few moments later I was in a deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning to find Oceane not next to me. "Oceane?" I got up a bit dazed and went to the main room and saw her sitting on the kitchen island looking out of the window. "You okay?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

 "I'm going to have nightmares for a while aren't I?" She said.

"What are they about?" I walked up behind her.

 "Bits and pieces of the fire. Looking for you. Blood." She turned around and I held her close to my chest. 

"It's going to be difficult for a while angel but it will get better." I helped her off the table and took her to her room. I kissed her lightly on the lips but she pulled me back like she had to have me or she would die. I placed my hand on her lower back and felt some air escape her lips like my hands were cold. "You are still amazing at seduction miss Smith" I murmured against her kiss.

 After we were dressed for the day, I asked "You feeling any better?" 

"Slightly. My legs are still flimsy but my arms are stronger" I nodded and went to get my her keys and bag. Time to finally piece this puzzle together. She saw me come into her room and once again she kissed me. I fell back into her mattress as she kissed my lips. "We've got to meet Drew now Angel..." I laughed against her kiss "he can wait." She  lay on top of me and kissing me. I wrapped her in my arms and with one swift movement, our places changed "oh! No fair." She pouted. I held both of her hands and intensely kept on biting and kissing her lip but so her hands would stay in place. She didn't even fight it. After a minute I stopped and whispered in her ear "as much as I enjoy this, we really need to get going." I got up and pulled her up with me and we left the apartment.

We walked to the elevator and I still held on to her trembling hand as she walked. "You good?" I asked. "Yeah..." I rubbed her hand again as we were taken downstairs. "Can we walk today?" She asked
"Of course Angel. Come on." I think she missed the fresh air.

Oceanes POV

We walked into the coffee house and saw Drew awaiting us with his folder. "Hey guys." He tried to wheel across to us. "It's okay!" I went over to him and kissed his cheek. "How you feeling?" Asked  Flynn as he rubbed Drew's shoulder. "Today's a good day" he smiled.

"Right let's get straight into it." Said Flynn as he helped me down to a chair.
"What happened that afternoon?" I looked at Drew and he started first.

"You see Max harefield was Mia's protection officer. I got him over here like the plan all along. Then he started to say bad stuff about you, Flynn. So Oceane of course slaps him across the face. I went after her and spoke to her for a minute, then headed back inside to yell at max. Before I knew it he had a gun to me. He shot me right here" he pointed to his upper leg.  "And went outside to Oceane.' he continued. He looked at me with sadness and Flynn looked at me back. 

"He lied to me you see. Max did. He  said that Drew wanted us to go to the river. He had his car keys so I believed him..." Flynn grabbed my hand. "We got into the car.. and the last thing I remember is his knife against my neck." Tears started to fill my eyes.
"I'm going kill that bastard." Said Flynn
"I'll be happy to assist." Went on Drew.

"Hang on," Drew went on. "Max was in the car with you?" He asked. I nodded and he rubbed his temples. "The knife incident was before the fire?" I nodded again. 

"Where are you going with this Drew?" asked Flynn.

"Oceane was the only person found at the scene. Where the hell did Max go?"

He had a point. I have no idea where he went. The car was empty once the police arrived. I must have crawled out. I don't remember. But how the hell did he survive that? or not get knocked out long enough for the police to come?

"So, we know Danny is still out there, we know Max is somewhere too. As for Alec and David..." said Flynn

"I presume there with him too." I interrupted. There was no point in guessing. They are alive.

"Now Flynn. I have to tell you something that's not going to be easy to hear, but it's going to make you understand everything a bit more." said Drew.

I knew what was coming.

"You see, your Dad and Vanessa Sambello were acquaintances through your mother and Oceanes mother. I have no easy way of saying this, but your dad had an affair with Danny's Mom." 

Flynn's head darted up.

"In 1991, the latest time that the affair could of taken place, Tonie was born. Your Father is the Father of Tonie Sambello." 

"" He stuttered.

"I know. I know. You are in no way whatsoever related to Danny but Tonie is in fact your half-brother."

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