Da Moises12w3

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Beacon has fallen, Ozpin is gone, and the rest of the world is perplexed on what happened to Beacon, Ruby, Ja... Altro

Character Bio:
Prologue: The New World
Chapter One: In need of Comfort
Chapter Two: Afraid to look Back
Chapter Three: Feel Powerful
Chapter Four: Closing In
Chapter Five: Coming in Hot!
Chapter Six: A Strong Return.
Chapter Seven: The Truth
Chapter Eight: He, of Another World
Chapter Ten: Down memory lane
Chapter Eleven: Take me Home
Chapter Twelve: Decisions
Chapter Thirteen: Valkyrie

Chapter Nine: The Roots of a family

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Da Moises12w3

3rd POV:

Grimm Slayer: "You want to travel with me?" Grimm Slayer asked sitting on her bed as Thor stood in front of her.

Thor: "Yes, if it's alright with you, I'd like to hunt Grimm... with you." He said.

Grimm Slayer: "Why?" She asked.

Thor: "Well, since we're new to this Rea-I mean Remnant, I'm hoping traveling with you can help us learn to make a life here, plus I'm guessing slaying Grimm along the way will only make things better for Remnant, so what say you?" He asked her as she thought about it.

Grimm Slayer: "I don't know I'm not really a people person, I'm more of a lone wanderer, it's better that way." She said getting up and ready to leave, she suddenly heard a thump and turned around to see Thor on his hands and knees, as Valkyrie looked at him with shock.

Thor: "Please take us with you." He asked her as she was surprised.

Grimm Slayer: "I-I why!?"

Thor: "We have no one else to turn to, we're...alone." He said as she saw that a tear fell from his eye.

Grimm Slayer: "Okay fine." She sighed as he picked his head up happily.

Thor: "Thank you, I promise you won't regret it!" He said getting up happily.

Grimm Slayer: "Right...well imma go get some supplies, you two can go get something to eat." She said handing him four gold coins and then leaving.

Valkyrie: "My King, why did you do that?" She asked.

Thor: "I...I wish to travel with her, I don't know why or what it is about her but...I think I want to get to know her." He said genuinely, this surprised Valkyrie, one thing she knew about Thor was that he was a big flirt when it came to women, it was part of his personality back in Asgard, he was prideful, arrogant, and a show off, and obviously being one of the strongest warriors , if not thee strongest, had its perks, like a lot of women being attracted to him, Valkyrie remembered how many women she had to shoo away everyday while on duty, there was only two women in Asgard that ever caught his attention, Sif, his female best friend, and one other Valkyrie, he had gone on alot of dates, but not one ever made him tick, and yet...what is it about this armored lady, who's name and face no one knows, that's  gotten him to want to travel and even do one thing he's never liked to do, Beg, it bothered Valkyrie, she thought of Thor as family to her, after all he was the only one to ever believe in her and he even trained her a bit, as his personal guard and sister like friend, she just had to know, what made her so special?

Valkyrie: "My King-"

Thor: "Please Stop calling me that Val." He said surprising her.

Thor: "Asgard is no more, I am no one's king, so as your former mentor and friend, I only ask you call me Thor, from now on." He said.

Valkyrie: "R-right yes, I apologize it's just something I've grown accustomed to, so it's going to take sometime." She said.

Thor: "I understand, but just Thor is okay, we are still Asgardians, but the old ways are done, from now on we can do and be whatever it is we please, so no more formalities or titles, from here on out you Valkyrie are going to be my little sister, and I'll be your big brother." He said rubbing her head as she smiled at this as Grimm Slayer walked in.

Grimm Slayer: "Seriously? Come on guys let's go get something to eat before we go." She said as they went downstairs and ate something called "Roast boar" needless to say once the Asgardians had a bite, new foods came rolling in, Grimm Slayer was just staring at them in a bit of shock as they devoured food like a pack of wolves.

Grimm Slayer: "We're you guys that hungry? How can you eat two whole boars and still want more?" She asked as a waitress brought them small cups  of coffee and they drank it quickly.

Thor: "This drink I like it." He said.

Valkyrie: "Indeed what's it called?" She asked.

Grimm Slayer: "Coffee, it's better to have it every morning though." She said as suddenly they threw their cups on the floor shattering them.

Thor/Valkyrie: "Another!" They shouted.

Grimm Slayer: "What the hell are you guys doing?!" She said as she got up and picked up the pieces.

Thor: "It was delicious, we want another." He said.

Grimm Slayer: "You could've just asked!" She said throwing the pieces away properly.

Valkyrie: "We just did."

Grimm Slayer: "No I mean ask nicely." She said sitting down.

Thor: "We meant no disrespect."

Grimm Slayer: "Okay well, no more smashing, deal?" She asked them both.

Thor: "You have my word."

Valkyrie: "Mine as well."

Grimm Slayer: "Good, now let's get going!" She said excitedly as she paid for the food and they left the town, their journey had began, fighting Grimm along the way, stopping every now and then to rest, Thor and Valkyrie were learning what they needed, about Remnant and magic, weeks turned to months as they wandered many places and studied them carefully, but after a while they noticed one thing about Grimm Slayer, everywhere they went there was always Grimm to slay and she would not hesitate to do so, heck she didn't care about learning about places they just explored, she was just there to kill the Grimm, she had alot of knowledge on Grimm, even carrying  Journals which had all kinds of things about Grimm, from the types of species, to behavior, sleeping schedules, migration seasons, eating habits, etc. This worried Thor, why was it that she knew so much? Why only hunt Grimm? He just wanted to know, and one day during setting up a campfire to rest for the night, he found the strength to ask her.

Thor: "Why are you so obsessed with Grimm?" He asked her as she dropped wood into the campfire.

Grimm Slayer: "Don't ask things like that Thor." She said sounding a bit angry.

Thor: "Why not? We've travelled to so many places as it is, and yet all you've done is kill the Grimm that's there."

Grimm Slayer: "That's all I care about." She said sitting down on a log.

Thor: "How could you say that!?! Thor shouted angrily getting up.

Thor: "What about your family or friends!? What of their worried about you?"

Grimm Slayer: "I don't have any of that." She said as it surprised Thor and Valkyrie.

Valkyrie: "Wha-What do you mean?" Valkyrie asked as Grimm Slayer sighed and picked up a stick and started poking the fire.

Grimm Slayer: "When I...was younger, I lived in a small village, it only had about 20 people living there, if anyone came there, it was only to rest at my family's Tavern, or just have the village's Blacksmith make something for them, only farmers settled there, it was nice, quiet, and isolated, only problems we ever had were drunks or animal attacks, but it was nothing we couldn't handle, I lived with my mother, my big brother, and my little sister, we were a happy family of four, my father had left after my little sister was born, leaving my mother, Carla, in charge of the Tavern."


Grimm Slayer: "My mother was my idol, she was strong, independent, and never took shit from no body, guys always flirted with her, but she paid them no mind, and anyone who dared to try and get touchy with her, she would kick them out of the Tavern with a broken nose, jaw, or arm, my mom was a badass, after all she used to be a warrior back in her younger days now she was the Tavern's owner and cook, my older brother, Ethan, was the one that worked the front desk, he was what mom called a smooth talker and he was also a hunter so he was good with a bow and arrow, and he also looked out for us, him and I honestly never got along, but I loved the idiot."


Grimm Slayer: "After him was me, I was a server, only the food though, mom took care of the drinks, and after me was my little sister, Tess, she didn't work in the tavern, mainly cuz she was young and a bit of clumsy and also deaf, we used sign languge to communicate with her."


Grimm Slayer: "For the most part life was great, my mom trained me to fight, my brother trained me to hunt, and I looked after Tess, life was simple, Tess and I had a dream that one day when we were older we'd go exploring...unforunitly It never came true, becasue of...that night." She said sounding mad.

Valkyrie: "What happened?"

Grimm Slayer: "One night while I was sleeping I had gotten this strange feeling that made my head and chest hurt, when I told my mother, she suddenly took me and Tess and hid us in the basement, mom told me and stay put and watch after Tess as she left us there, after waiting there, for the Gods know how many  hours, suddenly all I heard outside were growls, howls, sword clinging, and screams, of both women and men, I held my sister tight and covered her ears and mine, funny how outta fear and being tired we ended up falling asleep through a tragity, when the morning came, Tess was still sleeping as I went outside to check, and you can imagen what I saw, to this day it haunts me, I saw dead bodies everywhere, all munched up, poked up, and bloody, and a bunch of black ashes, I went to wake Tess and we looked all over town for my mother or Ethan but it wasn't until we got to the edge of town that I found Ethan, alive but badly injured from his leg, when I went to try to help him something crashed in front of us, when the dust cleared I saw what it was...a Grimm."

Grimm Slayer: "It was big, and it was staring me down, I grabbed Tess and ran under a broken wagon that had a bunch of stuff over it, the Grimm started chasing us, it managed to slash my back, but it couldn't get us in time as we got under the wagon and it started pushing and destroying the wagon to get to us, I had never been more scared in my life, but suddenly I saw my brother get up using an axe as support, once standing he let go of the axe as it got the attention of the Grimm, he started using sign languge and said: "I love you, I have always loved you." As he suddenly shouted and the bat Grimm charged at him.

(Basically what happened, if you haven't seen this movie I apologize but spoiler!)

Grimm Slayer: "I quickly carried my sister as she saw what happened to my brother but I already knew what happened...He was gone, I don't know how long I ran carrying my sister who obviously was in Psychological shock, after what she saw happen with Ethan but I couldn't stop, she even peed on me, but even after that, I just kept running or walking quickly, after a long time, my feet were bleeding and I had gotten to a town, I took Tess to a doctor, but..." She stopped as it sounded like she was crying worrying Thor and Valkyrie.

Valkyrie: "You don't have to-"

Grimm Slayer: "Its fine!" She said a bit angrily after she took a second and composed herself.

Grimm Slayer: "Tess died..." She said in monotone.

Grimm Slayer: "She had died of extreme shock, I didn't know what to do or say, at that moment I just... wanted to die, I grabbed a knife the doctor had and I tried to kill myself, the doctor stopped me and had to tie me down on a bed, I was left tied up for two to three days, I didn't want to eat or sleep, once he untied me I just sat in that bed, i don't know how long I was there but, i was really thin, and weak, one could say I was dead, I felt dead, the doctor, who's name I got to know as Charles, allowed me to stay with him."


Grimm Slayer: "After a while, he convinced me to start eating and sleeping again, a year passed and  he took me as an assistant in his local infirmary, life was okay, but I still mourned for my family and I lived in constant fearing the Grimm, but one day I decided to push that fear away and trained myself, when I turned 14 I returned to my old village, which was now in ruins, there I went home and found this weapon in a chest that was locked up in the basement."

Grimm Slayer: "It belonged to my mother, she called it: Death's Imprint. When mixed with the user's magic and can summon forth hell fire, vaporizing all who are hit with it to ashes, once I stepped out of my old house I was once again met with a Grimm, an Alpha Beowolf, bigger and stronger than the average Beowolf, I thought my fear would be the end of me, but it wasn't fear I felt when I looked into its red piercing eyes, no I felt an overwhelming anger, so we clashed, the fight was intense, and I came put with a few cuts and bruises but in the end I stood victorious, after that day I returned to Charles and told him that I was going to begin my quest to kill all Grimm, I knew he didn't agree with my decision but he gave me all the money he had saved up for the road ahead, obviously I didn't want it but he strongly insisted, so I took it and bought myself this armor I'm wearing now, I take good care of it, taking it for repair at any blacksmith I can, I polish it when I can, so yeah...thats my story and reason for hunting Grimm, becasue I know first hand how dangerous they can be, so as long as I live, I'll keep hunting and killing Grimm, and if you two don't like that, feel free to walk away, like I told you before, I don't need your help,  I am the Grimm Slayer, the Huntress of Grimm!" She told them finishing her tale as they sat there silently thinking.

Thor: "Thank you for sharing...But I refuse." He said crossing his arms as Grimm Slayer and Valkyrie looked at him confused.

Grimm Slayer: "Refuse what?"

Thor: "To walk away!" He said standing up proudly.

Thor: "I know you don't believe that we are from another world,  I dont expect you to understand that, however I know what it is like to lose loved ones, it hurts all the time, and it will never go away...but in time, and with the right company, it starts to hurt less and pretty soon you learn to keep moving forward, it's all one can do, it's all one should do, after all...its what our loved ones would want, so should you still allow it, I'd like to travel with you forever." He said as he walked up and held his hand out to her as she looked at him with amazment, this would be the first time someone truly understood her and even after learning the truth about her, she couldn't help but blush at this, she suddenly got up and took off her helmet as her hair fell down, finually she had trusted him, and Valkyrie, once taking off her helmet Thor couldn't help but blush seeing how she truly looked.

He was breathless, and out of words, she suddenly put her helmet down and grabbed his hand with both her hands as she smiled at him.

Grimm Slayer: "Jane, my name is Jane, and...I'd be very happy to have you and Valky, travel with me...forever." She said giving a smile so bright and majestic it actually made a tear slip out, she chuckled as she wiped it away for him, at that moment Thor felt like he could do and say anything.

Thor: "Will you marry me?" He asked excitedly.

Jane: "HUH!!??!!" She said super shocked and blushing very very red, Valkyrie who was sitting in a log suddenly fell backwards outta surprise from what she just heard.

Thor: "I'm serious about this Jane, look you don't have to answer or say yes, but I do want you to know that, the time we have spent together has actually been good, even if you were just there for the Grimm, having you around helped me hurt less from my loss, and I want our journey to continue, I don't care if I have to risk my life fighting horde after horde of Grimm everyday just to be with you but damn it I will if I have to even if it kills me!" He said confidently as she looked at him surprised, but she soon started laughing a bit which confused him.

Jane: "Haha, Valkyrie told me you were once a big flirt back in Asgard." She said smirking as Thor blushed and glared a bit at Valkyrie who slowly hid behind the log.

Jane: "But look Thor, I'm used to getting flirted with, obviously I never flirted back, but it's different with you, though honestly I'm not much good at flirting or being in a relationship, but...I'm...I'm willing to give it a shot, and though it was adorable, imma have to say no to the whole marriage proposal..." She said as she turned around and walked to get her sleeping bag.

Jane: "BUT!" She said loudly as Thor looked at her.

Jane: "If you can promise to always have my back, and Valky's, AND! also not let any Grimm kill or hurt you then after a little more time has passed, I'll take that offer, though we might have to change something." She said.

Thor: "What's that?" He asked her.

Jane: "Well seeing that I have no last name and that your last name Odinson, no offense, is kind of eh, I propose we have a last name of my choosing, also I want to rename Valkyrie here." She said as Valkyrie popped out of her log.

Valkyrie: "Rename me? Why?"

Jane: "Two reasons, one you said that the Valkyries lose their names after becoming official Valkyries right? Well now I'm giving you a name!" She said happily.

Valkyrie: "Well...i guess it's okay, very well what is my new name?" She asked as Jane grabbed her hands.

Jane: "From now on your going to be Jade,  because of your green color!" She said as Valkyrie thought about it and just accepted it, obviously it was going to be something she woukd need to get used too.

Jade: "Very well, from now on I'll be Jade, but question, What was the second reason?" She asked as Jane smiled picked up her helmet and walked back to her and Thor, who were surrounding the fire.

Jane: "From now on, we're a family, we'll have each other's backs and fight Grimm and any other bad thing out there, as a family of three, Thor being my future husband and Jade as our sister, and together we'll be known as: The Valkyrie family! That will be our last names starting with us, to our future legacy!" She shouted happily.

Thor's POV:

Thor: "From that day forward, that is how the Valkyrie family began, we did a whole lot over our life time and slayed many many Grimm, when Jane  turned 30 years old, we decided to settle down and got married, we even built a home in a beautiful grassy landscape.

Thor: "We worked as farmers and ended up having three kids; my oldest son, Magni Valkyrie and his  twin sisters, Tessa and Talia Valkyrie."

Thor: "Unforunitly... no one in the Valkyrie Family was worthy enough to possess my power, then you came along and here we are." I said as (Y/n) processed everything and thought things over.

(Y/n): "Why is it that I'm the only one who was worthy up until now?" He asked as I hesitated to answer.

Thor: "I...I'm not sure to be honest." I said thinking it over myself.

Jenna: "I wouldn't worry so much about it (Y/n), just accept it, after all it just means more power for you." Jenna said.

(Y/n): "I guess your right...okay how do we begin this?" He asked.

Thor: "Well Jenna is going to have you fight Kenny and Valkyrie to toughen you up physically, while she works on your new weapon, and when you rest I'll be training you here in your conscious while your body rests, though I can't promise once morning comes you won't feel the effects afterwards, if you are going to be mighty we'll need it both physical and mentally,  but also spiritually." I told him.

(Y/n): "Okay yeah, no pain no gain right?" He said cracking his knuckles.

Thor: "Indeed, well then (Y/n) let's begin." I told him.

(Y/n)'s POV:

(Back to (Y/n) and team RNJR)

(Y/n): "Pretty much the two months I was gone, I spent training with Valkyrie, Kenny, and Thor, while Meemaw made Tempest King here." He said taking out his white blade and stabbing it on the floor as Ruby touched it in amazment.

Nora: "So we are descendents of the first real Huntress? And A God?" Nora asked excitedly.

(Y/n): "Pretty much yeah."

Qrow: "Well that explains a lot." He said sipping his flask.

Ren: "Wait but why is Tracy here a Faunus?"

Tracy: "I also trained with Valkyrie in my conscious, pretty much I'm able to change my appearance, physically, it's basically my semblance, which woukd have been helpful a while ago but hey whatever." She answered.

Ren: "That sounds...helpful."

Jaune: "What about that new arm of yours?" He asked pointing to it.

(Y/n): "That's a story for another time Sugar Bear." I told him.

Ruby: "Well I'm just glad your both back." Ruby said putting her hand over mine.

(Y/n): "Listen y'all, I have to apologize for how I acted, I know your going to say it was okay but still Tracy was right, I made a mistake pushing you all away, so I'm sorry and I want you all to know from here on out I'm going to fight and be at your guys side." I said as I properly grabbed Ruby's hand in comfort as she blushed and smiled while leaning her head on my shoulder.

Qrow: "Well I'm glad to have you on our side kid, the Gods know we need someone as strong as you on our side." He said.

Jaune: "Wait, I still have something to ask Qrow." He said to him.

Jaune: "Look as hard as it is to believe, and I'm starting to believe it myself, so there really is this crazy evil being behind these attacks and not just some thugs trying to become powerful, but my question is why doesn't the world know? Why isn't Atlas going after them? Or Mistral?" He asked.

Nora: "Yeah! And why aren't we in a hurry to get to Haven? They could be next!" She said in a panicking tone.

Qrow: "The headmaster over there saw what happened to Beacon, he's not not dumb, he'll be on his guard, besides it takes time to mobilize forces like that, did you guys think they planned that attack in Beacon over night?" He said.

Qrow: "And to answer your question." He said pointing to Jaune.

Qrow: "It's-"

(Y/n): "Panic." I said interrupting him as they all looked at me.

(Y/n): "Think about it, if the world found out about the Maidens, the Relics, about all of this, it would cause nothing but panic, fear, and chaos, it would even cause war, and I'm pretty sure war isn't what any of us are ready for, so we have to do this on our own, I'm guessing that is what Ozpin wanted wasn't it Qrow?" I said as she chuckled and sipped his flask.

Qrow: "Hehe only two months and your prepared for anything aren't you kid, color me impressed." He said closing his flask.

Qrow: "but yes, he's right Ozpin always said to me "We don't want to cause a panic." I heard that all the time from him, hehe, but he's right Salem is smart, she works in the shadows, using others to get what she wants, so when it comes time to place the blame we can only point at each other, she trying to divide us- humanity, and so far she's done one hell of a good job." He said staring at the shattered moon.

Thor: "He has no idea." Thor said in my head.

(Y/n): "What do you mean Thor?" I asked him in my head.

Thor: "Nothing...its Nothing." He said but I wasn't buying it, now that I knew Thor more I knew once he said something it's because there is a reason behind it.

Ruby: "Alright, so what should we do?" She asked Qrow.

Qrow: "Hehe, I don't really know, Ozpin has put alot of trust in the other headmasters, like I said the schools are an important part of stopping Salem, Altas is going to be on high alert after the last attack, and Vacuo is...well, Vacuo. It will hard to hire other thieves and scoundrels to fight other thieves and scoundrels, take that, add in the part that Cinder and her crew claim to be from Haven, I think it's likely to be the next target, so we're on our way to the headmaster, I haven't heard from him in a while, even before the attack, hopefully he has answers." He said as he got up.

Qrow: "Alright I think it's time you kids get some sleep." He said.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow?"

Qrow: "Yeah?"

Ruby: "This is alot to take in, and it all sounds crazy! But I'm willingly to do whatever I can to help, because I trust you, but why couldn't you trust me? Why couldn't you travel with us instead of this secrecy? And,and-"

Qrow: "Look it has nothing to do with trust, it's...its a long story okay."

Nora: "Seriously? Now your tired of telling us stories?"

(Y/n): "Nora." I said as she stared at me.

Nora: "What? He's told all these things that sound crazy and unbelievable and he can't tell us why the secrecy?"

Qrow: "It's okay (Y/n), y'all really want to know so badly then I'll tell you, did you know that a crow is a sign of bad luck? It's an old superstition, but it's how I got my name, see, some people can absorb electricity, some can burst into rose petals, other's can discharge  lightning from their body for both offensive and defensive  purposes, and some are just born unlucky, my semblance isn't like most, it's not something I can do, it's always there wither I like it or not, I bring misfortune, guess you can call me a bad luck charn, comes in real handy when I'm fighting enemies not so much with friends...or family." He said in a sad tone.

Thor: "Loki would have liked this man." As I chuckled a bit.

Jaune: "Well you are just a real bundle of help aren't you?"

(Y/n): "Jaune, stop it." I told him as he looked away angrily.

Qrow: "Yeah.." He said as he walked away.

Ren: "Where are you going?"

Qrow: "Taking a walk."

Ruby: "There's nothing else you want to tell us?" Ruby asked as a Raven suddenly landed close by and Qrow stared at it.

Qrow: "Not tonight." He said continuing his walk, as suddenly a log fell out of the fire place, I got up and picked it up with my new arm to put it back, the Raven suddenly flew in front of me onto another tree as it felt like it was watching me.

(Y/n): "Lets get some sleep, something tells me we'll need it tommorrow." I said still staring at the Raven as it flew away.

Thor: "You feel it too don't you?" Thor asked in my head.

(Y/n): "Yeah...somethings bad is going to happen soon isn't it?" I asked.

Thor: "I feel it too." He said as I remembered something.

(Y/n): "Thor remember what you told me when we left Nidavellir?" I asked.

Thor: "Yes..."

(Y/n): "You said I was cursed with knowledge, what does that mean?" I asked him.

Thor: "There was one Valkyrie I watched that carried a semblance like no other, it was a type of foresight or rather a feeling that he/she got when something bad was nearing, it seems you may carry a bit of it yourself." He told me.

(Y/n): "Which Valkyrie had it?" I asked.

Thor: "Don't worry who had it! Just rest up and be prepared for tomorrow boy." He said sounding... mad? It was obvious now, he's hiding something, without a doubt there was more to that story of his and Jane's and one way or another, I'm going to find out what it is, this power...it was given to me for a reason, whatever it is, I doubt I was the only one worthy of possessing it, and if I am, then..why?

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