By The Rules

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Imagine being the daughters of a deceased drug lord, wanting to live a normal life, knowing that could never... Daha Fazla



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"Del where you at?" Buddha questions as he enters the house.

"Up here!" I tell him, lighting another scented candle. I have a surprise all set up for Buddha for when he got home. He called me an hour ago, letting me know that he was going to grab us something to eat. I don't really have much of an appetite but I wasn't going to tell him that. I needed time to decorate the room. When I took Ms. Ari to her ophthalmologist the other day, I went out and got the things I needed. I knew Buddha would be out mostly all day, so I had time to set this up. Coming and going from Ms. Ari's for the past four months, woke me up to what this man's been going through. Taking care of Ms. Ari is a twenty-four hour job. She's a sweet woman, but sometimes she has her days. Especially when she doesn't take her medicine. I have to sweet talk her to do it but Buddha informed me on why she hates taking it. The medicine makes her feel funny. I know of somewhat how she feels. Ms. Ari and I have been here all day and she hasn't given me any trouble. I ran her a bath, cleaned up the house and cooked a couple of times. Tonight the only thing I have to do now is make sure she eats dinner and gets in the bed. Right now she's resting which gives Buddha and myself some time alone. Heavy footsteps trample up the steps notifying Buddha's approach. The knob turns and I witness him walk through the door.

"You not...gone...come...downstairs" He questions confused, looking around at the blue lit room and the lit scented candles. His eyes then land on me as I'm dressed in royal blue lingerie set with a silk robe to match. I travel over towards him and crack the door as he steps further into the room.

"Welcome home." Buddha turns around and smiles.

"You mind telling me what all this is for." Pushing his chest to have a seat on the bed, I kneel down and remove his boots and socks.

"A little something to help you relax. Now go change into this and meet me back here." I order, handing him a towel. He stands to his feet, going to do as told. I check the small heating device where I heated the oil. Once I feel that it's warm, I turn off the device and unplug it. Buddha reenters the room and closes the door and I open it up to crack it.

"How you want me?" Buddha questions as I travel towards him.

"Lay on your stomach." He nods and lays out, on the bed. He props his head up on his arms. I straddle his back and put a little of the oil on his back. He groans and lays his head on the side while closing his eyes.

"Too hot?" I question while placing the bowl on the table I have set by the bed.

"Nah. That shit feels just right." He lowers his voice causing me to bite my lip. I begin to massage his back with the oil, making sure to press in the pressure points. He makes noises every now and then, notifying me that it feels good.

"You're so tense. Especially right up
in here." I press my thumbs in his lower back, watching the muscles in his back flex.

"Damn. Those hands will make you say some shit you'd regret." I giggle lightly and tilt my head a bit.

"You want to make me your wife?" He chuckles while propping his head back up on his arms.

"I would have to make you mine first." Nodding, I massage my hands up his to shoulders and begin to massage them.

"You know, this is why I'm doing this so we can talk about us."

"Mm. What exactly are you thinking?"

"That you and I should make this official." Buddha grunts as I press my thumbs into his lower back. I rub my hands back up to his neck and arms.

"Hold up." He tells me. I do as told as sit up a bit. Buddha turns over on his back and pulls me down on his waist. He stares up at me while placing his hands on my thighs

"Everything good?" He nods with a curved smile.

"Yea, I just wanted to give you my full attention. Now what were you saying?" He questions, caressing my thighs. My spine tingles from his touch as I stare into his eyes.

"I was saying that I want to make this official. Being here has opened my eyes to all that you do. Taking care of your grandmother and sister, working to keep a roof over their head and that your sister stays in college. You even treat me as if I mean something to you which kind of makes me feel like shit." I laugh causing him to sit up and narrow his eyebrows.

"Why you say that?" Sighing, I shake my head while picking with my nails.

"Instead of wasting my time with these no good niggas, I should of been with you. Just because you worked for my father, it doesn't make you anything like any of the guys he dealt with. He was ruthless in the streets, but at home he was a loving father and husband. Just like you're a loving grandson and brother. You remind me so much of him and it opened my eyes to what I want and need in my future. That's you." I tell him. Buddha lifts my chin and caresses my cheek with his thumb.

"Honestly, I wasn't going to chase you or make you like me. I wanted to let your heart choose. I know you were going through a grieving period with loosing Malachi, so I let your heart heal." He explains.

"I was a mess but I got over it and I have you to thank for that." Buddha smiles and arches an eyebrow causing me to laugh.

"You're welcome." He chuckles. I smack my lips and laugh as he leans in and kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck as he reaches in between us and unties my robe. He removes the robe and kisses my neck down to my shoulder.

"This is suppose to be about you." I moan out, watching as he kisses my chest and moves to mother shoulder.

"Well it's about you now too." He says, gently pulling my head back by my hair. He kisses my spot, causing me to bite my lip and shake my head.

"I'm not doing this in your grandmother's house." I tell him , sitting my head back up when he lets go.

"She's sleep, she ain't worrying about what we doing." Laughing, I hiss when he nips my the spot on my neck and rolls his tongue around it.

"She can wake up at any time though." I whisper.

"If you can be quiet, you won't have to worry about waking her up." He assures, pecking my lips slowly. We both breathe deeply as I feel his hand slowly trail down to my ass. I press my hands against Buddha's chest for him to lay back. Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I place my hands on either side of his face. Our tongues explore one another's mouths as we were in the moment. Buddha swiftly changes positions and caresses my thighs as he lays on top of me.

"You got a condom?" I question in between our make out session. He nods while reaching down at the drawers that are under the bed. Just he grabs one, we begin to make out again only to be interrupted.

"Adela!" Ms. Ari calls. Buddha pulls back and smacks his lips, causing me to laugh.

"Yes ma'am!" I reply.

"Come here please." Sitting up, Buddha gets up from the bed and groans.

"I told you she would be up." Fixing my robe, I stand to my feet and place my feet in my slippers.

"I'm definitely going to have find a night nurse now." He says while looking through his dresser drawers for clothing. I playfully hit his back while heading toward the door.

"Stop, don't be like that. I'll be right back." Leaving the room, I close the door behind me and travel to Ms. Ari's bedroom. I narrow my eyebrows to the empty room and turn on the light.

"I'm downstairs." She says. Jogging around the bannister and down the steps, I travel to the kitchen and find Ms. Ari there. She's leaning over the sink while looking out the window.

"When did you get down here Ms. Ari?" I question.

"I'm surprised that you didn't hear me with all that moaning and you groaning you and Bryan were doing." My cheeks warm as I caress the back of my neck.

"We weren't doing anything Ms. Ari. I wouldn't disrespect your home like that." She laughs and nods.

"What you and Bryan do is none of my business sweetie. You two are grown, but I love that you were raised to respect a elderly woman's home." She smiles, turning towards me. I smile and nod.

"It's no problem Ms. Ari, now what's going on?" I walk over towards the window, looking into the backyard.

"I came down here to get me something to eat, because I didn't want to interrupt you two. Anyway, I heard ruffling in my garden. I thought it one of those damn coons in my bushes." She says, narrowing her brows.

"A raccoon?" Glancing over my shoulder, I witness Ms. Ari nod while tearing off a piece of her chicken.

"Mhm. I'll go out there with you to check it out." Ms. Ari heads over to the china cabinet, opening the bottom half. There sits a safe that she opens, revealing a gun and a flashlight.

"Ms. Ari. Where did you get that?" She places the flashlight in my hand and checks the magazine of the gun.

"It was my husband's and I only use it for emergencies." She says, walking towards the back door.

"Does Buddha know you have it?" I ask her.

"No, and don't you go telling him either. Now come on here." She orders. Ms. Ari is definitely some one I want to be like when I get her age. A strong and independent individual. I mean yea, she has dementia but she doesn't let that stop her. Exiting out the back door, we check the bushes and the garden. I didn't see anything on my end and neither did she. We enter the house and I close the door, handing Ms. Ari the flashlight back.

"I don't think it was anything out there Ms. Ari." She shakes her head while putting the gun and flashlight back in the safe.

"It is late and it's probably my hallucinations again. Let me eat and take this medicine. Goodnight." She says, grabbing her plate and water while heading up the steps.

"Goodnight Ms. Ari." I watch as she travels up the steps to the landing, hearing her bedroom door close. Glancing over my shoulder at the window, I travel towards it to see if I see anything. I don't know what Ms. Ari heard. I'm pretty sure it was a raccoon or an opossum. I only want to think it was a person, because then we'll have a problem. It was also be on me of Ms. Ari gets hurt. Shaking my head of the negative thoughts, I put the food in the refrigerator. Closing it back, I check both doors and all the windows. Just in case it was someone out there. Traveling back up the steps, I enter Buddha's room and close the door. When I turn around, I smile at the scene of him sound asleep. It's ten o'clock at night which is early for him to be in bed, but he's had a long day I'm sure. If he didn't, he wouldn't be sleep right now. I blow out the candles and clean up a little. When I'm done, I take off my robe and climb in the bed under the covers. Buddha snuggles up against me and rests his head in the crook is my neck. I lay my head on top of his while wrapping my arms around him. His skin is soft and holds heat which feels good against me. Soon I drift off and fall asleep myself. I knew it wouldn't be long with us hugged up like this.

the next day

"What size do you need again ma'am?" The sales rep questions.

"I need a eight in these, and maybe a eight in a half for those heels. Eh, just bring both sizes if you have them." I flag as the sales rep walks off.

"Big ass feet." Buddha teases while lacing up the sneakers he's trying on. I smack my lips and mush his head.

"Shut up. Those are nice." I comment while sitting beside him on the stool.

"Yea. I'm fucking with these. I like these other joints too." He says, showing me the all white low top sneaker. I nod with an impressed expression and smirk.

"My man has taste." Buddha smirks while switching his toothpick to the other side of his mouth.

"Damn right. Now which ones should I get?" He questions. Simultaneously looking between them both, I shrug a shoulder and take the all white sneaker.

"Get them both." He narrows his eyebrows and jolts his head back.

"I'm not getting them both Del. You trippin'." He chuckles.

"Well get one pair and I'll buy the other."

"Nah, I'm good love."

"Buddha I'm not taking no for an answer. You always do things for everyone else but won't let any one do anything for you. I'm getting you both those sneakers now since you want to be stubborn." He stares at me with hooded eyes as I caress the side of his face.

"I really don't deserve you." He says. I smile and peck his lips repeatedly.

"I beg to differ." I tell him, pulling back. The sales rep returns with my boxes of shoes and I thank her. I then take a pair of socks out my bag and dress my feet in them.

"You buying all those?" Shaking my head no, I play my feet in a pair of the Gucci flats with the fur in the back.

"These are cute." I coo, traveling over to the mirror.

"Those shits are ugly." Buddha says.

"Like you." I shot back.

Buddha scoffs saying,"I'm ugly cute. Those shits are just plain ugly."

"I take my comment back about my man having style." I tease, walking back over to the stool to try on another pair shoes.

"We all have different taste love. Mine is just better." I smack my lips amused and lace up the sneakers I picked out.

"Whatever. Go and check on my mother and Ms. Ari. Are you getting these?" He nods and hands me the one box, leaving out the Gucci store. I hand them both to the sales rep and tell her to bag them. After trying on a few sneakers and the heels, I hand her what I want and head to the register with her. When I awoke this morning, I thought my mother and Ms. Ari could have a spa day. I felt like doing some shopping so I told Buddha he and I do that while we wait. However, it's going to be a while before they finish. I got them the full body treatment from head to toe. They get the mask, the mud baths, full body massages and the sauna. I don't even think their halfway done which is good. We're here in Midtown where I'm suppose to meet with Lucas. He told me he found something interesting about Malachi's death. I honestly had moved on from Malachi, but Lucas insisted that I come and meet him here. This better be something worth coming down here for. The sales rep hands me my bags and I pass her my card.

After swiping and signing, I grab my bags and thank the sales rep leaving out. My phone alerts me of a text and take it out of my jean pocket, unlocking my phone. He's waiting for me at the Reader's Café. The time reads twelve thirty and he's later than expected. This man does work so I understand his tardiness. I lock my phone and travel down the block to my destination. Buddha still hasn't left yet, because my mother didn't text me to let me know. I didn't tell her exactly what I'm doing, but I told her to stall for as long as she could. She didn't ask why which I was happy she didn't. As long as she did what I asked her, everything will be good. Traveling down the block, over some heads I see Lucas on the corner checking his surroundings. When he sees me, he rushes towards me and looks over his shoulder behind him.

"I think I'm being followed." Narrowing my brows, I try to look behind him but he pushes me in the other direction.

"What?" We enter a clothing store and hide behind a clothes rack.

"It started when I went to clean out Malachi's apartment. When I came out the building with a few boxes, I saw this black car at the end of the block. I've been seeing that same car everywhere I go now." We both stand up straight and watch as the car drives by.

"You think it's the guys that killed Malachi."

"I'm pretty sure it is. Look, I don't know how long I got to live with these niggas following me and shit. I might as well just tell you. Malachi was tied into some shit. He had a debt to pay and when he didn't have enough money, they offed him."

"A debt. For what?" Lucas sighs and tucks his hands in his pockets.

"His parents didn't pay for college and he wasn't on a scholarship. Malachi kept a record book of money he owed to a few loan sharks and drug dealers." I narrow my brows as he reaches in the inside of his suit jacket, pulling out a small book. He hands it to me and I open it reading names and the money borrowed. One name stood out to me.

"Who the fuck is CJ?" Lucas shrugs and checks to see if the car is out there again.

"I don't know and he's the last person on the list to pay. I don't have the tools or connects, but I knew you did. That's why I called you." He says. I nod and shake my head, tugging at the brim of my hat.

"I'll do all I can and I'll keep you informed. Thank you." We give one another a brief hug and pull back. I knew that Malachi had to be in some shit, I just didn't know what. Now that I have this book and little information from Lucas, I can do a little snooping myself. With the help of Kris of course. Leaving out of the clothing store a few minutes after Lucas, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It's a text from my mother, letting me know that she and Ms. Ari are ready. Before I could respond, Buddha was calling me and I could see him leaving the spa. He turned to attention as if his senses were tingling. He ran towards me as I was confused until I witness a car slowly pull up to where I stood. I narrowed my brows as the back door slowly opened. Before I could see who it was, Buddha slammed the door smashing a hand and a foot. The driver pulls off causing me to gasp when Buddha is dragged down the street a bit until he lets go. He holds his arm and groans as I drop my bags and run to his aide. I help him up and we walk to where I dropped my bags grabbing them. Ms. Ari and my mother rushed down the street and a few bystanders walk by being nosey. I couldn't worry about them though. Buddha needed to be looked at and fast.

Helping my mother and Ms. Ari prepare dinner, I place the last batch of turkey wings in the frying pan. I wipe off the space of any juice or splash of grease from for the fourth time. Ms. Ari is a neat freak and I didn't want to leave anything behind for her to clean. This woman does enough when she should be letting us do things for her. I guess she's just use to moving that sitting down is never a second thought. After the incident in Midtown, we came here and to wait for the doctor to assist Buddha. He broke a bone in his arm and it popped out of the socket. I popped his arm back in place but the doctor had to preform surgery. He now has a plate in his arm and is knocked out on his pain meds. I need to go check on him soon. He hasn't ate anything since this morning.

"" Ms. Ari says, narrowing her eyebrows.

"Are you calling for me Ms. Ari?" I question.

"Yea I'm trying to say your name don't tell me." She struggles, tapping her fingertips on the counter.

"It's ok Ms. Ari just tell me what you need." I sympathize as I rub her back to console her. I know some days her memory will slip from her. I didn't want her to stress herself out here trying to remember my name.

"I need some vegetables from the garden." She solemnly replies. I nod and tuck my hair behind my ear, grabbing my jean jacket off the back of the chair.

"No problem. Mom." I nod my head to the back door as she dries off her hands. My mother takes the basket from Ms. Ari and walks out the door. I follow and sit on the steps to keep an eye on Ms. Ari. I didn't know anything picking vegetables but my mother does. I'm glad she's here to help. If Buddha was up, he'd help me.

"What's wrong Adela?" My mother questions while examining the tomatoes. I shake my head as I run my hands up and down the side of my thighs.

"Nothing. I'm fine." My mother gives me that known look that I knew all too well.

"You and Kris swear y'all can get something past me. I know when y'all are lying, so you might as well tell it. Is it about Bryan?" She questions, taking a few tomatoes off the vine.

"He could of died trying to save me Mom." I mutter, playing with my nails.

"You don't knew that." My mother says, placing the broccoli in the basket.

"Everyone I love either dies or gets hurt." My mother sighs and shakes her head.

"It happens to all of us Adela. I know with our lifestyle it's much worst, but things will get better. Kris is making sure of that." My mother assures, standing to her feet. While nodding, I lean in my lap and intertwine my fingers.

"I wish I could help her out."

"Adela, I already have one daughter I'm worried to gray roots about. I don't need to be worried about you too."

"Whether I help her or not, you're going to be worried about me. You call me at least six times a day." I laugh as my mother walks towards me.

"I already lost my husband. I don't want to lose you or Kris too." Standing to my feet, I take the basket and hold it close to my body.

"You're not going to lose us. Kris wouldn't let that happen." I assure, opening the back door of the house to enter.

"I hope so." Turning towards her, I take her hand and look into her eyes as she looks into mine.

"You had faith in dad, so have faith in Kris. That's all she wants us to do." My mother nods as we enter the kitchen. I know she has her doubts because she had them when my father was alive. Although, she never showed it. My mother believes in hiding how she feels and being the support you need to get by. I never really got why she did it because I'll express how I feel in a minute. I don't care if anyone likes it or not. I help Ms. Ari wash the vegetables off so she can cook them. She making a pot of mixed vegetables to go with the turkey wings, rice and gravy. Before going to check on Buddha, I turn over the turkey wings and place the top on. After wiping up my space, I travel up the steps and witness Buddha knocked out. Laughing, I sit on the side of the bed and close his lips causing him to stir. He turns over away from me while making sure not to move his arm much. I kiss his forehead and leave out the room, closing the door behind me. Buddha should be up soon once he smells the food. I let him know when it's done if he doesn't get up. He needs his rest.


Adela makes it official with Buddha. What are your thoughts on this?

Adela learns that Malachi was tangled in some mess by Lucas. She also wants to find out who could of killed him. Should she get involved?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone has a good one! 🦃

Okumaya devam et

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