Cámara Sensual (Completed)

bellenuit द्वारा

927K 9.4K 484

"Here, look this photo. It's one of my favorites. I caught you at all the right angles. You look so hot... अधिक

Cámara Sensual
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Finale - Cámara Sensual (Part One)
Finale - Cámara Sensual - The End

Part One (Edited)

128K 1.3K 64
bellenuit द्वारा

EDITED - because I'm an idiot >.<  Thankies, CameoLover93~!

She's all over him like the proverbial bitch in heat.

That shade of "screw me" red lipstick is all over his cheeks, his lips, his neck, and the collar of his shirt.  I bet if I were daring enough to demand it, I'd find a ring of that disgusting colour around his dick, too.

I wish I could smack the smugness off that bitch's face.

He looks as handsome as ever, even with that surprised look on his face.  Whatever.  Even if anger rises from every pore on my skin, even if my heart rages with an insidious intent, I won't give them the satisfaction of my anger.  I simply turn and walk away from it all, knowing that I've finally clinched my freedom, knowing that I am rid of that arrogant son-of-a-bitch once and for all.

Classless as she is, she did me a favor.

He trips over his feet, and cries after me, cries my name.  I turn off my ears to the sound of his voice.  Even though I know she'll keep him from following, I run as though he were after me, as though he were the devil himself.  The tears pool around my eyes, but I keep them from falling - not until I get home.

And when I do get home, I barely make it through the door before the tears start flowing - they will no longer be denied.  And even as my heart breaks, even if my stomach churns just thinking about him fucking that sluts, I don't know if crying because I'm hurt over being betrayed or because I'm relieved to be free of that bastard.  Maybe it's a combination of both.

But it's done...it's over.  I'm free of it all the drama.  I'm free of him.

I'm free...right?


"Remember that photo I took of you?  It turned out really nicely.  Here, have a look."

He hands the picture over to me - and I feel like I'm going to be sick.  It's a picture of me all right - me in the throes of a questionable passion.  My back arches as my legs are draped over his shoulders in the air.  My nipples stand erect, electrified, glow from the powerful feeling bursting inside me.  I can see the sweat on my brow, and the imprints of his fingers on my thighs. 

The memory of him pounding me like he hadn't fucked in forever while taking pictures on his DSLR both disgusted and excited me all at once.

I gave it back to him, struggling to keep my emotions in check.  "You must be so proud of yourself."

"I am," he purrs, sidestepping my bitter tongue.  "It's one of my favorites.  It turned out better than I imagined it would.  I caught you at all right angles.  You look so hot in the picture.  But then, you always look so good when I'm inside you."

I pull me hard against him, my back to his front.  I can feel him straining against the confines of his pants and his lips against my earlobe. I remain absolutely still, even as my heart flutters, even if my panties grow moist. I won't let him know how much this turns me on.  "I wanted you to see...how the camera loves you.  You must let me do this again."

I bite my lip as his hands move up and down my sides.  I want to tell him to go fuck himself, to go sniff the pussies of the countless other women who want to ride his cock into the sunset.  But the words never come, ripped and shredded within my throat.  And as his lips drift across my shoulder, I know the words will never come. 

We'll be doing it again, and again, and once more soon enough.

I don't understand myself sometimes...he's clearly using me.  He's enjoys making me squirm - in more ways than one.  And just because he's some pretty boy that a woman of my age would kill to fool around with, just because someone like me should feel honored to be chosen by, doesn't mean I deserve to be treated like this.  I deserve so much better.

I want to end this madness.

Yet, I just can't seem to get enough of him.


Three Months Earlier

Though it was I that chose to drink the poison, I still blame her for giving it to me.

For my thirty-second birthday, my best friend Elena presented me with a Canon 60D - one of the best DSLR cameras on the market.  To sweeten the gift, she offered me private lessons with Vivian, her young assistant (and she emphasized the world "young") who was already a skilled photographer.  She knew that I'd always wanted to get into photography - amateur, never professional - and now was as good a time as anyway.  It'd been two years since I'd divorced from my ex-husband, and now was as good a time as any to start my new beginning.

Little did I know that it would be the beginning of a new bout of insanity.

The day I first met Vivian, I was struck by how young he was.  Then again, I shouldn't have been all that surprised.  Elena was always a vivacious woman with a taste for younger men.  Vivian was definitely young at the tender age of 24.  A senior at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he already has a promising future ahead of him as a fashion photographer.  He was working with Elena to gain further experience - and because she enjoyed staring at him all damn day.

As much as I hate to say it - I can't blame her.

"He's so gorgeous but so damn secretive," I remembered Elena telling me.  "The only thing that's not a secret is how good he is in bed.  He may be a brilliant photographer, but he's also...quite promiscuous.  I mean, he's a verifiable slut.  If he's not taking a picture, he's in between someone's legs.  Ah, it must be good to be young, dumb, and...well, you know the rest."

I got the message at "promiscuous", but Elena really enjoys explaining things in great detail.

Even after she warned me of his promiscuity, I wasn't immune to his enigmatic aura.  As much as I hate to admit it, when I first saw Vivian, I was taken by how beautiful he is.  "Handsome" is an understatement - he should be the one in front of the camera, not the one behind it.  Staring at him filled my body with intense, overwhelming heat.  Was he an angel or the devil incarnate - either way, his beauty was not of his earth.  Golden skin, dark chocolate silk hair, and these intense dark eyes that could undress any woman - willing and unwilling - in mere seconds.

I wonder how many panties became drenched at the sight of those eyes.

His charms only made him more dangerous.  Never had I met someone so polite and courteous.  His voice flowed like honey - sweet, low, and sensuous. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Wilson," he cooed as his lips grazed the back of my hand.

The embarrassment of being made to feel like a kindly old lady gave way to an excitement, a frenetic agitation that I could barely contain in my nervous laughter.

"Oh, please, don't call me 'Ms. Wilson'- that's my mother's name."  As much as I tried to hide how flustered he made me, I know I failed.  "Please call me 'Lexie'."

"'Lexie', it is."  The way he said my name came across way too intimate for my liking.  "Well, Lexie, let me assure that I will do my best to help you become a better photographer."

There may have been many hidden intentions behind that statement, but I chose to ignore them.  "Thank you.  I appreciate it."

Vivian had work to do at school, so we couldn't start out lessons that day.  I was relived - the whole exchanged made me uncomfortable, and I wondered if this whole thing was a good idea.  But I couldn't refuse this gift either - Elena had told me that he needed the money to pay for his daily expenses.  So, I was committed to these lessons, no matter what.

"Ooh, he's such a flirt, isn't he?" she teased, nudging my shoulder.  "He's like that with all the ladies, especially the older ones. You know these fashion photographers are - always trying to find beauty in everyone."

I sighed heavily, somewhat relieved.  So, he's a flirt - that's comforting.  I was just being silly, reading too much into his charming behavior.  It's been so long since I've dance the tango of dating, so everything felt new to me again.  I was simply reading too much into it, that's all.

Still, the memory of Vivian's gaze, and his dark eyes gazing into mine unsettled me.  Even as I tried to push those feelings of foreboding into the pit of my stomach, I couldn't get rid of them completely.  So, I acted like I had.


I should have trusted my instincts more.

The lessons started off innocently enough.  He'd teach me the basics of using my camera, going through each function step-by-step. I felt like such an idiot, going through all this.  I was under the impression that all it took was point-click-and-shoot - but there was much more than that.  Vivian was a good and patient teacher and had no trouble taking his time with me.  I was appreciative, yes, but at the same time, it I could never full comfortable with him.  Every word that came out of his mouth felt like an invitation - a dark invitation.  The low rumble of his voice, how he always stood very close to me, and the moments were our hands, and then our bodies brushed against each other.

"I'm sorry," he'd tell me, catching sight of my visible discomfort.  "Have I overstepped my bounds?"

"N-No,"I'd stammer like an idiot, even though he clearly did.  "It was...just an accident, right?"

"Right."  The slight grin on his face was all sorts of evil.  "An accident."


We'd then go back to our lessons, but the damaged had already been done.  I'd fight the urge to stare idly at him, drinking in his features.  But every now and again, my eyes would betray me, and I'd end up sneaking a glance.  One look at him and you wanted to do strange things.  I wasn't immune to the effects of looking at him.  There was something so dangerous and forbidden about looking at Vivian.  You could never look at him too long, or else you'd get sucked into the maelstrom of your deepest desires.  And if he managed to catch you staring...

Well, luckily, he never managed to catch me staring.  But I didn't want to think about what would happen if I did. In fact, I was terrified of what would happen if he caught me staring at him.  So I worked harder to keep my feelings in check.  And it seemed like it was working...

But it wasn't.

He must have seen caught me staring at him and I didn't realize it.  He must have. 

I gave him the opening he was looking for without being cognizant of it.


It didn't take long for him the pounce.  All he needed was the space and the opportunity.

Elena needed her studio for a shoot, so Vivian invited me into the small studio at his apartment.  I didn't want to go.  I wanted to politely decline and finally tell him how uncomfortable I am about it.  But the words never come out of my mouth - and both he and Elena assured me that he would be on his best behavior.

I wanted to believe them, but the shivers up and down my spine begged me to reconsider.

I didn't.

His studio was located in Ravenswood, in the industrial corridor, among all the other talented artisans that set up shop there.  Even sparsely furnished, I wondered how a guy his age could afford to live in this area, since the rents have practically skyrocketed over the last ten years or so.  But then, I thought better of it.  To ask such a question would show interest, and the last thing I wanted was to make him think I was interested in him.

He's a kid - a damn sexy kid, but a kid nonetheless.  I wouldn't go there.  I'd be begging for punishment.

The sound of the door latching shut echoed inside my ears.  My heart stopped for one brief second, before breaking into a mad, furious sprint.  I stood still by the door, unable to move.  My eyes were glued firmly to the floor.  This was a mistake - I already knew that.  The air was thick with cunning and licentious objectives. 

The devil will collect his due.

"What's the matter?" he asked, looking right at me.   

I fell all over my words.  "I-I don't think I should be here."

"Oh?"  He ran his fingers through his hair.  "Why is that?"

"I just don't feel comfortable being in your home like this."  I wrapped my arms around my chest to stop myself from shaking.  "I mean, I don't really even know you like that."

"I'm sorry you feel that way."  He sounded concern, but the smugness behind his eyes betrayed him.  Every hair on my body stood on end.  "And here I thought you'd believe me when I promised I'd be on my best behavior."

I could hear the slight sneer behind the sweet-as-honey flow of his voice.  My instincts screamed at the top of their lungs, and the alarms were ringing.  I needed to get out of there - quickly.

"Forgive me if I sound presumptuous," I began quietly, "but with looks like that, it's hard to believe that you'd be on your best behavior."

A sly grin spread across this face.  "You're right - you do sound very presumptuous.  Then again, I always did like a woman who isn't afraid to tell it like it is."

I could feel beads of sweat forming on my brow.  It felt like someone turned my internal thermostat up several notches.  My dress felt tight, constricted.  I wanted to tear it off, anything to relieve myself of this molten heat.  But that's probably what he wanted.  So, I just had to deal with it.

"Is it too warm in here for you?"  He took off his jacket, throwing it onto the back of a chair nearby.  When his bare arms came into to view, my breath hitched.  Slender, sculpted, and muscular arms - probably a result of working a lot of photo shoots or deftly handling the naked forms of desperate pretty young things.  Jesus.  And I could see the outline of his abs through his black wife beater. It was a struggle to stop myself from swooning.   "Do I need to turn down the heat?"

I swallowed hard, shaken by his perceptiveness.  "No, that won't be necessary.  As I said, I'm leaving."

"That is what you said," he repeated, the teasing tone not lost on me.  "Because you are uncomfortable, and you don't think I'd be on my best behavior."

"I have no doubt of your behavior, Vivian."

"If you say so, Lexie." 

I gritted my teeth, agitated and annoyed by his nonchalant responses.  That bastard - he's enjoying me being so flustered!  He's really liking this.  Meanwhile, I'm trying my hardest not to walk up and punch him in the face.  Just because all those other pretty young things are will to drop their panties at the sight of his sexy-as-fuck face doesn't mean I will.  I have my pride - and I'm too old for the mind games, the bullshit. 

I'm not going to allow some young paparazzi gigolo tame me - even if he really is sexy-as-hell and I can't stop staring at him.

"Vivian, you've been a very good instructor and I've taken your lessons to heart."  That's right, be polite so there's no misunderstanding.    "But I don't feel comfortable being here like this.  Please understand, it has nothing to do with you."

At first, he just stood there, quiet and motionless.  But then, he begins to laugh - really laugh.  And his laughter rubs me the wrong way.  "You're not a very good liar, are you?"

"Excuse me?" I stumbled out, taken aback. 

"You heard me.  You're not a very good liar, are you Lexie?  This has everything to do with me, doesn't it?"

He doesn't hold anything back, does he?  "I'm sorry.  Am I giving you that impression?  Because I'll stop."

I willed myself to keep calm - and to keep my eyes on him.  The danger of the situation hung in the air, and I am all too aware of stupid it would be if I turned my back on him.  All the while, I'm planning my escape.  It's not safe here.  I need to get out and I need to get out now.

"You've got spunk, Lexie," he purred.  He's looking for a moment to pounce - and I wouldn't give it to him.  "I like that.  You're not some nympho in heat who spreads her legs for anybody.  You're much better than that - pickier, even.  You've got higher standards than some of the other women I've been with." 

"Tch - I guess it's true what they say, then." My voice is thick with contempt.

He raised an eyebrow.  "And what would that be?"

"That you can't keep it in you pants."  The words were so bitter, rolling off my venomous tongue, that I was practically calling him a "slut" without saying it outright.

"And you know how to talk dirty as well - marvelous."  He swept my barbs as side like broom swept away the dustbunnies.  "You've got everything a man like me could ever want in a woman. I bet you're a sexy beast in the bedroom.  If I play this right, I'll find out soon enough."

I stood absolutely still, shocked to the spot.  He's still so calm and collected, unaffected by whatever I've thrown at him.  Meanwhile, I'm two seconds away from being overcome with panic.  The little voice inside my head is screaming for me to get the hell out while I still could, to make a run for it.  Any longer, and he'd have me right where he wanted me to be, and I'd have absolutely no chance to escape.

"I don't think that's something you should be telling me, Vivian," I told him in a warning tone.  "In fact, I think you're trying to cross a line you have no business crossing.  I don't know what you'd had in mind by bringing me here, but it's not going to happen.  I'm not some cougar in heat."

"I know that."  Another step forward, and another step back.  "That's why you interest me.  You won't just give into me - that's not your style.  But that's precisely the reason why I brought you here, Lexie.  I always did enjoy a challenge."

Pandemonium raged inside my body.  The alarm bells rang simultaneously, crying of the present danger ahead.  He advanced toward me, absolute hunger in his dark, sensual eyes.  He was preparing to pounce!  He was going to devour me right here and now.

No!  I refused to let that happen.  I needed to get out of there.

Before I even have a chance to run, he's all up against me, pinned against the door.  The currents that coursed through me when our bodies touched nearly knocked me unconscious.  I tried to scream, but only squeaks and hisses came out of my throat. 

Oh my God!  Why the hell didn't I trust my instincts?  Why didn't I listen?

What's he going to do with me?

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