By marmoodarlee

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Adam leaves Leena, his fiancee in the car for ten minutes but comes back to find her missing. It is just a fe... More



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By marmoodarlee


Miss Ann smiled
coquettishly , fully relaxed behind her swivel chair and her oval shaped face away from the computer which was on her desk. Smartly dressed in light blue T-shirt and black jeans, she sipped her coffee then said, “how nice to see you Captain.”                                                                               Kamal smiled back. “Thanks Miss…..”                                                                                                                                        

“ Cut the miss, Captain. For the umpteenth time, I am Ann.”                                                                                                               
“Okay Ann. So let’s get even, Call me Kamal and cut the Captain stuff.”                                                                                         
“That’s cool. I wonder how you  look in mufti, Cap…..oops! I meant  Kamal.”                                                            
“ Yeah, I am lucky you have never seen me in mufty. I am told I look more awful.”                                           

“Nonesense.  You know you are cool. I wonder if you have a life after military.”                                                   
“I wonder myself. ATOF has taken over my life.”                                                                                                          
“ Your wife must be understanding.”                                                                                                               “Yeah….cause I will tell her before she comes in.”                                                                                               

She eyed him, swivelling her chair slightly, took another sip then said, “Still single?”                                    
“Just left NDA four years ago, still young and planning. I am just twenty  seven.”                                                      
“ You are starting hard.”                                                                                                                                                
“ I started hard from the day I decided to join the military.”                                                                          
“ You need go easy.”                                                                                                                                                
“With bombs blowing frequently, I think it’s just getting harder   except if you and I could have time to talk this over dinner. I have never seen you away from this computer. You away from the computer , I out of my khaki.”                                                                                                                                                          
“ Are you asking me out ?”                                                                                                                                          
“ Sounds like it. I will be free on Saturday night.”                                                                                                  

“ Do I have your number?”                                                                                                                                                  
They exchanged numbers.                                                                                                                                         
“ You have our office number, don’t you?”  A voice said from behind. Kamal turned at a young man, slightly older than him, dressed in well-cut fawn coloured suit. He was of moderate height, wearing a swaggering moustache that gave him a cushy expression. This was Detective Derrick Etoh of the CID. A sagacious and quick witted agent, he had been  considered as one of the best in the department.   “ Of course I do. I was taking her number in case you  need my help.”  Said Kamal.                                                       

Derrick giggled as they shook hands. He looked at Ann.                                                                                  
“ We need you in this department, Miss Ann, so ……” Derrick said and  glanced at Kamal, “ delete that number and you are safe.”                                                                                                                                         
They all laughed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                
“ I will give you a call.” Kamal told her before they walked into Derrick’s neat office”                              
Derrick went behind his desk while Amar sat opposite him.                                                                                      
“ She is awesome, huh?” Derrick said                                                                                                                              
“ Ravishing.” Amar confessed .                                                                                                                                
“Maybe too hot to handle”                                                                                                                                    
“What? Is there something I should know. I have a date already.”                                                                    
“Whoa! That’s fast. Faster than some officers who have tried.”                                                                            
“Tell me what you know?”                                                                                                                                        
“That should be after we are through with your reason for been here, I promise.”                                   

Hearing this, Kamal forgot about her at once. “ Yeah, sure.”                                                                                 Derrick drew his laptop closer and opened a file. “ He was identified as Jamil Kamil, thirty seven years old, married with four kids; two boys, two girls. We traced his wife. She  probably did not know he was behind over six bomb blasts. He was a roadside motorcycle mechanic but became a dealer all of a sudden. He sold spare parts and became one of the biggest dealers in Down City.
He travelled frequently and according to his wife, he was always travelling to buy and distribute goods. That was not true. We dug further and realised that he got his goods from one Mallam  Shua’ib who has delivery trucks. So he never travelled to buy goods. He had just  one warehouse and shop where he hired boys to distribute his goods. So it was an excuse to have chance to execute his sinister.

His relationship with neighbours and associates was normal. He was described to be nice, gentle and kind. So no one suspected him to be a mass killer. He was believed to be  victim of the terrorist attack. We had to break  it to his wife. She nearly got physical with our agent who told her he was suspected to have detonated the bomb not until she saw the video clip. He had told her he was going to Lagos but seeing him at the scene of the bomb blast got her weakened. I went to see her myself. She was chastened, disappointed and scared.

Then things began to add up. Things she had seen or heard but never got the quiddity. She said it all started when Mallam Shua’ib appeared. He  introduced her husband to spare part dealership which removed them from abject poverty and made them very comfortable. She became apprehensive when Mallam Shua’ib would come very late in the night to discuss with her husband in seclusion. He would call at 2:00 AM but they claimed it just business. She believed Mallam Shua’ib was part of whatever it was. It seems she knows little. We got nothing much from her so we checked on Mallam Shua’ib.

He was said  to be out of town . He is rich, has four wives and over thirty kids. We could not question his family members since he is not around and if he gets wind of it, you know what I mean, so we resorted to the streets. Got nothing much except one interesting thing: a day before the bomb blast, Jamil was there to pick a little girl, believed to have been lost but found, to his house.
This was news, so we went back to Jamil’s wife. She said he said the girl was found missing and he was taking her to the police. She was about seven years old…”                                                                                                                                                 

“Oh my God,” Kamal  said, “ she must have been the girl carrying the bomb.”                                                 
“ You get my point. This makes Mallam Shua’ib stink. I have fixed two men to watch his house. Immediately he is spotted, we move in.”                                                                                                                          
“ Who the hell are these people? What is the motive? They have not made any demand and no one has claimed responsibility for the atrocities.”                                                                                                                           
“That is the point. Always a dead end.”                                                                                                                  
“Have you looked at Jamil’s warehouse?”                                                                                                              

“We did. Guess what, everything was sold and the money shared to his family members as Islam demands. But that was just a day after he died. They said Mallam Shua’ib bought them…just a day after his death. That is fishy. The warehouse is empty.”                                                                                        
“It is becoming more interesting. It is absurd to sell a deceased property a day after his death. There is more to this.”                                                                                                                       

“ Absolutely. I can’t wait to lay my hands on him.”
There was a knock at the door before Ann walked in. Amar admired her structure.                                                                                                                                            
“It’s 8:00 PM,” she said, “ I take my leave .”                                                                                                          
“Thanks for the extra time you give.” Derrick said with a gesture.                                                                          
“It’s my civic duty.” She said, eyed Kamal and left. Before Kamal could make any comment, Derrick’s phone rang. He listened, then he raised his face abruptly

“Mallam Shua’ib is back.” He said. “ Don’t loose him. On my way.” He said into the mouth piece.                                                                                                    
“I think I should be on my way”  Derrick said.
“And you expect an ATOF officer to stay back. Let’s go, buddy.”   
They left the office with alacrity and got on the parking lot.                                                      
  “ Where is your military jeep?”                                                                                                                                          
“ There.” Kamal pointed at a green coloured jeep parked amid police cars.                                                       

“I suggest we go in yours . My boys have  one there.”                                                                                                                        
“ Good.”  Fifteen minutes later, they were pulling up at the end of Bukar Bulama street. They alighted and Derrick made a call. “ We are at the end of the street.” He said.                                                               
“I am a few hundred yards away from his residence. He went in some minutes ago. I asked Paul to go behind the street in case he got any ideas. “                                                                                                    
“ Splendid Serge! I am coming over. I am with Captain Kamal of ATOF.”                                                         
“Copy that.”                                                                                                                                                                

Derrick nodded at Kamal. “We are good.”                                                                                                                
They moved towards the house. Sergeant Tahir was standing, leaning on an electric pole. His alert face was stern as he saluted.
“ You stand here as a back up. Get in touch with Paul .We are going in.” Derrick said.
Tahir looked at Kamal, a bit uncomfortable.
Kamal smiled. “Don’t worry about my uniform. Even in Mufty, we will have to identify ourselves.” 
Tahir nodded.                                                                                                               

Derrick and Amar walked towards the gate. It was a large duplex with high fence.                                                                  
“It seems there is no guard.” Derrick observed. He knocked at the gate, waited, knocked again then the gate was opened. A teenager peeped and showed a startled expression. Kamal was first to smile.
“ Hello, my friend,” he said with friendliness,” we want to speak with your father.”
The boy seemed to relax, and then ran in. There was a little wait before he came back. “He said you can come in.”

“Thank you .”Amar said, a little surprised how easy it had sounded. They were led into a living room.
The large TV showed an Arabic channel. Mallam Shua’ib was sitting on a large mat which was laid on the expensive tiles that decorated the living room. He was short, chubby and bald headed. His face was shaven, except a short chin beard that was grizzled.

He looked fifty or a little less. The mat was filled with  of food. In front of him was a plate of Tuwo and vegetable sauce, filled with fresh fish and beef. In another plate was chicken pepper soup cooked with garlic. There was a bowl of fruit  salad close to him, a big bottle of table water, a jug of fresh fruit juice and peeled oranges. He lowered the volume of the TV, and then smiled at them, “ you are good farmers ,” he said.

Derrick did not understand what he meant but Kamil did as he was a northerner. It was a way of inviting someone to join you when he met you eating. “ Please join me .”                                                                                                                       
“ Thank you, Sir. We just had our meal.” Derrick said.                                                                                                               
“Please sit down.” Mallam Shua’ib said, “I just returned from a long trip. My hand was in the bowl when I was told two gentlemen were here to see me. I should have ushered you in myself.”                                                   
“We understand ,sir.” Kamil said. “We apologise for the inconvenience caused.”                                                   

“ Not at all. Men in uniform never cause inconvenience. You are most welcome.” His warm attitude disappointed Derrick. It was as if he was expecting them.                                                                                        
“ Yes, gentlemen, how may I help you?” He said after ingesting a morsel and sipped juice.
“ We can wait while you finish your meal.” Derrick said.                                                                                                        
“ No,no ..I am a business man and I am used to discussing over meals. I am Mallam Shu’aib MaiKaya. May I know who you are?”                                                                                                                                                 
“ I am Detective Derrick. Derrick Etoh from CID and this is Captain  kamal Noor from ATOF…”                       

“ Seems I have got big visitors. I know CID but ATOF, that’s new to me.” Mallam Shua’ib said.
“ Anti-terrorism Operation Force.” Amar said.                                                                                                                             Mallam shu’aib raised his eyebrow. “ Anti terrorism! That is a big word.” He giggled, took another morsel and threw a chunk of fish in his mouth. “ This food must have been cooked by my first and senior wife. When it comes to cooking, leave it to her, when it comes to baking and frying, my second wife has it. My third wife is a dab hand when it comes to organisation and my last wife….fashion and taking care of me….” he giggled, “ I am not digressing what may I do for you?”

“ We are told Jamil Kamil was your friend.” Derrick began.                                                                                                                           
“ He was a business associate. May Allah forgive him.” Mallam Shu’aib said, still eating.                                      
“ Did you know how he died?” Derrick went on .                                                                                                    
“Yes .He was killed by terrorists in a bomb blast.”                                                                                                 
“ He was not killed by the bomb. He was shot at a point far  from the bomb blast scene.”                                                                    
“ Oh…That is new. I must have been told the wrong thing. So the terrorist resorted to shooting after the blast, huh?”                                                                                                                                                         

“He detonated the bomb”                                                                                                                                  
“What! Jamil would not do such. “ Mallam Shu’aib said,looking astonished.                                                   
“He was caught on camera.”                                                                                                                                   
“ Are you sure?”                                                                                                                                                           
“ We are sure.” Derrick replied.                                                                                                                                                                              
“So, what has that got to do with me?” Mallam shu’aib said and continued eating. There was no scintilla of guilt or fear on his expression. Kamal said nothing but studied the man intensively, watching every move he made.                                                                                                                                                  “ Did you know he was going to use a little girl to bomb the complex? ” Derrick went on.                               

“No.” Mallam Shu’aib replied firmly, pushed the plate of Tuwo away and drew the soup closer to start tearing the chicken meat while he drank the soup.                                                                                              “ Did you see him a day or days before the blast?”                                                                                                                “ I can’t remember. I see many people and he was just one of them.”                                                                    
“ Try to remember, Sir.”

Mallam Shu’aib smiled, took a bite of chicken lap then said, “ I wish I could help you men. I don’t have a log book. I see so many people. Why do you want know if I saw him before the blast, is that a crime? If you guys are right about his involvement with the blast, how could I have known? He could have come to me before the blast but the only relationship between us was business. I am the major motor cycle spare part dealer in this zone. All the dealers in neighbouring states come to me. That is all.”                                                                                                                 

“ But you bought his goods and cleared his warehouse just a day after his death.” Derrick went on, yet the man did not shake .                                                                                                                                               
“ That was a favour. You know little about our business. You have a store full of goods with many boys working for you. Even when you are alive, you need to be vigilant to make sure they don’t wreck you. His first child is just eleven years old, so who was going to run the business? Immediately I was told of his demise, I sent for his family members and asked them to take stock. I advised them to sell the goods and buy houses for the beneficiaries. The orphans could live on the rents collected without been cheated. I paid in cash, I’m talking about  thirty-three million Naira. So what’s the crime there?”                                                                                                                                                                              

“ No one has said you have committed any crime.” Kamal said for the first time. “ We want to know about the little girl you handed over to him a day before the bomb blast.”
Mallam Shu’aib went taut and pale for a fraction of second. He chewed the meat faster, before he tried to regain his composure  but the law men did not miss it. A new wave of sensation crawled up Kamil’s spine. He had the intuition that he was sitting before one of the insurgents.                                                                           

“Little girl?” Mallam Shu’aib said with a crinkled face. “Oh…I think I know what you are talking about. It was a little girl about seven who was found wandering on the street and she was brought to me. I did not want her to be endangered so I took her to my house and fed her. When Jamil came, I handed him to her and asked him to take her to the police station. That was the last day I saw him and the next thing I heard was his demise so I don’t know the station he took her to.”
The men realised that some of his confidence had dropped; he was smugly jittery, taking aback by the issue of the little girl.

“ Who found the girl?” Kamal asked.                                                                                                                      Mallam Shu’aib pushed the soup away, washed his hands then used a tissue paper to wipe his mouth and hands. 
“ I think I am done with this conversation.” Mallam Shu’aib said.                                                  
  “ I am sorry, Sir, you do not have an option,” Derrick said calmly, “ this is an issue of national security, thousands of lives are been destroyed.”                                                                                               

“ I will have to call my lawyer. I  need to take a good rest, I just returned from a long trip. If you may excuse me. We can continue this tomorrow, same time, same place.”                                                         
“ You have the liberty to talk to your lawyer,” Said Kamil, “but you have to come along with us for proper questioning. We have substantial reasons to do so.”                                                                          
Mallam Shu’aib began to perspire. He had not expected it to turn out like this. He knew they would come after him, he was ready for them but the way they came about it got him off his track.                                                    

  “ Are you arresting me?” He asked.                                                                                                                                   
“We are inviting you to come with us.” Derrick said.                                                                                                               
“To honour the invitation is mandatory.” kamal said in a military tone.                                                                                                                             
“ I need to a see a warrant” Mallam Shu’aib said trying to look unruffled. Kamil got on his feet, his intimidating size and military uniform making him a bugaboo.                                                                                                                                                     

“ I am Captain Kamal Noor of ATOF. I have been given the authority to invite, arrest any suspected terrorist, humint or any one engaged in subterfuge. You are coming with us, willingly or unwillingly. You will have the liberty to contact your advocate.” He removed a pistol . “ I will prefer you come along with us without making a scene. If you are innocent, you will be back in one piece. No one has labelled you a criminal. We want to find out about the little girl Jamil used.”                                              
Mallam Shu’aib broke into sweat. He looked at Amar again then decided not to attract any physical conflict.

“ May I change my clothes?” He asked.                                                                                                      
“No” Kamil said firmly. “ You are coming right now. Let’s move.” Kamil glanced at Derrick. “ I think ATOF needs him more.”                                                                                                                                                      
“ He is yours.”                                                                                                                                                                
“We need to tell your family….” Kamil began .                                                                                                      
“No! “ Mallam Shu’aib said firmly. “They would be told later. They are in their quarters.”
They led him out of the living room, passed the front yard, opened the gate and climbed the almost deserted street. It was now a few minutes  to 9:00PM .

Derrick called Tahir, “Get the car. Good to go.” But he heard no response. He looked over at the spot where Tahir had been stationed. He was not there. Where was he? Derrick moved forward, and then saw the silhouette of a body on the ground.
Oh No! It was Tahir’s lifeless body in a pool of blood. He was slaughtered in cold blood. At once, he removed his gun.                                                                                                                                                                     

“He has been slaughtered. There are others.” Derrick said, alarmed and alert. It was at that time they heard gun shots, bullets directed at them.
Derrick docked, crawled and hid behind a tree then fired a shot towards the direction the shot came from. He heard another shot at the same time, from Kamal who had also docked.
Kamal fired two more shots before he heard someone run into a car which was parked in front of a bungalow, a few blocks from them. The person started the car engine but Amar fired two perfect shots and burst the tyres. The person got out of the car, fired a blind shot then broke into a run but a man standing ahead of him with a gun made him pause.

It was Paul, a policeman, pointing a .33 at him. “Freeze!” Paul shouted, “drop your weapon and hands in the air.”
The man was short, stocky with a broad shoulder. He was holding a sophisticated AK47. From the rays of light that fell on his face, Paul guessed he in his late twenties. Kamal was now behind him, pointing his gun at him. He seemed to be alone.                                                                                                                              
“Drop your gun, now!” Kamal said harshly. There was a calm expression on the man’s face that worried Paul. He was smiling, looking happy as he dropped the gun. “ You can’t stop us.” He said. “We are unbreakable, untouchable and undeterred.”

“Get him, officer.” Kamal ordered. As Paul moved forward, the man quickly swallowed a pill, and then began to laugh. Kamal moved and punched him from behind but it was too late. He had swallowed the pill and the reaction amazed the law men. The man began to shiver vigorously, shaking violently then began to moan in pains.

His clothes began to burn. His body also burned, producing a repulsive stench that made Paul want to puke. They watched his body turn into ashes after the virulent reaction from the pills.                                                                                                                                                                             
“ What the hell was that?”

Paul asked in a whisper.
Kamal twitched his lip, his palm on the butt of his gun. He knew they were facing a sect that was determined, dangerous and ruthless. A birth of gargantuan beast in Borno State!

Derrick was behind them.
“ Mallam Shu’aib was the target. The bullets killed him. He is dead.” Said Derrick.

May Allah forgive all the innocent people killed in the insurgency , ameliorate the pains of those who lost their loved ones and protect us from evil.

Thank you very much

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