Who am I

By SadieSnow22

30.5K 535 287

Sophiea doesn't belong. The avengers being her family just makes it worse, but even within her family she is... More

Hello there
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's note

Chapter 14

836 14 22
By SadieSnow22

-April 5, 2015-

"So, your mom is Tasha?" Sophiea asked. They were laying under a tree in the Hallett Nature Sanctuary in central park. They had taken thier shoes off and were studying the clouds.

"Yeah. She's awesome isn't she? My family is amazing." Nathanial sighed. "You know that already though."

A duck quacked in the pond and Sophiea breathed in the smell of trees and rain. "So, how long have you worked at shield?"

"Since I was 15. Although, I had started to go with mom when I was 10 or 11. I've always wanted to be an agent. How 'bout you?"

"Just a year or so. But Phil and Nick are my godfathers and I live with the avengers, so I got to go to work with them a lot. It was nice."

Lights started to go on as dusk fell around the city.

"You look stunning tonight. I forgot to mention, but yeah. You're beautiful."

She felt a blush spread up her cheeks. "Thanks. You don't look too terrible yourself."

They sat in silence, basking in each other's presence.

Thunder rumbled across the park and a light rain began to fall. Nathanial smiled and got to his feet. "May I have this dance my lady?"

Sophiea grinned and took his hand. He pulled her up and started a slow waltz around the small clearing. Her shoes lay forgotten under the tree as he twirled her around.

Their dance continued as the rain began to come down more. Lightning cracked against the sky. The couple's laugh filled the clearing as they spun and twirled to the beat of thunder and the melody of water droplets hitting the leaves and splashing in the pond.

A sudden burst of rain drenched the already wet teens. Sophiea looked up at Nat, who's wet hair hung down in his eyes.

"We should get a cab and head back to the tower."

"Agreed. I'll grab our shoes if you just start running."

Sophiea took off at a sprint to the entrance to the park where cars were racing by on the street. "TAXI!" She called, reaching her hands up, trying to signal one of the cars in the dark. She felt a familiar figure behind her also trying to hail a taxi.

As a car began to pull to the curb, Sophiea was turned around by her date. Rain made it hard to see him but before she knew it, lips were pressed against hers. A gasp escaped her lips. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck; deepening the kiss.

The car waiting for them honked and Sophiea let go. She climbed into the car, Nathanial following close behind.

"200 park avenue please." The taxi sped off in the rain.


From the top floor of the tower music was blasting. On the busy streets of New York, Sophiea could hear the pounding of the base and the lights flashing.

"Wow, what a party." Nathanial laughed from behind her. "I think we head up and crash it."

"I'm down for that. Let's go." They pushed open the doors to the tower together and made their way to the elevator.

The doors dinged open and they climbed onto the elevator.

"I'm sorry. I was in the moment and I kissed you."

"Why are you sorry for that?"

"Because I didn't ask first. That's not very gentlemanly. What if you didn't want me to kiss you. Gosh I feel like such a jerk."

Sophiea looked at the fretting man next to her. "It's ok."

"Is it really? Are you sure?"

She answered by crashing her lips on his. A hesitant hand found its way to her hip and pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, fire and electricity flowing through her veins.

"Kiss me longer." She murmured as he pulled away.

"We'll be there any second though." Sure enough, as he spoke the doors opened to show the party.

They could hear Clint say, "It's a trick man. I've seen this before. It's a trick." Sophiea had to giggle to herself, of course he would say that. He practically grew up in a circus. Sitting on the couches, members of her family were struggling to lift her dad's hammer.

Tasha looked up and raised her glass to the couple who walked into the contest. "You two look wet and cold. Wanna go get changed or something?"

"I'm good." Nathanial said, but then quickly looked to Sopheia. "You can go get changed if you want. I'll be here."

"I'll stay too. So, what are we doing? Proving everyone's unworthiness?" she sat down on the couch and Nathanial found his place next to her.

"Laugh all you want Sopheia." Tony grumbled. "No one's got it so far. You and your date should go."

"You know I can lift the hammer, I did it just the other day. Mew Mew likes me. But Nat can try if he wants."

"Tis' a great idea daughter!" Thor cried. "If he be worthy to lift the hammer, he is worthy enough to court you."

Nathanial looked at Sopheia in fear and she gave him an encouraging nod. "You can do it. It'll be fine."

"Ok." He stood up, brushed his pants off and made his way to the head of the table. "I mean, if Captain freaking America couldn't lift it, then why am I even trying?"

"Because we want to see if you are worthy to date Sophiea!" Eve cheered from her spot between her parents.

"I thought you would be on my team." Nathanial said as he grabbed the handle.

Sophiea held her breath.

Nathanial pulled with all his might, and the hammer flew off the table with the force. It hit the young man in the face, and he stumbled backwards, wincing in pain. He held his nose as it began to bleed.

"Oh my! Are you ok?" Sophiea shouted as she shot to her feet, rushing over to care for him.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. It was lighter than I expected though."

They turned to see the other avengers in open mouth shock, spluttering incoherently.

"Yeah!" Eve called. "That's my brother y'all! The one worthy to rule Asgard."

"But I don't want to rule Asgard."

Thor stood up and shook his hand. "Congrats. You are more than worthy to date my daughter. Sophiea, is that good with you?"

"Yes." She grinned and pulled his face to hers, kissing him firmly on the lips. "Yes. I'm good with him dating me, but only if he's good for being stuck with me."

"I'd be stuck with you any dang day Sophiea."

"Then it's official, I'm shipping you two and you can't stop me." Eve laughed. The sound bubbling from her was contagious and soon the whole group was laughing along with her as the couple took their seats on the couch.

The laughter didn't stop as the Avengers started telling stories to the teens, each more outrageous than the one before.

"Steve, I know for a fact you did not fight Nazi dinosaurs." Tony laughed while taking another sip of his drink.

Sophiea put a hand to her forehead and winced. Nathanial squeezed her hand. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. My head just started to hurt. I probably just need some water."

"I can go get some for you." He offered, getting ready to stand. Sophiea put a hand on his knee.

"I'm good I'm sure it will pass-" Suddenly, it felt as if Sophiea's head was spilt open. She yelped in pain and fell to her knees. Everyone was going blurry around her and it was becoming difficult to see their figures.

"Sophiea!" someone called, and she felt a soft hand on her back. "Sophiea. What's wrong?" The voice faded in and out, she was beginning to only hear every few words. Suddenly there was a screech of metal and the comforting hand on her back was gone. More blurry figures filled her vison and another wave of pain came over her.

She fought to keep her eyes open and found herself alone on the couches. She grabbed Tony's drink and stumbled to where the fighting sounded like it was coming from.

She made her way to behind one of the... "Robots?" Her voice seemed distant to even her.

She saw Nathanial look up at her worriedly. He yelled something to her but all she could make out was the faint movement of his lips. 'Take cover. Don't fight."

In response she dumped the drink on the robot he was fighting. It started to spark and smoke as the liquid touched loose wires.

She whirled, smashing the bottle into the bot behind her, effectively knocking it down. She brushed her hands off, the pounding in her skull starting to ebb now that the danger was gone.

"I can handle myself Nathanial."

"Look out!" He screamed, but too late.

An object crashed into the back of her head and she fell to the ground as everything went black. 

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